2022-cv-00817 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Khara Inc. et al v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:新世纪福音战士NEON GENESIS EVANGELION

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:HSP


日期 描述
10/22/2022 SATISFACTION of Judgment
07/06/2022 SATISFACTION of Judgment
06/21/2022 SATISFACTION of Judgment
06/13/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
06/06/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
04/05/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's counsel has advised the courtroom deputy clerk that the stipulation of dismissal filed on today's date resolves all claims against the last remaining defendant. The Clerk is directed to terminate the case and vacate any upcoming hearing dates. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice.
04/05/2022 STIPULATION of Dismissal Joint Stipulation of Dismissal as to Def No. 27 lucky_toye
03/31/2022 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER (as to certain defendants) Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 3/31/2022: Motion for default judgment as to certain defendants 27 is granted.
03/30/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant lucky_toye by Christopher Paul Keleher
03/29/2022 MEMORANDUM by Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. in support of motion for default judgment[27]
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
03/29/2022 MOTION by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. for default judgment as to The Defendants Identified In The First Amended Schedule A
03/28/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
03/20/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
03/13/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs
03/10/2022 NEW PARTIES: YANGFangyang, Zhichao Store, ZongshajibodPb, zq story, zuohong, ZYJ & store, Arvincos2018, BASHUAI, BMzhaoshuai, Boyuan Store Market, CHENMEIJING125, chenshungusbaihuodia, CSSCEC, dfsdfw8744654, FeiYan369, FULiYEAR, hnajpdp, huichenbaihuodian, jfhkhkkjk2525, JIMUZI, jingjinglulu, laihebaihuo, Linduo Company, lixnmat-shops, manman shangmao youxiangongsi, putianshiyoukejumaoyiyouxiangongsi, quanxiaomaoyi, QXDZSWB, ronglaishangmao, SADDWASD, Saxiangshangmao123, Sckaluu, Unsyhmyy, xinglongshops, XINXINXI, yihaosanbinglubenwei and YMXWS added to case caption.
03/10/2022 NEW PARTIES: liuzijing9, Lixiumei1314, liyanfang88056, liyongwang03007, lizengtan245, lizhuokun92243, lvhongli123, MARK TETZLAFF, Michaelcd, MIRROR.Store2035, Miss Gu's Shop, Mndsjheiru58723, moshang11, myselfs, neverlandindream, niuliang4664466, Nneryoy Baby's, Notitee, Oliver Flood, PATRICIA MOHON, pengchunchun839628, Plilmee, renjinhuan, Rosemary R Thibodeaux, sangyuanji84983, schuierden, SearchingagoodsellStore, Shaozhengxu, shengzhongxin7217, Shinka, SJDN GHNG, sound good, Sushi & Teriyaki, tanghuidong123456, tangxiaolian38100, tanzhenyan123, vfjgifgyfiugv, wangying163163, wfh25 and xiaoxuer added to case caption.
03/10/2022 NEW PARTIES: Debra Jean Misitano, dennishopgifts1209, DHUF.SF-djf-s, dianfumingcheng12345, Dingkele2013, Donafgfgjhd168, dujun03590, Exotic pug puppies, Eyefuel PR Coupons, Fanyufa, fashionmacket, fengrui Store me, firuwg1515, Forest Demon, gang fashion, gaojinxin7814, gaopengh, Gengsenuy, geshaolin19502, Ghommueirre, Globeworks, Guadalupe Moore, GuJianFeng, guorui71320, guoyongfu5263, hegenqing, hot62bigboom, houliangyan66058, huibuhuinine, hunan1436, huyongkang50372, inductothermy, ivlxh9shop, Jennifer Marino45, jiajia123456, jianghongxiao91780, jihonghu29551, jinghanzu, jinhui fashion trade, JIUJIUDE, Jonathan Thompson, juluo, kakangdieyue, KitKatt, lihaiyan7946, lijiawei55033, litaihai5388, litianubvshop, liubo66648 and liuli911922933 added to case caption.
03/10/2022 NEW PARTIES: adjoins, AE Shoes, Aladyscheongsam, Angela Irizarry, Ashley Pennine, BEE Glitter glaze, Beverly Dorsey, Brian Hooks54, bsqrrotmw, cangwujknagl, Catholic Charismatic Center, CCPRO, chenglih, chengxinkai29913, chenzimeng5463, ckdfjog, corpuscare, COSLIU, Daxiezany Pants and deazdd added to case caption.
03/10/2022 NEW PARTIES: 4UGK, Changsha M-Shine Crafts Co., Ltd., postershop, Shenzhen Qiji Trading Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Xingman Industry Co., Ltd., Yiwu Tangao E-Commerce Firm, adaser9, adorablestore, anycan.anybuy, auto_sparehub, avimadh87, bestmmai, chamidu2020, chanakahet_29, chenmi-7, chshd18, cogacoga, costoy231, dazcosplayer, dengxiaoqi1815, devan.s-4, heguo0-36, joh-611781, johncuan, jollyanime, jordani-4, lucky_toye, miyajia999, mzxcos5752, nimlo-store, royal_art, sandeep_globalshopping, sdtoys18, shishuangcos_animeclothing, smileshop95, tangyuanfei2010, tharush98, wixmart, wyg-9 and yiqi96_36 added to case caption.
03/07/2022 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER: Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 3/7/2022. Mailed notice.
03/07/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction 18 is granted. The preliminary injunction and motion hearing set for 3/8/2022 is vacated. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. The Clerk is directed to amend the caption and title of the case to read Ground Works Co. Ltd. vs. 4UGK et al. The Clerk is directed to unseal all documents that were previously filed under seal. Law Firm Jiangip LLC and Keith Vogt, Ltd. are ordered to add all defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. The case is set for a telephonic status hearing on 5/10/2022 at 8:55 AM. The following call-in number will be used for the hearing: 888-684-8852, access code 746-1053. Plaintiff is directed to file a status report on 5/3/2022. Mailed notice.
02/28/2022 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Khara Inc., Ground Works Co., Ltd. as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 2/28/2022, answer due 3/21/2022.
1:Declaration of Service
2:(Exhibit 1, Vogt Declaration)
02/28/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 18 before Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 3/8/2022 at 08:55 AM.
02/28/2022 MEMORANDUM by Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. in support of motion for preliminary injunction 18
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:(Exhibit 1, Declaration of Keith Vogt)
02/28/2022 MOTION by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. for preliminary injunction
02/25/2022 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000.00 posted by Khara Inc. (Document not scanned).
02/22/2022 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"
02/22/2022 SEALED ORDER: Signed by the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly on 2/22/2022.
02/22/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly: Plaintiff's motions for leave to file excess pages 9 and for leave to file under seal 8 are granted. Plaintiff's motion for entry of an ex parte temporary restraining order 10 is also granted. Enter Sealed Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order. Preliminary injunction hearing is set for 3/8/2022 at 8:55 AM. The following call-in number will be used for the hearing: 888-684-8852, access code 746-1053. Any motion to extend the temporary restraining order or motion for preliminary injunction must be filed by no later than 3/4/2022. Any motion for preliminary injunction must include a certificate of service stating how and upon whom the motion has been served. Mailed notice.
02/16/2022 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
02/16/2022 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
02/16/2022 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. Sealed Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Yasuhiro Kamimura regarding memorandum in support of motion, 11
1:Exhibit 2, Part 1
2:Exhibit 2, Part 2
3:Exhibit 2, Part 3
4:Exhibit 2, Part 4
5:Exhibit 2, Part 5
6:Exhibit 2, Part 6
02/16/2022 MEMORANDUM In Support of 10 Ex Parte Motion
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1-4, Declaration of Keith Vogt
3:Declaration of Yasuhiro Kamimura
4:Exhibit 1, Declaration of Yasuhiro Kamimura
02/16/2022 MOTION by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. for leave to file excess pages
02/16/2022 MOTION by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. for leave to file [Certain] Documents Under Seal
02/15/2022 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Beth W. Jantz. Case assignment: Random assignment.
02/15/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. by Adam Grodman
02/15/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. by Yi Bu
02/15/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. by Yanling Jiang
02/15/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. by Keith A. Vogt
02/15/2022 CIVIL Cover Sheet
02/15/2022 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiffs Ground Works Co., Ltd., Khara Inc. Schedule A to Complaint [1]
02/15/2022 COMPLAINT filed by Khara Inc., Ground Works Co., Ltd.; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-19157188.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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