2019-cv-62623 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Fendi S.r.l. v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:10/23/2019

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

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日期 描述
02/11/2020 DEFAULT JUDGMENT Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
02/11/2020 ORDER granting [42] Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
02/11/2020 ORDER granting [41] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
02/11/2020 ORDER granting [40] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
02/11/2020 ORDER granting [39] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
02/10/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants by Fendi S.r.l.
02/10/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 55 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 2/24/2020
02/10/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 3 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 2/24/2020
02/10/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 2 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 2/24/2020
01/31/2020 Clerks Entry of Default as to AKAUFENG, Alicharm, Custom Phone Wallets, Deloreva, Fendi S.r.l., YAYA-GO, ahdi_6, am-i-dreaming, amiyaro_0, bonniey15, chengqi, custom_g, daja3164, dentalshop8, ebiz125, ferdans_0, floral87865, fraco_8189, gir-4900, glanton-wa, guo878, guycla-84, habal-50, hasel-l0, hashop92, helen-htt, hey-jules, hyped_stuff, jiache-73, leresa-store, meixiong82, mohboul-82, njoy.online.store, nohemievemchugh-7, nortontop, novsugia, paugree-t49mwf5t, qlab7302, renairanura, risso01, roan-334, saliebiz03, seha.nqqay, setysety0, steferg-60, telen82, timan_944, uno.shop, urig89, wahedzainur0, wexb6938, wise.wally, xidress, zhangjuj966, zqbn3669 Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 1/31/2020.
01/31/2020 Administrative Order
01/30/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to AKAUFENG, Alicharm, Custom Phone Wallets, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", YAYA-GO, ahdi_6, am-i-dreaming, amiyaro_0, bonniey15, chengqi, custom_g, daja3164, dentalshop8, ebiz125, ferdans_0, floral87865, fraco_8189, gir-4900, glanton-wa, guo878, guycla-84, habal-50, hasel-l0, hashop92, helen-htt, hey-jules, hyped_stuff, jiache-73, leresa-store, meixiong82, mohboul-82, njoy.online.store, nohemievemchugh-7, nortontop, novsugia, paugree-t49mwf5t, qlab7302, renairanura, risso01, roan-334, saliebiz03, seha.nqqay, setysety0, steferg-60, telen82, timan_944, uno.shop, urig89, wahedzainur0, wexb6938, wise.wally, xidress, zhangjuj966, zqbn3669 by Fendi S.r.l.
01/27/2020 NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE ON DEFAULT PROCEDURE. Plaintiff effectuated service of the summons and complaint on Defendants on November 8, 2019 [ECF No. 27]. Many of the Defendants, however, have failed to plead or otherwise defend this action after being served with process. Accordingly, within three (3) days of the date of this Order, Plaintiff shall file for entry of default by the Clerk as to the defendants who have failed to respond to the Complaint. Within ten (10) days of entry of default by the Clerk, Plaintiff shall file a motion for final default judgment, accompanied by a proposed final default judgment attached to the motion as Exhibit A, and duly supported by affidavits and other documentation. Plaintiffs failure to file a Motion for Final Default Judgment on or before the date set forth above may result in dismissal of the instant action. Plaintiff shall immediately provide Defendants with a copy of this Order via certified mail. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles (hs01)
01/17/2020 ORDER granting [32] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
01/14/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 16 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 1/28/2020
01/10/2020 ORDER granting [28] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
01/10/2020 ORDER granting [29] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
01/07/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 32 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 1/21/2020
01/07/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 5 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 1/21/2020
12/05/2019 ORDER granting [23] Motion to Approve Consent Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
12/04/2019 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to Defendant Number 15 by Fendi S.r.l. Responses due by 12/18/2019
11/08/2019 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles See attached document for full details. (hs01)
11/06/2019 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
11/06/2019 Miscellaneous Relief
10/25/2019 Order on Motion to Seal
10/23/2019 Motion to Seal (Public)

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