日期 | 描述 |
04/15/2024 | AMENDED FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND GRANTING [70] PLAINTIFF'S Motion to Amend/Correct. Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff, CBS Studios, Inc. and against Defendants, the Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A hereto. CASE CLOSED. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 4/15/2024. See attached document for full details. |
04/01/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Amend/Correct [59] Default Judgment, to Include Defendant Numbers 14, 33, and 44 by CBS Studios, Inc. Responses due by 4/15/2024. 附件: 1:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley in Support of Plaintiff's Motion to Ame 2:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Amended Final Default Judgment |
03/19/2024 | ORDER granting [66] & [67] Motions to Withdraw. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 3/19/2024. See attached document for full details. |
03/19/2024 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 3/19/2024. |
03/18/2024 | Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Alan Mensa-Wilmot for / by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. Responses due by 4/1/2024. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
03/18/2024 | Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Darren Heitner for / by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. Responses due by 4/1/2024. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
03/18/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk' 2:Text of Proposed Order |
03/14/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER denying 63 Defendants' Fourth Motion For Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint. In its February 13, 2024, Order, the Court cautioned Defendants that it was "not inclined to grant further extensions of this deadline absent extraordinary circumstances." DE 62. Defendants now request an extension because they "are in the middle of engaging in good faith settlement negotiations" and want to prevent spending "unnecessary fees and costs associated with responding to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint." The Court does not find this to be an extraordinary circumstance that warrants another extension. Defendants groveblankets.com, yourquiltstyle.com, and printcustompod.com shall file their Responses no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15, 2024. Signed by Judge James I. Cohn on 3/14/2024. |
03/13/2024 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
02/13/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER granting 61 Defendants' Third Motion For Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint. Defendants groveblankets.com, yourquiltstyle.com, and printcustompod.com shall file their Responses on or before Wednesday, March 13, 2024. The Court is not inclined to grant further extensions of this deadline absent extraordinary circumstances. Signed by Judge James I. Cohn on 2/13/2024. |
02/12/2024 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
01/24/2024 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:Final Default Judgment |
01/19/2024 | ORDER GRANTING [58] PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of PLAINTIFF, CBS Studios, Inc., and against DEFENDANTS, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" CLOSING CASE. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 1/19/2024. See attached document for full details. |
01/18/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Declaration of Mallory Levitt in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Entry o 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Mallory Levitt 3:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for En 4:Text of Proposed Order Final Default Judgment |
01/18/2024 | Plaintiff's NOTICE of Additional Financial Accounts and Aliases Used by Various Defendants by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support of Plaintiff's Notice of Addition 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns |
01/10/2024 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to aizheng fashion, brightroomy.com, eqcce7py1e1k, wenyi fashion. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 1/10/2024. |
01/09/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to aizheng fashion, brightroomy.com, eqcce7py1e1k, wenyi fashion by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk' 2:Text of Proposed Order |
01/09/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER granting 53 Defendants' Second Motion For Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint. Defendants groveblankets.com, yourquiltstyle.com, and printcustompod.com shall file their Responses on or before Monday, February 12, 2024. Signed by Judge James I. Cohn on 1/9/2024. |
01/09/2024 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
12/22/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER granting 51 Defendants' Third Motion For Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint. Defendants groveblankets.com, yourquiltstyle.com, and printcustompod.com shall file their Responses on or before Friday, January 12, 2024. Signed by Judge James I. Cohn on 12/22/2023. |
12/21/2023 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
12/19/2023 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on [46] Notice of Mediator Selection and/or Hearing into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Mark Stein. |
12/19/2023 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re [48] Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF. Mediator Not Added; ERROR - The Filer failed to add the mediator. Filer is instructed to file a Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF and add the mediator not the firm. |
12/18/2023 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Mark Stein Law. |
12/18/2023 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re [46] Notice of Mediator Selection and/or Hearing. Mediator Not Added; ERROR - The Filer failed to add the mediator. Filer is instructed to file a Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF and add the mediator. |
12/18/2023 | Joint NOTICE of Mediator Selection. and Notice of Scheduled Mediation Selected/Added Mark Stein Law as Mediator. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order Scheduling Mediation |
12/07/2023 | Reset Response/Answer Due Deadline: groveblankets.com response/answer due 12/22/2023; printcustompod.com response/answer due 12/22/2023; yourquiltstyle.com response/answer due 12/22/2023. (ls)(per DE #[45]) |
12/07/2023 | ORDER granting [40] Amended Motion to Set Aside Default. Vacating [34] Clerk's Entry of Default; Answer due 12/22/2023. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 12/7/2023. See attached document for full details. |
12/07/2023 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt: Scheduling Conference held on 12/7/2023. Total time in court: 0 hour(s) : 5 minutes. |
12/07/2023 | Reset Response/Answer Due Deadline: groveblankets.com response/answer due 12/22/2023; printcustompod.com response/answer due 12/22/2023; yourquiltstyle.com response/answer due 12/22/2023. (ls)(per DE #[45]) |
12/05/2023 | RESPONSE to Motion re [40] Amended MOTION to Set Aside Default filed by CBS Studios, Inc. Replies due by 12/12/2023. 附件: 1:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley in Support of Plaintiff's Response to D 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Christine Ann Daley |
12/04/2023 | ORDER REQUIRING MEDIATION. The parties shall on or before December 18, 2023, agree upon a mediator and file a Notice of Selection of Mediator. Signed by Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt on 12/4/2023. See attached document for full details. |
12/04/2023 | SCHEDULING ORDER: Expert Discovery due by 4/25/2024. Fact Discovery due by 4/11/2024. Mediation Deadline 6/13/2024. Dispositive Motions due by 5/9/2024. In Limine Motions due by 6/27/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt on 12/4/2023. See attached document for full details. |
12/04/2023 | Amended MOTION to Set Aside Default by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. |
12/04/2023 | PAPERLESS ORDER denying without prejudice 37 Defendants' Motion to Set Aside Clerk's Entry of Default ("Motion"). Local Rule 7.1(a)(3) requires that counsel for the movant make reasonable efforts to confer with the other side and include a certification as to whether or not the requested relief is opposed. It also specifically provides that "[f]ailure to comply with the requirements of this Local Rule may be cause for the Court to grant or deny the motion and impose on counsel an appropriate sanction." Here, Defendants' Motion fails to include the required certification. Accordingly, the Court will deny the Motion without prejudice to provide Defendants' counsel the opportunity to re-file the Motion in compliance with Local Rule 7.1(a)(3). Signed by Judge James I. Cohn on 12/4/2023. |
12/04/2023 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Alan Mensa-Wilmot on behalf of groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. Attorney Alan Mensa-Wilmot added to party groveblankets.com(pty:dft), Attorney Alan Mensa-Wilmot added to party printcustompod.com(pty:dft), Attorney Alan Mensa-Wilmot added to party yourquiltstyle.com(pty:dft). |
12/04/2023 | MOTION to Set Aside Default by groveblankets.com, printcustompod.com, yourquiltstyle.com. Attorney Darren Adam Heitner added to party groveblankets.com(pty:dft), Attorney Darren Adam Heitner added to party printcustompod.com(pty:dft), Attorney Darren Adam Heitner added to party yourquiltstyle.com(pty:dft). |
12/01/2023 | PAPERLESS Order **TIME CHANGE ONLY** Scheduling conference initially set for 12/4/2023 at 11 a.m. now set for 2 p.m. in Fort Lauderdale Division before Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt. Signed by Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt on 12/1/2023. |
11/30/2023 | ORDER SETTING SCHEDULING CONFERENCE. Scheduling Conference set for 12/4/2023 at 11 a.m. via Zoom in the Fort Lauderdale Division before Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt. Miscellaneous Hearing set for 12/4/2023 11:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt. Signed by Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt on 11/30/2023. See attached document for full details. |
11/20/2023 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to 4501, 93stores.com, ADSJKDSBjk, BennettFlorenceshop5, Christina Hopson, Cong ming nv ren fushi, Erin Coylei, Fashion shop 2016, GUANGDONGFUSHI, Hua han li 1 A, JoannaHiramlKeLe, Joyce Banks, Levin Jamie, Marjorie D Blount, Mazhilingmu, NKHMY EYQHZCCCM, Ouqinggang1959, SDFgy, SaturdayShopping, Sportlover Apparel Store, Super Quilts - Blankets, Tony Schaefer, Yiwu Baiyao Clothing Accessories Co., Ltd., ZHANGAIJIN, abayamzclothing.com, axineryfh, baoyuhaosd, besteeshops.com, betitistore.com, beutee.net, captainamericateeshirt.com a.k.a. thecustome.com, chenliuyuanshop, clendonshop.com, cosiconcos.com, dilingduchu, dingsiyuan2463, donuttee.com a.k.a. lovingteenow.xyz, duanyucaipu, dyjtyj, eastmake999, feivmjg, foxapparels.com, frizian.com, fzcte1, gensife, gorgeoustee.com a.k.a. paradoxshirt.com, groveblankets.com, grwoerihzxnz, guanzhir, haotees.com, hickeymu, houliangyan66058, huangjuan666666, huyipingping, just forget it, k8er7, kkffed, klzbiaudasba, kobehe, krusteez.com, lakingstore.com, lemindastore.com, liaqiduyue, lihaiyana, lingzh528,liqingngka9607, liuyawei, luoxiaolong19950408, luxwoo.com, mammatee.com a.k.a. lovelytee.xyz, marieez store, meigui8650, melodystuff.com, mishili, mm8n, moomootee.com a.k.a. ebayshirt.xyz, mourenhshuai, multiplaon.com, mwkjasbdabsb, mysimplyshirt.com a.k.a. mysimplymerch.com, nfjahgsdbzk, otakuplan.com, outfitshirt.com a.k.a. teelove4u.com, paipaibaba, peanutstee.com, picturestees.com, porktee.net a.k.a. myclubteeclothingltd.com, poseidontee.com, preptee.com a.k.a thecamitee.com, printcustompod.com, puppyprinty.com, q-finder.com, qqnlv1shop, ranerjunlvgin, redicots.com, rexiazuhay, rmitshirt.com a.k.a. nemopremium.com, shenzhenshiyixinghetouzifazhanyouxiangongsi, sunjingshopstate, sunping668, sydaskjdnbasb, thewonderprints.com, tidivy.com,trendsbedding.com, trensati.shop, trfghfgdgd, udaIrakZgCfA, universityshirt.com, wangdalong1999, wangyiyan1314, werty, wuw9922shop, yangfengqin, yangna8349, yanwei187216, yourfandomtee.com, yourquiltstyle.com, yunruo, zhangbin06j, zhangzhou98lo, zuqunlanfen. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 11/20/2023. |
11/17/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to 4501, 93stores.com, ADSJKDSBjk, BennettFlorenceshop5, Christina Hopson, Cong ming nv ren fushi, Erin Coylei, Fashion shop 2016, GUANGDONGFUSHI, Hua han li 1 A, JoannaHiramlKeLe, Joyce Banks, Levin Jamie, Marjorie D Blount, Mazhilingmu, NKHMY EYQHZCCCM, Ouqinggang1959, SDFgy, SaturdayShopping, Sportlover Apparel Store, Super Quilts - Blankets, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", Tony Schaefer, Yiwu Baiyao Clothing Accessories Co., Ltd., ZHANGAIJIN, abayamzclothing.com, axineryfh, baoyuhaosd, besteeshops.com, betitistore.com, beutee.net, brightroomy.com, captainamericateeshirt.com a.k.a. thecustome.com, chenliuyuanshop, clendonshop.com, cosiconcos.com, dilingduchu, dingsiyuan2463, donuttee.com a.k.a. lovingteenow.xyz, duanyucaipu, dyjtyj, eastmake999, feivmjg, foxapparels.com, frizian.com, fzcte1, gensife, gorgeoustee.com a.k.a. paradoxshirt.com, groveblankets.com, grwoerihzxnz, guanzhir, haotees.com, hickeymu, houliangyan66058, huangjuan666666, huyipingping, just forget it, k8er7, kkffed, klzbiaudasba, kobehe, krusteez.com, lakingstore.com, lemindastore.com, liaqiduyue, lihaiyana, lingzh528, liqingngka9607, liuyawei, luoxiaolong19950408, luxwoo.com, mammatee.com a.k.a. lovelytee.xyz, marieez store, meigui8650, melodystuff.com, mishili, mm8n, moomootee.com a.k.a. ebayshirt.xyz, mourenhshuai, multiplaon.com, mwkjasbdabsb, mysimplyshirt.com a.k.a. mysimplymerch.com, nfjahgsdbzk, otakuplan.com, outfitshirt.com a.k.a. teelove4u.com, paipaibaba, peanutstee.com, picturestees.com, porktee.net a.k.a. myclubteeclothingltd.com, poseidontee.com, preptee.com a.k.a thecamitee.com, printcustompod.com, puppyprinty.com, q-finder.com, qqnlv1shop, ranerjunlvgin, redicots.com, rexiazuhay, rmitshirt.com a.k.a. nemopremium.com, shenzhenshiyixinghetouzifazhanyouxiangongsi, sunjingshopstate, sunping668, sydaskjdnbasb, thewonderprints.com, tidivy.com, trendsbedding.com, trensati.shop, trfghfgdgd, udaIrakZgCfA, universityshirt.com, wangdalong1999, wangyiyan1314, werty, wuw9922shop, yangfengqin, yangna8349, yanwei187216, yourfandomtee.com, yourquiltstyle.com, yunruo, zhangbin06j, zhangzhou98lo, zuqunlanfen by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk' 2:Text of Proposed Order |
11/17/2023 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by CBS Studios, Inc. re [28] Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order upon Defendants via website posting |
11/17/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. re [28] Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order upon Defendants via Electronic Mail 附件: 1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice |
11/17/2023 | SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on [1] Complaint, [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by CBS Studios, Inc. 4501 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; 93stores.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; ADSJKDSBjk served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; BennettFlorenceshop5 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Christina Hopson served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Cong ming nv ren fushi served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Erin Coylei served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Fashion shop 2016 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; GUANGDONGFUSHI served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Hua han li 1 A served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; JoannaHiramlKeLe served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Joyce Banks served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Levin Jamie served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Marjorie D Blount served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Mazhilingmu served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; NKHMY EYQHZCCCM served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Ouqinggang1959 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; SDFgy served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; SaturdayShopping served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Sportlover Apparel Store served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Super Quilts - Blankets served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Tony Schaefer served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; Yiwu Baiyao Clothing Accessories Co., Ltd. served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; ZHANGAIJIN served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; abayamzclothing.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; aizheng fashion served on 10/30/2023, response/answer due 11/20/2023; axineryfh served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; baoyuhaosd served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; besteeshops.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; betitistore.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; beutee.net served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; brightroomy.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; captainamericateeshirt.com a.k.a. thecustome.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; chenliuyuanshop served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; clendonshop.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; cosiconcos.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; dilingduchu served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; dingsiyuan2463 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; donuttee.com a.k.a. lovingteenow.xyz served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; duanyucaipu served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; dyjtyj served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; eastmake999 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; eqcce7py1e1k served on 11/17/2023, response/answer due 12/8/2023; feivmjg served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; foxapparels.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; frizian.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; fzcte1 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; gensife served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; gorgeoustee.com a.k.a. paradoxshirt.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; groveblankets.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; grwoerihzxnz served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; guanzhir served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; haotees.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; hickeymu served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; houliangyan66058 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; huangjuan666666 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; huyipingping served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; just forget it served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; k8er7 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; kkffed served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; klzbiaudasba served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; kobehe served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; krusteez.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; lakingstore.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; lemindastore.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; liaqiduyue served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; lihaiyana served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; lingzh528 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; liqingngka9607 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; liuyawei served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; luoxiaolong19950408 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; luxwoo.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mammatee.com a.k.a. lovelytee.xyz served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; marieez store served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; meigui8650 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; melodystuff.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mishili served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mm8n served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; moomootee.com a.k.a. ebayshirt.xyz served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mourenhshuai served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; multiplaon.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mwkjasbdabsb served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; mysimplyshirt.com a.k.a. mysimplymerch.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; nfjahgsdbzk served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; otakuplan.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; outfitshirt.com a.k.a. teelove4u.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; paipaibaba served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; peanutstee.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; picturestees.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; porktee.net a.k.a. myclubteeclothingltd.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; poseidontee.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; preptee.com a.k.a thecamitee.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; printcustompod.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; puppyprinty.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; q-finder.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; qqnlv1shop served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; ranerjunlvgin served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; redicots.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; rexiazuhay served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; rmitshirt.com a.k.a. nemopremium.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; shenzhenshiyixinghetouzifazhanyouxiangongsi served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; sunjingshopstate served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; sunping668 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; sydaskjdnbasb served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; thewonderprints.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; tidivy.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; trendsbedding.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; trensati.shop served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; trfghfgdgd served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; udaIrakZgCfA served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; universityshirt.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; wangdalong1999 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; wangyiyan1314 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; wenyi fashion served on 11/17/2023, response/answer due 12/8/2023; werty served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; wuw9922shop served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yangfengqin served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yangna8349 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yanwei187216 served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yourfandomtee.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yourquiltstyle.com served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; yunruo served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; zhangbin06j served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; zhangzhou98lo served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023; zuqunlanfen served on 10/26/2023, response/answer due 11/16/2023. 附件: 1:Affidavit of Service 2:Affidavit of Service 3:Affidavit of Service 4:Affidavit of Service 5:Affidavit of Service |
11/16/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. of Identification of Additional Financial Accounts and Alias Used by Defendants 附件: 1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support of Plaintiff's Notice of Addition 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns |
10/30/2023 | ORDER granting [6] Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 10/30/2023. See attached document for full details. |
10/30/2023 | Minute Entry for proceedings held before Senior Judge James I. Cohn: Motion Hearing held on 10/30/2023 re [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets filed by CBS Studios, Inc. See attached document for full details. Court Reporter: Ellen Rassie, 954-769-5448 / ellen_rassie@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
10/30/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Service 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in |
10/27/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Service 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in |
10/27/2023 | Witness List in Connection with Preliminary Injunction Hearing Scheduled for October 30, 2023 by CBS Studios, Inc. |
10/27/2023 | Exhibit List in Connection with Preliminary Injunction Hearing Scheduled for October 30, 2023 by CBS Studios, Inc. |
10/27/2023 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by CBS Studios, Inc. re [12] Sealed Document, [2] Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment, [4] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [16] Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal, [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets, [11] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [15] Notice (Other), [3] Form AO 120/121, [18] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, [14] Scheduling Order, Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge, [1] Complaint, [19] Notice of Compliance, [7] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3), [10] Sealed Document, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal upon Defendants via website posting |
10/27/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. re [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets, [14] Scheduling Order, Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge, [1] Complaint, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal upon Defendants via Electronic Mail 附件: 1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice |
10/27/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by CBS Studios, Inc. of Identification of Additional Financial Account Used by Defendant Number 33 - Printcustompod.com 附件: 1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support of Plaintiffs' Notice of Identifi 2:Exhibit to the Burns Declaration |
10/26/2023 | CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by Unsealing documents pursuant to DE 18 Order. |
10/26/2023 | ORDER Unsealing Case. Order granting [16] Motion to Unseal. The Clerk is directed to UNSEAL all prior docket entries in this case. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 10/26/2023. See attached document for full details. |
10/26/2023 | Plaintiff's AMENDED COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants, filed by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 to the Amended Complaint |
10/26/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion to Unseal |
10/19/2023 | NOTICE of Filing Bond by CBS Studios, Inc. 附件: 1:Bond |
10/16/2023 | ORDER SETTING CALENDAR CALL AND TRIAL DATE, AND ORDER OF REFERENCE TO UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE FOR SCHEDULING MATTERS AND PRETRIAL DISCOVERY MATTERS: JURY TRIAL set for 7/15/2024 at 09:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn. CALENDAR CALL set for 7/11/2024 at 09:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn. ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt for Discovery Matters. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 10/16/2023. See attached document for full details. (caw) Pattern Jury Instruction Builder - To access the latest, up to date changes to the 11th Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions go to https://pji.ca11.uscourts.gov or click here. |
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