2023-cv-02212 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Art Ask Agency v. The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A Hereto

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:04/10/2023

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Anne 哥特式插画

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:HSP

日期 描述
08/07/2024 SATISFACTION of Judgment
01/05/2024 SATISFACTION of Judgment
12/26/2023 SATISFACTION of Judgment
11/14/2023 SATISFACTION of Judgment
10/05/2023 SATISFACTION of Judgment
08/17/2023 FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/17/2023. Mailed notice.
08/17/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment against defendants identified in amended Schedule A 51 is granted. Enter Final Judgment Order. The Clerk of the Court is directed to return the ten-thousand dollar ($10,000) surety bond posted by Plaintiff is hereby released via certified mail to counsel of record for Plaintiff, Michael A. Hierl of Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd. at Three First National Plaza, 70 W. Madison Street, Suite 4000, Chicago, IL 60602. All pending dates and motions are terminated as moot. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice.
08/15/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Art Ask Agency Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendant No. 116
08/10/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Michael A. Hierl for presentment of motion for default judgment 51 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/17/2023 at 09:45 AM.
08/10/2023 DECLARATION of Michael A. Hierl regarding motion for default judgment 51
1:(Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 1)
08/10/2023 MEMORANDUM by Art Ask Agency in support of motion for default judgment 51
1:Exhibit 1
2:(Exhibit 2)
08/10/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency for default judgment as to Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of Default and Default Judgment Against the Defendants Identified in Amended Schedule A
08/10/2023 DECLARATION of Robert P. McMurray Declaration of Service
07/21/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Pursuant to the status report, plaintiff reports active settlement negotiations with multiple defendants. Plaintiff will move for default judgment by 8/10/2023. Status hearing is reset for 8/24/2023 at 9:45 a.m. (to track the case only; no appearance required). The plaintiff shall file a written status report by 8/17/2023. The court will enter a scheduling order in response to the status report. Mailed notice.
07/17/2023 STATUS Report by Art Ask Agency
06/22/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Art Ask Agency Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants
05/26/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Pursuant to the status report, parties are engaged in settlement negotiations with multiple defendants. Plaintiff will move for default judgment at a later date where appropriate. Status hearing is reset for 7/24/2023 at 9:45 a.m. (to track the case only; no appearance required). The plaintiff shall file a written status report by 7/17/2023. The court will enter a scheduling order in response to the status report. Mailed notice.
05/22/2023 STATUS Report by Art Ask Agency
05/11/2023 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 5/11/2023. Mailed notice.
05/11/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's motion for entry of preliminary injunction 38 is granted. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. The Clerk of Court is directed to unseal the following sealed documents: Plaintiffs' Complaint Dkt. No. 1, Schedule A to the Pleading Dkt. No. 7, Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Maria Strid Dkt. Nos. 11 - 27, and the TRO Dkt. No. 32. Mailed notice.
05/09/2023 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Art Ask Agency as to The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto on 5/8/2023, answer due 5/29/2023.
05/08/2023 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto
05/08/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Michael A. Hierl for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 38 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 5/11/2023 at 09:45 AM.
05/08/2023 DECLARATION of Michael A. Hierl regarding motion for preliminary injunction 38
05/08/2023 MEMORANDUM by Art Ask Agency in support of motion for preliminary injunction 38
05/08/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency for preliminary injunction Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction
04/28/2023 NEW PARTIES: SiminFan Store, Simple Men Clothing Store, Snowflake Trading Store, Sonyc Store, ssss Store, STAHUNTAR store, steel soldier Official Store, StickerPlus Store, street sports suit Store, Superior sports Store, Taida Group Store, Taidhd Home Textiles Store, Textile Online Store, THE FANCY WORLD, The life of yan Store, The Tear Of Crocodile Store, Tomorrow House Store, VANJUU DIY Store, VANNJUU Diamond Painting Store, voyang Store, Warm decor Store, Weave Dream Island Store, Wener Fasion Store, Wings Girl Handmade Store, Winny Factory Outlet Store, XH - Blanket Store, Xin Yun Decoration Store, XIXILOVE158 Store, XIZOU SLtrendy Store, YHsummer Store, YOEMTAT Tattoo Dropshipping Store Store, Yohi wiik Store, Z H Art Painting Store, ZANDD Superday Store, Zengyangting Store, zhi8888 Store, ZLKYWGM Girl Clothes Store, ZQ-Home decoration Store, Jiangxi Unite Garments Co., Ltd., Nanchang Long Gong Import & Export Corporation Ltd, Nanwei (Quanzhou) Co., Ltd., Quanzhou Luson Trading Co., Ltd., Suzhou Bosheng Garment Co., Ltd., Tianjin FY Trading Co., Ltd., Xiamen Aibort Clothing Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Biyi Custom Technology Co., Ltd. added to case caption.
04/28/2023 NEW PARTIES: Primary colors Store, Professional Custom Home Goods Store Store, PZ Moda Masculina De Luxo Store, QIMING Official Store, QPP GO Store, Quadrant Store, Queenie Ting Store, renbo Diamonds Painting Factory Store, RIGHTLEFT Store, Safeshine Store, Sai Bang Store, Samba27 Store, SeedtoTree Men's Store, sgtqy18517465 Store, Shanshanyoulaile Store, Shop 1012777 Store, Shop MRthirteen Store, Shop1100013072 Store, Shop1100014047 Store, Shop1100170039 Store, Shop1100219703 Store, Shop1100223061 Store, Shop1100369455 Store, Shop1100384001 Store, Shop1102119411 Store, Shop1102153564 Store, Shop1102174362 Store, Shop1102205132 Store, Shop1102218888 Store, Shop1102253530 Store, Shop1102273272 Store, Shop1102277800 Store, Shop1102299455 Store, Shop1102313242 Store, Shop1102375118 Store, Shop1102420488 Store, Shop1102437991 Store, Shop1102439892 Store, Shop1102561087 Store, Shop1111929 Store, Shop2028036 Store, Shop3254015 Store, Shop3619136 Store, Shop4991283 Store, Shop5057218 Store, Shop5242123 Store, Shop5687057 Store, Shop5799661 Store, Shop5876716 Store, Shop5881751 Store, Shop900249255 Store, Shop910331286 Store, Shop910363386 Store, Shop910365404 Store, Shop910416051 Store, Shop911048132 Store, Shop911050102 Store, Shop911126196 Store, Shop911135107 Store, Shop911226078 Store, Shop911465043 Store, Shop911502029 Store, Shop911715415 Store and Shop912626360 Store added to case caption.
04/28/2023 NEW PARTIES: GreenWorld Store, Happyflame Store, Harmony Shop, Hawaiian Shirt Factory Store Store, HEYu jewelry Official Store, Hi factory outlet Store, Hi Fun Diamond Painting Store, houselife 521 Store, ICCLEK 3D Printed Store, IDOISTAR Store, It's a very fashionable shop Store, Jenssie Store, jian Store, Jie le Store, JIEJIE de Store, JK HOUSE Store, JPDZ Store, Juhua diamond painting Store, Kaiyu Jewellery Store, karisa Store, Karry Win Store, KAYZ Store, KELOSICI I Bed Textile Store, Kids 3D Clothing Store, Kingman lisa Store, koler Store, KOLMAKOV High Quality Men's Clothes Store, Krakla Store, KXHM Tempered Glass Store, Laiba Official Store, Larisa Diamonds Art Store, LBG Store, Libreclans Store, Light Guide Official Store, LingQing Store, LISM Yang Xuan Store, Lixiaoqing Store, Liypopo06 Store, LMFF Store, Long Sir Store, Loseall004 Store, LoveInDec Store, LTLT Store, MaiYa19 Store, Manga Clothing Store, Mao Bijoux Store, MCKLP OUTDOOR Store, Men Women Jewelry Accessories Store, Mens Boutique Clothing Store, Mens Elegant Clothes 899 Store Store, Moonfeel Store, Mosaic Art Store, Motorcyclist World Store, Mr. Twelve Store, Mr.MayLan Official Store, Ms Yellow 27 Store, New Home Textiles Store, New starting point menswear store Store, Nian lalala Store, NICAI Official Store, Niggeey Store, Noger phone fitting 36 Store, OAITUX Second Store, Over 25102 Store, PhotoCustom Store and Poetic Life Diamond Painting Factory Store added to case caption.
04/28/2023 NEW PARTIES: BKQU Oversize Store, Dinboa-6 Store, Golden Legend 18 shop Store, Harukaze Store, Kratie Store, KYKU essentials Store, Professional Sales Of 3D Clothing Store, Shop1102319397 Store, Shop1102347282 Store, Shop1102524917 Store, Shop5365140 Store, Shop912397922 Store, Spraying Xingyue Xi Store, Wan Qing Store, WYBD1998 clothing Store, 01 Small Fish Store, 15888 Store, 18 Factory Store, 3D printing clothing Store, 668 Store, AHGG Store, Anime Design Factory Store, Anime Streetwear Store, ANNIEBRITNEY Homme Gardern Store, Another DT Store, Betty Boop Art Store, Bigent Men Clothing Store, Boutique MochunJewelry & Accessories Store, BRAWL Store, CAMPING SURVIVE Store, Chandler Official Store, cheerfish Store, ChuangXiangHomeFurnishings Store, CIMI LOVE Store, cn007 Store, Colonghsou Dthyo Store, Combhasaki Official Store, Comercio de Yiyong Store, CON Store, Confident Clothes Store, conglu3 Store, ConsoleSkin Vinyl Store, COOLOST Factory Store, COZOK US Streetwear Store, Cozy Store, CRAZY FROG Store, Crescent moonlight Store, Customi photo Official Store, Customized Home Visit Store, DAYANG Store, Diamond-Life Store, Dianne Happiness Store, Disney Painting Store, Disnsy Store, DK KING MAN Store, DPF Dropshipping Store Store, DPKJ Store, Dpsupr Store, DSJ6 Store, Esera Store, ETST WENDY Funny Store, Eudora official Store, everything sen Store, Fallen Leaves Store, Fashion 3D Style Store, Fashion Houses Store, FDLK Official Store, FEICHUANMEN'S Store, FIYO Diamonds Painting Store, Fortunately Cabin Store, FS little fish Store, Funny Costume NO-1 Store, Gangwan Official Store and Giordear Apparel Store added to case caption.
04/26/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's Ex-Parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order 34 is granted to 5/11/2023. Mailed notice.
04/18/2023 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000 posted by Art Ask Agency. (Document not scanned).
04/19/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Michael A. Hierl for presentment of extension of time 34 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 4/26/2023 at 09:45 AM.
04/19/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency for extension of time Plaintiff's Ex Parte motion to Extend the Temporary Restraining Order
04/13/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Art Ask Agency Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice as to Certain Defendants
04/13/2023 SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 4/13/2023.
04/13/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file under seal 6 ; and Plaintiffs' Ex Parte motion for entry of temporary restraining order, including a temporary injunction, a temporary transfer of the defendant domain names, a temporary asset restraint, expedited discovery and service of process by email and/or electronic publication 9 are granted. Enter Sealed Temporary Restraining Order. Because the temporary restraining order will expire on 4/27/2023 any motion for preliminary injunction or to extend the temporary restraining order must be filed by no later than 4/20/2023. Hughes Socol PIers Resnick & Dym Ltd. is ordered to add all defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days of the expiration of the TRO. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. The case is set for a status hearing on 5/29/2023 at 9:45 a.m. (to track the case only, no appearance is required). By 5/22/2023 plaintiff is to file a status report regarding the status of service of process, settlement discussions, and any further information that plaintiff wishes to bring to the Court's attention. Mailed notice.
04/11/2023 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
04/11/2023 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
04/10/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Michael A. Hierl for presentment of motion for temporary restraining order, 9 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 4/13/2023 at 09:45 AM.
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 17 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 16 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 15 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 14 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 13 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 12 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 11 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 10 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 9 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 8 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 7 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 6 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 5 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 4 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 3 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 2 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Exhibit 2 Part 1 of Strid Declaration
04/10/2023 MEMORANDUM by Art Ask Agency in support of motion for temporary restraining order, 9
1:Declaration Strid Declaration
2:Exhibit Group Exhibit 1
3:Declaration Hierl Declaration
4:Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 1
5:Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 2
6:(Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 3)
04/10/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency for temporary restraining order Plaintiff's Ex Parte Motion for Entry of a Temporary Restraining Order, Including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Transfer of the Defendant Domain Names, a Temporary Asset Restraint, Expedited Discovery, and Service of Process by Email and/or Electronic Publication
04/10/2023 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
04/10/2023 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey Cummings. Case assignment: Random assignment.
04/10/2023 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Art Ask Agency
04/10/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency Sealed Schedule A
04/10/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Art Ask Agency to seal document Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to File Under Seal
04/10/2023 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Art Ask Agency by Robert Payton Mcmurray
04/10/2023 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Art Ask Agency by William Benjamin Kalbac
04/10/2023 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Art Ask Agency by Michael A. Hierl
04/10/2023 CIVIL Cover Sheet
04/10/2023 COMPLAINT filed by Art Ask Agency; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 402, receipt number AILNDC-20523330.
1:(Exhibit Group Exhibit 1)

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