日期 | 描述 |
01/26/2021 | CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AS TO THE CONSENT JUDGMENT DEFENDANTS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A HERETO granting 41 Motion to Approve Consent Judgment; granting 41 Motion for Permanent Injunction. Closing Case. Motions Terminated: 41 MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" filed by Hamilton International AG, Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Tissot SA, Omega SA, Blancpain SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 1/26/2021. See attached document for full details. |
01/25/2021 | MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" (Responses due by 2/8/2021), MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order 2:(Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent) |
01/20/2021 | FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA against The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", and PERMANENT INJUNCTION Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 1/19/2021. See attached document for full details. |
01/19/2021 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE as to why appropriate dismissal papers have not been filed. Show Cause Response due by 1/25/2021. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 1/19/2021. See attached document for full details. |
01/19/2021 | ORDER granting 35 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 1/19/2021. See attached document for full details. |
01/05/2021 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY COURT SHOULD NOT GRANTMOTION FOR FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT. Show Cause Response due by 1/18/2021. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 1/5/2021. See attached document for full details. |
01/04/2021 | RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re 34 Order to Show Cause by Hamilton International AG, Omega SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Blancpain SA, Tissot SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH. |
01/04/2021 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment 2:Text of Proposed Order Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction 3:(Declaration of Virgilio Gigante in Support of Motion for Final Default Judgment) |
12/29/2020 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR LACK OF PROSECUTON. Show Cause Response due by 1/4/2021. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 12/29/2020. See attached document for full details. |
12/10/2020 | Clerks Entry of Default as to 22dfadx, Aa_luxury_watch, Adam999, Adele, Alexwatch1688, Alix1, Alpha_go, Amazon_store, Anheming, Appwatch, Army, BNMXJXHFTHSw, Baoxing2898, Bestcheappremium, BikejupaikHe, Bmshixin, Bossza, BuyuandituoyTo, Bzzbh, CFTW, COOL MEN STORE, CanyizhijM, Champion buyer, Chenzhaoyu, Chunfengdeyi568, ClassicWatch Store, Cosmetics-Aa, CumushilairKs, Date Day Store, Datejust_watch, Dhduans, Dhxiedongd, Dickky5, Dipeier, Donald Rutherforde, DuanyueqiangxinxK, EXMYIUO NWJQKU, E_shop2008, Eternity_watch_shop, Excellent_watch, FJIZIA XIIXJJ FATION MAN SHOES SHOP, Famous_watch, Fast001, Fast009, Fujimin003, Futuro_melhor, Fwei Watch Store, Gaonianke666666, Gongxifacai2018, Goodquality66, Goodwatch111, Gorgeoous berest 001, Guangzhou18, Haizoubei Baby's, Hby2014, Hello_watch, Hfzrtvv, High Quality Watches Store, Hoa le, HuanjiujudaohX, Humeihuastore, IKAI Men, IRDHWB EVVEVD, Ikwatches, Internetmo, Jasonsunny, Jiass688, JiejuyuekongyZ, Keank foot fit, Keke371, Keyaa, Kuchairly, KuzongzhuokLy, Laihaiyan123, Ledaonme Zhanten Puludao, Li788348, LiuFangBaiNian, Llwatch, Lotus-Flower, Loving You, Luo Store, Luxury_watch_138, Luxury_watches007, Luxury_watchs, Lynn_lee, M YUT QSK, MAO SAN SAO, MR LZM, Makemiji, Mayliecoco, Meet yours love, MickMadel, Mis dulces antojitos, Mishmik, Molufeige Debiyanuo, My Valentine, Natasha Hernandez, Njshao1981, Ocentn Halangmo Tubite, Okokaaa, Omega007watch, Opinuy Store, Panuvidshop, Peter88, Peter99, PiezhimeioX, Pinganwatch, Prettylin, Puretime, Q REC SDF, QPFUEKEUPD, Qq1368887858, R-A-P-O Watch Store, RanglaiyishizAu, Rebon907, Regalos y mas, Rr1288, ShaixuntuqD, Shanghai_2008, ShanyanqiaoyuaBi, Shenzhen2020, Shiguangrenran, Shop5623310 Store, Shop5888972 Store, ShopTronics, Star Bo Haotai, Superwatch001, Supplierwatches, Swiss Brand Watch Store, TURNER.PET, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", The Quality Watches Store, Time-Shop 3, Timo Store, Topwatch2020, VHRERTAw, Vaca, Victoria Pollard, Victory Maker International, Vipwatches, WANGBX, WHSDIDU, WYY SHOES, Wang199003, Watch-Xiaotao, WatchZone Store, Watch_rolexx, Watches518, Watchgt01, Watchs2020, XQZ Watches Store, XT-Fashon, XierantulZ, XingluanjingpK, XiongjuqishanOd, Xxxx11, YQ, YandanchunpanqK, Yangyang147, Yilu168, YoujiaweitansA, YuzhonghankBq, ZhencuiShangpin, ZhibidouoQ, Zhubacong638, Zouzoujukai, Zxr_brand004a, Zywatch, a field by the river, a_series_of_watches, aaa_watch_seller, access market, amreeneamsi, asia_top_time_watch, asia_top_watch_sales, automatic_watches, baobaowatch, best_rolexes_store, best_watch_factory, bestqualitywatch, bhunterkassidee, bingyuliwatch, bnytjgh, boutique_watch, brand_sunglasses_s, brandwatch111, brandwatch2019, brightt, btime, buthadfgjo, c2shoppedw, cgby, cgby111, cgby222, chanel-watch-watch, changfeng3572, chenxia22, china_factory_watche, china_watch_factory3, china_watch_factory5, cvhetraweERWA, daojie008, daoshop007, darrellcprice02, dasvhg73, datejust, deeteajdgwe, despat, dethojav, didingyaoki, difuque47, djnsknv, doasmaynqhr, dodafqqssg, dsfsa, eiyushubiaodian, emmawatch, emmawatch Store, excellent_watch2018, extraps, facaifacai009, factory6688, fengjiewuwu, furongwang2018, gdfgegaefg, geatithmna, gfhtdykbbvnvbnv, good-roiexx, good_wristwatch, goodgoodsell, goodwatch001, goodwatch007, goodwatchwatch1, guoguipingdian, guomiaomiao1314, guomingxiahgkn, guyifeixing, gw2016, gzyubing, hcx070409, heslayphmjgx, highqualitywatch007, hishoughjjcid, honest369, hot_sale_watch, hubianti111, huyn, ifso, ilinkme, intime007, j bkjbkj ctghcvj, jacktime, jason007, jason0077, jeepclothes, jhfsdh545, jhjhb, jimmywatch, jingpinshoubiao, jingyishop1, jinkangwang, jixuebing001, jiyuacd, jk1d4ha, john_hao, junnyshop, keke136, keke2008, kenneth26, kingkingwatch, klauskqt0mrp, kpenacedrick, ksoekser, leiwshop, lflemingbenedict, lianglizhong, lijintai7777, linjia579112, linlilan454147767, linlove, liu-888, liuyan066, liuzhong666, lixiangdong666, lowanlu, luckybuy1161, luxuriouswatch, luxury006, luxury_wrist_watch, luxury_wristwatches, luxurymenswatches, luxurywatch006, luxurywatchaa1, luxurywatchaa2, luxurywatchess_2018, luyina007, lvvfbnvnerrkptd, lzj6566, mahuiping, mckenondoe, mcslathenxyadg, mcteseawrdq, mechanicalwatch, meizifuguqipaodian, mensport Store, michaeltravis, myghd, myshi, nameem16676, nelismtdle, nnikx25shop, noblenessoo, noob_factory_store, noobfactory123456, noulorfnhp, nufg984h, numberone_watch, ok_watch, oppo0095, orologio_watch, ouyangjingdian, parotuwxhdi, peacewatch, pesmoughsywwc, piromthai4, polarstar, pure_time, qi198210111950, qiangjianklibn, quethoezhyryxl, reaugicum, renxiamei, renxinhuiwaimao, rerereqw, riseeoim, rogan mavis, rolex2017, scotwyman, selling_watches, sgjnsk, shao store 88, shartajmgd, sheateyhwkmgf, shewewuey, sidhiwy, slefeighxjji, smaghoavdaxn, smeneighlhkk, smethaskiwyis, smile1989624, smousleashqsloc, sojasaubrpw, songhongqing, sophie rossie, stas, stoorkeysfiqg, store361, store363, sumaiday, supersportmen, superwatchwatch1, surface8899558, sweepwatch, tabshift, tb6666, tesowedstgm, thdhvcnn, theetecbstlk, thelamho904, thetheauskpgpt, tianqi0, time_watches, timezonewatch, top_time, top_watch_selling, topclone_watch, topwatch2019, topwatch669, topwatch99, topwatches88, toutayshhegi, travis_supplier, urhbshioj28841, vcohenccordell, vico1, vj6677, wangfei1, wangpeng1991, wangqingshui88, wangyinuo2018, wangzhen666, wanlanzhijia, wantwo, watch111, watch22, watch926226, watch_me_, watch_wholesale1688, watch_zone, watches0222, watches16888, watchesaa, watchesyazy003, watchkuka, watchsell1, watchwatch518, watchwhosale, wath4681335, wbt525, weishuguang, welldone Store, wheenudngvkez, whithoarbhd, whynot406, wiesawatch, wighksjd, wkdyfg688, worldluxury2008, wristwatch_factory, wuchunshangmao, wujieqing, wushuhua1233, wuwushaomei, wuxue9933, wwppoo123, xiaobobodianpu, xiaoouou222, xiqingduyong, xtuuwfx, xuyadong0223, yangleishangmao, yangwubin, yangyan5188, yaoxingguang, yexinru, ygardnercalvin, youyue weitianbd1234, yu376839442, yuyuyu2017, yuzhiyanshop, zenqiuliandao, zhangbihubixiaomaibu, zhangchenchen2163, zhangkdo22, zhuqijie12580, zww007, zylg008 - Motions Terminated: 32 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 12/10/2020. |
12/09/2020 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to 22dfadx, Aa_luxury_watch, Adam999, Alexwatch1688, Alpha_go, Amazon_store, Appwatch, Army, BNMXJXHFTHSw, Baoxing2898, Bestcheappremium, BikejupaikHe, Bmshixin, Bossza, BuyuandituoyTo, CFTW, CanyizhijM, Champion buyer, Chenzhaoyu, Chunfengdeyi568, ClassicWatch Store, Cosmetics-Aa, CumushilairKs, Date Day Store, Datejust_watch, Dhduans, Dhxiedongd, Dickky5, Dipeier, Donald Rutherforde, DuanyueqiangxinxK, E_shop2008, Eternity_watch_shop, Excellent_watch, FJIZIA XIIXJJ FATION MAN SHOES SHOP, Famous_watch, Fast001, Fast009, Fujimin003, Futuro_melhor, Fwei Watch Store, Gaonianke666666, Gongxifacai2018, Goodquality66, Goodwatch111, Guangzhou18, Haizoubei Baby's, Hby2014, Hello_watch, Hfzrtvv, High Quality Watches Store, Hoa le, HuanjiujudaohX, Humeihuastore, IRDHWB EVVEVD, Ikwatches, Internetmo, Jasonsunny, Jiass688, JiejuyuekongyZ, Keke371, Keyaa, KuzongzhuokLy, Ledaonme Zhanten Puludao, Li788348, LiuFangBaiNian, Llwatch, Lotus-Flower, Loving You, Luo Store, Luxury_watch_138, Luxury_watches007, Luxury_watchs, Lynn_lee, M YUT QSK, MAO SAN SAO, MR LZM, Makemiji, Mayliecoco, MickMadel, Mishmik, Natasha Hernandez, Njshao1981, Ocentn Halangmo Tubite, Okokaaa, Panuvidshop, Peter88, Peter99, PiezhimeioX, Pinganwatch, Prettylin, Puretime, Q REC SDF, QPFUEKEUPD, Qq1368887858, R-A-P-O Watch Store, RanglaiyishizAu, Rebon907, Regalos y mas, Rr1288, ShaixuntuqD, Shanghai_2008, ShanyanqiaoyuaBi, Shenzhen2020, Shiguangrenran, Shop5623310 Store, Shop5888972 Store, Star Bo Haotai, Superwatch001, Supplierwatches, TURNER.PET, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", The Quality Watches Store, Topwatch2020, Vaca, Victoria Pollard, Victory Maker International, Vipwatches, WANGBX, WHSDIDU, WYY SHOES, Wang199003, Watch-Xiaotao, WatchZone Store, Watch_rolexx, Watches518, Watchgt01, Watchs2020, XQZ Watches Store, XT-Fashon, XierantulZ, XingluanjingpK, XiongjuqishanOd, Xxxx11, YQ, YandanchunpanqK, Yangyang147, Yilu168, YoujiaweitansA, YuzhonghankBq, ZhencuiShangpin, ZhibidouoQ, Zhubacong638, Zouzoujukai, Zxr_brand004a, Zywatch, a field by the river, a_series_of_watches, aaa_watch_seller, amreeneamsi, asia_top_time_watch, asia_top_watch_sales, automatic_watches, baobaowatch, best_rolexes_store, best_watch_factory, bestqualitywatch, bhunterkassidee, bingyuliwatch, bnytjgh, boutique_watch, brand_sunglasses_s, brandwatch111, brandwatch2019, brightt, btime, buthadfgjo, c2shoppedw, cgby, cgby111, cgby222, chanel-watch-watch, chenxia22, china_factory_watche, china_watch_factory3, china_watch_factory5, daojie008, daoshop007, darrellcprice02, datejust, deeteajdgwe, despat, dethojav, didingyaoki, difuque47, djnsknv, doasmaynqhr, dodafqqssg, eiyushubiaodian, emmawatch, emmawatch Store, excellent_watch2018, facaifacai009, factory6688, fengjiewuwu, furongwang2018, gdfgegaefg, geatithmna, gfhtdykbbvnvbnv, good-roiexx, good_wristwatch, goodwatch001, goodwatch007, guoguipingdian, guomiaomiao1314, guomingxiahgkn, guyifeixing, gw2016, gzyubing, heslayphmjgx, highqualitywatch007, hishoughjjcid, honest369, hot_sale_watch, hubianti111, huyn, intime007, jacktime, jason007, jason0077, jhfsdh545, jhjhb, jimmywatch, jingpinshoubiao, jingyishop1, jixuebing001, jiyuacd, john_hao, keke136, keke2008, kenneth26, kingkingwatch, klauskqt0mrp, kpenacedrick, ksoekser, leiwshop, lflemingbenedict, lianglizhong, lijintai7777, linjia579112, linlilan454147767, linlove, liu-888, liuyan066, liuzhong666, lixiangdong666, lowanlu, luckybuy1161, luxuriouswatch, luxury006, luxury_wrist_watch, luxury_wristwatches, luxurymenswatches, luxurywatch006, luxurywatchaa1, luxurywatchaa2, luxurywatchess_2018, luyina007, lvvfbnvnerrkptd, mahuiping, mckenondoe, mcslathenxyadg, mcteseawrdq, mechanicalwatch, meizifuguqipaodian, mensport Store, michaeltravis, myghd, myshi, nameem16676, nelismtdle, nnikx25shop, noblenessoo, noob_factory_store, noulorfnhp, nufg984h, numberone_watch, ok_watch, orologio_watch, ouyangjingdian, parotuwxhdi, peacewatch, pesmoughsywwc, polarstar, pure_time, qi198210111950, qiangjianklibn, quethoezhyryxl, reaugicum, renxiamei, renxinhuiwaimao, riseeoim, rogan mavis, rolex2017, scotwyman, selling_watches, sgjnsk, shao store 88, shartajmgd, sheateyhwkmgf, shewewuey, sidhiwy, slefeighxjji, smaghoavdaxn, smeneighlhkk, smethaskiwyis, smile1989624, smousleashqsloc, sojasaubrpw, songhongqing, sophie rossie, stas, stoorkeysfiqg, store361, store363, sumaiday, supersportmen, surface8899558, sweepwatch, tb6666, tesowedstgm, thdhvcnn, theetecbstlk, thelamho904, thetheauskpgpt, tianqi0, time_watches, timezonewatch, top_time, top_watch_selling, topclone_watch, topwatch669, topwatch99, topwatches88, toutayshhegi, travis_supplier, vcohenccordell, vico1, vj6677, wangfei1, wangpeng1991, wangqingshui88, wangyinuo2018, wangzhen666, wanlanzhijia, wantwo, watch111, watch22, watch926226, watch_me_, watch_wholesale1688, watch_zone, watches0222, watches16888, watchesaa, watchesyazy003, watchkuka, watchsell1, watchwatch518, watchwhosale, wath4681335, weishuguang, welldone Store, wheenudngvkez, whithoarbhd, whynot406, wiesawatch, wighksjd, wkdyfg688, worldluxury2008, wristwatch_factory, wuchunshangmao, wujieqing, wushuhua1233, wuwushaomei, wuxue9933, wwppoo123, xiaobobodianpu, xiaoouou222, xiqingduyong, xtuuwfx, xuyadong0223, yangleishangmao, yangwubin, yangyan5188, yaoxingguang, yexinru, ygardnercalvin, yu376839442, yuyuyu2017, yuzhiyanshop, zenqiuliandao, zhangbihubixiaomaibu, zhangchenchen2163, zww007, zylg008 by Hamilton International AG, Omega SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Blancpain SA, Tissot SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk's Entry of Default 2:(Text of Proposed Order) |
12/09/2020 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA re 29 Order to Show Cause upon Defendants via Electronic Mail and via Website Posting |
12/09/2020 | RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re 29 Order to Show Cause by Hamilton International AG, Omega SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Blancpain SA, Tissot SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH. |
12/02/2020 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION. Show Cause Response due by 12/9/2020. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 12/2/2020. See attached document for full details. |
11/13/2020 | ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Hamilton International AG, Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Tissot SA, Omega SA, Blancpain SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 11/13/2020. See attached document for full details. |
11/13/2020 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William P. Dimitrouleas: Motion Hearing held on 11/13/2020 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Hamilton International AG, Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Tissot SA, Omega SA, Blancpain SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A. Total time in court: 5 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez, Court Reporter: Glenda Powers, 305-523-5022 / Glenda_Powers@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
11/13/2020 | NOTICE OF E-MAIL INQUIRIES RECEIVED FROM CERTAIN DEFENDANTS by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants. 附件: 1:(Exhibit 1) Modified on 11/13/2020 (drz) |
11/12/2020 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA re 24 Notice of Compliance, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail and via Website Posting |
11/06/2020 | NOTICE of Compliance by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA re 10 Order on Ex Parte Motion |
11/05/2020 | SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 16 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 1 Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Hamilton International AG, Omega SA, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Blancpain SA, Tissot SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH. 22dfadx served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Aa_luxury_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Adam999 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Adele served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Alexwatch1688 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Alix1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Alpha_go served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Amazon_store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Anheming served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Appwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Army served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; BNMXJXHFTHSw served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Baoxing2898 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Bestcheappremium served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; BikejupaikHe served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Bmshixin served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Bossza served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; BuyuandituoyTo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Bzzbh served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; CFTW served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; COOL MEN STORE served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; CanyizhijM served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Champion buyer served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Chenzhaoyu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Chunfengdeyi568 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ClassicWatch Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Cosmetics-Aa served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; CumushilairKs served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Date Day Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Datejust_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Dhduans served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Dhxiedongd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Dickky5 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Dipeier served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Donald Rutherforde served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; DuanyueqiangxinxK served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; EXMYIUO NWJQKU served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; E_shop2008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Eternity_watch_shop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Excellent_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; FJIZIA XIIXJJ FATION MAN SHOES SHOP served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Famous_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Fast001 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Fast009 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Fujimin003 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Futuro_melhor served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Fwei Watch Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Gaonianke666666 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Gongxifacai2018 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Goodquality66 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Goodwatch111 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Gorgeoous berest 001 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Guangzhou18 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Haizoubei Baby's served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Hby2014 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Hello_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Hfzrtvv served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; High Quality Watches Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Hoa le served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; HuanjiujudaohX served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Humeihuastore served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; IKAI Men served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; IRDHWB EVVEVD served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Ikwatches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Internetmo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Jasonsunny served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Jiass688 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; JiejuyuekongyZ served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Keank foot fit served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Keke371 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Keyaa served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Kuchairly served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; KuzongzhuokLy served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Laihaiyan123 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Ledaonme Zhanten Puludao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Li788348 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; LiuFangBaiNian served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Llwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Lotus-Flower served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Loving You served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Luo Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Luxury_watch_138 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Luxury_watches007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Luxury_watchs served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Lynn_lee served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; M YUT QSK served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; MAO SAN SAO served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; MR LZM served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Makemiji served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Mayliecoco served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Meet yours love served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; MickMadel served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Mis dulces antojitos served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Mishmik served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Molufeige Debiyanuo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; My Valentine served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Natasha Hernandez served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Njshao1981 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Ocentn Halangmo Tubite served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Okokaaa served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Omega007watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Opinuy Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Panuvidshop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Peter88 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Peter99 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; PiezhimeioX served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Pinganwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Prettylin served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Puretime served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Q REC SDF served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; QPFUEKEUPD served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Qq1368887858 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; R-A-P-O Watch Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; RanglaiyishizAu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Rebon907 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Regalos y mas served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Rr1288 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ShaixuntuqD served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Shanghai_2008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ShanyanqiaoyuaBi served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Shenzhen2020 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Shiguangrenran served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Shop5623310 Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Shop5888972 Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ShopTronics served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Star Bo Haotai served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Superwatch001 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Supplierwatches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Swiss Brand Watch Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; TURNER.PET served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; The Quality Watches Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Time-Shop 3 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Timo Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Topwatch2020 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; VHRERTAw served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Vaca served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Victoria Pollard served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Victory Maker International served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Vipwatches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; WANGBX served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; WHSDIDU served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; WYY SHOES served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Wang199003 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Watch-Xiaotao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; WatchZone Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Watch_rolexx served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Watches518 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Watchgt01 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Watchs2020 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; XQZ Watches Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; XT-Fashon served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; XierantulZ served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; XingluanjingpK served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; XiongjuqishanOd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Xxxx11 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; YQ served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; YandanchunpanqK served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Yangyang147 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Yilu168 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; YoujiaweitansA served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; YuzhonghankBq served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ZhencuiShangpin served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ZhibidouoQ served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Zhubacong638 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Zouzoujukai served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Zxr_brand004a served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; Zywatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; a field by the river served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; a_series_of_watches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; aaa_watch_seller served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; access market served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; amreeneamsi served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; asia_top_time_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; asia_top_watch_sales served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; automatic_watches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; baobaowatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; best_rolexes_store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; best_watch_factory served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; bestqualitywatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; bhunterkassidee served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; bingyuliwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; bnytjgh served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; boutique_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; brand_sunglasses_s served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; brandwatch111 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; brandwatch2019 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; brightt served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; btime served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; buthadfgjo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; c2shoppedw served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; cgby served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; cgby111 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; cgby222 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; chanel-watch-watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; changfeng3572 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; chenxia22 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; china_factory_watche served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; china_watch_factory3 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; china_watch_factory5 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; cvhetraweERWA served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; daojie008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; daoshop007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; darrellcprice02 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; dasvhg73 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; datejust served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; deeteajdgwe served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; despat served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; dethojav served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; didingyaoki served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; difuque47 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; djnsknv served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; doasmaynqhr served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; dodafqqssg served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; dsfsa served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; eiyushubiaodian served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; emmawatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; emmawatch Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; excellent_watch2018 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; extraps served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; facaifacai009 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; factory6688 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; fengjiewuwu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; furongwang2018 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; gdfgegaefg served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; geatithmna served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; gfhtdykbbvnvbnv served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; good-roiexx served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; good_wristwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; goodgoodsell served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; goodwatch001 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; goodwatch007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; goodwatchwatch1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; guoguipingdian served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; guomiaomiao1314 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; guomingxiahgkn served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; guyifeixing served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; gw2016 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; gzyubing served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; hcx070409 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; heslayphmjgx served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; highqualitywatch007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; hishoughjjcid served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; honest369 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; hot_sale_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; hubianti111 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; huyn served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ifso served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ilinkme served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; intime007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; j bkjbkj ctghcvj served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jacktime served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jason007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jason0077 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jeepclothes served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jhfsdh545 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jhjhb served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jimmywatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jingpinshoubiao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jingyishop1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jinkangwang served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jixuebing001 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jiyuacd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; jk1d4ha served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; john_hao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; junnyshop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; keke136 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; keke2008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; kenneth26 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; kingkingwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; klauskqt0mrp served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; kpenacedrick served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ksoekser served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; leiwshop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lflemingbenedict served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lianglizhong served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lijintai7777 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; linjia579112 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; linlilan454147767 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; linlove served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; liu-888 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; liuyan066 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; liuzhong666 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lixiangdong666 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lowanlu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luckybuy1161 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxuriouswatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxury006 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxury_wrist_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxury_wristwatches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxurymenswatches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxurywatch006 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxurywatchaa1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxurywatchaa2 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luxurywatchess_2018 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; luyina007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lvvfbnvnerrkptd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; lzj6566 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mahuiping served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mckenondoe served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mcslathenxyadg served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mcteseawrdq served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mechanicalwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; meizifuguqipaodian served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; mensport Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; michaeltravis served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; myghd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; myshi served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; nameem16676 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; nelismtdle served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; nnikx25shop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; noblenessoo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; noob_factory_store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; noobfactory123456 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; noulorfnhp served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; nufg984h served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; numberone_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ok_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; oppo0095 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; orologio_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ouyangjingdian served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; parotuwxhdi served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; peacewatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; pesmoughsywwc served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; piromthai4 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; polarstar served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; pure_time served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; qi198210111950 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; qiangjianklibn served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; quethoezhyryxl served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; reaugicum served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; renxiamei served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; renxinhuiwaimao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; rerereqw served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; riseeoim served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; rogan mavis served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; rolex2017 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; scotwyman served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; selling_watches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sgjnsk served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; shao store 88 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; shartajmgd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sheateyhwkmgf served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; shewewuey served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sidhiwy served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; slefeighxjji served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; smaghoavdaxn served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; smeneighlhkk served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; smethaskiwyis served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; smile1989624 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; smousleashqsloc served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sojasaubrpw served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; songhongqing served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sophie rossie served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; stas served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; stoorkeysfiqg served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; store361 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; store363 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sumaiday served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; supersportmen served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; superwatchwatch1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; surface8899558 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; sweepwatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; tabshift served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; tb6666 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; tesowedstgm served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; thdhvcnn served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; theetecbstlk served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; thelamho904 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; thetheauskpgpt served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; tianqi0 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; time_watches served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; timezonewatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; top_time served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; top_watch_selling served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; topclone_watch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; topwatch2019 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; topwatch669 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; topwatch99 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; topwatches88 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; toutayshhegi served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; travis_supplier served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; urhbshioj28841 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; vcohenccordell served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; vico1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; vj6677 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wangfei1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wangpeng1991 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wangqingshui88 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wangyinuo2018 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wangzhen666 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wanlanzhijia served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wantwo served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch111 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch22 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch926226 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch_me_ served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch_wholesale1688 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watch_zone served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watches0222 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watches16888 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchesaa served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchesyazy003 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchkuka served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchsell1 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchwatch518 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; watchwhosale served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wath4681335 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wbt525 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; weishuguang served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; welldone Store served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wheenudngvkez served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; whithoarbhd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; whynot406 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wiesawatch served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wighksjd served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wkdyfg688 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; worldluxury2008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wristwatch_factory served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wuchunshangmao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wujieqing served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wushuhua1233 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wuwushaomei served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wuxue9933 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; wwppoo123 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; xiaobobodianpu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; xiaoouou222 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; xiqingduyong served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; xtuuwfx served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; xuyadong0223 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yangleishangmao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yangwubin served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yangyan5188 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yaoxingguang served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yexinru served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; ygardnercalvin served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; youyue weitianbd1234 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yu376839442 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yuyuyu2017 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; yuzhiyanshop served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zenqiuliandao served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zhangbihubixiaomaibu served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zhangchenchen2163 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zhangkdo22 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zhuqijie12580 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zww007 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020; zylg008 served on 10/22/2020, answer due 11/12/2020. 附件: 1:Affidavit of Service 2:(Affidavit of Service) |
11/05/2020 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA re 16 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 11 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 14 MOTION to Unseal, 12 Sealed Document, 10 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 17 Notice of Filing Proposed Summons(es), 7 Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, 9 Order on Motion to Seal, 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, 19 Notice of Compliance, 2 Clerk's Notice of Judge Assignment, 8 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, 1 Complaint, 5 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, 13 Notice (Other), 3 Form AO 120/121, 18 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, 4 Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, upon Defendants via website posting |
11/05/2020 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA re 16 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 10 Order on Ex Parte Motion, 7 Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, 8 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, 1 Complaint, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail |
10/21/2020 | Summons Issued as to All Defendants. |
10/21/2020 | Clerk's Notice of Compliance re 18 Order on Motion to Unseal |
10/21/2020 | ORDER granting 14 Motion to Unseal. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/20/2020. See attached document for full details. |
10/20/2020 | NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA 附件: 1:(Summon(s)) |
10/20/2020 | AMENDED COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants, filed by Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Tissot SA, Blancpain SA, Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Omega SA, Hamilton International AG. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Omega Trademarks 2:Exhibit 2 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Blancpain Trademarks 3:Exhibit 3 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Longines Trademarks 4:Exhibit 4 to the Amended Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the Glashütte Original Trademark 5:Exhibit 5 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Hamilton Trademarks 6:Exhibit 6 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Jaquet Droz Trademarks 7:(Exhibit 7 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Tissot Trademarks) |
10/20/2020 | Clerks Notice to Filer re 14 MOTION to Unseal. Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. |
10/20/2020 | MOTION to Unseal by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
10/19/2020 | Notice of Filing Bond by Omega SA |
10/19/2020 | Sealed Document by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:Schedule A to Complaint for Damages and Injunctive Relief) Modified to unseal per DE 2:on 10/21/2020 (cbr) |
10/16/2020 | Set/Reset Hearings Preliminary Injunction Hearing set for 11/13/2020 11:00 AM in Fort Lauderdale Division before Judge William P. Dimitrouleas. per DE 10 |
10/05/2020 | ORDER granting 8 Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3). Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/2/2020. See attached document for full details. (mc) Modified to unseal per DE 18 on 10/21/2020 |
10/05/2020 | ORDER granting 6 Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/2/2020. See attached document for full details. (mc) Modified to unseal per DE 18 on 10/21/2020 |
10/05/2020 | ORDER granting 5 Motion to File Under Seal. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/2/2020. See attached document for full details. |
10/02/2020 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order 2:Declaration of Virgilio Gigante in Support of Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process 3:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Virgilio Gigante) Modified to unseal per DE 4:on 10/21/2020 (cbr) |
10/01/2020 | Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/1/2020. See attached document for full details. |
10/01/2020 | Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order 2:Declaration of Antoine Haller in Support of Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction 3:Declaration of Virgilio Gigante in Support of Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction 4:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support of Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction 5:Exhibit 1 - part 1 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 6:Exhibit 1 - part 2 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 7:Exhibit 1 - part 3 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 8:Exhibit 1 - part 4 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 9:Exhibit 1 - part 5 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 10:Exhibit 1 - part 6 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 11:Exhibit 1 - part 7 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 12:Exhibit 1 - part 8 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 13:Exhibit 1 - part 9 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 14:Exhibit 1 - part 10 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 15:Exhibit 1 - part 11 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 16:Exhibit 1 - part 12 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns 17:Exhibit 1 - part 13 - to the Declaration of Kathleen Burns) Modified to unseal per DE 18:on 10/21/2020 (cbr) |
10/01/2020 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
10/01/2020 | Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA identifying Corporate Parent The Swatch Group, Ltd. for Blancpain SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Hamilton International AG, Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Omega SA, Tissot SA |
09/30/2020 | Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge William P. Dimitrouleas and Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website. |
09/30/2020 | COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 400.00 receipt number AFLSDC-13610303, filed by Montres Jaquet Droz SA, Compagnie des Montres Longines, Francillon S.A., Tissot SA, Blancpain SA, Glashutter Uhrenbetrieb GmbH, Omega SA, Hamilton International AG. 附件: 1:Civil Cover Sheet 2:Exhibit 1 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Omega Trademarks 3:Exhibit 2 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Blancpain Trademarks 4:Exhibit 3 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Longines Trademarks 5:Exhibit 4 to the Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the Glashutte Original Trademark 6:Exhibit 5 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Hamilton Trademarks 7:Exhibit 6 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Jaquet Droz Trademarks 8:(Exhibit 7 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Tissot Trademarks) |
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