2022-cv-04887 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



General Motors LLC v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:09/09/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:美国通用汽车

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:GBC


日期 描述
04/11/2024 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order[55] in the amount of $100,000 as to certain defendants
09/28/2023 ORDER TO RELEASE BOND TO PLAINTIFF: The ten thousand dollar ($10,000) cash bond, including the interest minus the registry fee, posted by Plaintiff is hereby released to Plaintiff or its counsel, Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. The Clerk of the Court is directed to return the cash bond previously deposited with the Clerk of the Court to Plaintiff or its counsel. Signed by the Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 9/28/2023. Mailed notice
09/18/2023 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court grants Plaintiff's motion for release of bond [58] and directs the Clerk of Court to release the $10,000 Bond, including the interest minus the registry fee, to Plaintiff or its counsel, Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd. Mailed notice
09/14/2023 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief[58] before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 9/19/2023 at 09:45 AM.
09/14/2023 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for Release of Bond
12/20/2022 ***Civil Case Terminated.
12/29/2022 ANNUAL REMINDER: Pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 (Notification of Affiliates), any nongovernmental party, other than an individual or sole proprietorship, must file a statement identifying all its affiliates known to the party after diligent review or, if the party has identified no affiliates, then a statement reflecting that fact must be filed. An affiliate is defined as follows: any entity or individual owning, directly or indirectly (through ownership of one or more other entities), 5% or more of a party. The statement is to be electronically filed as a PDF in conjunction with entering the affiliates in CM/ECF as prompted. As a reminder to counsel, parties must supplement their statements of affiliates within thirty (30) days of any change in the information previously reported. This minute order is being issued to all counsel of record to remind counsel of their obligation to provide updated information as to additional affiliates if such updating is necessary. If counsel has any questions regarding this process, this LINK will provide additional information. Signed by the Executive Committee on 12/29/2022: Mailed notice.
12/22/2022 FULL SATISFACTION of Judgment regarding order 55 in the amount of $100,000 as to certain defendant
12/20/2022 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER signed by the Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 12/20/2022. Mailed notice.
11/18/2022 CORRECTED PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER signed by the Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 11/18/2022. Mailed notice.
12/14/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court grants Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment against all Defendants on Amended Schedule A 49. The Court enters default judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against all Defendants identified on Amended Schedule A. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice
12/12/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[49] before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 12/15/2022 at 01:30 PM.
1:Exhibit A
12/12/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion[50]
1:Exhibit 1
12/12/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[49]
1:Exhibit 1
12/12/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for entry of default, MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for default judgment as to all Defendants
1:Exhibit A
12/12/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by General Motors LLC as to a Certain Defendant
11/18/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by General Motors LLC as to certain defendant
11/17/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court grants Plaintiff's motion to correct the preliminary injunction order [44]. The Court strikes the status date set for 11/17/2022 and resets it to 12/15/2022 at 1:30 p.m. Plaintiff should file any motion for default judgment and notice it for presentment at the next status date. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing. The call-in number is (866) 434-5269 and the access code is 8087837. Counsel of record will receive an email with instructions to join the call. Throughout the telephonic hearing, each speaker will be expected to identify themselves for the record before speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice
11/15/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief[44] before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 11/22/2022 at 09:45 AM.
11/15/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC to Correct Preliminary Injunction Order [41]
11/11/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by General Motors LLC as to certain defendants
10/28/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by General Motors LLC as to certain defendants
10/27/2022 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER AS TO CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. Signed by the Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 10/27/2022:Mailed notice
10/20/2022 NEW PARTIES: Car Boutique 255 Store, chun feng Store, CX shoping Store, DA-8 Store, DaLang Car Store, DropClouder Store, FlagKing Flags Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Store, Flyouth Car Accessories Store, Global Optical Equipment Store, LinkPart Store, Mr Li Auto Accessories Store, Piky Auto Accessories Store, QYAutoPart Store, Shop1100380005 Store, Shop1102135235 Store, Shop1102152944 Store, Shop5082077 Store, Shop910338016 Store, Shop910957034 Store, Shop911061170 Store, T-shirt 9900023 Store, WANGHUA CAR Store Store, Wholesale Available Store, WIND MH Store, Yunvare Store, ALQUPY2VKQI9O, automelody, binuyuq, binxxxb, Brother Johnny, CarStorm, CCpartonDirect, DOAUYG, DuoKeTu, EMWATERFTERLX, Feng Dagao, gangxudianzimei, gzak09, Horry, kuangee, liangliangedqipei, lichengf, liuxiaozhen-usa, LiuYangShiXiaoCanDianZiMaoYiYouXianGongSi, LX CAR PARTS, maoxiangxaingdedian, maruixiao 45sdf, MR Motor, onepcs, QLINGY, RUICHANGSHIPINGGUODINGBAIHUODIAN, SADFDGFDVX, SDCXUJYUS, Senkuimuye, Shangshuixianxinhengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, SHANGZHIGUAN, Shuchikeji, WD Home Life, WenShang shop, Wildsovo Direct, yanlubsn, yihangshanghang, YSIJANQ, YUEOMZKA, YUNUVE_1, YUNUVE2, zhuoshenqipeidian, autron-led-light, cn-postal, daylight777, dengme-13, forest266, jing11-909, lijiaokeji, logag_8063, ruannanxing, sxwx_22, Abbyaa, Bonnie Galloway, CamasL, caotianlong0930, chenfeiping, chenshixian78062, chenshuai77188, chenxiaoyu fashion, d5f55, DaveConstanceeGdEmL, Dawn Coleman, Dhine Vendimia, duanjian12345, EdgarRalaplXvJgB, Esthermgl, fcdsfs, fuhan182, gaochengshan2580, Gaochongyang375, Gay Stanton, Glen McClain, Harris Hernandez, hghgghgh, huahuailian fashion, iouyoe shopping, James Fitzpatrick, Joseph Harris, Justinasghn, kongqiang fashion, Latoya Heidelberg, Lawnscapes, lianglihao7990, lihuiru76230, lisujuan, liujiawei76248, liupenglong71665, liuxinyu76494, lixux, lukebo890410, luogang163, luolincai fashion, luoqi4455, luyu fashion, Lynettemgl, maojiawen23869, Market Truts Crosk, mashuai fashion, meishiyinghuang, Michael Rosario, penghonglong09363, PoshunsongqK, qiancuihuandu, Robert Budd, Robert Church, Rodolfo Morris, Sandra Waite, Sarah Hacketts, shen Factory Store, shichen73502, songruibin5847, sunboyu58228, sunxiaoliang, tangyilin fashion, TengduanshanglN, ventrardimhe, wangchengmei14562, wanghui3529, wanghuimin83617, wangjiaxin12323, wangmingmi40614, wangshuqi6928, wangyingming6621, wenxinxin8898, wuxiaofei2517, xiaolinqi fashion, xuhuimei54768, xuliang8888, yangaiqin3638, yangxiaomo7649537, yaopeng975454, Yapmin, yechun fashion, yefei fashion, yuansirao01143, zhangdongqiong43762, zhangjincheng83607, zhangmengge73353, zhangxuewen7906, zhaoxueqi1874, zhengyan8, zhuayuanjialmn and zoubingpeng added to case caption.
10/19/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court grants Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction [36]. The Law Firm of Greer, Burns & Crain is ordered to add ALL Defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days, instructions can be found on the Court's website located at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/instructions. The Court strikes the status date set for 10/20/2022 and resets it to 11/17/2022 at 1:30 p.m. Plaintiff should file and notice for presentment any motion for default judgment to the next status date. The Court denies Plaintiff's motions for extension of time [30] and for preliminary injunction as moot [32]. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing. The call-in number is (866) 434-5269 and the access code is 8087837. Counsel of record will receive an email with instructions to join the call. Throughout the telephonic hearing, each speaker will be expected to identify themselves for the record before speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice
10/18/2022 SUMMONS Returned Executed by General Motors LLC as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A on 10/18/2022, answer due 11/8/2022.
1:Declaration of Rachel S. Miller
2:Exhibit A
10/18/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction[36] before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 10/25/2022 at 09:45 AM.
1:Exhibit A
10/18/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[36]
1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen
2:Exhibit 1
10/18/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for preliminary injunction
1:Exhibit A
10/18/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Rachel S Miller
10/17/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of extension of time[30], motion for preliminary injunction[32] before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 10/20/2022 at 01:30 PM.
1:Exhibit A
10/17/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[32]
1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen
2:Exhibit 1
10/17/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for preliminary injunction as to Certain Defendants
1:Exhibit A
10/17/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of extension of time[30]
1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen
10/17/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order as to Certain Defendants
10/11/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court strikes the status date set for 10/11/2022 and resets it to 10/20/2022 at 1:30 p.m. Plaintiff should file and notice for presentment at the next status date any motion for preliminary injunction. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing. The call-in number is (866) 434-5269 and the access code is 8087837. Counsel of record will receive an email with instructions to join the call. Throughout the telephonic hearing, each speaker will be expected to identify themselves for the record before speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice
10/06/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr: Motion hearing held telephonically before Judge Dow as the emergency judge. Plaintiff's ex parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order until 10/20/2022 24 is granted. Emailed notice
10/05/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr: Plaintiff's motion to extend TRO [24] will be heard telephonically on 10/6/2022 at 9:00 a.m. by Judge Dow as Emergency Judge. Participants should use the Court's toll-free, call-in number 877-336-1829, passcode is 6963747. Mailed notice
09/29/2022 BOND in the amount of $ 10,000.00 check, Receipt No. 4624277240, posted by General Motors LLC
10/03/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Jake Michael Christensen for presentment of extension of time[24] before Honorable Robert M. Dow Jr. on 10/6/2022 at 09:00 AM.
10/03/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of extension of time[24]
1:Declaration of Jake M. Christensen
10/03/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order
09/29/2022 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A
09/22/2022 SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Signed by the Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 9/22/2022
09/19/2022 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sara L. Ellis: The Court grants Plaintiff's motions for entry of a temporary restraining order 13, for leave to file under seal 3, and for electronic service of process 18. The Court sets a status date for 10/11/2022 at 9:30 a.m. Plaintiff should file any motion for preliminary injunction and notice it for presentment at the next status date. Members of the public and media will be able to call in to listen to this hearing. The call-in number is (866) 434-5269 and the access code is 8087837. Counsel of record will receive an email with instructions to join the call. Throughout the telephonic hearing, each speaker will be expected to identify themselves for the record before speaking. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Mailed notice
09/14/2022 NOTICE of Motion by Justin R. Gaudio for presentment of motion for leave to file 3, motion for temporary restraining order 13, motion for miscellaneous relief 18 before Honorable Sara L. Ellis on 9/20/2022 at 09:45 AM.
09/14/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 19
1:Exhibit 1
2:(Exhibit 2)
09/14/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief 18
09/14/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLCfor Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3)
09/14/2022 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff General Motors LLC Exhibit 2 - Parts 1 - 5 regarding declaration 16
1:Exhibit 2-1
2:Exhibit 2-2
3:Exhibit 2-3
4:Exhibit 2-4
5:(Exhibit 2-5)
09/14/2022 DECLARATION of Andrea Ankawi regarding memorandum in support of motion 14
1:(Exhibit 1)
09/14/2022 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 14
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:(Exhibit 4)
09/14/2022 MEMORANDUM by General Motors LLC in support of motion for temporary restraining order 13
09/14/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery
09/12/2022 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials.
09/12/2022 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Sara L. Ellis. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable M. David Weisman. Case assignment: Random assignment.
09/12/2022 MAILED Trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA.
09/09/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Justin Tyler Joseph
09/09/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Jake Michael Christensen
09/09/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Amy Crout Ziegler
09/09/2022 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff General Motors LLC by Justin R. Gaudio
09/09/2022 Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by General Motors LLC
09/09/2022 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by General Motors LLC
09/09/2022 CIVIL Cover Sheet
09/09/2022 MOTION by Plaintiff General Motors LLC for leave to file under seal
09/09/2022 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff General Motors LLC Schedule A regarding complaint[1]
09/09/2022 COMPLAINT filed by General Motors LLC; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number AILNDC-19826260.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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