日期 | 描述 |
10/10/2023 | FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of Joshua Eugene Dail against AIRDEA Direct, COLORWORK, Jinsey, ROSSBEAUTY, Wolf Soldier, YNO Online. Closing Case. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 10/10/2023. See attached document for full details. |
10/09/2023 | ORDER granting [39] Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 10/9/2023. See attached document for full details. |
10/06/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER dismissing Defendant No. 10 pursuant to 38 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. This case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 10, HERFRUNNER. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 10/6/2023. |
10/04/2023 | MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants No. 2, 6, 8, 16, 20 and 23 by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:Declaration of Joel B. Rothman 2:Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Joel B. Rothman 3:Text of Proposed Order on Motion for Final Default Judgment 4:Text of Proposed Order Final Judgment |
09/14/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant No. 10 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
07/14/2023 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to Defendants identified on Schedule A to the Complaint numbered 2, 6, 8, 10, 16, 20, and 23 - Motions Terminated: 36 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 7/14/2023. |
07/13/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to AIRDEA Direct, COLORWORK, HERFUNNER, Jinsey, ROSSBEAUTY, Wolf Soldier, YNO Online by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:Declaration of Layla T. Nguyen |
07/07/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER dismissing Defendant No. 1 pursuant to 33 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. This case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 1, Adarl. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 7/7/2023. |
07/07/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER dismissing Defendant Nos. 4, 13, 19, and 21 pursuant to 32 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. This case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 4, CANDYL; Defendant No. 13, JLHATLSQ; Defendant No. 19, AmzPainter; and Defendant No. 21, AIKEWO. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 7/7/2023. |
06/27/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendant 01 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
06/22/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendants No. 4, 13, 19 & 21 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
06/17/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER dismissing Defendant Nos. 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, and 17 pursuant to 30 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant Nos. 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, and 17. This case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 5, KISSBUTY; Defendant No. 7, UPINS; Defendant No. 11, KILIGAO; Defendant No. 12, Feesmo; Defendant No. 14, LWZAYS Direct; and Defendant No. 17, Offito. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 6/17/2023. |
06/15/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendants No. 5, 7, 11, 12, 14 & 17 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
06/12/2023 | ORDER GRANTING [7] PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 6/12/2023. See attached document for full details. |
06/08/2023 | Order Dismissing Party |
06/08/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER. Pursuant to 26 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant Nos. 3, 15, 18, and 22, this case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 3, Awesocrafts; Defendant No. 15, Sealeffort-Us; Defendant No. 18, JIAFAN US; and Defendant No. 22, HUANCAIDIYPAINTING. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 6/8/2023. |
06/08/2023 | Order Dismissing Party |
06/08/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER. Pursuant to 25 Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant No. 9, this case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendant No. 9, SUMAIDE US. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 6/8/2023. |
06/07/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendants No. 3, 15, 18 & 22 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
05/30/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant No. 9 by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
05/19/2023 | Plaintiff's Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement by Joshua Eugene Dail |
05/17/2023 | NOTICE by Joshua Eugene Dail 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
05/17/2023 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Darrin P. Gayles: Telephonic Motion Hearing held on May 17, 2023, re 7 Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Counsel for Plaintiff present. No appearances by Defendants. Court Reporter: Patricia Diaz, 305-523-5178 / Patricia_Diaz@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
05/12/2023 | NOTICE of Compliance (All Docket Entries Have been Unsealed and Case Reopened) re 20 Order on Motion to Unseal Document |
05/12/2023 | Case Reopened. PER DE# 20 |
05/12/2023 | ORDER Granting 14 Motion to Unseal. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 5/12/2023. See attached document for full details. |
05/11/2023 | ORDER EXTENDING DEADLINES CONTAINED IN THE TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, Miscellaneous Hearing set for 5/17/2023 at 10:30 AM in Miami Division before Judge Darrin P. Gayles. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 5/11/2023. See attached document for full details. |
05/05/2023 | SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 1 Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Joshua Eugene Dail. AIKEWO served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; AIRDEA Direct served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Adarl served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; AmzPainter served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Awesocrafts served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; CANDYL served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; COLORWORK served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Feesmo served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; HERFUNNER served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; HUANCAIDIYPAINTING served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; JIAFAN US served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; JLHATLSQ served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Jinsey served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; KILIGAO served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; KISSBUTY served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; LWZAYS Direct served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Offito served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; ROSSBEAUTY served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; SUMAIDE US served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Sealeffort-Us served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; UPINS served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; Wolf Soldier served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023; YNO Online served on 5/4/2023, response/answer due 5/25/2023. |
05/05/2023 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Adarl, AIRDEA Direct, Awesocrafts, CANDYL, KISSBUTY, COLORWORK, UPINS, ROSSBEAUTY, SUMAIDE US, HERFUNNER, KILIGAO, Feesmo, JLHATLSQ, LWZAYS Direct, Sealeffort-Us, YNO Online, Offito, JIAFAN US, AmzPainter, Wolf Soldier, AIKEWO, HUANCAIDIYPAINTING and Jinsey. |
05/04/2023 | NOTICE by Joshua Eugene Dail of Filing Injunction Bond 附件: 1:Injunction Bond |
05/04/2023 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re 14 Miscellaneous Relief. Filer Selected the Wrong Motion Relief(s); ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. |
05/04/2023 | MOTION to Unseal by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
04/28/2023 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (2023956) |
04/28/2023 | FORM AO 121 and Order Mailed TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE |
04/28/2023 | Civil Case Terminated. Closing Case. PER DE# 11 |
04/28/2023 | ORDER Granting 5 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 4/28/2023. See attached document for full details. |
04/28/2023 | ORDER Granting 6 MOTION FOR ALTERNATIVE SERVICE. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 4/28/2023. See attached document for full details. |
04/28/2023 | ORDER Granting 7 EX PARTE Application Entry of Temporary Restraining Order. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 4/28/2023. See attached document for full details. |
04/12/2023 | Plaintiff's Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement by Joshua Eugene Dail |
04/05/2023 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Incorporated Memorandum of Law by Joshua Eugene Dail. Responses due by 4/19/2023. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 - Copyright Registration 2:Declaration of Daniel Lachman in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order 3:Declaration of Joel B. Rothman in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order 4:(Text of Proposed Order Granting Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order) Modified Text on 4/6/2023 (cds) |
04/05/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION for an Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:Declaration of Joel B. Rothman in Support of Plaintiff's Ex Parte Motion for an Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Joel B. Rothman 3:(Text of Proposed Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process) |
04/05/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal Certain Documents per Local Rule 5.4 by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion to Seal) |
04/05/2023 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re: Summons(es) will not be issued. Summons(es) NOT issued for the following reasons schedule A not provided. |
04/05/2023 | Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Darrin P. Gayles. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. |
04/05/2023 | COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-16506927, filed by Joshua Eugene Dail. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 - Copyright Registration 2:Civil Cover Sheet 3:(Summon(s)) |
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