2021-cv-22703 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Safety Nailer LLC v. The Individuals Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:10/15/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
12/14/2023 SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT re [81] Default Judgment, Permanent Injunction, as to Defendant 111 by Safety Nailer LLC
05/31/2022 ANSWER to Writ of Garnishment by eBay Inc. Reply/Objections to Writ Answer due by 6/21/2022.
05/12/2022 Clerks Notice to Filer re 106 Notice (Other). Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see DE# 107. It is not necessary to refile this document.
05/12/2022 ANSWER to Writ of Garnishment as to Amazon.com, Inc. Reply/Objections to Writ Answer due by 6/1/2022. (See DE# [106-1] for the document image).
05/12/2022 NOTICE by Safety Nailer LLC of Filing
1:Garnishment Defendant Amazon's Answer to Writ of Garnishment
04/22/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee PingPong Global Solutions Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [104] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/22/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on PingPong Global Solutions Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/22/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Payoneer Inc in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [101] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/22/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee LL Pay US, LLC Pay in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [100] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/22/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Payoneer, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/22/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on LL Pay US, LLC by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee PayPal, Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [92] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Stripe, Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [91] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Newegg Commerce, Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [90] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Dunhuang Group in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [89] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Ebay, Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [88] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee ContextLogic, Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [87] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/20/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Amazon.com Inc. in the amount of $ 100,000.00 re: [86] Motion for Writ filed by Safety Nailer LLC.
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Paypal, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Stripe, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Newegg Commerce, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Dunhuang Group by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Ebay, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on ContextLogic, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
04/19/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Amazon.com, Inc. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Writ of Garnishment
02/17/2022 SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT by Safety Nailer LLC
01/26/2022 WRIT OF GARNISHMENT issued as to Garnishee Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., in the amount of $100,000.00 against each Defaulting Defendant, and $150,000.00 against each Defendant 34, 108, and 111 re: 83 Motion for Writ of Garnishment.
01/25/2022 MOTION/APPLICATION for Writ of Garnishment on Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Writ of Garnishment
1:Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction) (jas
12/30/2021 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AS TO CERTAIN DEFENDANTS in favor of Safety Nailer LLC against 100% tool Store, 1847 Blues Store, ANCRV Store, A_tree, Ali-house tools Store, Arrowhunt Store, B-shine Store, BEISUOSI-TADIE, Baixiangguo, Be_FlowHome Store, Beautifully decorated Store, Better-Home-Life Store, Brightness Store, Bulk Purchase Store Store, Buy it now shop 2013, COMI LIFE Store, Come On Store, DASF Global Store, DOYOUDO, Dailymag Magnetic Technology (Ningbo) Limited, Department homes Store, DianPaiShangMao, Didida Store, Drop Shipping To Worldwide Store, Dropship House Accessories Store, Dry Houseware Store, Evie Pets Store, Fairy supermarket, Fashion Store A8, Faysida, Felici Lifestyle Store, Fighting!!!Fressia Tool Store Store, Five Stars Metal Products Factory Store, Fressia Tool Store Store, Fun-Family Store, GESN, Graceland Homey Store, Guangzhou Bolingyu Trading Co, Ltd., Guoao Measurement Store, H-Life Dropshipping Store, H-ome garden Store, HOmePetBall Store, Hand Tool Box emm Store, Have Funny Store, Hefei Home-Supply Store, Homehold quality life Store, House Necessities Store, HousehoId Suppies Store, Householdware Dropshipping Store, Howl's Moving Tools Store, I use Instrument tools Store, Improvements Lights Store, Industry Tool Accessories Store, Instrument Tech Store, Joday Store, JunChang Store, KK-Yellow Store, Kinging third Store, LIROIODO Store, LISM Life's Store, LLD Drop Shipping Store, LLD Tool Store, Leisurely Day Home-living Store, Litake Store, Lovable Life Store, Love-Life-Home Store, LuxuryGaP Store, Maple INstrument&Tool Store, Michelle's Garden Decoration Store, Mutual affinity Classical instruments, Nine Life's Store, Ningbo Fuchuang Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd., Ningbo Z.K.L.S. Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd., Niu Besting Store, OPDBN Painting Store, Ohhdeer Store, Our Home 01 Store, Outbreaker77 Store, Pets World + A Store, Practical house tools Store, Pro Tools Direct Store, QST EXPress-02, S-life Store, Sahar House Store, Sean's House Store, Shop4993329 Store, Shop900236151 Store, Shop910449007 Store, Shop911224130 Store, Silvercell Store, Sixth house Store, Smarter Shopping Store, Spotless Store, Sunday House Store, Sunny Always Online Store, SunnyD Outdoor Store, Supermarket99 Store, TOOKIE Tool Store, Tool & life Store, Tools Direct Store, Tools-decorating Store, W-Live Store, WL_XY Store, WarmHome Store, Warming-house Store, We All Like Shopping, Welcome-to My Store, Worldwide Chinese Arts Store emm Store, XINGWEIQIANG-09 Store, XiangYang Sunstor, YSTD Global Store, Yaritsi, Yiwu Nice Daily Necessities Co., Limited, Yiwu Sino E-Business Firm, You And House Store, Yueqing Shicheng Power Technology Co., Ltd., ZXSA-Electronics, ababhuxin, all tool home, clicli64, colorb-56, darialingling, decoration and furnishing Store, dr3ag8on, elrtronn, fener2580, kangkanghao, makimingyu, nau34ghty, newstarupup, newzqz88_6, ning peng ze, pandaserveyou, qujidu, ruzhenan, shanghai.box, shenyang86y, smarrashop, umogn Store, uxpftiv320, xinqinggengyun, yumuzhang, zhengrenshuo666; in favor of Safety Nailer LLC. Closing Case. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/29/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/30/2021 ORDER granting in part and denying in part 77 Motion for Default Judgment. Case is closed. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/29/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/29/2021 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE AS TO DEFENDANTS 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, and 210; Dismissing Party Anemone, Candy fantasy, Mr Giraffe, Sown stitch, get together, glasses of water, nianqingnianweio, wudongshanlaile, A Lot of Love and AOA Vivian. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/28/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/29/2021 PAPERLESS ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The Court's Order on Default Judgment Procedures, ECF No. 75, states that Plaintiff must submit all proposed orders to the Court by e-mail in Word format at bloom@flsd.uscourts.gov. Plaintiff has filed a proposed orders, ECF Nos. [77-2], [77-3], but has not submitted a Word format version to chambers. No later than January 3, 2022, Plaintiff shall e-mail a Word format version of the proposed orders as previously instructed. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom (mk00)
12/28/2021 Amended MOTION for Default Judgment by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Schedule A
2:Text of Proposed Order on Amended Motion for Final Judgment by Default
3:Text of Proposed Order for Final Judgment
4:Declaration of Joel B. Rothman in Support
5:Exhibit 1 - Invoice
6:Exhibit 2 - Screenshots
12/28/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendants 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, and 210 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
12/15/2021 ORDER ON DEFAULT JUDGMENT PROCEDURE. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/15/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/15/2021 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE AS TO DEFENDANTS 194, 195, 196, 197, AND 198 ONLY, (Yubthingy, bullockshop, pilowbiscuit, Fruit Plus and Godealpick). Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/15/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/14/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendants 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
12/13/2021 ORDER denying [63] Motion for Default Judgment. bullockshop response/answer due 12/17/2021. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/12/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/07/2021 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE AS TO DEFENDANT NUMBER 214 ONLY. Dismissing Party MR.OWEN. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 12/6/2021. See attached document for full details.
12/06/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendant 214 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
12/03/2021 NOTICE of Striking 67 Certificate of Service filed by Safety Nailer LLC by Safety Nailer LLC
12/03/2021 Clerks Notice to Filer re 67 Certificate of Service. Login/Signature Block Violation; CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED - The name of attorney e-filing this document via their CM/ECF login does not match the name of attorney on the signature block of the document. The name used for login must match the typed name on signature block of the document. This filing is a violation of Section 3J(1) of CM/ECF Admin Procedures and Local Rule 5.1(b). Filer must File a Notice of Striking, then refile document pursuant to CM/ECF Admin Procedures and Local Rules.
12/02/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Safety Nailer LLC
12/02/2021 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Angela Nieves on behalf of Safety Nailer LLC. Attorney Angela Nieves added to party Safety Nailer LLC(pty:pla).
12/01/2021 NOTICE by Safety Nailer LLC re [63] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment as to Certain Defendants, and Incorporated Memorandum of Law of Filing
1:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order on Motion for Final Judgment by Default
2:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order for Final Judgment
3:Schedule A
12/01/2021 ORDER Of Dismissal With Prejudice As To Defendant Number 192 Only. All claims asserted against Defendant listed as 192 on Schedule A to the Complaint, Top tool, is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/30/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/30/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment as to Certain Defendants, and Incorporated Memorandum of Law by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Exhibit Schedule A
2:Declaration of Joel B. Rothman
3:Exhibit 1 - Invoice
4:Exhibit 2 - Screenshots
11/29/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendant 192 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
11/19/2021 ORDER Of Dismissal With Prejudice As To Certain Defendants. Defendants listed in Schedule A to the Complaint as 143 and 151 are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/19/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/19/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendants 143 and 151 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
11/16/2021 ORDER On Default Judgment Procedure. (Motions due by 11/30/2021.) Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/16/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/15/2021 Clerks Entry of Default as to Defendants identified on Schedule A to the Complaint numbered 1-115, 119, 126, 127, 130, 138, 144, 158, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 171, 173, 174, 185, 187, 188, 193, and 199-216. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 11/15/2021.
11/15/2021 ORDER Upon Settlement Regarding Defendant 192. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/10/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/15/2021 ORDER Upon Settlement Regarding Defendants 143 & 151. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/10/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/10/2021 First MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to 100% tool Store, 1847 Blues Store, A Lot of Love, ANCRV Store, AOA Vivian, A_tree, Ali-house tools Store, Anemone, Arrowhunt Store, B-shine Store, BEISUOSI-TADIE, Baixiangguo, Be_FlowHome Store, Beautifully decorated Store, Better-Home-Life Store, Brightness Store, Bulk Purchase Store Store, Buy it now shop 2013, COMI LIFE Store, Candy fantasy, Come On Store, DASF Global Store, DOYOUDO, Dailymag Magnetic Technology (Ningbo) Limited, Department homes Store, DianPaiShangMao, Didida Store, Drop Shipping To Worldwide Store, Dropship House Accessories Store, Dry Houseware Store, Evie Pets Store, Fairy supermarket, Fashion Store A8, Faysida, Felici Lifestyle Store, Fighting!!!Fressia Tool Store Store, Five Stars Metal Products Factory Store, Fressia Tool Store Store, Fun-Family Store, GESN, Graceland Homey Store, Guoao Measurement Store, H-Life Dropshipping Store, H-ome garden Store, HOmePetBall Store, Hand Tool Box emm Store, Have Funny Store, Hefei Home-Supply Store, Homehold quality life Store, House Necessities Store, HousehoId Suppies Store, Householdware Dropshipping Store, Howl's Moving Tools Store, I use Instrument tools Store, Improvements Lights Store, Industry Tool Accessories Store, Instrument Tech Store, Joday Store, JunChang Store, KK-Yellow Store, Kinging third Store, LIROIODO Store, LISM Life's Store, LLD Drop Shipping Store, LLD Tool Store, Leisurely Day Home-living Store, Litake Store, Lovable Life Store, Love-Life-Home Store, LuxuryGaP Store, MR.OWEN, Maple INstrument&Tool Store, Michelle's Garden Decoration Store, Mr Giraffe, Mutual affinity Classical instruments, Nine Life's Store, Ningbo Fuchuang Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd., Ningbo Z.K.L.S. Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd., Niu Besting Store, OPDBN Painting Store, Ohhdeer Store, Our Home 01 Store, Outbreaker77 Store, Pets World + A Store, Practical house tools Store, Pro Tools Direct Store, QST EXPress-02, S-life Store, Sahar House Store, Shop4993329 Store, Shop900236151 Store, Shop910449007 Store, Shop911224130 Store, Silvercell Store, Sixth house Store, Smarter Shopping Store, Sown stitch, Spotless Store, Sunday House Store, Sunny Always Online Store, SunnyD Outdoor Store, TOOKIE Tool Store, Tool & life Store, Tools Direct Store, Tools-decorating Store, W-Live Store, WL_XY Store, WarmHome Store, Warming-house Store, We All Like Shopping, Welcome-to My Store, Worldwide Chinese Arts Store emm Store, XINGWEIQIANG-09 Store, XiangYang Sunstor, YSTD Global Store, Yaritsi, Yiwu Nice Daily Necessities Co., Limited, Yiwu Sino E-Business Firm, You And House Store, Yueqing Shicheng Power Technology Co., Ltd., ZXSA-Electronics, ababhuxin, all tool home, clicli64, colorb-56, decoration and furnishing Store, elrtronn, fener2580, get together, glasses of water, handymen26, kangkanghao, makimingyu, newstarupup, newzqz88_6, nianqingnianweio, ning peng ze, qujidu, ruzhenan, shanghai.box, shenyang86y, smarrashop, umogn Store, uxpftiv320, wudongshanlaile, xinqinggengyun, yumuzhang, zhengrenshuo666 by Safety Nailer LLC.
1:Affidavit Declaration of Joel B. Rothman in Support of Motion for Clerk's Entry of Default
11/10/2021 NOTICE of Settlement Defendant 192 by Safety Nailer LLC
11/10/2021 NOTICE of Settlement Defendants143 and 151 by Safety Nailer LLC
11/05/2021 ORDER Of Dismissal With Prejudice As To Certain Defendants. This case shall proceed against all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/5/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/05/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal on Defendants 189 and 190 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order
11/05/2021 ORDER Of Dismissal With Prejudice As To Certain Defendants. This case shall proceed against all remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/4/2021. See attached document for full details.
11/03/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal of Defendants 116-118, 120-125, 128, 129, 131-137, 139, 140-142, 145-150, 152-157, 159-161, 164, 167, 169, 170, 172, 175-184, 186, 191 by Safety Nailer LLC
1:Text of Proposed Order Dismissing Defendants 116-118, 120-125, 128, 129, 131-137
11/03/2021 ORDER Requiring Motion For Entry Of Clerk's Default, (Motions due by 11/10/2021.) Signed by Judge Beth Bloom on 11/3/2021. See attached document for full details.
10/21/2021 STATUS REPORT on Service by Safety Nailer LLC
10/20/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Safety Nailer LLC on Defendants 1-193 and 199-216
10/15/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Safety Nailer LLC on Defendants 193 and 194

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