2021-cv-01630 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Zinkia Entertainment v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:03/25/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
12/23/2022 CITATION to Discover Assets issued as to EBAY Inc., ContextLogic, Inc., Amazon.com, Inc. (Third Parties) No Notices Filed.
11/27/2021 SATISFACTION of Judgment
10/12/2021 SATISFACTION of Judgment
09/26/2021 SATISFACTION of Judgment
09/11/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
08/16/2021 SATISFACTION of Judgment
08/10/2021 SATISFACTION of Judgment
07/07/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
06/15/2021 ENTERED JUDGMENT Signed by the Honorable Gary Feinerman on 6/15/2021.Mailed notice.
06/15/2021 ENTERED JUDGMENT on 6/15/2021.Mailed notice.
06/15/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:Motion hearing held. For the reasons stated on the record, Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment 33 is granted. Enter order. Enter judgment order. Civil case closed.Mailed notice.
06/14/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
06/11/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:The motion hearing set for 6/15/2021 at 9:00 a.m. 37 is re-set for 9:15 a.m. TIME CHANGE ONLY. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice.
06/07/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
06/02/2021 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000 posted by Zinkia Entertainment. (Document not scanned).
06/01/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
05/24/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:Motion hearing held and continued to 6/15/2021 at 9:00 a.m. For the reasons stated on the record, Plaintiffs' motion for entry of default and default judgment against the Defendants identified in Amended Schedule A [33] is granted in part (as to the Rule 55(a) entry of default) and entered and continued in part (as to the Rule 55(b) default judgment). Enter Rule 55(a) default order. If any defendant wishes to oppose Plaintiffs Rule 55(b) motion for default judgment, that defendant should file a written opposition by 6/14/2021 or appear at the 6/15/2021 hearing; otherwise, the court will rule on the Rule 55(b) motion on the papers at the 6/15/2021 hearing. Plaintiffs shall electronically serve a copy of this order on all remaining defendants. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 6/15/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
05/26/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
05/17/2021 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for default judgment 33 before Honorable Gary Feinerman on 5/24/2021 at 09:00 AM.
05/17/2021 MEMORANDUM by Zinkia Entertainment in support of motion for default judgment 33
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
05/17/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Zinkia Entertainment for default judgment as to The Defendants Identified In The First Amended Schedule A
05/04/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: annarbormall, atlantagate, bailixi09, battlecreekmall, caddiagate, dhgate_store_01, dhgate_store_03, dhgate_toys_a, dhlemontree, duckbillmall, Fitchburgshop, floragate, Hoodystoois, Hy_garagekit, Hy_puzzles, Hy_toys, Jcq004, kalamazoomall, liuliuwh, Ludingtonmall, mingzhehao, monroemall, Nice8688, Peabodyshop, qianeyes, romegate, waycrossgate, Weizhensan, whatsyourdh, xiaoji_xiaoji and Yanqin06 added to case caption.
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: PARTYGUYS Store, Scopiso Backdrops Store, seekpro backdrop Store, ShenZhen Outstanding Flagship Store, Shop1034393 Store, Shop3207166 Store, Shop5420118 Store, Shop5483143 Store, Shop5617267 Store, Shop900246508 Store, Shop910334161 Store, Shop911024008 Store, Shop911140178 Store, Shop911189086 Store, Shop911190046 Store, Shop911194237 Store, Shop911223089 Store, Shop911251085 Store, Shop911262222 Store, Shop911414371 Store, Shop911414661 Store, Shop911422454 Store, Shop911424180 Store, Shop911424353 Store, Shop911426152 Store, Sifire toy Store, SUTAIBAI backdrop background Factory Store, Swallow Store, The Global Best Selling, The road to happiness Store, ToysAce Store, Tshirt Boys/Girl Baby Store, V8 Store, WHITEQ1 Store, WT01 Store, YAYB Party Store, ZBS E-Commerce Co., Ltd Store and alpharettagate added to case caption.
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: ZheJiangHongYueMaoYiYouXianGongSi, zhengfeiwangluokeji, zhengyancangshangmao, zhengzhounuanxiushangmaoyouxiangongsi, zhongqiandianzishangwu, ZHUMENGRUI, zxkj, 321 Store, AbaytenToy Store, Affordable backpack Store, Anime Fantasy Store, Autosmarter, Beautiful Rave Party Store, Birthday Party Balloons Store, Brilliant Cheerful Life Store, Childrens Fun House Store, Colxing Store, DePhoto Official Store, Elitesun Store, F58 Store, FunParty Store, GHH.8 Store, Goocheer Official Store, Grizz & Ice Store, H Casual Child Clothes Store, happyparadise Store, HealthHome Store, H-shop Store, Irene Q Store, JSYS 01 Store, legoing Store, LGYC PLUSH-TOY Store, lucky_w, Lyavshi Backdrops Store, Miniup Store, Mirical Kids Toy Store, Nanaa ww Store, NitreeBrand Store and Party&Birthday Rave Store added to case caption.
04/28/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:The status hearing set for 4/29/2021 30 is stricken. The motion hearing set for 5/24/2021 28 shall stand.Mailed notice.
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: annarbormall, atlantagate, bailixi09, battlecreekmall, caddiagate, dhgate_store_01, dhgate_store_03, dhgate_toys_a, dhlemontree, duckbillmall, Fitchburgshop, floragate, Hoodystoois, Hy_garagekit, Hy_puzzles, Hy_toys, Jcq004, kalamazoomall, liuliuwh, Ludingtonmall, mingzhehao, monroemall, Nice8688, Peabodyshop, qianeyes, romegate, waycrossgate, Weizhensan, whatsyourdh, xiaoji_xiaoji and Yanqin06 added to case caption.
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: PARTYGUYS Store, Scopiso Backdrops Store, seekpro backdrop Store, ShenZhen Outstanding Flagship Store, Shop1034393 Store, Shop3207166 Store, Shop5420118 Store, Shop5483143 Store, Shop5617267 Store, Shop900246508 Store, Shop910334161 Store, Shop911024008 Store, Shop911140178 Store, Shop911189086 Store, Shop911190046 Store, Shop911194237 Store, Shop911223089 Store, Shop911251085 Store, Shop911262222 Store, Shop911414371 Store, Shop911414661 Store, Shop911422454 Store, Shop911424180 Store, Shop911424353 Store, Shop911426152 Store, Sifire toy Store, SUTAIBAI backdrop background Factory Store, Swallow Store, The Global Best Selling, The road to happiness Store, ToysAce Store, Tshirt Boys/Girl Baby Store, V8 Store, WHITEQ1 Store, WT01 Store, YAYB Party Store, ZBS E-Commerce Co., Ltd Store and alpharettagate added to case caption.
04/28/2021 NEW PARTIES: ZheJiangHongYueMaoYiYouXianGongSi, zhengfeiwangluokeji, zhengyancangshangmao, zhengzhounuanxiushangmaoyouxiangongsi, zhongqiandianzishangwu, ZHUMENGRUI, zxkj, 321 Store, AbaytenToy Store, Affordable backpack Store, Anime Fantasy Store, Autosmarter, Beautiful Rave Party Store, Birthday Party Balloons Store, Brilliant Cheerful Life Store, Childrens Fun House Store, Colxing Store, DePhoto Official Store, Elitesun Store, F58 Store, FunParty Store, GHH.8 Store, Goocheer Official Store, Grizz & Ice Store, H Casual Child Clothes Store, happyparadise Store, HealthHome Store, H-shop Store, Irene Q Store, JSYS 01 Store, legoing Store, LGYC PLUSH-TOY Store, lucky_w, Lyavshi Backdrops Store, Miniup Store, Mirical Kids Toy Store, Nanaa ww Store, NitreeBrand Store and Party&Birthday Rave Store added to case caption.
04/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: jiutingwenhuachuanboyouxiangongsi, JJLZS, JLLNB, juedu, kaihualantingwanzuyudian, kaihuazouxiaopingriyongpinshanghang, LAIMISHANGMAO, leelei, LEIGESAN, lingpeibaihuo, LIUZHI(Arrives in 14-21 days), LJHNB, LLLDN, louweikangmgd, LQQNB, LYXNB, ManZhenSaiShangMaoHang, miaojiuwangluokeji, Minquan County Yuezhuo Trading Company, mjdexiaobaihuo, MNHERA, MOONSOGOOD, Never And Ever, ONLOCOR Painting, OuerJiaqin, PENGJINFEI, PHs, Poprore Toy Home, Pu Tian Shi Li Cheng Ou Si Shang Kuai Ke Kuai Can, Pujiang Na Miyi E-Commerce Co., Ltd., qianfengwangluokeji, QianMianyuanshangmao, qingbianshangmao SHOP, Qingyong Network Technology Co., Ltd., QT19, Refasnzpus, renguixin store, Resign, rongoshangmaoyouxiangongsi, Rosemary Home, SANHAI, SAN--MING, SanYaYiChengShangMaoYouXianGongSi, Secretarygll, Shangfeiguang, ShangHaiKeQuShangMaoYouXianGongSi, SHANGQIURUIYUNWANGLUOKEJIYOUXIANGONGSI, shanxianmeikejiyouxiangongsi, shengtaiwangluo, shilixiaouwenkangyiyuanguanliyouxiang, SHULEEOQ, Small speakers, Sweetheart Home, Tang Linbo, TDYKSM, The quasi, tlxiaobaihuo, Varenka, VEEKADES, wangrushangmao SHOP, Watercolorpen, Weiran Rong, WWJHNB, xiaokangdian, xiekongxian8159, Xinghong SHOP, Xinhuaiyin Market Boyang Computer Store, xinyishiyuangaoshangmao, xixixixixihqqga, yangsongqin6044, yangyangwangluokeji, YanTaiFaJinShangMao, Yan-Yan-us, yiererwangluo, yigekeji, YMXGZSHOP, YONGZHEWUDI, YSKQDQ, yueqingshizhongtuomujuyouxiangongsi, Yunuo office supplies and YZWDTX added to case caption.
04/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: zhunana1231, zuyunrui0852, A lime, Adier, AEONZX, Apdkei, Baodan93, BBALONG, Bedlinings, BeiManJiaoY u, Book_Zone_store, Brenttttttt, Cactusus, CDDXWA, chizhouluochenguojimaoyiyouxianzenrengongsi, chongxiangshangmao, chuangzeshangmao, ChuiRui, conghu, Cute treasure, dianxunj-yi, dog star, dongtaishiyuemingsenpinpaicehuayouxiangongsi, elegy, enshishimufanxinshangmaoyouxiangongsi, funnyfly, Gaolan Auto parts, GD-Tshirts, GoldenUS, grehy, guzhenxianchengguanlaotongguanroujiamoxiaochidiaN, GZZXW, hailingshangmao, HAITAISHANGMAO, hangzhouzhonglelejiankangyouxiangongsi, HANLINBAIHUODIAN, hcdzsw, henanzhengzhoujiuzeyouxiangongsi, heyanbaoshangmao, heyiriyongpin, HibiscusNB, Huimer Rong, iaoyuan, J_MCT, Jack horse, Jehadismknown, Jikasifa-US and Jingjiang Xiekang Trading Co., Ltd. added to case caption.
04/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: 2019top-tore, anjgot-36, aruna_sons0, best.choice.for.you.886, hk-cosplay, hot.deal.us.888, kamadu6096, kasam4388, kidsempire, penstgxianvjng, piaebya169, sazacshop, starsm21, sun_house_haui, truno.store.88, vkog7971, weiais12, xaojityhby68, xinaakvucu, zhangf48, zxy-72, 2563172934, All-purpose hardware, EuniceQuennelcMwCe, fanxiaojuan870625, fengshibushi, Gaoxiaofeng147258, guanqingli, guirongfang29, Hanyue426, Heyday Beauty, hsj20200520, liangweijie88, lichenglong521030, limengru4678, lishusheng8563569, Liuchuang12332, LiuJiaTian02, liulanying888, liumingdong58856, lizheng5566, longyongfei711882456, luxianqiang0749, mafengqin159357, majingrui62, Nuifauisfhiud, qixiuzhen131, qtcjcc1, qzy12345, SAC A DOS, shenxinxing0828, shitoutiaosu, shiyani0016, silksart, siqintu7011, songkejing0929, tangmengshuai5674399, Tzz1998809, V annang, wangjinli2973, wangwenjing8891, wangying4645, wangzhongmin66058, yangjianbin123, yunliemaoyi1681, zhanghongtao110, zhangtiantian666, Zhangxiaohui223, zhaoqian366, zhaoxiaona524118, Zhengxiqian12323 and zhujunji added to case caption.
04/26/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:The status hearing set for 4/29/2021 at 9:15 a.m. 21 is re-set for 9:00 a.m. TIME CHANGE ONLY. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/29/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
04/23/2021 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER Signed by the Honorable Gary Feinerman on 4/23/2021.Mailed notice.
04/23/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:Motion hearing held and continued to 5/24/2021 at 9:00 a.m. For the reasons stated on the record, Plaintiff's motion for entry of a preliminary injunction 22 is granted. Enter preliminary injunction order. The Clerk shall unseal any documents that are sealed. The Law Firm of Jiangip LLC, 111 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 1700, Chicago. Illinois 60604 is ordered to add ALL defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days, instructions can be found on the Court's website at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/instructions. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 5/24/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
04/21/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:The motion hearing set for 4/23/2021 at 9:00 a.m. 26 is re-set for 9:15 a.m. TIME CHANGE ONLY. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/23/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
04/20/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:The motion hearing set for 4/22/2021 24 is stricken and re-set for 4/23/2021 at 9:00 a.m. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/23/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
04/19/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Zinkia Entertainment as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 4/19/2021, answer due 5/10/2021.
1:Declaration of Service
04/19/2021 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 22 before Honorable Gary Feinerman on 4/22/2021 at 09:00 AM.
04/19/2021 MEMORANDUM by Zinkia Entertainment in support of motion for preliminary injunction 22
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1, Declaration of Keith Vogt
04/19/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Zinkia Entertainment for preliminary injunction
04/13/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:Motion for extension of time 19 is granted. The TRO is extended to 4/29/2021 at noon Central Time. Motion hearing set for 4/15/2021 20 is stricken. The status hearing set for 4/15/2021 17 is stricken and re-set for 4/29/2021 at 9:15 a.m. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/29/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
04/12/2021 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of extension of time 19 before Honorable Gary Feinerman on 4/15/2021 at 09:00 AM.
04/12/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Zinkia Entertainment for extension of time for Temporary Restraining Order
04/02/2021 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"
04/01/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman:Motion hearing held. Status hearing set for 4/15/2021 at 9:00 a.m. For the reasons stated on the record, Plaintiff's motion for leave to file under seal 8, motion to exceed page limitation 9, and Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order, including a temporary injunction, a temporary asset restraint, expedited discovery, and service of process by email and or electronic publication 10 are granted. Enter sealed TRO, which shall expire on 4/15/2021 at noon Central Time. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/15/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.Mailed notice.
03/29/2021 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials.
03/29/2021 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA.
03/29/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Gary Feinerman: Motion hearing set for 3/30/2021 13 is stricken and re-set for 4/1/2021 at 9:00 a.m. Attorneys/Parties should appear for the 4/1/2021 hearing by calling the Toll-Free Number: (877) 336-1828, Access Code: 4082461. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing (use toll free number). Please, please be sure to keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice.
03/25/2021 Notice of Motion for presentment of 8 9 10 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for leave to file excess pages 9, motion for leave to file 8 before Honorable Gary Feinerman on 3/30/2021 at 09:00 AM.
03/25/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT Sealed Exhibit 3 to the Declaration of Alberto Delgado Gavela regarding memorandum in support of motion, 11
1:Exhibit 3, Part 1
2:Exhibit 3, Part 2
3:Exhibit 3, Part 3
4:Exhibit 3, Part 4
5:Exhibit 3, Part 5
6:Exhibit 3, Part 6
7:Exhibit 3, Part 7
8:Exhibit 3, Part 8
9:Exhibit 3, Part 9
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1-5 to Declaration of KVogt
3:Declaration of Alberto Delgado Gavela
4:Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Alberto Delgado Gavela
5:Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Alberto Delgado Gavela
03/25/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT for leave to file excess pages
03/25/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT for leave to file [Certain] Documents Under Seal
03/25/2021 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Gary Feinerman. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey Cummings. Case assignment: Random assignment.
03/25/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT by Adam Grodman
03/25/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT by Yi Bu
03/25/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT by Yanling Jiang
03/25/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT by Keith A. Vogt
03/25/2021 CIVIL Cover Sheet
03/25/2021 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT Schedule A to Complaint 1
03/25/2021 COMPLAINT filed by ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-18056395.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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