日期 | 描述 |
04/29/2024 | CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT and PERMANENT INJUNCTION as to Defendant Number 21: Granting [55] Agreed MOTION for Entry of Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 21. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 4/29/2024. See attached document for full details. |
04/29/2024 | Agreed MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 21 by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. Responses due by 5/13/2024. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1: Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 21 |
04/17/2024 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:Supplement Final Default Judgment |
04/17/2024 | FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of Burberry Limited (UK) and Burberry Limited (NY) against Belinda, ChengDouGangMoHuDianZiShangWuYouXianGongSi, Elizerberth Sindy, FFCC-directly, WWWT-direct, agneserin.com, allyoloswag.com, ambeljewelry.com, bagoneer.us, baihe6688, bellefinery.com, beltcs.online, bewitchkiss.com, burberry-sale.com, buwqzf.com, caselyve.com, discount-brand-bag.online, dritus.com, ecomhao.com, eliteclutches.shop, er6.poq886.shop, exploremans.com, fimerry.com, flyi.shop, gocacoka.com, gwenjewellry.com, iluxycase.com, luxury-bag-shuoes-clothing a.k.a. Tide brand clothing, luxury-bags-shoes, macallcloth.com, quinnishop.com, rinphil.com, sashajewelery.com, shopaayo.com, silprints.com, sneakww.com, topranklv.com, torenstore.com, vipnigo.com, washbagsonshop.com, wocacoka.com, wwhhll, yupoolyp.x.yupoo.com; Granting [50] Plaintiff's MOTION for Final Default Judgment; Closing Case. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 4/17/2024. See attached document for full details. |
04/09/2024 | NOTICE of Settlement with Defendant Number 21 by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited |
04/09/2024 | Joint NOTICE of Mediator Selection. Mediation Hearing set for 6/24/2024 at 9:00 a.m. Selected/Added Mark Stein, Esq. as Mediator. Modified Text on 4/10/2024 |
04/02/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Declaration of Jennifer Halter in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Entry 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Jennifer Halter 3:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for En 4:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Final Default Judgment |
03/26/2024 | SCHEDULING ORDER: Amended Pleadings due by 5/10/2024. Expert Discovery due by 5/30/2024. Fact Discovery due by 5/30/2024. Joinder of Parties due by 5/10/2024. Mediation Deadline 7/18/2024. Dispositive Motions due by 6/13/2024. In Limine Motions due by 8/1/2024. Pretrial Stipulation due by 8/12/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle on 3/26/2024. See attached document for full details. |
03/26/2024 | ORDER REQUIRING MEDIATION. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle on 3/26/2024. See attached document for full details. |
03/26/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER REGARDING TELEPHONIC SCHEDULING CONFERENCE. The Telephonic Scheduling Conference scheduled for March 26, 2024 will commence at 2:30 pm. This is solely a time change. All other terms of 44 Order Setting Telephonic Scheduling Conference remain in effect. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle on 3/26/2024. |
03/26/2024 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited re [44] Order Setting/Resetting/Cancelling Hearing, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail and via Website Posting |
03/25/2024 | Plaintiff's SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f) by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Scheduling Order |
03/19/2024 | ORDER SETTING TELEPHONIC SCHEDULING CONFERENCE. Scheduling Conference set for 3/26/2024 at 2:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle on 3/19/2024. See attached document for full details. |
02/05/2024 | ANSWER and Affirmative Defenses to Amended Complaint by heirloomhues.xyz. |
01/24/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER granting 38 Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint. Defendant heirloomhues.xyz's response to Plaintiffs' Complaint is due no later than February 2, 2024. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 1/24/2024. |
01/24/2024 | Reset Response/Answer Due Deadline: heirloomhues.xyz response/answer due 2/2/2024. (ls)(per DE #42) |
01/23/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER by Clerk of Non-Entry of Default re 37 Motion for Clerk's Entry of Default as to heirloomhues.xyz. Reason: Responsive pleading (i.e. Motion for Extention of Time to File Answer to Complaint, Motion to Dismiss Complaint, etc) has been filed. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 1/23/2024. |
01/23/2024 | PAPERLESS Clerk's Entry of Default as to Belinda, ChengDouGangMoHuDianZiShangWuYouXianGongSi, Elizerberth Sindy, FFCC-directly, WWWT-direct, agneserin.com, allyoloswag.com, ambeljewelry.com, bagoneer.us, baihe6688, bellefinery.com, beltcs.online, bewitchkiss.com, burberry-sale.com, buwqzf.com, caselyve.com, discount-brand-bag.online, dritus.com, ecomhao.com, eliteclutches.shop, er6.poq886.shop, exploremans.com, fimerry.com, flyi.shop, gocacoka.com, gwenjewellry.com, iluxycase.com, luxury-bag-shuoes-clothing a.k.a. Tide brand clothing, luxury-bags-shoes, macallcloth.com, quinnishop.com, rinphil.com, sashajewelery.com, shopaayo.com, silprints.com, sneakww.com, topranklv.com, torenstore.com, vipnigo.com, washbagsonshop.com, wocacoka.com, wwhhll, yupoolyp.x.yupoo.com - Motions Terminated: 37 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 1/23/2024. |
01/23/2024 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re 38 Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to the Complaint re 1 Complaint. Filer Selected the Wrong Motion Relief(s); ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. |
01/22/2024 | Defendant's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to 1 Complaint by heirloomhues.xyz. Responses due by 2/5/2024. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified Relief on 1/23/2024 (ls) |
01/22/2024 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to Belinda, ChengDouGangMoHuDianZiShangWuYouXianGongSi, Elizerberth Sindy, FFCC-directly, The Individuals, Business Entities, And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A, WWWT-direct, agneserin.com, allyoloswag.com, ambeljewelry.com, bagoneer.us, baihe6688, bellefinery.com, beltcs.online, bewitchkiss.com, burberry-sale.com, buwqzf.com, caselyve.com, discount-brand-bag.online, dritus.com, ecomhao.com, eliteclutches.shop, er6.poq886.shop, exploremans.com, fimerry.com, flyi.shop, gocacoka.com, gwenjewellry.com, heirloomhues.xyz, iluxycase.com, luxury-bag-shuoes-clothing a.k.a. Tide brand clothing, luxury-bags-shoes, macallcloth.com, quinnishop.com, rinphil.com, sashajewelery.com, shopaayo.com, silprints.com, sneakww.com, topranklv.com, torenstore.com, vipnigo.com, washbagsonshop.com, wocacoka.com, wwhhll, yupoolyp.x.yupoo.com by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk's Entry of Default 2:(Text of Proposed Order) |
01/22/2024 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited re 31 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction upon Defendants via website posting |
01/22/2024 | Plaintiff's NOTICE of Filing Certificate of Service by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited re 31 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction. 附件: 1:(Exhibit Certificate of Sevice) Modified Text on 1/23/2024 (ls) |
01/19/2024 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by David P. Reiner, II on behalf of heirloomhues.xyz. Attorney David P. Reiner, II added to party heirloomhues.xyz(pty:dft). |
12/19/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited of Identification of Additional Financial Account Used by Defendant Number 40 附件: 1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support of Plaintiffs' Notice of Identification of Additional Financial Account Used by Defendant Number 40 2:(Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns) |
12/14/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited of Identification of Additional Financial Accounts and Aliases Used by Various Defendants 附件: 1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support 2:(Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns) |
12/13/2023 | ORDER granting 7 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 12/13/2023. See attached document for full details. |
12/13/2023 | Minute Entry for proceedings held before Senior Judge James I. Cohn: Evidentiary Motion Hearing held on 12/13/2023 re 7 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets filed by Burberry Limited. See attachment for full details. Court Reporter: Glenda Powers, 305-523-5022 / Glenda_Powers@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
12/12/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Service 附件: 1:(Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Service) |
12/12/2023 | Witness List by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. |
12/12/2023 | Exhibit List by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. |
12/11/2023 | SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 1 Complaint, 21 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. Belinda served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; ChengDouGangMoHuDianZiShangWuYouXianGongSi served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; Elizerberth Sindy served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; FFCC-directly served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; WWWT-direct served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; agneserin.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; allyoloswag.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; ambeljewelry.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; bagoneer.us served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; baihe6688 served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; bellefinery.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; beltcs.online served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; bewitchkiss.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; burberry-sale.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; buwqzf.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; caselyve.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; discount-brand-bag.online served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; dritus.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; ecomhao.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; eliteclutches.shop served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; er6.poq886.shop served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; exploremans.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; fimerry.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; flyi.shop served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; gocacoka.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; gwenjewellry.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; heirloomhues.xyz served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; iluxycase.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; luxury-bag-shuoes-clothing a.k.a. Tide brand clothing served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; luxury-bags-shoes served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; macallcloth.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; quinnishop.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; rinphil.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; sashajewelery.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; shopaayo.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; silprints.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; sneakww.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; topranklv.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; torenstore.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; vipnigo.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; washbagsonshop.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; wocacoka.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; wwhhll served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023; yupoolyp.x.yupoo.com served on 12/7/2023, response/answer due 12/28/2023. 附件: 1:Affidavit of Service 2:(Affidavit of Service) |
12/11/2023 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited re 10 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 6 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, 9 Order on Motion to Seal, 3 Form AO 120/121, 8 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3), 11 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 5 Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, 7 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets, 18 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to Extend Temporary Restraining Order, dated November 21, 2023, and to Continue Hearing Scheduled for December 4, 2023, 15 Sealed Document, 19 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 17 Notice (Other), 2 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment, 12 Scheduling Order, Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge, 20 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal, 4 Form AO 120/121, 21 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 14 Sealed Document, 1 Complaint, upon Defendants via website posting |
12/11/2023 | Plaintiff's NOTICE of Filing Certificate of Service by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited re 10 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 7 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets, 19 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 12 Scheduling Order, Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge, 21 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 1 Complaint 附件: 1:(Exhibit Certificate of Sevice) |
12/05/2023 | CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by Unsealing documents pursuant to DE 22 Order. |
12/05/2023 | ORDER Unsealing Case. Order granting 20 Motion to Unseal. The Clerk of Court is directed to UNSEAL all prior docket entries in this case. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 12/4/2023. See attached document for full details. |
12/04/2023 | Plaintiff's AMENDED COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants, filed by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:(Exhibit 1 to the Amended Complaint) |
12/04/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order Unsealing Case) |
11/30/2023 | ORDER Granting 18 Ex Parte Motion To Extend Temporary Restraining Order And To Continue Preliminary Injunction Hearing. Motion Hearing set for 12/13/2023 11:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn. Responses due by 12/10/2023. Replies due by 12/12/2023. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 11/30/2023. See attached document for full details. (kpe) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 22 Order |
11/30/2023 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to Extend Temporary Restraining Order, dated November 21, 2023, and to Continue Hearing Scheduled for December 4, 2023 by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof 2:Text of Proposed Order) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 3:Order (kpe) |
11/22/2023 | NOTICE of Filing Bond by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:(Bond) (kpe) |
11/22/2023 | Summons issued as to The Individuals, Business Entities, And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A. (kpe) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 22 Order |
11/21/2023 | NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons Under Seal re DE# 9 Order on Motion to Seal, by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Summon(s) Proposed Summons) Modified text on 11/22/2023 (kpe). Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 2:Order (kpe) |
11/21/2023 | NOTICE of Sealed Filing Schedule A re DE# 9 Order on Motion to Seal, by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Sealed Document: Schedule "A" to the Complaint) Modified text on 11/22/2023 (kpe). Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 2:Order (kpe) |
11/21/2023 | Clerk's Notice of Docket Correction re 4 Form AO 121. Correction Other. See DE# 3 for correct Form AO 120. DE# 4 Docketed in Error. |
11/21/2023 | SCHEDULING ORDER: (Jury Trial set for 8/19/2024 09:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn., Calendar Call set for 8/15/2024 09:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn.), and ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle for Discovery Matters. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 11/21/2023. See attached document for full details. (ls) Pattern Jury Instruction Builder - To access the latest, up to date changes to the 11th Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions go to https://pji.ca11.uscourts.gov or click here. |
11/21/2023 | ORDER granting 8 Ex Parte Motion For Alternate Service. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 11/21/2023. See attached document for full details. |
11/21/2023 | ORDER granting 7 Ex Parte Application For Entry Of Temporary Restraining Order And Setting Hearing On Motion For Preliminary Injunction. Motion Hearing set for 12/4/2023 10:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Senior Judge James I. Cohn. Responses due by 12/1/2023. Replies due by 12/3/2023. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 11/21/2023. See attached document for full details. (kpe) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 22 Order |
11/21/2023 | ORDER granting 6 Motion to File Under Seal. Schedule "A" to Plaintiffs' Complaint and the Summonses shall be filed under seal and shall remain under seal until further order from this Court. Signed by Senior Judge James I. Cohn on 11/21/2023. See attached document for full details. |
11/20/2023 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley in Support of Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process 2:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Christine Ann Daley 3:Text of Proposed Order Granting Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 4:Order (kpe) |
11/20/2023 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE Motion for Temporary Restraining Order, MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, MOTION for Order Restraining Transfer of Assets by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:Declaration of Jennifer Halter 2:Declaration of Christine Ann Daley 3:Declaration of Kathleen Burns 4:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns, Part 1 of 4 5:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns, Part 2 of 4 6:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns, Part 3 of 4 7:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns, Part 4 of 4 8:Text of Proposed Order) Modified by unsealing document on 12/5/2023 per DE 9:Order (kpe) |
11/20/2023 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion to File under Seal) |
11/20/2023 | Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited identifying Corporate Parent Burberry Group plc for Burberry Limited, Burberry Limited |
11/20/2023 | (Docketed in Error)FORM AO 121 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE. 附件: 1:(Complaint with Logs) (wce) Modified Text on 11/21/2023 (wce) |
11/20/2023 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK. 附件: 1:(Complaint with Logs) (wce) |
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