2022-cv-03872 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



General Motors LLC v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:07/26/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:美国通用汽车

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:GBC


日期 描述
09/12/2024 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] as to certain defendant
04/04/2024 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendants
08/10/2023 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
06/08/2023 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
05/25/2023 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
04/27/2023 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
02/09/2023 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[44] in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
11/11/2022 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order 44 in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
10/28/2022 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order on motion for entry of default, order on motion for default judgment, terminated case, 43 in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendant
10/21/2022 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order 44 in the amount of $250,000 as to certain defendants
10/07/2022 FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER Signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 10/7/2022. Mailed notice
10/07/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment 39 against all defendants remaining in this case is granted. Enter Final Judgment Order. The Clerk of the Court is directed to return the surety bond posted in the amount of ten thousand dollar ($10,000) to General Motors LLC or its counsel Greer Burns & Crain, Ltd. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice.
10/06/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[39] before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 10/12/2022 at 09:45 AM.
1:Exhibit A
10/06/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion[40]
1:Exhibit 1
10/06/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[39]
1:Exhibit 1
10/06/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for entry of default, MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for default judgment as to all Defendants
1:Exhibit A
09/23/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by General Motors LLC as to certain defendant
09/15/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Pursuant to the status report in which plaintiff represents that settlement discussions are proceeding with certain defendants and that plaintiff will move for default judgment at a later date where appropriate, the status hearing is reset for 10/31/2022 at 9:45 a.m. (to track the case only; no appearance required). The plaintiff shall file a written status report by 10/24/2021. The court will enter an order in response to the status report. Mailed notice.
09/09/2022 NEW PARTIES: 21AutoParts Store, 4 Motorcar Store, Aisun car accessories Store, ANNA car stickers Store, Auto Parts Sticker Store, Automotive Zones Store, AUTOPT.GO AUDIVW Store, AYWE Store, Bcars Car Accessories Store, BREAD Auto Parts Store, car buy car Store, Car Retrofit emblem Store, CARSHELP Store, CNW-SHS Store, Decal world Store, Elifestyle Store, FCFY Car Store, Flamestor Store, Fuwo Stylish decal Shop Store, GOFLARE Official Store, Good Car Accessories Store, GZRIVERRUN Official Store, Jppq Store, KMDAUTOParts Store, Leono Store, LJN-ZDT Car Store, Maria discount Store, Modified-car stickers Store, NYP168 Store, Peach Hub Store, QS Stickers Store, RY2021 Store, shaoduan Store, Shop1100187204 Store, Shop1100332129 Store, Shop1100348433 Store, Shop1102127243 Store, Shop1102156997 Store, Shop3085047 Store, Shop3680012 Store, Shop5022115 Store, Shop5134084 Store, Shop5788889 Store, Shop910325063 Store, Shop911207256 Store, Shop911414059 Store, Shop911567529 Store, Su chang Store, teshu Store, TopBeauty Art Store, UU-Autoparts Store, VN professional spare parts Store, Youqing's Store, yq's Good Store, A17CADV783ERX2, ANPEX, Autoacces Parts, BB PIG, beilifeili, binyiwangluo, CAR DIAN, CAR FAN, changchunshitaohuayingshangmaoyouxiangongsi, chezhichenghdre, chongqingshenshihaijianzhucailiaoyouxiangongsi, Dinuoda, dwqeqvchuhiuhcxzdsa, DzyunnanershendianpuAMZzz, Future_Tse, guangzhoushikangdadianzimaoyiyouxiangongsi, Haikoushinenggengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, heart shaped shop, hgebfg, HongHong AUTO, Jackyu2020, JSWHE, JunlongStore, JUNYUWANGLUO, KAIRONG SHANGMAO, KAOQIAN, kgjd8fjdgb, KongY AUTO, kunmingxiongkuidianzishangwuyouxianzerengongsi, LEPAI, liuyangshizhandandianzimaoyiyouxiangongsi, liuzhuangzhuangshou, LWWL, Mark Polo, meerkat11, Old tavern, Phoenix Auto Parts, Priscilla Case, putianchenningmaoyi, qinhuangdaoleijikejiyouxiangong, rgebgfdfsdsaewqvfd, Richae, shanggaoxianhuodongbaihuodian, shanxiwanshunlaixiangtiyuyongpinyouxiangongsi, shbn6lpoij, snfdkiuhdsaewjyuikim, somporn, SuMei Store, Wheel Stickers, XCP-Store, Xqc Z 6352, YEOLD, Yichunfuhegonghaodianzishangwu, zhanjinzhu, 2022offroad, 8_47032, adorn-car, allez_our, auto-0608, autofasts2g, auto-jiyi, car_interior_store, dakoamngzo, dang76615, ebwe_77, ecarno.2, flyteching, gogoshine1026, hhtown2016_8, iqvc5957, jiyieyieauto, little-big-brother, mokuyo, smartshop888-88, the.aa, vjhw1217, yesall0601, yuanjie_32, zhangrenfeng2001 and Perfect Office Products 2020 added to case caption.
09/09/2022 STATUS Report per 23 by General Motors LLC
1:(Exhibit A)
09/09/2022 NEW PARTIES: 21AutoParts Store, 4 Motorcar Store, Aisun car accessories Store, ANNA car stickers Store, Auto Parts Sticker Store, Automotive Zones Store, AUTOPT.GO AUDIVW Store, AYWE Store, Bcars Car Accessories Store, BREAD Auto Parts Store, car buy car Store, Car Retrofit emblem Store, CARSHELP Store, CNW-SHS Store, Decal world Store, Elifestyle Store, FCFY Car Store, Flamestor Store, Fuwo Stylish decal Shop Store, GOFLARE Official Store, Good Car Accessories Store, GZRIVERRUN Official Store, Jppq Store, KMDAUTOParts Store, Leono Store, LJN-ZDT Car Store, Maria discount Store, Modified-car stickers Store, NYP168 Store, Peach Hub Store, QS Stickers Store, RY2021 Store, shaoduan Store, Shop1100187204 Store, Shop1100332129 Store, Shop1100348433 Store, Shop1102127243 Store, Shop1102156997 Store, Shop3085047 Store, Shop3680012 Store, Shop5022115 Store, Shop5134084 Store, Shop5788889 Store, Shop910325063 Store, Shop911207256 Store, Shop911414059 Store, Shop911567529 Store, Su chang Store, teshu Store, TopBeauty Art Store, UU-Autoparts Store, VN professional spare parts Store, Youqing's Store, yq's Good Store, A17CADV783ERX2, ANPEX, Autoacces Parts, BB PIG, beilifeili, binyiwangluo, CAR DIAN, CAR FAN, changchunshitaohuayingshangmaoyouxiangongsi, chezhichenghdre, chongqingshenshihaijianzhucailiaoyouxiangongsi, Dinuoda, dwqeqvchuhiuhcxzdsa, DzyunnanershendianpuAMZzz, Future_Tse, guangzhoushikangdadianzimaoyiyouxiangongsi, Haikoushinenggengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, heart shaped shop, hgebfg, HongHong AUTO, Jackyu2020, JSWHE, JunlongStore, JUNYUWANGLUO, KAIRONG SHANGMAO, KAOQIAN, kgjd8fjdgb, KongY AUTO, kunmingxiongkuidianzishangwuyouxianzerengongsi, LEPAI, liuyangshizhandandianzimaoyiyouxiangongsi, liuzhuangzhuangshou, LWWL, Mark Polo, meerkat11, Old tavern, Phoenix Auto Parts, Priscilla Case, putianchenningmaoyi, qinhuangdaoleijikejiyouxiangong, rgebgfdfsdsaewqvfd, Richae, shanggaoxianhuodongbaihuodian, shanxiwanshunlaixiangtiyuyongpinyouxiangongsi, shbn6lpoij, snfdkiuhdsaewjyuikim, somporn, SuMei Store, Wheel Stickers, XCP-Store, Xqc Z 6352, YEOLD, Yichunfuhegonghaodianzishangwu, zhanjinzhu, 2022offroad, 8_47032, adorn-car, allez_our, auto-0608, autofasts2g, auto-jiyi, car_interior_store, dakoamngzo, dang76615, ebwe_77, ecarno.2, flyteching, gogoshine1026, hhtown2016_8, iqvc5957, jiyieyieauto, little-big-brother, mokuyo, smartshop888-88, the.aa, vjhw1217, yesall0601, yuanjie_32, zhangrenfeng2001 and Perfect Office Products 2020 added to case caption.
08/31/2022 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Order signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/31/2022. Mailed notice.
08/31/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's motion for entry of a preliminary injunction 30 is granted. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. The Clerk of Court is directed to unseal the following documents: Schedule A to the Complaint 2, Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Andrea Ankawi 17, and the TRO 24. Mailed notice.
08/26/2022 SUMMONS Returned Executed by General Motors LLC as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A on 8/26/2022, answer due 9/16/2022.
1:Declaration of Rachel S. Miller
2:(Exhibit A)
08/26/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 30 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/31/2022 at 09:45 AM.
1:(Exhibit A)
08/26/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction 30
1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen
2:(Exhibit 1)
08/26/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for preliminary injunction
1:(Exhibit A)
08/25/2022 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A
08/16/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiff's ex parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order 26 is granted until 8/31/2022. Mailed notice
08/10/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of extension of time 26 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/17/2022 at 09:45 AM.
08/10/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of extension of time 26
1:(Declaration of Jake M. Christensen)
08/10/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order
08/08/2022 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 10,000 posted by General Motors LLC.
08/03/2022 SEALED TEMPORARY Restraining Order signed by the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/3/2022. Mailed notice
08/03/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo: Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file under seal 3 ; Plaintiffs' Ex Parte motion for entry of temporary restraining order, including a temporary injunction, a temporary asset restraint and expedited discovery 13 ; and Plaintiff's motion for electronic service of process pursuant to FED. R. CIV. P. 4(f)(3) 19 are granted. Enter Sealed Temporary Restraining Order. Because the temporary restraining order will expire on 8/17/2022 any motion for preliminary injunction or to extend the temporary restraining order must be filed by no later than 8/10/2022. Law Firm Greer, Burns and Crain, Ltd. is ordered to add all defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days of the expiration of the TRO. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. The case is set for a status hearing on 9/16/2022 at 9:45 a.m. (to track the case only, no appearance is required). By 9/9/2022 plaintiff is to file a status report regarding the status of service of process, settlement discussions, and any further information that plaintiff wishes to bring to the Court's attention. Mailed notice.
07/29/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Justin R. Gaudio for presentment of motion for temporary restraining order 13, motion for leave to file 3, motion for miscellaneous relief 19 before Honorable Elaine E. Bucklo on 8/3/2022 at 09:45 AM.
07/29/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 20
1:Exhibit 1
2:(Exhibit 2)
07/29/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief 19
07/29/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLCfor Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3)
07/29/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for temporary restraining order 13
07/29/2022 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff General Motors LLC Exhibit 2 - Parts 1 - 5 regarding declaration 16
1:Exhibit 2-1
2:Exhibit 2-2
3:Exhibit 2-3
4:Exhibit 2-4
5:(Exhibit 2-5)
07/29/2022 DECLARATION of Andrea Ankawi regarding memorandum in support of motion 14
1:(Exhibit 1)
07/29/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 14
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:(Exhibit 4)
07/29/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for temporary restraining order 13
07/29/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery
07/27/2022 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials.
07/27/2022 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
07/27/2022 MAILED Trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA.
07/26/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Rachel S Miller
07/26/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Jake Michael Christensen
07/26/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Amy Crout Ziegler
07/26/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Justin R. Gaudio
07/26/2022 Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by General Motors LLC
07/26/2022 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by General Motors LLC
07/26/2022 CIVIL Cover Sheet
07/26/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for leave to file under seal
07/26/2022 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff General Motors LLC Schedule A regarding complaint[1]
07/26/2022 COMPLAINT filed by General Motors LLC; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number AILNDC-19683911.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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