日期 | 描述 |
10/20/2021 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:Supplement |
10/20/2021 | FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT and PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against -ShopAliaeDnewfuture Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 006 Supermarket; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100 cotton tshirts Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton 11 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 02 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 028 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 179 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 182 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 181 Store; in favor of The Used, L.L.C. against 100% cotton T-shirt 185 Store, All deadlines and hearings are TERMINATED, and any pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT. Closing Case. Closing Case. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/20/2021. See attached document for full details. |
10/20/2021 | ORDER granting [38] MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by The Used, L.L.C. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/20/2021. See attached document for full details. |
10/12/2021 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT NUMBER 126 - HangEmmHigh re [47] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/12/2021. See attached document for full details. |
10/07/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by The Used, L.L.C. |
10/06/2021 | NOTICE of Compliance with Court Order by The Used, L.L.C. re [45] Order to Show Cause |
10/06/2021 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY COURT SHOULD NOT GRANT PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANTS. Show Cause Response due by 10/18/2021. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 10/6/2021. See attached document for full details. |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 6 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 5 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 4 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 3 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 2 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. re [38] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 1 of 6) 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence |
10/05/2021 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by The Used, L.L.C. 附件: 1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to 2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra 3:Text of Proposed Order 4:Text of Proposed Order |
10/05/2021 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): AK008 Store, Shop911426290 Store, Shop911414461 Store, Shop911523136 Store, Shop911513017 Store, 100% cotton printing 06 Store, jiabaoyu Store, Shop911056143 Store, Shop911423366 Store, GD001 Store, Shop910336261 Store, Shop911510193 Store, Shop911511020 Store, 100% cotton 11 Store, PHL9 Store, Shop911415596 Store, Shop910568237 Store, Shop910554335 Store, Shop911438018 Store, good-shirts Store, t-shirt019 Store, Shop911412159 Store, DPP10 Store, GHH.10 Store, AK-7 Store, Shop4200007 Store, Shop910437259 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 79 Store, Long Live Rock 'n' Roll, Shop4621002 Store, KHS.2 Store, Shop911565275 Store, Shop911424353 Store, Shop911065017 Store, Shop911511019 Store, 100% cotton printing 08 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 179 Store, Bloodhoof Store, Shop911099021 Store, Shop911421596 Store, Shop911556191 Store, Shop911417506 Store, da zhi Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 02 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 40 Store, Shop910561107 Store, SDD05 Store, Shop911441016 Store, Shop911568140 Store, 006 Supermarket, Shop911515021 Store, CRAZZY BABA Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 181 Store, AK006 Store, Shop911411160 Store, Shop911119156 Store, Shop911513016 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 54 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 185 Store, MN7mentee Store, Shop911421594 Store, Shop911189086 Store, Shop911563411 Store, Shop911515020 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 028 Store, Shop5597492 Store, DPP11 Store, Shop911416287 Store, Shop911513005 Store, YOU YI Store, Shop911565449 Store, AK115 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 73 Store, 100 cotton tshirts Store, F165 Store, Shop910756003 Store, ShopAliaegnewfuture Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 51 Store, TPE01 Store, Shop911140062 Store, Shop911570124 Store, GT003 Store, ShopAliaeAbnewfuture Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 53 Store, Shop911127045 Store, Shop911441066 Store, Shop911560079 Store, -ShopAliaeDnewfuture Store, Shop910650033 Store, Shop911088022 Store, Shop911417661 Store, ShopAliaeBgnewfuture Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 61 Store, GHH27 Store, Shop911443059 Store, Shop911564215 Store, AK-6 Store, aa666888aa Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 59 Store, 100% cotton T-shirt 182 Store, la feng8 Store, KHS.8 Store, Shop5496166 Store, Shop910564358 Store, Shop910559389 Store, brendawenge_0, jonojonijeder, rennurpat-0, bumkumbar_0, ahno50, marseti93, anan_store, ful54tras, feraswa-0, basat-27, napra-63, adrianho-74, mondifer_0, firman-634, yoyok89_store, ismail-289, suli.online, qara-8348, anarchypatches, HangEmmHigh, SanjayaArtID, crd15636708326, zhangjinsuo720925, xiantiansheng1314521, zhangsan7320, rican51, vhneverdie1955, whendroka, francntyre, Eleanor Gault and Sara Regina De Souza Messias. |
09/29/2021 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION. Plaintiff, on or before October 6, 2021, shall either move for a default judgment against Defendants or show cause why this action should not be dismissed for a lack of prosecution. Show Cause Response due by 10/6/2021. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 9/29/2021. See attached document for full details. |
09/16/2021 | Clerks Entry of Default as to THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A, - Motions Terminated: 33 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 9/16/2021. |
09/15/2021 | NOTICE of Compliance with Court Order by The Used, L.L.C. re [33] Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A, filed by The Used, L.L.C., [32] Order to Show Cause |
09/15/2021 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A, by The Used, L.L.C. 附件: 1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to 2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra |
09/15/2021 | ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION. Plaintiff, on or before September 22, 2021, shall either move for Clerks Entry of Default against Defendants or show cause why Plaintiffs claims should not be dismissed for a lack of prosecution. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 9/15/2021. See attached document for full details. |
09/07/2021 | ORDER granting [23] Motion to Treat Defendant as Foreign and Deem Served. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 9/7/2021. See attached document for full details. |
08/11/2021 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT NUMBER 144 - LVBART re [29] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by The Used, L.L.C. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 8/10/2021. See attached document for full details. |
08/09/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by The Used, L.L.C. |
07/27/2021 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT NUMBER 140 re [27] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by The Used, L.L.C. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 7/27/2021. See attached document for full details. |
07/27/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by The Used, L.L.C. |
07/16/2021 | CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by unsealing all docket entries pursuant to DE 25 Order. |
07/16/2021 | ORDER granting [21] Motion to Unseal. The Clerk is directed to unseal all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the file to the public records. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 7/16/2021. See attached document for full details. |
07/16/2021 | NOTICE by The Used, L.L.C. of Filing Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
07/16/2021 | Plaintiff's MOTION to Treat Defendant as Foreign and Deem Served by The Used, L.L.C. 附件: 1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- return of service for defendant 2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra 3:Text of Proposed Order |
07/16/2021 | AMENDED COMPLAINT against THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A, filed by The Used, L.L.C. 附件: 1:Exhibit Composite Exhibit 1- federal trademark registrations |
07/16/2021 | MOTION to Unseal re [12] Sealed Order on Motion, Order on Sealed Motion by XYZ Corporation. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
07/16/2021 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by XYZ Corporation Proof of Service |
07/15/2021 | NOTICE of Filing Bond XYZ Corporation 附件: 1:Supplemental Attachment(s) Surety Bonds |
07/16/2021 | Order |
07/15/2021 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT NUMBERS 132, 133, 134, 136, 142, AND 143 re [16] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation, [17] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation. Defendants OLD GLORY (Defendant No. 132 on Schedule A to the Complaint); ROCKABILIA (Defendant No. 133); IRALKUR (Defendant No. 134); RUBENLYNDALE (Defendant No. 136); OLD GLORY (Defendant No. 142); and POSTED MERCHANT (Defendant No. 143) are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 7/15/2021. See attached document for full details. |
07/14/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation |
07/14/2021 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation |
06/25/2021 | Clerks Notice to Filer re: Summons(es) cannot be issued. The party(ies) on the summons(es) does not match the initiating documents |
06/25/2021 | NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) in compliance with the Court's Sealed Order, dated June 24, 2021 (ECF No. 10) by XYZ Corporation 附件: 1:Summon(s) |
06/24/2021 | ORDER re [9] Sealed Motion (Attorney) filed by XYZ Corporation.; granting [9] Sealed Motion. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 6/23/2021. (amb) Modified to unseal on 6/24/2021 |
06/18/2021 | Order |
06/16/2021 | ORDER granting [5] Motion for Leave to Temporarily Proceed Under a Pseudonym. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 6/15/2021. See attached document for full details. |
06/14/2021 | Plaintiff's MOTION for Leave to Temporarily Proceed Under a Pseudonym by XYZ Corporation. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
06/14/2021 | ORDER REQUIRING COUNSEL TO MEET, FILE JOINT SCHEDULING REPORT AND JOINT DISCOVERY REPORT. Signed by Judge William P. Dimitrouleas on 6/14/2021. See attached document for full details. |
06/10/2021 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:Supplement Complaint and Exhibits) (jao |
06/10/2021 | Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge William P. Dimitrouleas and Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Lurana S. Snow is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website. |
06/10/2021 | COMPLAINT against THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-14757012, filed by XYZ Corporation. 附件: 1:Civil Cover Sheet |
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