2022-cv-60314 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Taylor et al v. The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/09/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
04/11/2022 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 4/11/2022. See attached document for full details.
04/11/2022 ORDER ON MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 4/11/2022. See attached document for full details.
04/08/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re [29] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 4 of 4)
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence
04/08/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re [29] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 3 of 4)
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence
04/08/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re [29] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 2 of 4)
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence
04/08/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re [29] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 1 of 4)
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence
04/08/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor.
1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to
2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
3:Text of Proposed Order
4:Text of Proposed Order
04/08/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): RodAlvatXkXl, rosaries, SabrinaRoryfYsZgT, sale of condiments good taste, Sam C Cameron, Samantha Pouncy, sangyuanji84983, sfcbnx online store, sfhe, shenanmin9245, shengjiahao178226, shidongfeng48573, shijindong07759, ShipaijiezongnIh, Show33, shudingyun1079, skdjhasdhas, Sohanahisap, songchangsong48531, songkefan57137, StewartPetershop9, STTAN, sunchuangwei8163, sunjuanyue02213, sunpeng61992, sunwenqing60635, sunzhilian58707, Supremefull, surprise rong, surprise wen, SusannaRexjRaNgM, tandanhua76494, Tanner Joaquin, tanyidan fashion, taofuwen29030, TAOKANKAN928, TaolujieEo, Tara A Homan, teatearlsmr, Terri Robinson, TheodoreHarlanxSuBaZ, thieuanhhoang85927, tianfeifei0145, tianwuchuang51521, tianyuanqing7283, Timothy A Wooten, Transfuture soo, tretormhvn, TTDEF, ventrardimhe, wanganlin81289, wangfeng654, wangguowei66209, wanghao90151, wanghongfei5598, wanghuany, wanghui55031, wanghui55397, wanghuili41857, wangjijie01903, wangjinru55297, wangkk845DD, wanglina26691, wangnannan4205, wangqiang9683, wangwenyu5610, wangxiangrui2134, wangyingming6621, wangyu14552, wangyuxiu1234, wangzhonghui5795, wangzhuo8564, wanjingtong10043, wanyuanhang14420, weiguangsunge, wenjie057, WENZEJIE142536, wuhao55321, wujunjie3267, wujunzhe15815824, wukai69459, wutongzhou82648, wuyuexia, wuzhen36346, wzitpdhhh, xiahongjie83854, xiangjianfa214, xiangpiaopiao74800, xiaochunjiang1692, xiaoguang8890, xiaojian2736, xiaomingzhang wholeshop, xiaowenqiang80835, xielei18237, xieliang fashion, xiexinyu1134, xinboxi, xinyongjiang14438, xionghanyang1562, xiongzilong42948, xizhiwen2289, xnvop, Xuan C Hendry, xuchenfeng01875, xuchuhan6281, xufucong12875, xuguofen257, xuhongzhe27933, xuhui38524, xujun92547, xukang7914, xukuiwei01519, xushidong14778, xuxinmei2475, xuyejun4618, xuyonghui53741, xuyuebin58118, xuzhenyu66688, xuzhihao37173, Yangbo580, yangdingming23844, yangfenglai Store, yangjunxia Store, Yangonzhanglv0657, yangping shopping, yangruize63726, yangtianxing09884, yangwenle24219, yangxiaoliang52681, yangzhenghui0386, Yannuo0406, yanxuepeng54544, yanyu8880, yaoning66666, yaoyi49341, yejiawen06648, yerlysvquuqsve, yhgfrt, YIJIN56, yinmengyu4270, yinxinlong2393, yongyucui05036, youyan7505, yuelei23465, yuwanting30727, yuyang49029, yuyao51045, yuzishun36583, zhangchaolan07083, zhangcongcong28017, zhanghuiyu666, zhangjiabao93813, zhangjiahui79938, zhangjiawei32329, zhangjinyou6821, zhangkaixuan01906, zhangliju2021, zhangmengge73353, zhangmenghan32680, zhangn268682, zhangning2, zhangqiufeng1852, zhangruojing14509, zhangtingting52689, zhangxiaofeng135, zhangya41832, zhangyaobin80689, zhangyikang50937, zhangyuhang23843, zhangyusen123, zhangzhicheng45498, zhangzhisong42669, zhangzongyuan24093, zhanhxianfang5201314, zhanmenghui80912, zhanyang fashion, zhaobohan14490, zhaoshenglong474775, zhaotaiyunlong4562589, zhaowenqian80301, zhaoyongle77917, zhapmengyuan44705, zhengjunjie66797, zhengliang48497, zhengyanhong51325, zhengyu5684658, zhoufaju48339, zhoufeifan38008, zhoujie163, zhoushengjinrong, Zhoushijie123, zhouzhiru86029, zhujie6398, zhulin5736, zhupingjing1791, zhuyihang9122, zisejiarenlkp, zjvbId, ZoeSidneySidonsHwAaC and ZonaLynncQsRuP.
04/08/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): huanghuandi123, huangjiahui95691, huangmeiqin3627, huangyukun0705, hulinchong75845, huyongkang50372, immbgf shopping, irfdrhv Friday, jaingwenyu Store, Jamie S Ross, Janette Bellotte, Jason B Schultz, jiaguojian23634, jiang fashion, jianghaonanooop, jianghongwei56271, jianghongxiao91780, jiangjinhong, jiangwei66203, jiangweibo19086, JIANGYANG520, jinhong158, jirao87673, John L Hamilton, johnn yofchou, JonathanHuberypGiYk, Joseph Garcia, Juanmao, Justin Tallant, kabbfqylilxan, kalamhvnd, Kendra Turner, khanhanmai49022, ladpoaw, latherometers, lawrencebt22rm6, LenaRalapoGtNzF, LewisWinnijZhUi, liamhmeof, lichangqing1134, lichen0713, lichunbo00419, lifuniu72698, liguangyun21375, lihuimin44725, lijiaqian83520, lijiawei55033, lijin41592, likehao48554, lilanyu1038, liliang1234, lililong56304, lilin123321, lilin321, lilixiang10085, Linda Dillon, lingpeng14463, lingyongyin5584, linqikun13172, linyu49960, lipuggt, liqiang51010, liruitang23970, lishengqiang4788946, lishengwei91877, lishuangle54643, lishuangshuang25925, lishuxian56224478, lisiyu3596, liu rao shan3918, liubinbin14504, liuchengwu83762, liucui2134, liufangshang35468, LiuGuoqiang1988510, liuhailin92856, liuhuaibo88967, liuhui51621, liujianzhao87628, liujisheng2412, liukaixin51062, liukang2734, liumin4580, liuqinhui1998, liuqinrong688, liuwei49491, liuwei5779, liuxiang086, liuxihua2463, liuyin55630, liuying99528, liuyuhang0731, Liweihua1995305, lixiangbaby123, Lixiumei1314, liyan11225, liyang82383, liyinguo49640, liyonghang30929, liyonghong45286, lizemin05011, lizhenquan63735, lmdaqeeq, longyongfei711882456, luobaofa35483, lvmengmeng2595, lytang, machenyao48043, mafanglin92367, majuys, mamingchen23870, maohuifeng03107, markgeffers4, Marta Mian, Matthew R Solis, maxiaofei32873, mayuqing fashion, meng2lddgf, Miami Dade Aviation, Michael J Medernach, MichaelLyndonzCfH, mijiti09276, MikoShop, nativeeast, Nefreodo City, Nexrony Clothes, ngochangphan49564, nilongjin8447, nqmpsknwe, OliverNancycUmF, orbitalwtnirdp, pandeng8563, Parable Limited, peijiaxin2965, pengkehai30632, pengxuening58430, pingzhu5029, psoeomdunnr, qikexin54083, qiulin2959, qiumenghong310424, qizhen0393, QuentinCharleskHfS, qwsdfghj, qwssd, Rank Electronics, ranxiangguo76191, RenataRoxannepRrL, renhong00765, Richard Nelson and Robert C Bump.
04/07/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): 85635986, 857857yedianxiaoge, AApensevtt, agdaJDGHDJADHAJ, ajdkahwdkhwkjhakjdqj, Al Mendoza, Alaonger Bags, Allen V Steele, AlstonVirgilfIwP, Amy Bennett, Andra Buckley, aopiip online store, Arena Theatre, Arterasu, artolagojnfnl, arzaurrlno, axfordd113, B&B Butchers & Restaurant, barnerbaoxlis, Bayouwera, bazawp, bceexc, beixiuqin63922, Bernard W Earnhardt, bernhjgpy, BernieZivgYaCy, Better Lens, bianfu1176323149, biddlenathan, Bruce T Dutcher, Bully Breed Company, caichenxin389568, caiyi75168, CamasL, Cpre de Douleur, CarrLucienqUcYr, cccstore, cehngjinyang29005, cenhanduoyin, cfe3f01, chaiyingchao01907, chakheite, Chalecos blue jeans, Chanassac, chending61972, chengxiaohui03202, chengyongdong24678, chengyuan28336, chenhuarong66715, chenjialin23996, chenping Store me, chenqiang55296, chenqing4112, chenyanan62170, chenzimeng5463, chifanlemfhus001, Commodores, Connie Larson, CreationsVilland, crktmfbal, cuitongbo, cx3143, daiguangxian999, dainannan7342, daisanmei8889, daixi159357, Dana Troy Clark, DanaIsaacgDcIw, danbinghe543, david collins An, David D Pence, de45g55, Dennis K Hammond, Diane Finnie, dicefxoqkon, digitalpristi, dinghaizhou91539, dongchichi3183, dongyimeng9995, duhanyu35455, dujiamin, duyu022314, ElectroAuto HH, Elizabeth Gomez, Enchanting Psocid, f72sh3e, FabianOdeletteaEkP, fangbinbin72551, fangyue77318, fanhaoxuan32421, fanjinping, feiqichao21749, FelixAthenamMfGbB, fengjinliang9691, fisrkyrcjjs, francia y paris, fuyejiu68781, g6g6g8g, gaad, gajagdjhqjhjjuadq, gaohongmin4983, gaojinrou56566666543, gaojinxin7814, gaopengh, gaoqiang54729, gaoqichao24144, gaoshuzhi23487, Garece, Gary Mathis, gdpsd, gehengfeng53005, gemengyao02365, geng652949, Geoffrey Simms, geshaolin19502, ghkyd8, Ghommueirre, giocovince, Global Citizen Impact, glypzaurmd, Goldfort, gongli1234, guanpengpeng01620, guheming12775, guoliankai01384, guoqiang77611, guotao48364, guoxiaotao23658, hanbaozhu9794, hanbing52925, hanfangfang Store, hanfufang60416, Hannghghjg, hanqiyue67082, hanshengnan50817, harold manuel, haungchengxin45201, heavenly4, heiowhgoisdjaifhjdhagzfuidhsahfdsnvupoagifads, hewenfen39731, hexiaohong90461, heyanqing7989, hieuphongdao90064, hluyi, honghaifei34247, houxianhong9327 and houyuexin.
1:(Order) (pes)
03/30/2022 Civil Case Terminated per DE 23. Closing Case.
03/30/2022 Clerks Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A per 23 Order Directing Clerk to Enter Default. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 3/30/2022.
03/30/2022 Clerks Entry/Non-Entry of Default - FORM
03/30/2022 Civil Case Terminated per DE [23]. Closing Case.
03/29/2022 ORDER DIRECTING CLERK TO ENTER DEFAULT. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/29/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/04/2022 ORDER Granting 6 MOTION For Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/3/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/03/2022 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II: Telephonic Status Conference held on 3/3/2022. Order to follow. Attorney Appearance(s): Richard Guerra, Court Reporter: James Pence Aviles, 305-523-5633 / James_PenceAviles@flsd.uscourts.gov.
03/02/2022 ORDER Dismissing Without Prejudice Defendant Number 109, Angel Rios. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/2/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/02/2022 NOTICE of Filing Bond by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re [8] Order on Ex Parte Motion.
03/02/2022 CLERK'S NOTICE of Unsealing re [17] Order on Motion to Unseal Case.
03/01/2022 ORDER granting 13 Motion to Unseal. The Clerk is directed to unseal all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the file to the public records. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/1/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/01/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor of Filing Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction
1:Text of Proposed Order
03/01/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/01/2022 AMENDED COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A, filed by Roger Taylor, John Taylor, Nicholas Rhodes, Simon Le Bon.
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- federal trademark registrations
2:Exhibit Schedule A to Amended Complaint identifying Defendants
03/01/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by XYZ Corporation.
1:Text of Proposed Order
03/01/2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by XYZ Corporation
02/28/2022 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
02/25/2022 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) in compliance with the Court's Sealed Order, dated February 17, 2022 by XYZ Corporation
02/18/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
02/18/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
02/17/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 7 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/17/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/10/2022 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO TEMPORARILY PROCEED UNDER A PSEUDONYM. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 2/10/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/10/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Leave to Temporarily Proceed Under a Pseudonym by XYZ Corporation.
1:Text of Proposed Order
1:Complaint) (jua
02/09/2022 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Jared M. Strauss is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
02/09/2022 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-15388532, filed by XYZ Corporation.
1:Civil Cover Sheet

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