2020-cv-60922 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



The North Face Apparel Corp. et al v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:05/08/2020

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
09/10/2020 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION. The Clerk shall CLOSE this case. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 9/9/2020. See attached document for full details.
09/10/2020 ORDER granting 37 Motion for Final Default Judgment. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 9/9/2020. See attached document for full details.
08/26/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC re [39] Order to Show Cause upon Defendants via Electronic Mail and via Website Posting
08/24/2020 ORDER To Show Cause Why Court Should Not Grant Motion For Final Default Judgment. Show Cause Response due by 9/8/2020. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 8/24/2020. See attached document for full details.
08/21/2020 Consent Final Judgment And Permanent Injunction As To The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified On Schedule "A" Hereto. Order granting [36] Motion for Entry of Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 8/21/2020. See attached document for full details.
08/21/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment Against Defend
3:Text of Proposed Order Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction
08/21/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" (Responses due by 9/4/2020), Plaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule "A" by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Exhibit 1 - Proposed Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to the C
2:Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent
08/17/2020 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION. Show Cause Response due by 8/24/2020. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 8/17/2020. See attached document for full details.
07/31/2020 Clerks Entry of Default as to Aa19841210, Aa6558, Andys__tribe, Appstar, Armorcase, Asd886, Azntonio Jberemiah, Baby_sky, Babybaby920, Baishikele666, Baouery888, Beautiful_1_day, Benmoo, Bing Jiechen My Stationery Store, Blueker, Boy_shoes, Brand_shopping, Brandshopa1, Bruoxi1020, Byuan2732, C632441073, Cangbaogelou, Cangshou, Ceuen996, Chao Ruan fushi, Chen1012, Chenhang341, Chentingzao, Chenxi1888, Chenxi5667, Chenxin10086, Children_shoes, Cjl1010, Cjl1994, Clothingsstore, Cpsneakers, D632441073, Dengxiuzhi, Designer_ys01, Designer_ys08, Dfxcgbf, Dhgatemmm, Double360, Dropshipping_shop, Dshoes, E632441073, F632441073, Factory_goods, Factory_stores, Faicaidian9999, Faith16888, Fanatic_shopping, Farmers01, Fenash1, Fenash33, Fenash66, Fetice11, Fetice22, Fetice33, Fetice44, Fsneakers, Galaxy3, Gehryli, Gg1111, Gg2222, Gg6666, Gi82wer15, Gigishoes, Good_case, Goodsneakerseller, Gucci3333, Guniang0529, Hai789, Happy96325, Hat6666, Hat8888, Hhj1962, Highdh99, Hope is a species of happiness, Hot1997, Hotsellingfactory, Hounain, Huangcairen, Jianjian999, Jiefu2019, JinveI skyqiong, Jiwu66, Jordanhome, Kids_product, Kids_shoes, Kidseries, Kidspro, Kk2732, Kunshanshuozi, LiChunLian, Lily1015, Little brid leg, Lizardd, Luckshoe, Lucky0308, Luckyying, Lv16888, Lv3333, Lv6666, Maying1997, Maying19971014, Mayun021, Mazhuang888, Meimeilivip, Meiweilivip666, Mendada Hany, Minbrigny Lamps, Minifushi, Missyou666, Mobileitem, Moreatai Home perience cachen, Murs, Nameping Store, Naturerle Skincare, Nova3, Original_snekaers, Package1203, Piaobo2018, Pinkaboo_goods, Pinkaboo_items, Pinkaboo_shops, Pinkaboo_stores, Pinkaboo_trade, Premiumbrandtops, Pt1028250555, Qvwe1688, Rongrong130517, Rose2019, Runningshoes_hz001, Selling2018, Sellinghot, Shmei18, Shoesbaby, Slj1314, Sneakerslover, Storestore, Sunday2b1, Supreme888, Sweet_honeys, Sweet_moon, Sweet_products, Taotie, The road to fashion, The_sneakers, The_stockx_club, Tomorrow2732, Tonyjoe, Topfashione, Topshoescenter, Tr_clothes, Ua168, Viky home textile, Wang1813386530, Wanto1234, Wantyou06, Wei9002, What A Wonderful World, Wholesalejdsneaker, Wms1688, Wzwu18, Xiaoxaiole8, Xiongxiong66, Yinhua_store_gg, Yiwuchaoren, Yiyishoew, Ylp8040ws, Ysl12345, Ysl8888, Zhan2018, Zhengqingshan120, Zhenmingtiandi, Zhouwencai2018107, aishijingpinwu, baomengA, bigartcase, boutique_factory, chainifushi, changsha, children2018, cuitinlingge, dala9pro, dhgate_stores, discount_brand_shoes, elesmoke, eqwpoxnxa, eryidedian, factory_items, featuristicartstore, free_shipping_store, gaofuwei, gdcrooked, gfhbymjn, gongchaoqun333, hanesybell_0, hao_shops, haomairenshenglu, heqiyoude, hollister, hongyanaskj, huamuou, ilikeports, ing auo, jersey_1, jerseysneaker, jukaijiuyue, junyun_ding, justgan, layla.custom, leoreplica, limingshen20180408, lingerwu, linshiliang8885621, linweiguo456, liuxianping65, lulufashion2, maizhao01, mengdimeizhuang, mingweifengdu, neddy.99, need you, nonghang, ny_store, onlinesneakers, pinkaboo_cargo, pinkaboo_products, puzhengxing, qinqiufanyi, qintiansedgf3, renchaoL, renjunhao, sanjiang_products, sanjiang_store, sanjiang_trade, sdaehddf, seyidaipang, shoesstoreonline, smartpretty, sneakers2020, sneakers_sale, sport_2018, sportshoes_sneaker, sportsworld2017, starstore2018, superstore01, sweet_dreamy, top_seller6, vapekingdom, vipwholesale, wangjunW, wenyi19822, yang min bao, yanglisan, yangyang44, yfsdfhg, yinxi1983, yyselller, zaopinxinyue, zhangaiqin908073, zhangzhijie, zhenglecheng, zhengyawen333, zhenshan trade, zhenzhenshipin, zhouminhua68, zhuyeye, zzxcs168. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 7/31/2020.
07/31/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to Aa19841210, Aa6558, Andys__tribe, Appstar, Armorcase, Asd886, Azntonio Jberemiah, Baby_sky, Babybaby920, Baishikele666, Baouery888, Beautiful_1_day, Benmoo, Bing Jiechen My Stationery Store, Blueker, Boy_shoes, Brandshopa1, Byuan2732, C632441073, Cangbaogelou, Ceuen996, Chao Ruan fushi, Chen1012, Chenhang341, Chentingzao, Chenxi1888, Chenxi5667, Chenxin10086, Children_shoes, Cjl1010, Cjl1994, Clothingsstore, Cpsneakers, D632441073, Dengxiuzhi, Designer_ys01, Designer_ys08, Dfxcgbf, Dhgatemmm, Double360, Dropshipping_shop, Dshoes, E632441073, F632441073, Factory_goods, Factory_stores, Faicaidian9999, Faith16888, Fanatic_shopping, Farmers01, Fenash1, Fenash33, Fenash66, Fetice11, Fetice22, Fetice33, Fetice44, Fsneakers, Galaxy3, Gehryli, Gg1111, Gg2222, Gg6666, Gi82wer15, Gigishoes, Good_case, Goodsneakerseller, Gucci3333, Guniang0529, Hai789, Happy96325, Hat6666, Hat8888, Hhj1962, Highdh99, Hope is a species of happiness, Hot1997, Hotsellingfactory, Hounain, Huangcairen, Jianjian999, Jiefu2019, JinveI skyqiong, Jiwu66, Jordanhome, Kids_shoes, Kidseries, Kidspro, Kk2732, Kunshanshuozi, LiChunLian, Little brid leg, Lizardd, Luckshoe, Lucky0308, Luckyying, Lv16888, Lv3333, Lv6666, Maying1997, Maying19971014, Mayun021, Mazhuang888, Meimeilivip, Meiweilivip666, Mendada Hany, Minbrigny Lamps, Minifushi, Missyou666, Mobileitem, Moreatai Home perience cachen, Murs, Nameping Store, Naturerle Skincare, Nova3, Original_snekaers, Package1203, Piaobo2018, Pinkaboo_goods, Pinkaboo_items, Pinkaboo_shops, Pinkaboo_stores, Pinkaboo_trade, Pt1028250555, Qvwe1688, Rongrong130517, Rose2019, Runningshoes_hz001, Selling2018, Sellinghot, Shmei18, Shoesbaby, Slj1314, Sneakerslover, Storestore, Sunday2b1, Supreme888, Sweet_honeys, Sweet_moon, Sweet_products, Taotie, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", The road to fashion, The_sneakers, The_stockx_club, Tomorrow2732, Tonyjoe, Topfashione, Topshoescenter, Ua168, Viky home textile, Wang1813386530, Wanto1234, Wantyou06, Wei9002, What A Wonderful World, Wholesalejdsneaker, Wms1688, Wzwu18, Xiaoxaiole8, Yinhua_store_gg, Yiwuchaoren, Yiyishoew, Ylp8040ws, Ysl12345, Ysl8888, Zhan2018, Zhengqingshan120, Zhenmingtiandi, Zhouwencai2018107, aishijingpinwu, baomengA, bigartcase, boutique_factory, changsha, cuitinlingge, dala9pro, dhgate_stores, discount_brand_shoes, elesmoke, eqwpoxnxa, factory_items, featuristicartstore, free_shipping_store, gaofuwei, gdcrooked, gfhbymjn, hanesybell_0, haomairenshenglu, heqiyoude, hollister, hongyanaskj, huamuou, ilikeports, ing auo, jerseysneaker, jukaijiuyue, justgan, layla.custom, leoreplica, limingshen20180408, lingerwu, linshiliang8885621, linweiguo456, liuxianping65, lulufashion2, mengdimeizhuang, mingweifengdu, neddy.99, nonghang, ny_store, onlinesneakers, pinkaboo_cargo, pinkaboo_products, qinqiufanyi, qintiansedgf3, renchaoL, renjunhao, sanjiang_products, sanjiang_store, sanjiang_trade, sdaehddf, seyidaipang, smartpretty, sneakers2020, sneakers_sale, sport_2018, sportsworld2017, starstore2018, superstore01, sweet_dreamy, top_seller6, vapekingdom, vipwholesale, wangjunW, yang min bao, yanglisan, yangyang44, yfsdfhg, yinxi1983, yyselller, zhangaiqin908073, zhangzhijie, zhenglecheng, zhengyawen333, zhenzhenshipin, zhouminhua68, zhuyeye, zzxcs168 by VF International Sagl, The North Face Apparel Corp., Vans, Inc., TBL Licensing LLC, W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
07/22/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC re [28] Order on Ex Parte Motion upon Defendants via website posting
07/22/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC re [28] Order on Ex Parte Motion upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
07/21/2020 Consent Final Judgment And Permanent Injunction As To The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified On Schedule "A" Hereto. Order granting [29] Motion for Entry of Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 7/21/2020. See attached document for full details.
07/21/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A (Responses due by 8/4/2020), Plaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Exhibit 1 - Proposed Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to the C
2:Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent
06/12/2020 ORDER granting [6] Application For Entry Of Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 6/12/2020. See attached document for full details.
06/12/2020 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William P. Dimitrouleas: Motion Hearing held on 6/12/2020 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC, TBL Licensing LLC. Court will enter Order Granting Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Total time in court: 5 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Christine Ann Daley, Court Reporter: Vernita Allen-Williams, 305-523-5048 / Vernita_Allen-Williams@flsd.uscourts.gov.
06/12/2020 SERVICE (Proof) by Publication by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC. Last Publication date 5/29/2020. Claims/Positions/Written Defenses/Answers/etc., due by 6/29/2020.
06/12/2020 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on [1] Complaint, [16] Amended Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by VF International Sagl, The North Face Apparel Corp., Vans, Inc., TBL Licensing LLC, W-D Apparel Company, LLC. Aa19841210 served on 6/3/2020, answer due 6/24/2020; Aa6558 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Andys__tribe served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Appstar served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Armorcase served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Asd886 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Azntonio Jberemiah served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Baby_sky served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Babybaby920 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Baishikele666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Baouery888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Beautiful_1_day served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Benmoo served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Bing Jiechen My Stationery Store served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Blueker served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Boy_shoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Brand_shopping served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Brandshopa1 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Bruoxi1020 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Byuan2732 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; C632441073 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Cangbaogelou served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Cangshou served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Ceuen996 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chao Ruan fushi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chen1012 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chenhang341 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chentingzao served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chenxi1888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chenxi5667 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Chenxin10086 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Children_shoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Cjl1010 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Cjl1994 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Clothingsstore served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Cpsneakers served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; D632441073 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Dengxiuzhi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Designer_ys01 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Designer_ys08 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Dfxcgbf served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Dhgatemmm served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Double360 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Dropshipping_shop served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Dshoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; E632441073 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; F632441073 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Factory_goods served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Factory_stores served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Faicaidian9999 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Faith16888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fanatic_shopping served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Farmers01 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fenash1 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fenash33 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fenash66 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fetice11 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fetice22 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fetice33 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fetice44 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Fsneakers served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Galaxy3 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gehryli served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gg1111 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gg2222 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gg6666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gi82wer15 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gigishoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Good_case served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Goodsneakerseller served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Gucci3333 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Guniang0529 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hai789 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Happy96325 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hat6666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hat8888 served on 6/4/2020, answer due 6/25/2020; Hhj1962 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Highdh99 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hope is a species of happiness served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hot1997 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hotsellingfactory served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Hounain served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Huangcairen served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Jianjian999 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Jiefu2019 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; JinveI skyqiong served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Jiwu66 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Jordanhome served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kids_product served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kids_shoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kidseries served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kidspro served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kk2732 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Kunshanshuozi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; LiChunLian served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Lily1015 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Little brid leg served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Lizardd served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Luckshoe served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Lucky0308 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Luckyying served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Lv16888 served on 6/4/2020, answer due 6/25/2020; Lv3333 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Lv6666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Maying1997 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Maying19971014 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Mayun021 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Mazhuang888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Meimeilivip served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Meiweilivip666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Mendada Hany served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Minbrigny Lamps served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Minifushi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Missyou666 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Mobileitem served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Moreatai Home perience cachen served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Murs served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Nameping Store served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Naturerle Skincare served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Nova3 served on 6/4/2020, answer due 6/25/2020; Original_snekaers served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Package1203 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Piaobo2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pinkaboo_goods served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pinkaboo_items served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pinkaboo_shops served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pinkaboo_stores served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pinkaboo_trade served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Premiumbrandtops served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Pt1028250555 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Qvwe1688 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Rongrong130517 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Rose2019 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Runningshoes_hz001 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Selling2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sellinghot served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Shmei18 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Shoesbaby served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Slj1314 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sneakerslover served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Storestore served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sunday2b1 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Supreme888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sweet_honeys served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sweet_moon served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Sweet_products served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Taotie served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; The road to fashion served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; The_sneakers served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; The_stockx_club served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Tomorrow2732 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Tonyjoe served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Topfashione served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Topshoescenter served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Tr_clothes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Ua168 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Viky home textile served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wang1813386530 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wanto1234 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wantyou06 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wei9002 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; What A Wonderful World served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wholesalejdsneaker served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wms1688 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Wzwu18 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Xiaoxaiole8 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Xiongxiong66 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Yinhua_store_gg served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Yiwuchaoren served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Yiyishoew served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Ylp8040ws served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Ysl12345 served on 6/5/2020, answer due 6/26/2020; Ysl8888 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Zhan2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Zhengqingshan120 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Zhenmingtiandi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; Zhouwencai2018107 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; aishijingpinwu served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; baomengA served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; bigartcase served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; boutique_factory served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; chainifushi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; changsha served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; children2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; cuitinlingge served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; dala9pro served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; dhgate_stores served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; discount_brand_shoes served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; elesmoke served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; eqwpoxnxa served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; eryidedian served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; factory_items served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; featuristicartstore served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; free_shipping_store served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; gaofuwei served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; gdcrooked served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; gfhbymjn served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; gongchaoqun333 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; hanesybell_0 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; hao_shops served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; haomairenshenglu served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; heqiyoude served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; hollister served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; hongyanaskj served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; huamuou served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; ilikeports served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; ing auo served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; jersey_1 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; jerseysneaker served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; jukaijiuyue served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; junyun_ding served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; justgan served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; layla.custom served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; leoreplica served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; limingshen20180408 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; lingerwu served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; linshiliang8885621 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; linweiguo456 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; liuxianping65 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; lulufashion2 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; maizhao01 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; mengdimeizhuang served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; mingweifengdu served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; neddy.99 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; need you served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; nonghang served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; ny_store served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; onlinesneakers served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; pinkaboo_cargo served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; pinkaboo_products served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; puzhengxing served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; qinqiufanyi served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; qintiansedgf3 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; renchaoL served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; renjunhao served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sanjiang_products served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sanjiang_store served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sanjiang_trade served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sdaehddf served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; seyidaipang served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; shoesstoreonline served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; smartpretty served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sneakers2020 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sneakers_sale served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sport_2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sportshoes_sneaker served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sportsworld2017 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; starstore2018 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; superstore01 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; sweet_dreamy served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; top_seller6 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; vapekingdom served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; vipwholesale served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; wangjunW served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; wenyi19822 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; yang min bao served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; yanglisan served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; yangyang44 served on 6/3/2020, answer due 6/24/2020; yfsdfhg served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; yinxi1983 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; yyselller served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zaopinxinyue served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhangaiqin908073 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhangzhijie served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhenglecheng served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhengyawen333 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhenshan trade served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhenzhenshipin served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhouminhua68 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020; zhuyeye served on 6/3/2020, answer due 6/24/2020; zzxcs168 served on 5/29/2020, answer due 6/19/2020.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
3:Affidavit of Service
4:Affidavit of Service
06/11/2020 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Christine Ann Daley on behalf of TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC. Attorney Christine Ann Daley added to party TBL Licensing LLC(pty:pla), Attorney Christine Ann Daley added to party The North Face Apparel Corp.(pty:pla), Attorney Christine Ann Daley added to party VF International Sagl(pty:pla), Attorney Christine Ann Daley added to party Vans, Inc.(pty:pla), Attorney Christine Ann Daley added to party W-D Apparel Company, LLC (pty:pla).
06/11/2020 NOTICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC of Email Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants
1:Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries
06/09/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC re [11] Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, [14] Motion to Unseal Document, [13] Notice (Other), [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [18] Order on Motion to Unseal Document, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [3] Form AO 120/121, [17] Notice of Filing Proposed Summons(es), [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [7] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [10] Sealed Document, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [1] Complaint, [4] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [19] Notice of Compliance, [16] Amended Complaint, upon Defendants via website posting
06/09/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC re [11] Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, [14] Motion to Unseal Document, [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [1] Complaint, [16] Amended Complaint, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
05/29/2020 Summons Issued as to All Defendants identified on Schedule A.
05/28/2020 Clerk's Notice of Compliance re [18] Order on Motion to Unseal
05/28/2020 ORDER granting [14] Motion to Unseal. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 5/28/2020. See attached document for full details.
05/28/2020 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC
1:Summon(s) combined
05/28/2020 AMENDED COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants, filed by W-D Apparel Company, LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., TBL Licensing LLC, Vans, Inc., VF International Sagl.
1:Exhibit 1 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the TNF Tr
2:Exhibit 2 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the VANS T
3:Exhibit 3 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the TBL Tr
4:Exhibit 4 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the DICKIE
5:Exhibit 5 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the NAPAPI
05/28/2020 Clerks Notice to Filer re 14 Motion to Unseal. Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs.
05/28/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order
05/20/2020 NOTICE of Filing Bond by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC
05/12/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 12 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
05/11/2020 ORDER Requiring Counsel To Meet, File Joint Scheduling Report And Joint Discovery Report. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 5/11/2020. See attached document for full details.
05/11/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 10 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
05/11/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
05/11/2020 ORDER Granting 5 Motion to Seal. Schedule "A" to Plaintiffs' Complaint shall be filed under seal and shall remain under seal until further order from this Court. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 5/11/2020. See attached document for full details.
05/08/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 7 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
05/08/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
05/08/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order
05/08/2020 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by TBL Licensing LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., VF International Sagl, Vans, Inc., W-D Apparel Company, LLC identifying Corporate Parent V.F. Corporation, Corporate Parent VF Imagewear CH Holdings GmbH for W-D Apparel Company, LLC ; Corporate Parent VF Outdoor, LLC, Corporate Parent V.F. Corporation for The North Face Apparel Corp., Vans, Inc.; Corporate Parent V.F. Corporation, Corporate Parent VF International Holding GmbH for TBL Licensing LLC; Corporate Parent V.F. Corporation, Corporate Parent VF Holding S.a.g.l. for VF International Sagl
05/08/2020 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge William P. Dimitrouleas and Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
05/08/2020 COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 400.00 receipt number AFLSDC-12859413, filed by W-D Apparel Company, LLC, The North Face Apparel Corp., TBL Licensing LLC, Vans, Inc., VF International Sagl.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the TNF Trademarks
3:Exhibit 2 to the Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the VANS Trademarks
4:Exhibit 3 to the Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the TBL Trademarks
5:Exhibit 4 to the Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the DICKIES Trademarks
6:Exhibit 5 to the Complaint - Certificate of Registration for the NAPAPIJRI Trademarks

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