日期 | 描述 |
08/06/2021 | NOTICE of withdrawal of bond 27 by John Summerfield |
06/24/2021 | FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER Signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 6/24/2021:. Mailed notice. |
06/24/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment 38 is granted. Enter Final Judgment Order. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice. |
06/23/2021 | NOTICE by NHL Enterprises, L.P. re MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for entry of default as to all DefendantsMOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for default judgment as to all Defendants[38] |
06/23/2021 | MEMORANDUM by NHL Enterprises, L.P. in support of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[38] 附件: 1:Declaration of Justin R. Gaudio 2:Exhibit 1 |
06/23/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for entry of default as to all Defendants, MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for default judgment as to all Defendants |
05/28/2021 | NEW PARTIES: nhlfans.shop, nhlfacecoverings.com, nhlfansjersey.com, flyersteamfanstore.com, nhljerseyfans.com, nhlfanjersey.net, nhlfansjersey.sale, fabienne-eustratiades.com, buytramadolus2us.com, cftc-pca-mulhouse.com, callyourmissionary.com, downtowndchotels.com, brunopedros.com, nhlfansjersey.net, jerseyspop.com, firefishgallery.com, Aopu, Boyang Xingze, Chuang Bo, Gsbao Xkerq, Hai Xun, Hubo Xinshen, jiami-ng, jianihuy, Jiu Zhu, JIUNZ, KatherineBlan, Lanmeihejin, Li Wen Wufhfhj, Marina Arabella, Qgghfsdjfdh, SiFanFang, TYUING, Vicky DianXun, Wang ShuaiChao, Yuanscream Fu, Ze Cheng Shang Mao and SportsSuperStar added to case caption. |
05/26/2021 | PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 5/26/2021. Mailed notice. |
05/26/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion for entry of a preliminary injunction [32] is granted. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. The Clerk is directed to unseal any previously sealed documents in this matter. Plaintiff is ordered to add all Defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. In addition, is a link to video instructions for Plaintiff to view on how to Add Terminate Party https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/Videos.aspx?folder=_cmecf&play=Add_Terminate.mp4. Mailed notice. |
05/24/2021 | SUMMONS Returned Executed by NHL Enterprises, L.P. as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 5/24/2021, answer due 6/14/2021. 附件: 1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen |
05/24/2021 | NOTICE by NHL Enterprises, L.P. re MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for preliminary injunction [32] |
05/24/2021 | MEMORANDUM by NHL Enterprises, L.P. in support of motion for preliminary injunction[32] 附件: 1:Declaration of Justin R. Gaudio 2:Exhibit 1 |
05/24/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for preliminary injunction |
05/11/2021 | SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" |
05/10/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's ex parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order [28] is granted TRO is extended to 5/27/21. Mailed notice. |
05/10/2021 | NOTICE by NHL Enterprises, L.P. re MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order[28] |
05/10/2021 | MEMORANDUM by NHL Enterprises, L.P. in support of extension of time[28] 附件: 1:Declaration of Justin R. Gaudio |
05/10/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order |
05/04/2021 | SURETY BOND in the amount of $ $10,000.00 posted by NHL Enterprises, L.P. |
04/29/2021 | SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 4/29/2021. Mailed notice. |
04/29/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order, including a temporary injunction, a temporary transfer of domain names, a temporary asset restraint, and expedited discovery 12 and Plaintiff's motion for electronic service of process 19 are granted. Enter Sealed Temporary Restraining Order. Mailed notice. |
04/28/2021 | Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by NHL Enterprises, L.P. |
04/28/2021 | NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by NHL Enterprises, L.P. |
04/28/2021 | NOTICE by NHL Enterprises, L.P. re MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3) [19], MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Transfer of the Domain Names, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery[12] |
04/28/2021 | DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion[20] 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 2:Exhibit 2 3:Exhibit 3 |
04/28/2021 | MEMORANDUM by NHL Enterprises, L.P. in support of motion for miscellaneous relief[19] |
04/28/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3) |
04/28/2021 | SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. Exhibit 2 regarding declaration[16] |
04/28/2021 | SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. Exhibit 1 - Parts 1-2 regarding declaration[16] |
04/28/2021 | DECLARATION of Lindsay Conn regarding memorandum in support of motion[13] |
04/28/2021 | DECLARATION of Thomas H. Prochnow regarding memorandum in support of motion[13] 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 2:Exhibit 2 |
04/28/2021 | DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion[13] 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 2:Exhibit 2 3:Exhibit 3 4:Exhibit 4 |
04/28/2021 | MEMORANDUM by NHL Enterprises, L.P. in support of motion for temporary restraining order[12] |
04/28/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Transfer of the Domain Names, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery |
04/28/2021 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion for leave to file under seal [3] is granted. Mailed notice. |
04/27/2021 | MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials |
04/27/2021 | MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA |
04/27/2021 | CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Mary M. Rowland. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Heather K. McShain. Case assignment: Random assignment. |
04/26/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. by Jake Michael Christensen |
04/26/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. by Allyson M. Martin |
04/26/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. by Amy Crout Ziegler |
04/26/2021 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. by Justin R. Gaudio |
04/26/2021 | CIVIL Cover Sheet |
04/26/2021 | MOTION by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. for leave to file under seal |
04/26/2021 | SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff NHL Enterprises, L.P. Schedule A regarding complaint[1] |
04/26/2021 | COMPLAINT filed by NHL Enterprises, L.P.; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-18177626. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 2:Exhibit 2 3:Exhibit 3 4:Exhibit 4 |
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