2024-cv-02982 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Yinnv V. the Entities and Individuals Identified in Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:04/15/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
09/23/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: This case having been terminated 8/7/24, the Court denies as moot counsel's motion to withdraw 71 and strikes the 9/25/24 Notice of Motion date. Mailed notice
09/18/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keaton David Smith for presentment of motion to withdraw as attorney 71 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 9/25/2024 at 11:00 AM.
09/18/2024 MOTION by Attorney Keaton Smith, Shengmao Mu, Abby Neu to withdraw as attorney for LIU YINNV. No party information provided
09/10/2024 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment as to a certain Defendant
08/30/2024 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment as to a certain Defendant
08/07/2024 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER Signed by the Honorable John Robert Blakey on 8/7/2024. Mailed notice
08/07/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Motion hearing held on 8/7/2024. Defendants failed to appear and failed to notify Chambers of any scheduling conflicts. Plaintiff's motion for default judgment 62 is granted. Enter Default Judgment Order. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice
08/06/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the notices of voluntary dismissal [59], [60], this case is dismissed without prejudice as to the following Defendants: qingyuanxiaopu 13; huahuazw 16; PLollistop 33; HAIYANGZHI 51; ZIZIRUIXIANG 81; aigouwu 92; OLMPIKE 114; pineapple-six 226; SZBLL 291; Dedication 314; and easy dream 342. Absent reinstatement by 10/10/24, this dismissal shall automatically convert to a dismissal with prejudice. Mailed notice
08/02/2024 DECLARATION of Shengmao Mu regarding motion for default judgment 62
08/02/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keaton David Smith for presentment of motion for default judgment 62 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 8/7/2024 at 11:00 AM.
08/02/2024 MEMORANDUM by LIU YINNV in support of motion for default judgment 62
08/02/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for default judgment as to all Defendants
07/31/2024 STATUS Report by LIU YINNV
07/30/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
07/26/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to a certain Defendant
07/16/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the notices of voluntary dismissal 52, 53, this case is dismissed without prejudice as to the following Defendants: KRAOIKK-US Store 31; XINQINQIN 38; XINGKANG-US 48; YueDeShop 67; huidaye 93; zouxinxiangbao 99; guoshujun's shop 112; Lucky Lucky Monday 193; Walk through space 235; Vitamin Zone 248; Mygeromon Trading Co., Ltd 271; MJahhsay 276; GYINXIANG 89; my-ins-zone 169; callmebeauty-fr666 172; yanz1520 223; baby-wwa 224; muou_h 225; yqs120xiong 227; jiji_497 229; best-walking2 236; flyflower22 239; liannao16 241; eveningstore_f 242; lu.mountain 243; new_beauty7 244; and Joybuy Marketplace(Selection) 270. Absent reinstatement by 9/30/24, this dismissal shall automatically convert to a dismissal with prejudice. Given the slew of very recent voluntary dismissals (some filed the same day as the motion for default judgment), it seems unlikely that Plaintiff can represent definitively that all settlement negotiations have reached an impasse and that default judgment is appropriate at this time in light of the Court's disinclination to consider piecemeal default judgments. As a result, the Court denies without prejudice Plaintiff's motion for default judgment 54 and strikes the 7/17/24 Notice of Motion date. Mailed notice
07/15/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff LIU YINNV by Abby Marie Neu
07/12/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keaton David Smith for presentment of motion for default judgment 54 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 7/17/2024 at 11:00 AM.
07/12/2024 MEMORANDUM by LIU YINNV in support of motion for default judgment 54
07/12/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for default judgment as to all Defendants
07/12/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
07/12/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
07/09/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the notices of voluntary dismissal, 47, 49, 50, this case is dismissed without prejudice as to the following Defendants: Chisane 1; SiQingMam 5; practitioner 11; SanJi Shop 26; huijing business 45; duanhongbin 46; smile all day 65; RANRANLLL 69; threemeals 73; shuanggebukaidian 83; JueYouShangMao 94; LLLEEE 97; diannong 104; haoyisgfe 108; Cmeilau 109; Decasecoi 185; Colts_Stuff_2_Buy 186; Nikusys 188; antaresgalaxy 199; World_Of_Opportunity_USA a.k.a. nadavd-42 249; Nontashop 263; HANDREEDUS 267; abula 3; XLIZQ 4; MengXin1990 6; fupah US 8; deshubaihuo 10; HJFCY 12; luhuamengcheng 15; KFIAQ-QWAS 17; ExquiYy 19; CAPPUVINI 20; puanshangdian 22; DASHENRAN Store 24; Direct Lyklasse 27; LlMYUS (6-13 Days forDelivery) 28; AOLON 29; KANNAI 35; WOSLXM-US(7-14Days Arrived) 36; Barks No More 37; SXhyf Store 39; ZHIBA 43; LIULOU 44; Super DZ 50; Yooupi 52; SiYuRongMaoYi 54; gzkfsm 55; Zhuanglian 56; Canyonghaili 57; chunrushangdian 60; HANII 62; tonglianshangdian 66; WHSJKJ 71; Lily's Beauty Salon 76; WOSLXM-US(7-14Days Arrived) 77; Freshopping (Arrival in 7-15 days) 80; FoShanShiNanHaiQuYueMo ShangMaoYouXianGongSi 91; taintainxiaodian 101; LZG-US 102; shihengkaiyue 106; SHENGZHIYU 113; gavinsstore 180; safos1358 200; Katherine179 228; katak-2273 234; All Family Zone 250; magirud-0 251; stepalexa0 252; Puhuiying 274; Good Trylyc 275; zhangsheng 278; Ruhiku GW 280; PRINxy 281; Ozmmyan 282; RKZDSR 283; Teissuly Direct 284; Viwoeim 285; MOVERV Co.Ltd- 286; Dgankt 287; Wlylongift 292; COFEST 294; Ikohbadg 297; amlbb 300; Oneshit sales promotion 302; GuanTeng 303; Gaomin e-commerce 304; Augper 305; Yingyi 306; Srupdew Decoration Shop 307; SHENGXINY 308; Chong 309; Good Day 310; DYTTDG 311; Good One Day Co. ltd 313; Hi-Kater Co. ltd 315; Blasgw 316; WZHXIN Sales Store 317; YOKun 318; HaiWei 319; YueFa 320; EOnmo 321; Wamans On-line Store 322; Kediluo 324; Japceit 325; Lmueinov 326; UAEBM 327; ZUOZUOFANGQAQ 328; GKNBC 329; SHEYAGN 330; slhenay 331; HACHUN 332; WanYiF 333; LYUndn 334; Deagia 335; Yinyu 336; Menrkoo Decoration Shop 337; X's Apparel Fashion 343; JIOAKFA Clothing Shop 345; yjshlx203 346; Lottalis Co.Ltd 347; MEIHOUS 349; SILVB SHU 9; TOGTUS 14; BROUYOUE 18; Ahbyy 21; LANSKYWARE 30; YEM88BQ 34; lishanghaobjh 40; yinYankee 47; Diameleo 70; classic Yao 74; TQHMKJ 78; XUEBM 86; Best Service (7-21 days Arrive) 100; BARBARIC GROWTH 105; and zhengzhoumuduodianzi shangwuyouxiangongsi 116. Absent reinstatement by 8/30/24, the dismissal of these Defendants shall automatically convert to a dismissal with prejudice. The Court grants Plaintiff's motion to withdraw her motion for preliminary injunction 45, strikes the 7/10/24 motion hearing date, and directs the Clerk to terminate the preliminary injunction motion 39 as a pending motion. Plaintiff shall file a status report by 7/31/24 concerning any remaining Defendants; if the case has now been resolved as to all Defendants, Plaintiff should so advise, and the Court will terminate the case and order the bond released. The Court declines to release the bond until all matters in controversy have been resolved. Mailed notice
07/05/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
07/03/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
06/28/2024 DECLARATION of Shengmao Mu regarding motion to withdraw 45
06/28/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
06/28/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keaton David Smith for presentment of motion to withdraw 45 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 7/10/2024 at 11:00 AM.
06/28/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV to withdraw motion for preliminary injunction 39
06/28/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: The Court denies Plaintiff's request (embedded in Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction, 39) to further extend the TRO entered 5/21/24 19. This Court has already extended the TRO once, 23, and Rule 65 does not authorize further extensions. E.g., H-D Michigan, LLC v. Hellenic Duty Free Shops S.A., 694 F.3d 827, 844 (7th Cir. 2012) ("the language of Rule 65(b)(2) and the great weight of authority support the view that 28 days is the outer limit for a TRO without the consent of the enjoined party, regardless of whether the TRO was issued with or without notice."). Plaintiffs' renewed motion for preliminary injunction remains set for hearing as noticed on 7/10/24. And the parties should be prepared at that time to argue the motion. Mailed notice
06/25/2024 RESPONSE to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Li Yang. (Received by Box.Com on 6/25/24).
06/25/2024 DECLARATION of Shengmao Mu regarding motion for preliminary injunction[39], memorandum in support of motion[40]
06/25/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keaton David Smith for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction[39] before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 7/10/2024 at 11:00 AM.
06/25/2024 MEMORANDUM by LIU YINNV in support of motion for preliminary injunction[39]
06/25/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for preliminary injunction Renewed as to All Defendants
06/25/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants AOLON, Barks No More., DASHENRAN Store, FoShanShiNanHaiQuYueMoShangMaoYouXianGongSi, GZNRSM-US(7-14Days), HENII, LIULOU, LZG-US, SHENGZHIYU, TerraTrea, WHSJKJ, ZHIBA, Zhuanglian, cenqingshangmao, chunrushangdian, deshubaihuo, globalzenglianstore, gzkfsm, luhuamengcheng, mengxin, puanshangdian, shihengkaiyue, tonglianshangdian, yanghaili by Xiyan Zhang
06/25/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the filing of the notice of voluntary dismissal [35], this case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendants Shop1102903427 Store 118, Lowest_Price Store 119, Savecash4you2022 Store 120, Shop912562568 Store 121, HA Professional Hyaluronic Acid Store 122, Shop3560005 Store 123, Global Health Care Store 124, MINIW-ANG Store 125, Home Garden Top 1 Store 126, Pinky Baby Store 127, wzpi Kitchen Bathroom Accessories Store 128, Exquisite&House Store 129, EnjoyHome&HaveFun Store 130, CHUWUJU Living Store 131, LINKMENOW Store 132, Saving Lifestyle Store 133, Shop1100069004 Store 134, PR 5240278 Store 135, Sunshines Baby Toy Store 136, Home Haven Store 137, Tishon Store 138, House And Harvest Depot Store 139, Windfall Life Store 140, High Quality Lifes Store 141, Makeup Tools Mini Store Store 142, Gardening Party Decor Dropshipping Store 143, Homes life 0608 Store 144, LOOK AT ME Dropshipping Living Hall Store 145, Havenly Homes Store 146, Smart Home Store Store 147, Happy Home Time Store 148, Breezy Bud Store 149, Luck-AP Store 150, House-hold tools Store 151, Shop1102784651 Store 152, mypuzzle Store 153, Cosmetic Factory. Store 154, Our Healthy Living Store 155. Kitchen-Aid Store 156, Goodlife House Store 157, Warming-house Store 158, Hose Love Store 159, Shop1103334804 Store 160, Shop1103156037 Store 161, W-Live Store 162, Party And Garden Store 163, Huation Store 164 and Big-Big discount Store 165. Defendants multiistore 259 and vefad_67 265 are dismissed without prejudice. Mailed notice
06/25/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants globalzenglianstore, AOLON, Barks No More., cenqingshangmao, chunrushangdian, DASHENRAN Store, deshubaihuo, FoShanShiNanHaiQuYueMoShangMaoYouXianGongSi, gzkfsm, GZNRSM-US(7-14Days), HENII, LIULOU, luhuamengcheng, LZG-US, mengxin, puanshangdian, SHENGZHIYU, shihengkaiyue, TerraTrea, tonglianshangdian, WHSJKJ, yanghaili, ZHIBA, Zhuanglian by Pete Scott Wolfgram
06/25/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to certain Defendants
06/25/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: The Court grants Plaintiff's motion for leave to substitute attorney Shengmao Mu [25] and directs the Clerk to remove attorneys Ilya Zlatkin and Qin Li from the docket in this case. Additionally, based upon Plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal [32], this case is dismissed without prejudice as to Defendant landmersp (No. 197). Absent reinstatement by 10/31/24, this dismissal shall automatically convert to a dismissal with prejudice. Finally, the Court denies without prejudice Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction [26]. Fed. R. Civ. P. 65(a) provides that the Court "may issue a preliminary injunction only on notice to the adverse party"; yet Plaintiff's submissions make clear that not all Defendants have notice of the motion. See [30] at 2 (indicating that Plaintiff has not provided notice to the Defendants operating on Aliexpress). Plaintiff may renew a revised motion once it can confirm that it has provided notice to all Defendants subject to the motion. The 6/26/24 Notice of Motion date is stricken. Mailed notice(gel,)
06/20/2024 CIVIL BOND in the amount of $ 349,000 posted by LIU YINNV. (Document not Scanned).
06/19/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by LIU YINNV as to a certain Defendant
06/17/2024 SUMMONS Returned Executed by LIU YINNV as to The Entities and Individuals Identified in Schedule A on 6/17/2024, answer due 7/8/2024.
06/17/2024 AFFIDAVIT by Plaintiff LIU YINNV in Support of MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for preliminary injunction [26]
06/17/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Entities and Individuals Identified in Schedule A
06/17/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Shengmao Mu for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction[26], motion to substitute attorney[25] before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 6/26/2024 at 11:00 AM.
06/17/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff LIU YINNV by Keaton David Smith
06/17/2024 MEMORANDUM motion for preliminary injunction[26] by LIU YINNV
06/17/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for preliminary injunction
06/17/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV to substitute attorney
06/17/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff LIU YINNV by Shengmao Mu
06/03/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Plaintiff's motion to extend bond deadline [21] and ex parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order entered 5/21/24 [18] are granted. The Court finds that good cause exists to extend the bond deadline and the temporary restraining order. The bond deadline is extended until 6/17/24 and the temporary restraining order is extended an additional 14 days, to 6/18/24. The 6/5/24 Notice of Motion date is stricken. Mailed notice
05/30/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Qin Li for presentment of extension of time[20], extension of time[21] before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 6/5/2024 at 11:00 AM.
05/30/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for extension of time of Bond Deadline
05/30/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for extension of time for Ex Party Temporary Restraining Order
1:Declaration Declaration of Qin Li
05/21/2024 SEALED ORDER Signed by the Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/21/2024. Mailed notice
05/21/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the materials submitted, this Court grants Plaintiff's motion for leave to file under seal [4] and motion for electronic service of process [15]. The Court also grants Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order [12]. Enter sealed temporary restraining order. Absent further order, this TRO will expire on 6/4/24. The 5/22/24 Notice of Motion date is stricken. Mailed notice
05/20/2024 AMENDED attorney appearance[11] using Court's designated appearance form
05/17/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Qin Li for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief, [15], motion for temporary restraining order[12] before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/22/2024 at 11:00 AM.
05/17/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNVelectronic service of process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3)
1:Declaration Declaration of Qin Li in support of motion for electronic service
2:Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Qin Li Declaration
3:Exhibit Exhibit 2 to Qin Li Declaration
05/17/2024 DECLARATION of YINNV LIU regarding motion for temporary restraining order[12] and expedited discovery
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Declaration
2:Exhibit Exhibit 2 to Declaration
3:Exhibit Exhibit 3 to Declaration
4:Exhibit Exhibit 4 to Declaration
5:Exhibit Exhibit 5 to Declaration
6:Exhibit Exhibit 6 to Declaration
7:Exhibit Exhibit 7 to Declaration
8:Exhibit Exhibit 8 to Declaration
05/17/2024 DECLARATION of QIN LI regarding motion for temporary restraining order[12] and expedited discovery
1:Exhibit 1 to Declaration
2:Exhibit 2 to Declaration
3:Exhibit 3 to Declaration
4:Exhibit 4 to Declaration
5:Exhibit 5 to Declaration
05/17/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for temporary restraining order and expedited discovery
05/15/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff LIU YINNV by Ilya Zlatkin
04/19/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: The Court denies Plaintiffs motions 4, 8, 9, for failing to comply with this Court's standing orders. Mailed notice
04/16/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for temporary restraining order
4:Exhibit EVIDENCE
5:Exhibit EVIDENCE
6:Exhibit EVIDENCE
7:Exhibit EVIDENCE
04/16/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff LIU YINNV for leave to file excess pages
04/15/2024 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
04/15/2024 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John Robert Blakey. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeannice W. Appenteng. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 2).
04/15/2024 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
04/15/2024 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA

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