2022-cv-02259 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Interfocus Inc. v. The Defendants Identified in Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:04/14/2023

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

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日期 描述
12/14/2023 ORDER ON PARTIES' MOTIONS TO REFUND POSTED BONDS Signed by the Honorable Steven C. Seeger on 12/14/2023. Mailed notice.
11/02/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: Plaintiff's motion to refund the posted bond (Dckt. No. 146) is hereby granted. Mailed notice.
10/27/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc., Counter Defendant Interfocus Inc. for bond Plaintiff's Motion to Refund Posted Bond
10/23/2023 EMAILED copy of minute entry to the Fiscal Department of USDC.
10/10/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: Defendants' motion to refund posted bond (Dckt. No. 144) is hereby granted. The Court directs the Clerk's Office to refund the bond posted by Defendants on December 1, 2022. The earlier motion to refund the posted bond (Dckt. No. 140) is denied as duplicative. Mailed notice
09/29/2023 MOTION by Defendants to refund posted bond.
09/30/2023 MAILED copyright report to Registrar, Washington DC.
09/29/2023 CERTIFIED copy of order dated 09/29/2023 from the 7th Circuit regarding notice of appeal 71 ; Appellate case no. : 22-3176; IT IS ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 42(b).
09/29/2023 MANDATE of USCA dated 09/29/2023 regarding notice of appeal 71 ; USCA No.22-3176; No record to be returned.
09/28/2023 MOTION by Defendants Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited TO REFUND POSTED BOND
09/28/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court reviewed the Parties' Joint Request to Dismiss All Claims with Prejudice. (Dckt. No. 138) The parties have settled. As requested, the complaint is dismissed with prejudice. The Court declines the request to "retain jurisdiction to enforce the settlement agreement and all future infringement claims," for reasons explained in this Court's Standing Order. The case is closed. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice.
09/27/2023 Parties Joint Request to Dismiss All Claims With Prejudice by Interfocus Inc.
1:(Text of Proposed Order [Proposed] Order Granting Parties' Joint Request to Dismiss All Claims with Prejudice)
09/22/2023 STATUS Report JOINT STATUS REPORT by Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibaby Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hibobi Technology Limited
09/01/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court reviewed the joint status report. (Dckt. No. 135) The parties are continuing to talk and make progress. The parties must file another status report by September 22, 2023. The Court vacates all other deadlines in the meantime. Mailed notice
08/29/2023 STATUS Report Parties' Further Joint Status Report Regarding Status of Settlement by Interfocus Inc.(a California Corporation)
08/16/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court reviewed the joint status report. (Dckt. No. 133) The parties have made additional progress on the settlement front. The parties are close. The parties must file another status report by August 29, 2023. The Court directs the parties to discuss settlement in good faith and with a sense of purpose. Mailed notice.
08/15/2023 STATUS Report Parties Joint Status Report Regarding Status of Settlement by Interfocus Inc.(a California Corporation)
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
08/04/2023 ANSWER to amended complaint, COUNTERCLAIM filed by Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hibobi Technology Limited, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd against Interfocus Inc.(a California Corporation), Shenzhen Yingfusi Technology Co., Ltd. by Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hibobi Technology Limited, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd
07/31/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court reviewed the joint status report. (Dckt. No. 127) The joint motion to set new case schedule (Dckt. No. 130) is hereby granted in part as follows. The parties have exchanged draft settlement agreements, but are in the process of continuing to iron out the details. The parties are "likely to complete settlement in the near future." The parties ask this Court to move the entire case calendar. Instead, the Court will order the following. The parties must file a joint status report by August 15, 2023. If the parties have not finalized the settlement at that point, then the Court would consider a short extension of the overall schedule. The Court directs the parties to continue to discuss settlement in good faith and in earnest. Mailed notice
07/28/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc., Counter Defendants Interfocus Inc., Interfocus Inc. for settlement (JOINT), MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc., Counter Defendants Interfocus Inc., Interfocus Inc. for extension of time TO SET NEW CASE SCHEDULE
07/21/2023 SECOND AMENDED complaint by Interfocus Inc. against Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibaby Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Holdings, Limited, Hibobi Technology Limited, The Defendants Identified in Schedule A
1:Exhibit 69A - 72
2:Exhibit 73A - 74D
3:Exhibit 75A - 75D
4:Exhibit 76A - 76D
5:Exhibit 77A - 77D
6:(Exhibit 78A - 78D)
07/21/2023 RESPONSE by Defendants Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited to order on motion for summary judgment, order on motion for extension of time, order on motion for leave to file, order on motion to seal document, text entry, 123 - Defendants' Response to the Court's June 20, 2023 Order
07/18/2023 STATUS Report (JOINT) by Interfocus Inc.
06/28/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court reviewed the joint status report. (Dckt. No. 125) The parties "had reached settlement in principle" but are ironing out the details. The parties ask this Court to suspend all deadlines by 30 days. The Court extends all deadlines by 21 days, including all dates in the Order dated June 20, 2023. So, any amended complaint is due by July 21, 2023. The parties must file a status report by July 19, 2023. Defendants' motion to stay preliminary injunction pending appeal or increase bond (Dckt. No. 76) is hereby denied. Mailed notice.
06/26/2023 STATUS Report Joint Status Report Regarding Status of Settlement by Interfocus Inc.
1:(Text of Proposed Order [Proposed] Order Re Parties' Joint Status Report Regarding Status of Settlement)
06/20/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The Court directs all parties to meet and confer and engage in active settlement discussions by June 30, 2023. The parties must discuss settlement with a sense of urgency and a sense of purpose. The parties must file a status report by July 7, 2023, including whether they seek a settlement conference. Mailed notice.
06/20/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: Plaintiff's motion for leave to file a second amended complaint (Dckt. No. 120) is granted in large part. On November 8, 2022, this Court adopted the proposed schedule and set a deadline of December 15, 2022 for any amended pleadings. (Dckt. No. 47) On April 20, 2023, four months after the deadline, Plaintiff filed a motion for leave to file an amended complaint, without mentioning that deadline. Plaintiff seeks to add new substantive allegations to the complaint. Since then, this Court has issued an opinion about Rule 41(a), including the need to file an amended complaint to dismiss a settling defendants. (Dckt. No. 122) So, the Court rules as follows. The Court grants Plaintiff leave to file an amended complaint by June 30, 2023. The motion for leave to file amended answers (Dckt. No. 109) is hereby denied as moot in light of the forthcoming amended complaint. The parties must meet and confer about an updated case schedule, and must file a joint motion with a proposed case calendar by July 7, 2023. The stipulated motion to extend deadlines (Dckt. No. 108) is hereby denied as moot in light of the forthcoming change to the overall schedule. The motion for summary judgment (Dckt. No. 84) is hereby denied as moot in light of the forthcoming amended complaint. For now, the motion to seal (Dckt. No. 111) is tentatively granted. The motion, however, is terse and general, and would force this Court to do significant work to figure out if the documents deserve protection from public view. By June 30, 2023, defendants must show cause why the documents in question should not be unsealed. Mailed notice.
06/07/2023 MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable Steven C. Seeger on 6/7/2023. For the foregoing reasons, the motion for entry of stipulation to voluntary dismiss and for attorney service (Dckt. No. 93) is denied without prejudice. Mailed notice.
04/28/2023 REPLY by Interfocus Inc. to MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc. for summary judgment 84 of Liability for Willful Copyright Infringement
04/20/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc., Counter Defendants Interfocus Inc., Interfocus Inc. for leave to file SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT
1:Exhibit A-1
2:Exhibit A-2
3:Exhibit A-3
4:Exhibit B
5:Exhibit C
6:Exhibit D
7:Exhibit E
8:Exhibit F
9:Exhibit G
10:Exhibit H
04/18/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Steven C. Seeger: The motion hearing set for April 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. is hereby vacated. Mailed notice.
04/14/2023 Defendants' Affirmative Statement of Material Facts STATEMENT by Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited (Redacted)
04/14/2023 RESPONSE by Defendants Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited to statement in support, 86
1:Supplement Index of Exhibits
2:Exhibit 9
3:Exhibit 10
4:Exhibit 11
5:Exhibit 12
6:Exhibit 13.01
7:Exhibit 13.02
8:Exhibit 13.03
9:Exhibit 13.04
10:Exhibit 13.05
11:Exhibit 13.06
12:Exhibit 13.07
13:Exhibit 13.08
14:Exhibit 13.09
15:Exhibit 13.10
16:Exhibit 14
17:Exhibit 15
18:Exhibit 16
19:Exhibit 17
20:Exhibit 18
21:Exhibit 19
22:Exhibit 20
23:Exhibit 21
24:Exhibit 22
25:Exhibit 23
26:Exhibit 24
27:Exhibit 25
28:Exhibit 26
29:Exhibit 27
30:(Exhibit 28)
04/14/2023 RESPONSE by Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limitedin Opposition to MOTION by Plaintiff Interfocus Inc. for summary judgment 84 (Redacted)
1:(Declaration Rule 56(d))
04/14/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendants Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited Defendants' Affirmative Statement of Material Facts
04/14/2023 SEALED DOCUMENT by Defendants Hangzhou Haibaobei Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Hibao Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Jiulong Technology Co. Ltd., Hibobi Technology Limited Exhibits to Defendants' Response to Plaintiff's Statement of Material Facts
1:Exhibit 10
2:Exhibit 11
3:Exhibit 15
4:Exhibit 16
5:Exhibit 17
6:Exhibit 18
7:Exhibit 19
8:Exhibit 20
9:Exhibit 21
10:Exhibit 22
11:(Exhibit 28)
04/14/2023 SEALED RESPONSE Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment
04/14/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Ziyong Li for presentment of motion to seal document 111 before Honorable Steven C. Seeger on 4/19/2023 at 09:00 AM.

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