2021-cv-61580 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Yip, LLC v. The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:08/02/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
07/18/2022 FINAL JUDGMENT in favor of YIP, LLC against 1GEYI_US_Store, 24 Hours Online, 7 Days of Life Store, AZMAUTO Store, AiYouWei, Appliance Supplier Store, Brand --Merchants, BriSunny, Btfad USA Shop, CABASAA-shop, CFWLKJ, CL1949, Candance1, CheapCheap Store, Chijiu Tools Trade, China Tools' Store, Chuanghaojie Trading, Coffee Baby Store, Coffee retailer Store, Comopez Appliances Store, Cueis, Cute Chong Store, DREAMDA, DSWMUXIEQSHAN, Daily Appliance Store, Damaiy, Dengbangshop, Domestica Store, Dropshipping55 Store, Esfocor-US, Eyouinc, GREENW, GRHMYGS, Game Gege Store, Go4max, HANYUKY, HGHR-US, HQ-PTBF, HSRX-US, Hang Zhou Zhe Yu Dian Zi Ke Ji, Haohhus, Henwi, Hoodakang Store, Hssionyounger, HuiJun, IFFOXRIAN, Iveyink, JIAWANAMOAMO, Joliemaison Dropshoping Store, JunMei Store, KEMENG Store, LILIZHANGs Store, LNOTIAN, LUO OU BAI HUO, Langkou01, Liying's Shop, MCX.QAL, MDSK US Fast Delivery, MIENIRUI, MINGJUNSHOP, MaiChengEC, Miaijia Store, Miucas Sports, MopherStore, NGRUIWH, No.24 Jersey Kb Store, Nozaya, OLDM(U.S. Warehouse), OLYO lues, Old Guest Shop, Orchid Latte, Osibinmo, Ourya, PHWHJ, Precious soul, QIANCHENGSIJINUS, QIAZNH, QXSDH, Qingjingxia Trade, Qkuaiok, RONEGYE CN Store, RONEGYE Store, RU Electrical supermarket Store, Redinnop-plio, Rose Doigge, SADWF, SUNKINSUN Store, Sheldon Life Store, ShenZhenDaYanJiaoKeJiYouXianGongSi, Shenzhen Tianru Sihai Store, Shop1952429 Store, Shop3480006 Store, Shop4405168 Store, Shop4659008 Store, Shop911113226 Store, Shuoyao, Suncatchers-JC, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, Trustifly, US Direct - AMOAMOGO, Vincntse US, WISHING HOUSE Store, WURUIdian, Wangcai007 Store, Warm appliances Store, Wascye Store, Wikey Store, WizeGrabber, Womola, XHACTIVE, XP-LOPV, XUELUUS, XiaFeiXiaMei shOP, Xingtang-us, Xinhyoheek, XiuZhu-MAOYI, YHSSW, YINLIAN-AUS-HOME, YOUJINHUI, YTK - Store, YTK -Shenzhen Yason General Machinery Co.,Ltd Store, YTK Official Store, YaYaFuShi001, Yason Appliance Store, ZGDP, ZLOS, ZUMAIS Store, ZXFlwlaa, ZhixiaYS, boheyabohe, chenjuqin us, chinese produce Store, chudandehaodian111, comopez Official Store, comopez03 Store, dajiahua, donggang Store, gdsog64, gracefu08, gulinghua's shop, have nice day 20, hehe123 Store, huijiadeyichu, hybodont, ihuadaMBin, jinhua store, kbxstart Lifecare Store, kuailenongjia1, longzhiyujianzhuzhuangshisheji, luoyuanchengbeimei, lvbina, lzq944777mei, merbao Kitchen Appliances Store, min yi, neargad, panshengno1, pptyuio-US, renpengfeiouzhou, ruihengyang, sairui-us, shanxidingshengjiamaoyiyouxiangongsi, shanxihetaoshangmaoyouxiangongsi, shuijiao, suxiaboy, taiyuanshijinyuanquhaichengshanghang, wenmingming, wenshopshop, wudh, xhdigi-US, xiaosongshuss, xingyiwangluo152, xinxiangshimingshuowangluojishuyouxiangongsi, xinyike, yuepeng Gao, yunchengshiyanhuqubeixiangwangzuanrizadian, zihong Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 7/18/2022. See attached document for full details.
07/13/2022 Deadline(s)/Hearing(s) terminated.
07/13/2022 Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) re 43 Order Adopting Report and Recommendations, Order on Motion to Amend/Correct, Order on Report and Recommendations, sent to Financial Clerk.
07/13/2022 Deadline(s)/Hearing(s) terminated.
07/13/2022 ORDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 39 Motion to Amend/Correct, filed by YIP, LLC, 42 Report and Recommendations, ; granting 39 Motion to Amend/Correct. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 7/12/2022. See attached document for full details.
06/10/2022 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 39 Plaintiff's Amended Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment recommending the Motion be Granted. Objections to R&R due by 6/24/2022. Signed by Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt on 6/10/2022. See attached document for full details.
04/28/2022 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Judge Patrick M. Hunt for a Report & Recommendation. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 4/28/2022. See attached document for full details.
04/28/2022 PAPERLESS ORDER DENYING AS MOOT 37 the Plaintiff's Motion for Default Judgment against Defendants in light of 39 the Plaintiff's Amended Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against the Defendants. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 4/28/2022. (jk01)
04/28/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Amend/Correct Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by YIP, LLC. Responses due by 5/12/2022
1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment
3:(Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction)(Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
04/26/2022 ORDER ON DEFAULT FINAL JUDGMENT PROCEDURE. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 4/26/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/04/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by YIP, LLC.
1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment
3:(Text of Proposed Order Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction)(Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
11/29/2021 Clerks Entry of Default as to 1GEYI_US_Store, 24 Hours Online, 7 Days of Life Store, AZMAUTO Store, AiYouWei, Appliance Supplier Store, Brand --Merchants, BriSunny, Btfad USA Shop, CABASAA-shop, CFWLKJ, CL1949, Candance1, CheapCheap Store, Chijiu Tools Trade, China Tools' Store, Chuanghaojie Trading, Coffee Baby Store, Coffee retailer Store, Comopez Appliances Store, Cueis, Cute Chong Store, DREAMDA, DSWMUXIEQSHAN, Daily Appliance Store, Damaiy, Dengbangshop, Domestica Store, Dropshipping55 Store, Esfocor-US, Eyouinc, GREENW, GRHMYGS, Game Gege Store, Go4max, HANYUKY, HGHR-US, HQ-PTBF, HSRX-US, Hang Zhou Zhe Yu Dian Zi Ke Ji, Haohhus, Henwi, Hoodakang Store, Hssionyounger, HuiJun, IFFOXRIAN, Iveyink, JIAWANAMOAMO, Joliemaison Dropshoping Store, JunMei Store, KEMENG Store, LILIZHANGs Store, LNOTIAN, LUO OU BAI HUO, Langkou01, Liying's Shop, MCX.QAL, MDSK US Fast Delivery, MIENIRUI, MINGJUNSHOP, MaiChengEC, Miaijia Store, Miucas Sports, MopherStore, NGRUIWH, No.24 Jersey Kb Store, Nozaya, OLDM(U.S. Warehouse), OLYO lues, Old Guest Shop, Orchid Latte, Osibinmo, Ourya, PHWHJ, Precious soul, QIANCHENGSIJINUS, QIAZNH, QXSDH, Qingjingxia Trade, Qkuaiok, RONEGYE CN Store, RONEGYE Store, RU Electrical supermarket Store, Redinnop-plio, Rose Doigge, SADWF, SUNKINSUN Store, Sheldon Life Store, ShenZhenDaYanJiaoKeJiYouXianGongSi, Shenzhen Tianru Sihai Store, Shop1952429 Store, Shop3480006 Store, Shop4405168 Store, Shop4659008 Store, Shop911113226 Store, Shuoyao, Suncatchers-JC, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, Trustifly, US Direct - AMOAMOGO, Vincntse US, WISHING HOUSE Store, WURUIdian, Wangcai007 Store, Warm appliances Store, Wascye Store, Wikey Store, WizeGrabber, Womola, XHACTIVE, XP-LOPV, XUELUUS, XiaFeiXiaMei shOP, Xingtang-us, Xinhyoheek, XiuZhu-MAOYI, YHSSW, YINLIAN-AUS-HOME, YOUJINHUI, YTK - Store, YTK -Shenzhen Yason General Machinery Co.,Ltd Store, YTK Official Store, YaYaFuShi001, Yason Appliance Store, ZGDP, ZLOS, ZUMAIS Store, ZXFlwlaa, ZhixiaYS, boheyabohe, chenjuqin us, chinese produce Store, chudandehaodian111, comopez Official Store, comopez03 Store, dajiahua, donggang Store, gdsog64, gracefu08, gulinghua's shop, have nice day 20, hehe123 Store, huijiadeyichu, hybodont, ihuadaMBin, jinhua store, kbxstart Lifecare Store, kuailenongjia1, longzhiyujianzhuzhuangshisheji, luoyuanchengbeimei, lvbina, lzq944777mei, merbao Kitchen Appliances Store, min yi, neargad, panshengno1, pptyuio-US, renpengfeiouzhou, ruihengyang, sairui-us, shanxidingshengjiamaoyiyouxiangongsi, shanxihetaoshangmaoyouxiangongsi, shuijiao, suxiaboy, taiyuanshijinyuanquhaichengshanghang, wenmingming, wenshopshop, wudh, xhdigi-US, xiaosongshuss, xingyiwangluo152, xinxiangshimingshuowangluojishuyouxiangongsi, xinyike, yuepeng Gao, yunchengshiyanhuqubeixiangwangzuanrizadian, zihong - Motions Terminated: 35 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 11/29/2021.
11/23/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to 1GEYI_US_Store, 24 Hours Online, 7 Days of Life Store, AZMAUTO Store, AiYouWei, Appliance Supplier Store, Brand --Merchants, BriSunny, Btfad USA Shop, CABASAA-shop, CFWLKJ, CL1949, Candance1, CheapCheap Store, Chijiu Tools Trade, China Tools' Store, Chuanghaojie Trading, Coffee Baby Store, Coffee retailer Store, Comopez Appliances Store, Cueis, Cute Chong Store, DREAMDA, DSWMUXIEQSHAN, Daily Appliance Store, Damaiy, Dengbangshop, Domestica Store, Dropshipping55 Store, Esfocor-US, Eyouinc, GREENW, GRHMYGS, Game Gege Store, Go4max, HANYUKY, HGHR-US, HQ-PTBF, HSRX-US, Hang Zhou Zhe Yu Dian Zi Ke Ji, Haohhus, Henwi, Hoodakang Store, Hssionyounger, HuiJun, IFFOXRIAN, Iveyink, JIAWANAMOAMO, Joliemaison Dropshoping Store, JunMei Store, KEMENG Store, LILIZHANGs Store, LNOTIAN, LUO OU BAI HUO, Langkou01, Liying's Shop, MCX.QAL, MDSK US Fast Delivery, MIENIRUI, MINGJUNSHOP, MaiChengEC, Miaijia Store, Miucas Sports, MopherStore, NGRUIWH, No.24 Jersey Kb Store, Nozaya, OLDM(U.S. Warehouse), OLYO lues, Old Guest Shop, Orchid Latte, Osibinmo, Ourya, PHWHJ, Precious soul, QIANCHENGSIJINUS, QIAZNH, QXSDH, Qingjingxia Trade, Qkuaiok, RONEGYE CN Store, RONEGYE Store, RU Electrical supermarket Store, Redinnop-plio, Rose Doigge, SADWF, SUNKINSUN Store, Sheldon Life Store, ShenZhenDaYanJiaoKeJiYouXianGongSi, Shenzhen Tianru Sihai Store, Shop1952429 Store, Shop3480006 Store, Shop4405168 Store, Shop4659008 Store, Shop911113226 Store, Shuoyao, Suncatchers-JC, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, Trustifly, US Direct - AMOAMOGO, Vincntse US, WISHING HOUSE Store, WURUIdian, Wangcai007 Store, Warm appliances Store, Wascye Store, Wikey Store, WizeGrabber, Womola, XHACTIVE, XP-LOPV, XUELUUS, XiaFeiXiaMei shOP, Xingtang-us, Xinhyoheek, XiuZhu-MAOYI, YHSSW, YINLIAN-AUS-HOME, YOUJINHUI, YTK - Store, YTK -Shenzhen Yason General Machinery Co.,Ltd Store, YTK Official Store, YaYaFuShi001, Yason Appliance Store, ZGDP, ZLOS, ZUMAIS Store, ZXFlwlaa, ZhixiaYS, boheyabohe, chenjuqin us, chinese produce Store, chudandehaodian111, comopez Official Store, comopez03 Store, dajiahua, donggang Store, gdsog64, gracefu08, gulinghua's shop, have nice day 20, hehe123 Store, huijiadeyichu, hybodont, ihuadaMBin, jinhua store, kbxstart Lifecare Store, kuailenongjia1, longzhiyujianzhuzhuangshisheji, luoyuanchengbeimei, lvbina, lzq944777mei, merbao Kitchen Appliances Store, min yi, neargad, panshengno1, pptyuio-US, renpengfeiouzhou, ruihengyang, sairui-us, shanxidingshengjiamaoyiyouxiangongsi, shanxihetaoshangmaoyouxiangongsi, shuijiao, suxiaboy, taiyuanshijinyuanquhaichengshanghang, wenmingming, wenshopshop, wudh, xhdigi-US, xiaosongshuss, xingyiwangluo152, xinxiangshimingshuowangluojishuyouxiangongsi, xinyike, yuepeng Gao, yunchengshiyanhuqubeixiangwangzuanrizadian, zihong by YIP, LLC.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
10/25/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by YIP, LLC re 30 Administrative Order upon Defendants via website posting
10/25/2021 NOTICE by YIP, LLC re 30 Administrative Order upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
10/25/2021 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 17 Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, 1 Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by YIP, LLC. 1GEYI_US_Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; 24 Hours Online served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; 7 Days of Life Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; AZMAUTO Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; AiYouWei served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Appliance Supplier Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Brand --Merchants served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; BriSunny served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Btfad USA Shop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; CABASAA-shop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; CFWLKJ served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; CL1949 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Candance1 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; CheapCheap Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Chijiu Tools Trade served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; China Tools' Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Chuanghaojie Trading served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Coffee Baby Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Coffee retailer Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Comopez Appliances Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Cueis served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Cute Chong Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; DREAMDA served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; DSWMUXIEQSHAN served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Daily Appliance Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Damaiy served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Dengbangshop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Domestica Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Dropshipping55 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Esfocor-US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Eyouinc served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; GREENW served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; GRHMYGS served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Game Gege Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Go4max served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; HANYUKY served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; HGHR-US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; HQ-PTBF served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; HSRX-US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Hang Zhou Zhe Yu Dian Zi Ke Ji served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Haohhus served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Henwi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Hoodakang Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Hssionyounger served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; HuiJun served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; IFFOXRIAN served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Iveyink served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; JIAWANAMOAMO served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Joliemaison Dropshoping Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; JunMei Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; KEMENG Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; LILIZHANGs Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; LNOTIAN served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; LUO OU BAI HUO served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Langkou01 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Liying's Shop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MCX.QAL served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MDSK US Fast Delivery served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MIENIRUI served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MINGJUNSHOP served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MaiChengEC served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Miaijia Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Miucas Sports served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; MopherStore served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; NGRUIWH served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; No.24 Jersey Kb Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Nozaya served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; OLDM(U.S. Warehouse) served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; OLYO lues served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Old Guest Shop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Orchid Latte served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Osibinmo served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Ourya served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; PHWHJ served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Precious soul served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; QIANCHENGSIJINUS served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; QIAZNH served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; QXSDH served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Qingjingxia Trade served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Qkuaiok served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; RONEGYE CN Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; RONEGYE Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; RU Electrical supermarket Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Redinnop-plio served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Rose Doigge served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; SADWF served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; SUNKINSUN Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Sheldon Life Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ShenZhenDaYanJiaoKeJiYouXianGongSi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shenzhen Tianru Sihai Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shop1952429 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shop3480006 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shop4405168 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shop4659008 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shop911113226 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Shuoyao served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Suncatchers-JC served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Trustifly served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; US Direct - AMOAMOGO served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Vincntse US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; WISHING HOUSE Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; WURUIdian served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Wangcai007 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Warm appliances Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Wascye Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Wikey Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Womola served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; XHACTIVE served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; XP-LOPV served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; XUELUUS served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; XiaFeiXiaMei shOP served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Xingtang-us served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Xinhyoheek served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; XiuZhu-MAOYI served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YHSSW served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YINLIAN-AUS-HOME served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YOUJINHUI served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YTK - Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YTK -Shenzhen Yason General Machinery Co.,Ltd Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YTK Official Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; YaYaFuShi001 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; Yason Appliance Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ZGDP served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ZLOS served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ZUMAIS Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ZXFlwlaa served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ZhixiaYS served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; boheyabohe served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; chenjuqin us served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; chinese produce Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; chudandehaodian111 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; comopez Official Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; comopez03 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; dajiahua served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; donggang Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; gdsog64 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; gracefu08 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; gulinghua's shop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; have nice day 20 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; hehe123 Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; huijiadeyichu served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; hybodont served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ihuadaMBin served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; jinhua store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; kbxstart Lifecare Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; kuailenongjia1 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; longzhiyujianzhuzhuangshisheji served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; luoyuanchengbeimei served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; lvbina served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; lzq944777mei served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; merbao Kitchen Appliances Store served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; min yi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; neargad served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; panshengno1 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; pptyuio-US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; renpengfeiouzhou served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; ruihengyang served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; sairui-us served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; shanxidingshengjiamaoyiyouxiangongsi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; shanxihetaoshangmaoyouxiangongsi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; shuijiao served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; suxiaboy served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; taiyuanshijinyuanquhaichengshanghang served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; wenmingming served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; wenshopshop served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; wudh served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; xhdigi-US served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; xiaosongshuss served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; xingyiwangluo152 served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; xinxiangshimingshuowangluojishuyouxiangongsi served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; xinyike served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; yuepeng Gao served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; yunchengshiyanhuqubeixiangwangzuanrizadian served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021; zihong served on 9/7/2021, response/answer due 9/28/2021.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
1:ORDER) (jbs
09/15/2021 ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Administratively Closing Case. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 9/14/2021. See attached document for full details.
09/14/2021 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roy K. Altman: Motion Hearing held on 9/14/2021 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by YIP, LLC. Total time in court: 0 hour(s) : 10 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez, Court Reporter: Francine Salopek, 954-769-5686 / Francine_Salopek@flsd.uscourts.gov.
09/13/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by YIP, LLC re [23] Notice re Hearing, upon Defendants via website posting
09/13/2021 NOTICE by YIP, LLC re [23] Notice re Hearing, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
09/13/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by YIP, LLC re [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [14] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to Extend Temporary Restraining Order Dated August 5, 2021 and to Continue Hearing Scheduled for August 27, 2021 in Connection with Motion for Preliminary Injunction, [3] Form AO 120/121, [16] Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal, [13] Notice re Hearing, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [1] Complaint, [4] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [11] Bond, [7] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [15] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [18] Notice of Filing Proposed Summons(es), [10] Sealed Document, [2] Clerk's Notice of Judge Assignment, upon Defendants via website posting
09/13/2021 NOTICE by YIP, LLC re [17] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [1] Complaint, [15] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [8] Order on Motion to Seal upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
09/13/2021 NOTICE by YIP, LLC of E-mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Asset Restraint and Service
1:Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries
09/07/2021 PAPERLESS NOTICE of Hearing: **TIME CHANGE ONLY** Preliminary Injunction Hearing set for 9/14/2021 01:00 PM before Judge Roy K. Altman. The hearing will be held via Zoom videoconference. Meeting ID: 161 2752 2255. Passcode: 7777.
08/31/2021 Clerk's NOTICE of Compliance re [21] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
08/31/2021 ORDER granting [16] Motion unseal all docket entries in this case. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 8/31/2021. See attached document for full details.
08/30/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendant Number 146 by YIP, LLC (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
08/27/2021 Summons Issued as to 7 Days of Life Store, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A.
08/27/2021 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by YIP, LLC
1:Exhibit 1 to Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the YIP Tradem
08/27/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by YIP, LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order
08/24/2021 Order
08/24/2021 Deadline(s)/Hearing(s) terminated per Chambers.
08/23/2021 PAPERLESS NOTICE of Hearing: Preliminary Injunction Hearing set for 8/27/2021 03:00 PM before Judge Roy K. Altman. The Hearing will be held via Zoom videoconference. Meeting ID: 161 2752 2255. Passcode: 7777.
08/24/2021 Deadline(s)/Hearing(s) terminated per Chambers.
08/16/2021 Seizure BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by YIP, LLC
08/09/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 10 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336528)
08/09/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
08/09/2021 ORDER Granting 5 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 8/5/2021. See attached document for full details.
08/03/2021 Order
08/03/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by YIP, LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order
08/03/2021 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by YIP, LLC (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
08/02/2021 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Roy K. Altman and Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
08/02/2021 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-14891604, filed by YIP, LLC.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the YIP Trademarks

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