2023-cv-60888 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Animaccord Ltd. v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:05/12/2023

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
08/09/2024 ORDER ADOPTING MAGISTRATE JUDGE'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION. FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of Animaccord Ltd. against The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A. Case Closed. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 8/9/2024. See attached document for full details.
08/09/2024 ORDER ADOPTING MAGISTRATE JUDGE'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT ; granting 54 Motion for Default Judgment ; Adopting 58 Report and Recommendations on 54 Motion for Default Judgment, filed by Animaccord Ltd., 58 Report and Recommendations. Certificate of Appealability: No Ruling. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 8/9/2024. See attached document for full details.
07/22/2024 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION that 54 Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants be granted. Objections to R&R due by 8/5/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle on 7/22/2024. See attached document for full details. (sd01)
06/21/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER REASSIGNING CASE to Judge Jose E. Martinez as the presiding judge and Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle as the referral judge. Motion for Default 54 referred to Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle for a report and recommendation. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 6/21/2024.
06/17/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER REASSIGNING CASE to Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle for all further proceedings, Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra-MJ no longer assigned to case. Motion for Default Judgment [54] referred to Judge Alicia O. Valle for a report and recommendation. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 6/17/2024.
05/03/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
04/08/2024 MOTION for Default Judgment by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Schedule A - Defaulting Defendants
2:Affidavit of Richard Guerra
3:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment
4:(Text of Proposed Order Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction)
04/08/2024 NOTICE of Filing Exhibits E and F to Declaration of Richard Guerra by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit E to Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:(Exhibit F to Declaration of Richard Guerra)
04/08/2024 NOTICE of Filing Exhibits C and D to Declaration of Richard Guerra by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit C to Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:(Exhibit D to Declaration of Richard Guerra)
04/08/2024 NOTICE of Filing Exhibits A and B to Declaration of Richard Guerra by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit A to Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:(Exhibit B to Declaration of Richard Guerra)
03/26/2024 ORDER ADOPTING MAGISTRATE JUDGE'S REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION; granting 5 Ex Parte Motion ; Adopting 44 Report and Recommendations on 5 Ex Parte Motion, filed by Animaccord Ltd. Certificate of Appealability: No Ruling. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 3/26/2024. See attached document for full details.
02/28/2024 Clerk's Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A - Motions Terminated: 48 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 2/28/2024.
02/27/2024 MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to 3kaysemporium, Alexander Hellquist, AmniDigitalParty, AmniPartyDesign, AshArtLee, AteliereDesigns, Atrad_Sales's booth, BicDigitais, Bloom_Store's booth, BoydMosciski, CESRCreations, CarToOn-NE98, CascoShop, CelePapeles, ChezTontonLaBrocante, ColoringE, Craftymomsnl, CreativeInviteShopee, CreatorsHUBsvgPLUS, DECOCHERRYShop, DeniseAndCoBoutique, DigitalAliDesigns, DmrcSvgDesign, Embroideryppdu, Emila Agou, FUJIEMAOYI US, FasetsArt, FiloPapeles, FreedomDesignsvg, Geekandcookies, Gobadi, Heavy Rain Foreign Trade Firm, HonestwomanStore, IdeasForBirthdays, JinxxShopp, Jolbaby, JosiesDekoBoutique, KRCDESIGNART, KSDesign1023, KYDesignArt, KhonsArtdesigns, KinderMania, LECraftsProductos, Lebsitey Direct, LisiByLisandraHernan, LoyaCoco, Lucky_Trio, MCRStudioMx, Masturaz's booth, Meralleee, Midascreation, MlicoDesign, MoccahStudio, MondyShopDigital, Moshaville, NiceBirthdayParty, Papyrush's booth, PixelCreativeCloud, QSXX EU, ROZarts, RialitysBoutique, S.A.M1, SEVIMRECAK, SMNDESIGNART, SayasArtDesigns, SayasCo, SimpleWithTaste, Sophia Linda, SparkyDesignStudio, SporSvgTR, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, TheArtistrySnug, TheLogoStation, Topper4Cakes, TreasureHuntsmanShop, UniqueDesignsP, VelvetLine, VerjaardagShopOnline, WonderlandaccesStore, WowCreationsPT, YEGtemplates, YnsDigitalSVG, ZELBURG, amawijet0, amazing_crystal_uk_ltd, amazinggiftukltd, anttan_42, anythingrandomyouneed, artemis-bargain-shop, autocorner, babytots2, bar5872, bargain_uk2020, believe.aibc.gadget, bestbuys123, big.night.ltd, bigbrands_smallprice, bilalva, bonusbargain, brsim3406, business_store31, caimul7111, chbar_4902, chumisen, clubfashion4you, conork1234, cookiecutters_3d, criscevents, d3v4ll3, dafeldma-5, designnick, digitalaryastore, dolci.tentazioni, duravit1961, e-retroshop, eclaire-banners, exporthealthproducts, fishely_0, fromme2u, gacch-31, gadgethere, gerastore, goulanlan, graeale7134, gribbond, hanzalat-0, healthandcarefirst_3, herb-sant, hernir-70, hifa_4897, horizonbookstore, hot-art, howorthshomewaresuk, iDesignPH2021, iconicretailstore, ido_ia_qvcb2r, imsap-43, inside.the.toy.box, issy_05, iymo_uk, jameleddin gabsi, johatk2, jules4bargains, kavi_18, kema_1412, kopekdesign, labrocaflo, lakes-retail, liamnotllamas, littleterror!!, liuheyudebeimeidianpu, louise25070, ltd_logistics, lumendepot, mahti_2, matefl2010, mayal535, mhdigitalpartydecor, mister-a-gift, mix-n-bits, monster_bookshop, mountainbikes-direct, mys_86, no1-cards, ooowelobe, partyperfecto, pcsks010750, peter.paley089, picturbilder, plantkirk, qinyujing5471, rapra_3095, rarewaves-outlet, rashro_42, redbrokoly's booth, rohkum-29, rousotronic.ltd, roxy_media's booth, sah_creatives, santo21nicola, sgb_authentic_goods, shop5start, talpaz3, the_print_workshop, tianfei1539, toy.haven.for.children, trending-bits, ulrikes_shopping, volocity, watif_86, winstonuk2014, wooflybeds, zoopazo by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Schedule A - Defaulting Defendants
2:Affidavit of Richard Guerra
01/15/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/21/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/12/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/08/2023 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 12/8/2023. See attached document for full details.
12/08/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/07/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/07/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
12/07/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/23/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/20/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/20/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/18/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/16/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/16/2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Animaccord Ltd. re 31 Order Setting Hearing on Motion
11/15/2023 ORDER Setting Hearing on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction on 12/4/2023 10:00 AM in Miami Division before Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 11/15/2023. See attached document for full details.
11/15/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 29 Motion for Extension of Time. The Temporary Restraining Order will now expire on Monday, December 11, 2023, at 5:00pm. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 11/15/2023.
11/15/2023 Third MOTION for Extension of Time of Temporary Restraining Order by Animaccord Ltd. Responses due by 11/29/2023
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
11/15/2023 SERVICE (Proof) by Publication by Animaccord Ltd. Last Publication date 11/10/2023. Claims/Positions/Written Defenses/Answers/etc., due by 12/11/2023.
11/15/2023 NOTICE of Compliance (All Docket Entries in this Case Have been Unsealed) re 26 Order on Motion to Unseal Document
11/15/2023 ORDER Granting 13 Motion to Unseal. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 11/14/2023. See attached document for full details.
11/15/2023 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra: Telephonic Status Conference held on 11/15/2023. Order to follow. Attorney Appearance(s): Richard Guerra, (Digital 08:59:27) Total time in court: 8 minutes.
11/14/2023 Set Hearing. Telephonic Status Conference set for 11/15/2023 09:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra. PER DE#24
11/14/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER SETTING EX PARTE HEARING. An ex parte telephonic hearing regarding the status of service and the setting of a preliminary injunction hearing in this case is hereby SET for Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. before the undersigned. The dial-in information is as follows: Dial-In: 866-390-1828; Passcode: 2046890. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 11/14/2023.
11/09/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
11/09/2023 ORDER OF REFERENCE re 5 Request for a Preliminary Injunction and an Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Motions referred to Judge Jacqueline Becerra. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 11/8/2023. See attached document for full details.
11/07/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 20 Motion for Extension of Time. the Temporary Restraining Order will now expire November 21, 2023. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 11/7/2023.
11/01/2023 Second MOTION for Extension of Time to Extend Temporary Restraining Order by Animaccord Ltd. Responses due by 11/15/2023
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
10/30/2023 NOTICE of Filing BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by Animaccord Ltd. Approved by Judge Jose E. Martinez
1:Bond Injuction
10/24/2023 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A.
10/24/2023 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Animaccord Ltd.
10/19/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 16 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
10/18/2023 Clerk's Notice to Filer re 13 Miscellaneous Relief. Filer Selected the Wrong Motion Relief(s); ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs.
10/17/2023 MOTION for Extension of Time to Extend Temporary Restraining Order by Animaccord Ltd. Responses due by 10/31/2023
1:Affidavit of Richard Guerra
2:Text of Proposed Order
10/17/2023 MOTION to Unseal Schedule A to the Complaint by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Text of Proposed Order
10/17/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): santo21nicola, sgb_authentic_goods, talpaz3, the_print_workshop, ulrikes_shopping, warnefords41, watif_86, winstonuk2014, wooflybeds, zoopazo, 3kaysemporium, amawijet0, big.night.ltd, chbar_4902, healthandcarefirst_3, horizonbookstore, hot-art, inside.the.toy.box, japan-mm, jules4bargains, matefl2010, monster_bookshop, mys_86, toy.haven.for.children, trending-bits, volocity, AmniDigitalParty, AmniPartyDesign, AshArtLee, AteliereDesigns, BicDigitais, CascoShop, CelePapeles, CESRCreations, ChezTontonLaBrocante, ColoringE, Craftymomsnl, CreativeInviteShopee, CreatorsHUBsvgPLUS, criscevents, DECOCHERRYShop, DeniseAndCoBoutique, DigitalAliDesigns, digitalaryastore, DmrcSvgDesign, Embroideryppdu, FasetsArt, FiloPapeles, FreedomDesignsvg, Geekandcookies, gurumimarket, HlyCrochetToys, HonestwomanStore, IdeasForBirthdays, iDesignPH2021, JinxxShopp, Jolbaby, JosiesDekoBoutique, KhonsArtdesigns, KinderMania, KRCDESIGNART, KSDesign1023, KYDesignArt, LECraftsProductos, LilyGiftHouse, LisiByLisandraHernan, LoyaCoco, MCRStudioMx, Meralleee, mhdigitalpartydecor, Midascreation, MlicoDesign, MoccahStudio, MondyShopDigital, Moshaville, picturbilder, PixelCreativeCloud, RialitysBoutique, ROZarts, SayasArtDesigns, SayasCo, SimpleWithTaste, SMNDESIGNART, SparkyDesignStudio, SporSvgTR, TheArtistrySnug, TheLogoStation, Topper4Cakes, TreasureHuntsmanShop, UniqueDesignsP, VelvetLine, VerjaardagShopOnline, WonderlandaccesStore, WowCreationsPT, YEGtemplates, YnsDigitalSVG, Heavy Rain Foreign Trade Firm, Alexander Hellquist, BoydMosciski, CarToOn-NE98, designnick, Emila Agou, jameleddin gabsi, shop5start, Sophia Linda and S.A.M1.
10/17/2023 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Cuticuter spain, Derya Home, FreeTerritory, FUJIEMAOYI US, Gobadi, goulanlan, Lebsitey Direct, liuheyudebeimeidianpu, NALCY, NiceBirthdayParty, ooowelobe, Panviy US, qinyujing5471, QSXX EU, SEVIMRECAK, tianfei1539, TYfamily, YOILIK Home, yunchengjingjijishukaifaquyinandianzishangwultd, ZELBURG, Atrad_Sales's booth, Bloom_Store's booth, Lucky_Trio, Masturaz's booth, Papyrush's booth, redbrokoly's booth, roxy_media's booth, amazing_crystal_uk_ltd, amazinggiftukltd, anticaporta, anttan_42, anythingrandomyouneed, artemis-bargain-shop, autocorner, babytots2, balloon-fire, bar5872, bargain_uk2020, believe.aibc.gadget, bestbuys123, betzale10, bigbrands_smallprice, bilalva, bonusbargain, brsim3406, business_store31, caimul7111, chalkys_uk, chumisen, clubfashion4you, conork1234, cookiecutters_3d, d3v4ll3, dafeldma-5, dolci.tentazioni, duravit1961, eclaire-banners, e-retroshop, exporthealthproducts, fishely_0, from*me*2u, gacch-31, gadgethere, gerastore, graeale7134, gribbond, hanzalat-0, healthandcarefirst_3, herb-sant, hernir-70, hifa_4897, howorthshomewaresuk, iconicretailstore, ido_ia_qvcb2r, imsap-43, issy_05, iymo_uk, japan-kamikaze, johatk2, kavi_18, kema_1412, kopekdesign, labrocaflo, lakes-retail, liamnotllamas, littleterror!!, louise25070, ltd_logistics, lumendepot, mahti_2, mayal535, mister-a-gift, mix-n-bits, moro129, mountainbikes-direct, newkeepmywords1, no1-cards, partyperfecto, pcsks010750, peter.paley089, plantkirk, rapra_3095, rarewaves-outlet, rashro_42, rohkum-29, rousotronic.ltd and sah_creatives.
07/29/2023 Order
07/27/2023 Civil Case Terminated. Per DE#7. Closing Case.
07/26/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER GRANTING [4] Plaintiff's Motion to File Under Seal. Within seven days of this Courts ruling on Plaintiff's requests for ex parte relief, Plaintiff must (1) move to unseal Schedule A and (2) add all Defendants as parties through CM/ECF. The Clerk is DIRECTED to ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSE this case for statistical purposes pending service on Defendants. This shall not affect the Parties substantive rights. Signed by Judge Jose E. Martinez on 7/26/2023.
10/10/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 10 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
10/10/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/29/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (951567)
05/23/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (951567)
05/23/2023 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 5 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (951567)
05/23/2023 Order
05/23/2023 MOTION to Seal Schedule A to the Complaint per Local Rule 5.4 by Animaccord Ltd.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
1:(Complaint) (nwn)
05/12/2023 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Jose E. Martinez. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Becerra is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent.
05/12/2023 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-16613285, filed by Animaccord Ltd.
1:(Civil Cover Sheet)

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