2024-cv-07209 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



TV Tokyo Corporation v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:08/14/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌: 火影忍者

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:HSP


日期 描述
09/27/2024 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER: Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 9/27/2024.Mailed notice.
09/27/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion for default judgment 30 is granted. Enter Final Default Judgment Order. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice.
09/25/2024 MEMORANDUM by TV Tokyo Corporation in support of motion for default judgment[30]
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
09/25/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation for default judgment as to The Defendants Identified In The Schedule A
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: X-Pro Store, Y2K Clothes Store, Yaozi grocery store Store, Yaswei Store, YAYI Toys Store, YIKIA ART Store, YINBU Graphic T-shirt Store, Youmi Store Store, YSK Cards Store, YSK Disney World Store, YSK Sosmart Store, YYDS Kids Store, ZFei Store, Zixuan Clothing Store, ZJTHREEZJ Store, ZQLFS-NB Store, Defendant 3 and Defendant 87 added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Trends Sippers Store, TT HAT Store, TUXEN Painting Store Store, Value-for-money fashion Store, VARIY Store, Wait Here For You Store, Walking Panther Store, WALL ART ONLINE Store, WEDO Store and Wonderful Fun Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Shop911111114 Store, Shop911384203 Store, Shop911437032 Store, Shop911755727 Store, Shop912624397 Store, smiling center Store, So Fun Store, Sonic Clothes Store, SR Toy Store, Starshines Store, Stuffed Toys Store, Suness Store, syukukaNetwork Store, Taipan Store, Takara Tomy 1 Store, TAKARATOMY Star Store, TeePublic Store, Textile Online Store, Tongle Toy Store, Top Toy Flagship Store, Toy figure sticker shop Store, Toy Hobby Store and Toys Wholesale Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Shop1102731573 Store, Shop1102749256 Store, Shop1102754645 Store, Shop1102770170 Store, Shop1102775263 Store, Shop1102787933 Store, Shop1102789828 Store, Shop1102927457 Store, Shop1102975014 Store, Shop1103024289 Store, Shop1103037319 Store, Shop1103131224 Store, Shop1103211475 Store, Shop1103259234 Store, Shop1103308083 Store, Shop1103308268 Store, Shop1103322395 Store, Shop1103371158 Store, Shop1103392085 Store, Shop1103440582 Store, Shop1103459155 Store, Shop1103479163 Store, Shop1103571115 Store, Shop1103579194 Store, Shop1103600560 Store, Shop1103612830 Store, Shop1103672695 Store, Shop1103681232 Store, Shop1103682753 Store, Shop1103698016 Store, Shop1103730364 Store, Shop1103740137 Store, Shop1103741842 Store, Shop1103746677 Store, Shop1103754114 Store, Shop1103771314 Store, Shop1103777253 Store, Shop1103779291 Store, Shop1103831572 Store, Shop1103845361 Store, Shop1103863261 Store, Shop1103875694 Store, Shop1103882768 Store, Shop1103888046 Store, Shop4715033 Store, Shop5073087 Store, Shop5253056 Store, Shop5778565 Store, Shop5789668 Store, Shop5878344 Store and Shop910336018 Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Mei Mei De Store, Memune Costumes Store, Mental assembly Store, Merchoid Store, Miss2011 Store, MMA RashGuards Store, Moonlight Trend Store, MordenOffical Store, Neptune Clothes Store, New Gifts Fun Toys Store, oiiknoi361323665 Store, OK BanDais Toy Store, Pikapika Child Clothing Store, PinkWorld Store, Play Well Toys Store, Plush Toy Store, Plush Wholesale Small Store, Puleman07 Store, Puleman08 Store, Pumanle06 Store, QYD-2 Store, Robles model Store, ROEOLNIL Store, SANDMAN Accessories Factory Store, Sanrio One Piece Franchise Store Store, Sanrioed series toy Store, Sevgiliye Store, Shop Goddess Story Cards Store, Shop110000200 Store, Shop1100014082 Store, Shop1100021052 Store, Shop1100052090 Store, Shop1100338016 Store, Shop1102266017 Store, Shop1102271549 Store, Shop1102298440 Store, Shop1102317503 Store, Shop1102349193 Store, Shop1102371066 Store, Shop1102377968 Store, Shop1102419191 Store, Shop1102475245 Store, Shop1102483304 Store, Shop1102542029 Store, Shop1102598497 Store, Shop1102599797 Store, Shop1102604427 Store, Shop1102624037 Store and Shop1102634398 Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Kai Chen Xing Store, Kawaii Anime Mousepads Store, kids cartoon world hat wholesale Store, KK Funy Toy Store, KL-TOW Store, Kung-Fu, Lefeng Store, Leyan Anime art Store, Little naughty toy Store, Little Sweety Store, Lovely plush toy Store, Lucky Kids Plush Toy Store, Lucky Toys Store, Magic Castle Lego Store, Maker Bless Toy Store and Malikven Factory Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: Disney Marvel Kids Clothes Store, Disneys costume Store, Dragon Ball Clothes Store, Dream Children Clothing Store, Dreamking Store, Ecobros SanMao Store, Eharlien Official Store, Fairy Tale Good Clothing Store, Fandomaniax Store, FASHION UNLIMITED, Fawn toy Store, FF-TOYS Store, FreedomnewME Store, Fun Street Store, Funny Castle Toy Store, FZSLCYIYI Store, Game toy Store, Global Top Men Clothing Store, good hoodie dropship Store, GYM AA MEN Store, Hachi Store, Harajuku-fashion Store, Hasbro Flagship Free Store, HH ROBE Store, HIbaseaballhat Store, High quality Toys Store, High Quality Tracksuit Gym OHF Store, Idoll Store, Imagination Art Store, In Happiness Plush Toy Store, Iqqou Store, Jia Na Da Bei Store, Jiajia Store and JIUYUE Anime Store Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: chengxinyingtianxia666 Store, Cherish168 Store, Children Clothing Line Store, Children Playground Toy Store, CHINGYUN Accessories Store, Co-Branded Toy Store, Cool Baby Wardrobe Store, Cosmos-fun Store, Cosplay Cartoon Character Store, COSREA Costume Store, costume123 Store, CosztkhpNew Store, Courtesy Season Store, CPP Toy Store, Crowd of anime world Store, Cute Baby Children Clothes 01 Store, Cute Baby Clothes Store, Day Day Up N.18 Store, Didida Children Store, Dimensional Anime Store, DISHIXIAO Specialty Store, Disney case Store, Disney Childrens Clothing 1 Store Store and Disney Marvel Fantasy Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 NEW PARTIES: 2C Toy Store, 3D Children Wardrobe Store, ACGallery Collectibles Store, Alibabas Anime Store, Animation Derivatives Store, Anime Costume 06 Store, Anime House Toy Store, Anime Jewellery Badge Store, Anime Keyboard Mousepad Store, Anime-Cos Store, Animes Toy Store, Anna Quality Store, Asomde Board Game Store, AY2022 Store, BAGE POSTER Store, Bandai Anime DIY Store, Bandai Clothes 08 Store, BANDAI Clothes Store, BANDAI Kids Clothes Store, Beautiful Fans Store, Beautiful World Toy Store, Black box toy assemble Store, Bucktooth toy factory Store, Cartoon Dress Store and Changjiang Store added to case caption.
09/12/2024 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER: Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 9/12/2024. Mailed notice.
09/12/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Telephonic preliminary injunction hearing held on 9/12/2024. Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction 24 is granted. The Clerk is directed to unseal all documents that were previously filed under seal. Law Firms JiangIP LLC and Keith Vogt, Ltd. are ordered to add all defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. Plaintiff is directed to file a status report by 11/19/2024. The case is set for a telephonic status hearing on 11/26/2024 at 8:50 a.m. The following call-in number will be used for the hearing: 650-479-3207; access code 2305-915-8729. Mailed notice.
09/06/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: The Court learned that its conference call access number is no longer operative. The following call-in number will be used for the 9/12/2024 preliminary injunction hearing: 888-684-8852, access code 746-1053. Mailed notice.
09/03/2024 SUMMONS Returned Executed by TV Tokyo Corporation as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A on 9/3/2024, answer due 9/24/2024.
1:Declaration of Service
2:Exhibit 1, of Declaration of Service
09/03/2024 MEMORANDUM by TV Tokyo Corporation in support of motion for preliminary injunction[24]
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1, of Keith A. Vogt's declaration
09/03/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation for preliminary injunction
08/27/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion for extension of the temporary restraining order [22] is granted. The ex parte TRO entered by the Court on 8/15/2024 is extended through 9/12/2024. The telephonic preliminary injunction hearing set for 8/29/2024 is vacated and reset to 9/12/2024 at 8:55 AM, using call-in number 650-479-3207, access code 980-394-33. The deadline for filing a motion for preliminary injunction is 9/9/2024. Any motion for preliminary injunction filed in this case must be accompanied by a certificate stating upon whom and how the motion has been served. In addition plaintiff is advised that it should promptly accomplish electronic service of summons on the defendants and not wait until too close to the preliminary injunction hearing to do so. The Court may deny entry of a preliminary injunction if there is an insufficient interval between service and the motion hearing to allow the defendants a fair opportunity to respond.
08/26/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation for extension of time of the Temporary Restraining Order
08/17/2024 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials.
08/17/2024 MAILED Trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
1:(List of Trademarks ex 1)
2:((List of Trademarks ex 2))
08/16/2024 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000.00 posted by TV Tokyo Corporation (Document not scanned).
08/16/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A
08/15/2024 SEALED ORDER: Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 8/15/2024.
08/15/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion to file under seal [12] and motion to file excess pages [13] are granted. Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order (etc.) [14] is also granted. Enter Sealed Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order. Preliminary injunction hearing is set for 8/29/2024 at 8:50 AM. The following call-in number will be used for the hearing: 650-479-3207, access code 980-394-33. Any motion for preliminary injunction or motion to extend the TRO must be filed by 8/26/2024. Any motion for preliminary injunction filed in this case must be accompanied by a certificate stating upon whom and how the motion has been served. In addition plaintiff is advised that it should promptly accomplish electronic service of summons on the defendants and not wait until too close to the preliminary injunction hearing to do so. The Court may deny entry of a preliminary injunction if there is an insufficient interval between service and the motion hearing to allow the defendants a fair opportunity to respond. Mailed notice.
08/14/2024 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation Sealed Exhibit 3, Declaration of Hiroaki Saiki regarding memorandum in support of motion, [15]
08/14/2024 MEMORANDUM in support of [14] Exparte motion
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1-4, of of Keith A. Vogt's declaration
3:Declaration of Hiroaki Saiki
4:Exhibit 1, of Hiroaki Saiki's declaration
5:Exhibit 2, of Hiroaki Saiki declaration
08/14/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation for leave to file excess pages
08/14/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation for leave to file under seal
08/14/2024 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
08/14/2024 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey T. Gilbert. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 2).
08/14/2024 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by TV Tokyo Corporation
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Yi Bu
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Yanling Jiang
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Monica Rita Martin
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Christopher Romero
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Cameron Eugene Mcintyre
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Adam Grodman
08/14/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation by Keith A. Vogt
08/14/2024 CIVIL Cover Sheet
08/14/2024 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff TV Tokyo Corporation Schedule A to Complaint [1]
08/14/2024 COMPLAINT filed by TV Tokyo Corporation; Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-22361484.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4
5:Exhibit 5

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