日期 | 描述 |
07/21/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
07/06/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
06/14/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
06/02/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
05/10/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
04/19/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
03/29/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
03/23/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
03/15/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
03/08/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
03/04/2021 | MANDATE of USCA dated 3/4/2021 regarding notice of appeal, 49 ; USCA No.21-1284 ; No record to be returned. |
03/04/2021 | CERTIFIED copy of order dated 3/4/2021 from the 7th Circuit regarding notice of appeal, 49 ; Appellate case no. : 21-1284; Upon consideration of the AGREED MOTION FOR VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL, filed on March 4, 2021, by counsel for the appellant, IT IS ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 42(b). |
03/01/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
02/22/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
02/19/2021 | SATISFACTION of Judgment of Certain Doe Defendants |
02/17/2021 | ACKNOWLEDGMENT of receipt of short record on appeal regarding notice of appeal, 49 ; USCA Case No. 21-1284. |
02/16/2021 | TRANSMITTED to the 7th Circuit the short record on notice of appeal, 49. Notified counsel |
02/16/2021 | NOTICE of Appeal Due letter sent to counsel of record regarding notice of appeal, 49. |
02/12/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants belletoyhouse, csndice-star, day.day.up.fbb, jennys-magic-house, keep-mm, luckystarusa, shoppingmall.alice, toy & figurine store, toy-castle by Tianyu Ju |
02/12/2021 | NOTICE of appeal by belletoyhouse, csndice-star, day.day.up.fbb, jennys-magic-house, keep-mm, luckystarusa, shoppingmall.alice, toy & figurine store, toy-castle regarding orders 47 Filing fee $ 505, receipt number 0752-17928467. Receipt number: n |
02/12/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendants belletoyhouse, csndice-star, day.day.up.fbb, jennys-magic-house, keep-mm, luckystarusa, shoppingmall.alice, toy & figurine store, toy-castle by Tao Liu |
02/09/2021 | FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER signed by the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen on 2/9/2021. Mailed notice |
02/09/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen: Motion for default judgment 42 is granted. Enter Final Judgment Order. Status hearing set for 2/18/2021 is stricken. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice |
02/08/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
02/08/2021 | NOTICE by All Plaintiffs re MOTION by Plaintiffs ABC Corporation, Good Smile Company, Inc. for default judgment as to Certain Doe Defendants 42, memorandum in support of motion, 43 |
02/08/2021 | MEMORANDUM by ABC Corporation, Good Smile Company, Inc. in support of motion for default judgment 42 附件: 1:Declaration Declaration of David Gulbransen 2:Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Declaration of David Gulbransen |
02/08/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiffs ABC Corporation, Good Smile Company, Inc. for default judgment as to Certain Doe Defendants |
02/04/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
01/25/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
01/24/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
01/13/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
12/29/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
12/24/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
12/17/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
12/14/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
12/04/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Doe 124 |
12/04/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/25/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/24/2020 | NEW PARTIES: httoystore, hua8898, huafei07, Huafei08, huangpeng-88, huangyinguius, hudesongus, hufangxia, humindianpu, huwenbo_80, hxldollstore, i96_92, irtbgfu a store, japan-store, jiajia5188, jian_k_96, jieyu01618, jingjing han happy, jokerstore, jishuiza1, jubaoyuan888, junfeng2019, jtbj44-20, Kakarotto Saiyan Store, kangkang9858, kaka3188, ken12cx, kougutu_28, king-camille, LELAKAYA Official Store, kidstoy6, kitty's anime store, lings_luckly_officia, kyushu toy store, liaishan, lanpishu, Lakeball, pei pei all kinds toy store, make_it_store, make world beautiful store, lovedreamstore, zht figures store, Our Case Group, malongmy, louise baby Store, lilongjiaous, lidongdong1833, liuyanggame, lovenostalie, liyufu1734, llddp, lovesell2010, qgk-56, no.4 playful toy store, mother's little shop, mandysab2016, mingjing01, lwstore2013, meilidongren2008, microplushtoys store, luckystar*usa, outdoor-home666, pamu29232071397, purefun maker, mercadilloacasa, luo109, luckycat90, luoyongyouus, lzih25876636, luckping_6, mybufanterstore, mzm1008610010, neuhause3339, newchengxin, newlydeals01, niceshopping18, nostalie2018, pikachu2018, popotoyfirm, prettystore11, ppxld, princeqw, proudness store, puleiy-25, qasert586, makeasy2u, mingjing03, mm_toy, mart04, meet2018, momovid, mrtienle, mzxcos5752, N&A Plaza, nakiki, nvirodsm, nuoya3, nygc_61, okbrand, p01-98 and oiva added to case caption. Terminating zht figures store |
11/24/2020 | NEW PARTIES: homeonlee01, homeonlee02, hommall, hooshop2017, hopestar168, huang527186392, wen shui xian wu liang bei bei bai huo chao shi, toyhome lhlxflyhigh online store, vwervga6, wanfumeige, wangmeixiu, wangxzdong4, wangzhefeng, wang_xq, wanlinaw779, wcyrose, wendatong123, westbankview, yinuodexiaodian, ying-happy2010, whaiyuso, wilk169, windblock, windgame, windstore, windtop, windtoy, witkey2009, wjisaoja, wpmall, wuidzt19, wujie201688-3, xcmachine2018, xinxiangshicheng10, xiaolinstore, xingguang198, xianhuass, xiaohuihuii, xyhgtw564, xinbao-5487, xsmart88, xuyinglan, xue07, xuwu-65, xyzulhi, yangkai35796, yingsiyuus, yezitingting, yanghs2017, shop1726132 store, shop3004031 store, shop3095005 store, shop3109024 store, shop3621026 store, shop4435097 store, rmdmyc official store, vtv_55, vqttlxtq2018, vvdrz5xv54, venus153224021, toy & figurine store, torankusu official store, toy gardon store, the comicland store, taintiankuaile888, thai best shop 2015, suzanne's tale store, starshadow official store, mayinxueshishangdian, syni26, toys_store_china, vonecase, us0001, uoe684_82, the.deal.products, sylph toy world store, tfboys13, tiktok toy store, tim toy store, tian91708, ting-happy2010, Torankusu Toy Store, tjkkgv-46, tomboy777, Topfirst, topprettymall, tototoys2015, toy*home, toy zone store, toy-castle, toys6688 store, toyguiyang, toysbar store, tubi06, uion, toy_abc, t_rong6238, uigfjkgfk, uk001, tf mall, syddp, sweetheartyear, Sunnysleepvip1, sunnysleepvip12, sunnyman2k15, summer style store, sutty.68, sunshouna, suustty.169, qi store, queendomshop99, ruizuo_80, S-Fashional Clothes Store, ruya baby store, qins31, qifenghuang, qiubif_92, r0p276, shanghuit_shop2018, shoppingmall.alice, qiwa90, qiuchany, qiyuan06, qiyue06, raleighsee, redbull12, roohua, Renkaigong, qjy2018, qpk235, Quan08, quan07, shoppingbust-7, sophialuyuan, Runbaby, smart-technology, shushu4680, south wood store, shengbo111, soapdream, special2013, s45s4s52, s33_88, ruoruo, shibg55, sportsgame, sport_xgj, sunny*1997 and sumer us added to case caption. |
11/24/2020 | NEW PARTIES: lovbride, louou06, liuwenyi1yi-0, litaoshoes2014, lisen888_9, yangling8899, lingyang8, kayatoys_trading_company, lijie1_95, leisurelife-home, lalala-9420, jennys-magic-house, huangmeiqiua1-2, l2m-39, jinjin2005077, keep-mm, honghong*huohuo, happyeasybuy04, hantingshop2011, 0.86577, kjsfhkb, jhlfsklg, juncheng first-class luggage, fengjixuchui816, htc football equipment, xidongqingdianpu, bocmen yanshen hotword, canader pentakow feirly, kjhgfkjugfueufge, penghua.www.0527, yesornosan, liangfriends, caaoguoli, wuhaowuhao, pudukenliu, anime.jade/anime999m, 12runningfast2015, 10newlydays, 15oceaneshop, 1haodian2013, building materials of hui jiaming waterproof coating, create a good time together, the glorious years to go together, the sunlight has been brilliant, lynnsimonshop, natural and unrestrained e city, treasure willow, jing beam, xigestore, pleasantli, love spicy, tanzhengxiong1997, fanyangqiang186, wuaimingde, morgado, ertuiyi, liulimin, yuyue2, Lily Chic, dsgbsrtjnatrjg, taofenga, pull the board, xiang feng number flagship store, 18306865587, biggerbetter, abczss315, another plush, News shopping mimi, moranshion, xuedongc, fengtai169/xiataiyang666, flower_gril_dress, gadget.toystore, fanshiyuanb-3, factory*store, fairytale-197, fictionlife98, gw8322810loumei0, bigbangbigbangbigbang, bigproducts, beautifullan6868, beibdyeibao8885, belletoy*house, bhufccg25, boomboysunny, caixilin_20021, easy2buystore2010, ekinyangyiwei, careforyou123, elektroniklieben66, zow, rimuzhuoxi, wangxiao789, kyxdyy, yp19980413, baijingtian, sunny_, cicigo20, caolong1998, funy toys, aiykazysdl, LoveSecret su, macui19888, leilei2188_4, china_world, crystalhome66, csndice-star, d966874, daihu_29, day.day.up.fbb, deliangpeng, yuan816, leaf xiao, muguizhi, pharesstore, afk esport store, yezhiyong, wangyandexiaodianpu, 0-hk172, 1-62229, 1733053, 4724663, 1429425, 2018c, 2404672, 3cn4646, 4.89397, 686-pingan, 9enjoyshopping, aisha' park of toy store, Anime Fan Store, anime fun store, animecollection Store, Anime Model Store, Anitoy Official Store, 7477060, abtaba72, aeccos store, Alen Store, autofamily2015, allure love li, amily8816, acg store, abcjdg_86, anime fun, absinthe, amelie, asfas555, apehuyuan, app555a, arielbaby, arvlee0521, Global Good Service Price Online Store, dayofsugar store, e-mall2018ss1, e-mall2018ss2, dzj110140170, fantasticwomenshoesstoce, figures collectors store, global lhlxflyhigh online store, eaglers, dynamic items shop, electronisupermarket, cordazle toy store Store, eleven capital, children helthy toy store, calede charles store, catcatcat1990, calede anime Store, Baby Wonderland Store, baby staff store, beutytomorrow2018, bigshotlove, BIZJOY, dabaitangnaitu, chrisliucactus, buyeshopping, buymore888, catchingsouls, chao05, chao08, cheap**store, chengdaphone07, chengxiang38, chensi99105-0, china long store, chinatonyzhong, china_outdoor, cutetoyss, cwfql, greative trande apaffa store, Fabulous Toy Store, dreamtoys store, faithtoptalk, eukfngn1-0, bluetiger, babala2, bagkiss2015, banyin64, bapecn, bayueshop, betrendy, danco-7284, dreamsqian, go to shopping store, good price wholesale, Doll Dream (min order), dragonsl, dong yanghai, ft future store, glory_mart_93, goodboystor e, goodsellers2019, goodlife989, gratefulshop19, guichengame, guichentoy, gou07, guoli0005, h-shop889, h6c166, hai05, hai06, gjgdjkgb, funnyshop666, fine333, Fine777, genning_30, freedom999, funibaoluo, gdfyd-64, forubeauty, er-sa2010, doodlez, duqi5948, doll store, elibeauty, elzshop, estesga, Etamkend, fbhgj_12, fghj, david14444, diantoys, deast, dang08, Dang07, btv888, blood sky, blockswei, Blue Wind, bowinr, haitianqin25, haiyue6258_5, handleman store, homelovely03, happy-zhangting2020, haoxinsgame2, happy toy store 1988, happyday22, hi-msmousse-chao, heart sarah, hk2-gopjwl, hksdgkbdk, hkstore666, hk_2361, hk_8902, hltrading, hmggtoy, holidayd_zero, homelovely01, yiwang09, yq672275qy, yuandengjie, yuanhui6688, yudecheng777, yuecyun_8, yufenwan_0, yuqianjinus, yuxiangyue, yuyanfenfei5, y_tom, z-oneshop, z-zone, za1688wer, zehangame, zelin figures store, zhaomingyong188-6, zhangmeng66772, zhang66_61, zhanghang6789, zhaozhao518, zhang3344, zhenzhen188, zhenhuaa57, zhinengkeji2018, zhiwei956jiyun71, zhizhishop2018, zho-8462, zhoufang-73, zhoulichao and zhoutu added to case caption. |
11/24/2020 | NEW PARTIES: Esales, southerner, JewelryWatch, Fashion Maker Co,LTD, best and fashion store, foreverstream, lehang8899, magicshop2014, crocoo Co LTD, fashionbox co Ltd, lovely style company, bigbaby, hong da you xian gong si, color stars, asia city, fannusi trade international, al, Run together, mayixinwaimaofuzhuang, Guangzhou Hongguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, changle, modapai, new you, hangzhoulequwanjuyouxiangongsi, MG Fashion Belt Company, Fresher, Mai Yang, the xu stores, Head, month cloud, mary sarah, Fuxiking Co.LTD, haihan, xiweifuzhuangcheng, daling international, diyhome, cowswang, I Do., wendandan, luyuan trade international, bestechin, shop of kitty, Toys&Hobbies&gifts, xindongbaobei, mummy, F G Fashion Jewelry, anime one stop shop, Juliana, toys wholesale and retail trade, sport fun, soul of anime, muzi, chun tian li store, cunbaise136, emgrand technology co., ltd., shenzhen vanguard dragon industry co., ltd., Yiwu Animestar E-Commerce Firm, dongguan ruihan industrial co., ltd., shenzhen dongyuan plastic & metal products, shenzhen dongyuan plastic toys, huizhou ever glory industrial co., ltd., Shenzhen Focalvalue Technology Co., Ltd., guohao (shenzhen) technology r&d co., ltd., guangzhou mile trading co., ltd., huizhou fartop culture company limited, shenzhen idea animation co., ltd., Guangzhou Kairong Industrial Co., Ltd., shenzhen meiyan technology co., ltd., dongguan qisheng plastic products co., ltd., Shenzhen SRX Animation Creation Co., Ltd., shenzhen stang toys co., ltd., zhongshan tritrust gifts & crafts co., ltd., shenzhen dianman toys co., ltd., Shenzhen City Zhong Yi Technology Co., Ltd., guangzhou xingyi trading co., ltd., shenzhen city xin mei tai toy model design co., ltd., dongguan winbo gifts co., ltd., shenzhen yongzhi plastic mold co., ltd., 001 store, no password, zhangyaoyaokkk, zff international trade t1, woaijlqyi, woaijlqyi, innocent smile, xferg602, Shop4414060 Store, mscosplay store, kidults' toy store, shop4510074 store, shop4523010 store, Gili Store, manga fans store, haocaitoy store, anifan figures store, IRTBGFU Pi Store, cxk vipkid store, MKSAIYAN Store, homecozy store, hanhans store, gztzmy a store, imaginary world toy club store, accion figuras juguetes store, green baby123 Store, LELAKAYA dropshipping Store, superCaitlyn Store, TOMY TOY Store, anifigures store, zht figures store and funtoys store added to case caption. |
11/24/2020 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Good Smile Company, Inc. by David Lee Gulbransen, Jr |
11/24/2020 | NEW PARTIES: Good Smile Company, Inc. added to case caption. |
11/23/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ABC Corporation of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/23/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ABC Corporation of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/18/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ABC Corporation of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/18/2020 | PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER signed by the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen on 11/18/2020. Mailed notice |
11/18/2020 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen: Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction [22] is granted. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. Plaintiff is ordered to add ALL defendant names listed in Schedule A to the docket within three business days. Instructions can be found on the court's website at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/instructions. Status hearing set for 12/10/2020 is stricken and reset to 2/18/2021 at 10:30 a.m. Mailed notice |
11/17/2020 | NOTICE by ABC Corporation re MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for preliminary injunction [22], memorandum in support of motion[23] |
11/17/2020 | MEMORANDUM by ABC Corporation in support of motion for preliminary injunction[22] 附件: 1:Declaration Declaration of David Gulbransen 2:Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Declaration of David Gulbransen |
11/17/2020 | MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for preliminary injunction |
11/17/2020 | CERTIFICATE of Service by Plaintiff ABC Corporation regarding summons returned executed[20] |
11/17/2020 | SUMMONS Returned Executed by ABC Corporation as to Partnerships and Unincorporated Association Identified on Schedule "A" on 11/17/2020, answer due 12/8/2020. |
11/11/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ABC Corporation of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/09/2020 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ABC Corporation of Certain Doe Defendants |
11/04/2020 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen: Motion to extend the TRO [15] is granted. The Temporary Restraining Order is extended until 11/20/2020. Mailed notice |
11/03/2020 | NOTICE by ABC Corporation re MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order[15] |
11/03/2020 | MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order |
11/02/2020 | SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Partnerships and Unincorporated Association Identified on Schedule "A" |
10/28/2020 | SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000.00 posted by ABC Corporation. (Document not scanned) |
10/23/2020 | SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER signed by the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen on 10/23/2020. Mailed notice |
10/23/2020 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen: Motion for TRO 7 is granted. Enter Order. Motion for leave to file excess pages 9 is granted. Motion to seal document 10 is granted. Mailed notice |
10/22/2020 | NOTICE by ABC Corporation re MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for temporary restraining order [7], MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for leave to file excess pages [9], MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation to seal document sealed document[4], sealed document[5], sealed document, [8] [10] |
10/22/2020 | MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation to seal document sealed document[4], sealed document[5], sealed document, [8] |
10/22/2020 | MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for leave to file excess pages |
10/22/2020 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff ABC Corporation Memorandum in Support of Motion for TRO (Attachments: # (1) Declaration Declaration of Iwasa, # (2) Declaration Declaration of Gulbransen, # (3) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 1 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (4) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 2 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (5) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 3 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (6) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 4 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (7) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 5 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (8) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 6 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (9) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 7 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (10) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 8 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (11) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 9 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (12) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 10 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (13) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 11 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (14) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 12 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (15) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 13 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (16) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 14 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (17) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 15 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (18) Exhibit Ex 1 Part 16 of 16 to Decl of Gulbransen, # (19) Exhibit Ex 2 to Decl of Gulbransen) |
10/22/2020 | MOTION by Plaintiff ABC Corporation for temporary restraining order |
10/19/2020 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen: Initial status hearing is set for 12/10/2020 at 10:30 a.m. Mailed notice |
10/16/2020 | CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Marvin E. Aspen. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey Cummings. Case assignment: Random assignment. |
10/16/2020 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff ABC Corporation Schedule A to Complaint |
10/16/2020 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff ABC Corporation Exhibit 1 to Complaint |
10/16/2020 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff ABC Corporation by David Lee Gulbransen, Jr |
10/16/2020 | CIVIL Cover Sheet |
10/16/2020 | COMPLAINT filed by ABC Corporation; Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0752-17550770. |
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