2022-cv-60315 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



XYZ Corporation v. The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/10/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
11/23/2023 Order Dismissing Party: re [89] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. The Clerk of Court is directed to TERMINATE these Defendants from the case. Terminating the claims against the Defendant PETER888123 with prejudice. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 11/23/2023. See attached document for full details.
11/22/2023 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
12/07/2022 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION: in favor of XYZ Corporation against THE INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERSHIPS, AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONSIDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 12/7/2022. See attached document for full details.
12/07/2022 ORDER GRANTING [60] MOTION FOR FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT: Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 12/7/2022. See attached document for full details.
10/27/2022 Order
10/24/2022 ORDER: Case Number 22-cv-23403-RKA is hereby CONSOLIDATED into Case Number 22-cv-60315-RKA. Case Number 22-cv-23403-RKA shall be administratively CLOSED. All future filings shall be made under XYZ Corporation v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A, 22-cv-60315-RKA. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 10/24/2022. See attached document for full details. Associated Cases: 0:22-cv-60315-RKA, 1:22-cv-23403-RKA
10/13/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
09/15/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor. Attorney Richard Guerra added to party Simon Le Bon(pty:pla), Attorney Richard Guerra added to party Nicholas Rhodes(pty:pla), Attorney Richard Guerra added to party John Taylor(pty:pla), Attorney Richard Guerra added to party Roger Taylor(pty:pla).
08/02/2022 ORDER REFERRING [60] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor. Motions referred to Judge Patrick M. Hunt. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 8/1/2022. See attached document for full details.
06/14/2022 ORDER Dismissing Without Prejudice as to Parties Mitchelinman1 and Popmusic48. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 6/14/2022. See attached document for full details.
06/13/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
06/10/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
06/06/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
06/03/2022 TRANSCRIPT of Zoom Status Conference held on 4-26-22 before Judge Roy K. Altman, 1-7 pages, Court Reporter: Francine Salopek, 305-301-3276 / mjsfcs@aol.com. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased by contacting the Court Reporter Francine Salopek before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter Francine Salopek or PACER. Redaction Request due 6/24/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/5/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/1/2022.
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 15 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 14 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 13 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 12 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 11 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 10 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 9 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 8 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 7 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 6 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 5 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 4 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 3 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 2 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 NOTICE by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor re 60 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof of Filing Exhibit to Declaration (Part 1 of 15)
1:(Exhibit Exhibit 1- infringement evidence)
05/20/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment for Entry of Final Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor.
1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to amended complaint
2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
3:Text of Proposed Order
4:(Text of Proposed Order)
05/13/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE (Artyteeslondon terminated). Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 5/12/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/12/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
05/12/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re [56] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, (JACOPO FOSSATI 1994 terminated). Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 5/9/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/06/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
04/26/2022 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roy K. Altman: Status Conference held on 4/26/2022. Total time in court: 06 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Richard Guerra, Court Reporter: Francine Salopek, 305-301-3276 / mjsfcs@aol.com.
04/25/2022 PAPERLESS NOTICE of Hearing: Status Conference set for 4/26/2022 10:30 AM before Judge Roy K. Altman. The parties shall appear via Zoom. The meeting ID is 161 2752 2255. The passcode is 7777.
04/21/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
04/20/2022 Clerks Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A - Motions Terminated: 46 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 4/20/2022.
04/19/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): WhatAreWords, WicCheng, willsimo-8, winnie33, wirkencan0, wiseartworks, wisevio-82, wongtayoi, wuhanshiboruishidaiwenhuachuanboyouxiangongsi, xahan10, xenixra, XiangFengLinYiShiLanShanQuMingPaiDanGaoDian, xianshilianhuquxuanning, xianshiyantaquqiyidaxiahuoguodian, Xinshangshangmao, xuchangweiduquhuayuanmingpinfuzhuangdian, yangxiangyi, yantopaim2, yaxunfuzhou, YeaOhGreetings, YiErclothing, ynsigmon, YOU BEST, yudsasongk0, zabuco, ZDLGMTD, zhengzhoushizhengdongxinqugongchengbianlidian1, ZILVINASDEDYNASHU, Zteven and zzaShiley.
04/19/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): PopPostersArt, PosterArtPrint, PremiumWallPrints, PsychedelicSnowflake, publicimagevintage, PunAndPine, Puuoiss, qbfb2879, qedinamude, qinsuang, QRHLDFKCD, qurryqonne, qxallyso_57, Rachel Trinity Vineg, RachelNeishScarves, RandalSchultzz, RANDYSTINA124, Ranking319, RaphaelDixon, RebelTeeshirts, ReganWhitley, Retro45, Retrogix, RetroRabbitPrints, revolvertees2010, rezrahma-0, RGCreationsStore, Riad2112, Richard V Gonzales, RichardJ Crosby, RichardLM, RizeHangerCo, rnhbaominh, Robeklyles, Robert26Shop, RobertShopD, robonsonma-73, rock2thetop2, RockBuy, RolandSchreck, Romedocita, RosaWynne, RosebudoStar, Rosie-colors, rossleach3, rtyhrtyhrthy, rugradeus, ruiyuaoxiangmaoyi1, ryojipar, SallydecorshopDesign, Salome Rebecca, Salsamave, samfranstore, SamuelType, SamVelvet, SandovalDrynerShop, SanlaShop, santovio, SapphireApple, ScarletPagePrints, ScreamPrintSto, scriptuvula, sepatubau777, Serpaq, sfe1012, ShanDongChengShengShangMaoYouXianGong, ShineyPopsters, shopham, shopHuKi, ShopIconicTees, Siennaf, Simonweld886, sniffping, SolukWorkshop, SoSublimeStationery, SourikSine, SpeakToMeGabriel, SpiritArtCo, SpiritStoreArt, SpoofsUK, SpookyOwlBootique, StarfishUSA1, Starshrt, StegeroFMS, SterlingShirt, SteveSmith7, Sticks1945k, StoicMuse, SublimationM, SuntiStoreArt, superbarkah, Susan Huling, susannefoerster, susur, suwwi_0, syasyaf11, tang chunhua, tatakse0, Taylorart56, tbonetshirts, techcaseco, tedstar-prints, TeenageKicks78, TeGuan(HaiNan)GuoJiMaoYiYouXianGongSi, tenghuigongsi, ThanhTuan, TheCutUpAgenda, thehouse1836, TheLookErika, ThePandaPrintsShop, Theresahave, TheRetroTribe, thiangu_7, thih-7341, ThisShIRT, thompsonbuster, ThoTela, thuynamok, TianJinShiXiQingQuJiuLingWuYinPinDian, TKFHandmade, TMcG-Prints, Tof075, tonietee, TonightUnited, TrendGiftUK, TrueMetalDesign, tshirtworks, Tu?lo?tu, tusuw-0, unlimit-store, V2711S, Vaccine5K, VellaQuitzon, VickyFalmer, VickyLeeRG, vicomakas, VilmanStoreArt, VinyWoodyES, VolksrustSHOP, VolkWalker, Voltic12WK, w4ra.-83, WalkerDavis, wallacegaz, Ward1996, wasasaStudio, Wayne02Shop, weberxhe, WellingMack and WENDYRUSSELLshop.
04/19/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): JoyHandmadeItalia, jp_tees, JuanCurrie, judonoerina, just-quotes, kabdar-0, kahunashirts, kalebfeil, kamidi, karh29, kase-8957, KatlnLesh, Kegami Misa, KELLIEJO12345, Kenzoo215a, Kevin C Ensign, KeyshawnSporer, khaleedbajan, kikirone, kimo1012, KiraLeon, KlausSteinerCrafts, kres-27, krupukalot, KTDBBTHUK, KyleGonzalesShop, ladyjane252011, LandsbergShore, laszloeles, learilmilds, LeaWolf, lelakon, LeonoraJimentel, Leonyupa, LeSpotVintage, LezaZechel, lidianruanjian, LinenSquare, linrongzong, LionelDanna, LiRenHuWaiTuoZhanXunLian, LISAMUNOZStore, littleMcreates, liu yannongvbvgdf, livanupcycle, liyunvcsa, lolitisma-0, london_express, LongCity, lordoskariot2, Louder ink, LouisByFritzie, LouisRos, loveteetime, LoveWallArtUK, lowell1802, lucasll_39, lukeKe920, lukel-8652, lullabylanes, LUZZATTI, LyLiiSTORE, MadgeStracke, MagicOutside, MaiXiangCunCuLiangGuan, Manypacman, Mark P Klein, MarkDesignLove, MarkusGrant, marne4219, MasonHillsStore, Mattswoon, mauricegrant, MaxwellNashArt, Mazarus Paul, mcxf1012, MeAndMyCATsStore, measure738, Mechanism, MecSansa, Mediacardgift, Mendel Hackworth, mengyang03, Hazzard K Michael, MichaelHBoutique, Michaelkins729, migua243, Miguelranklin6, MiniGuitarCenter, Minke C, MisfitsApparelUK, misinivaska, Mitchelinman1, mkoernery, Mode66, moheraif27, MontanaCo, moret-shirts777, mosilvi, mwhitechurch69, mwoga1042, MYHEARTIMPRINT, NALEYNA, Nanajang, nanningshihuangxue, nanpingshijianyangquborangliubaihuodian, napoleona, Nathan K Belle, NewclontongShirt, NinaByJabran, nlinh0138, Noahven626, NoblerM700, NomyGulaowski, NoreneOkuneva, NoufelBeast99, ODDBLANC, odjimm57, Officerbronze, Oishii61, oke_store, orchidshirts, OudeNegorijVintage, Own2YourDesign, Oxseajab, pachecoleo, pacpaco78, painted10, PaleAries, parkemm-64, PatchWorld786, PatelHunter, Paul L Morefields, Paul S Lazarus, PecMammo, peetmoloko, Perfectal, PerfectHome Shop, peter888123, PETERCHARLE, PettetLal1995, PhillipTee, pierrickperoys, Pillarologys, pinupbaby, PLLIMNF, pollyposter, PoochkiePins and Popmusic48.
04/19/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): ddinvisible, debbymuller7, dedi.online, defitr-35, deimena_0, DeniseKSteinba, DenisePerkinsShop, DePeal, Designs_101US, DesireJCuaes, DesJoliesMomes, DevriDogan, dodopharaoh, dongmingxianweishenfuzhuangdian11, dorinelosi, dotterelhermit, Dovepreciousthings, dozpraman0, ducman99, DuranShop, duy8137, eatrashk, editop, EdwinCKnox, Elendryl, elfen_lied, ElleaBonde, elongeddie, EmerBaird, Emily R Ward, emilyrbolt, Emmanuel Harrod, ERANDFULL, Ericsmith5655, Etmoid, EWAN BLACKBURN, Exclusive Wardrobe, FabioFavaroshop, FaceMaskCheap, fancydress, farfi.store, fariz212, FaSaID, feriteniro, FESKWR, FfwdFashion, Fishstudios, Flechazo19, flushedcistus, FNMDPSHOP, FrankIJohnson, FrankTavolarojaan, FredHandRouter, freespirit86, FreshPrintsofLondon, FSVBW, FunnyBee, GaLiFuShiYouFuYang, garingpanas, GARRYMILNEART, GemmaKanea, Gems466, Georgie Pomodoro, GerardWallkalama, Gerrit1999, GIFTEE, giftPhilipMunson, ginggiirangg-0, givingwhopping, GladysGHughes, Glendfero, go-bananas, goals8, GongYe, Goodbusket, Goodvibemusic, gqy1012, GreysonGalet, GuangShanBaiHuoDian, GuangZhouYongYueMaoYiDian, GuillaumeSaux, Hafsa-creations, HAIINGRAMLEY, haingan62, Hamby198, hana411, HandmadebyBonn, handmadebyPasterny, handmadebyUrselGran, handsukmawa0, hankrismant0, hannahhome1, HappyArtCircle, Haringh, Harmonfan, HarrietFagan, Harryrburns, hcn-7aufu, hebeisongxinjixiezhizao, HeleneWolff, HexoShop, HeyMountains, HGSRVWQAG, HiroCasua, hoangi-74, Hongmacshopi, hongxiangfushi, HortenseBlack, howija_0, hugolafs, igomakarenk_0, ilsor_50, ImamStoreID, Immort, Inerotac, InternationalBlues, iquedonova, iradii, irmhuta0, isahellatl, itwu8145, izzysparklesart, JACOPO FOSSATI 1994, JacquieShopArt, JalaineMackaystore, jalaro, jaminns0508, JanaHorstShop, Jasoninchester, Jay Stephens, jeanabordde, JerichoJerseys, JeromeBoatengSW, jeunkQel1n, jhukida, jiangsuwenjingkejiaoshebeiyouxiangongsi, jingyuanxianhaijunshanghang, jinhe210125, JiNingShiRenChengQuJinYuanBaiHuoChaoShi, JKNEW, JoannaPearsonDesigns, JoannaWilkie, Joannestore, Jocelina, JoelMitschka, joihamby84, jonesbranc, jonmac1982, Jorg Akem and JosieFlowersShop.
04/19/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): -CherryLipstick, 101box, 8tiesmusicfan, A Bit Off, AbenRiot, Abufos, aCereal7e, achmamasta-0, ActionTime, adashoop23, adkuay_48, agreij, aguswira-0, aisyahajoe, AjisaiartVietnam, ajrio, AlexanderFelix5, AlfaShopDesign, alicnky, AlinBusit, allstars_collective, Almirashop, alroh7, AlvinaDare, Amethyst Reid, amexis780, anabela.shinta212-1, anan_store, AndrewMcGheed, AndrijaEvic, andriyanarosali, ANHUIGY, AnnemiekRoossd, Antonimus13, Antura28r, aohunyu95, AOUFKNE, ArcadiaPortraits, ardawinata, ArtAvenell, artisticphotoshop, artmuz88, ARTxxxPOP, Artyteeslondon, ashtray899, AssertifVintage, Atiki, AtlasaWard, AtticFortyFour, AvenellArt, AwbreyMaka, Awtork, AxelFischerStore, AYOBOX, ayoerenza, AzizTopMarkotop, badbanddrawing, bairsad0, BakulLimpul, baloon-ID, BandMemberTees, baorongmaoyi, BarerWaveen, BarLewis, BarmyPrints, BarryMcKenzie, bawfa-0, BB Watch, bearcomLR, BecNuli, belinee90, BELLE FLEURS, benk1986, BergnaumMariah, bero-29, BestialCluster, BeyondTheLyrics, Biebaba, Billie Phillips, BillyBay, binefeelsart, BlairMccaffrey, Blakeen5321, BlueDoctor, BonitaBFernandez, Bonkers4Badges, borne.ase, bornlesley, boutidiline, BrandiSMcCann, brimoherdy, BuckAllen, buftty, bunniefdvq, ByekBlossom, CaeluIam42, CahyaStoreArt, CamilaDw, candlenutshop, Cangzhing, Cantaloup96, carmenmarch, carved-in-riot, Cathiestoreiu, Cavlantiy, celebrity-cutouts, centimell_0, Cfgerends, Chalesket13, ChampionEXP, ChapMarou, CharlesGiftArt, charlesjewel, Charx5x, chen qifengrtuir, cheterilu, chochisa, chocoshatner, Christopher D Gray, Christopher1987Goods, ChristopherWork, Chungkong, CiaranClark, Cleeopatra81, co-477461, Cocacola21r, CODYAHALL, ColletteKMaddox, Color-ME, ComfortCottage, Conczedorez01 sell, CoolHoodedworm, coolineme, CornerPrintsEtc, cosoob, cottonopolis1, coveragefit, creativedave, cregniesmann, ctveny, CultCultureMerch, culturecargo, CustomNameGifts, dadoguar, daltonkane, Dama Yong, DangrigaaMoon, DannyFerreira, Daryel99 and DatatabStore.
04/19/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A by John Taylor, Nicholas Rhodes, Simon Le Bon, Roger Taylor.
1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to
2:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
04/14/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re 44 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, 43 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, 42 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor. ORDERS AND ADJUDGES that the claims against these Defendants are DISMISSED without prejudice: 1. MADFERART (Defendant No. 276 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 2. MADFERART (Defendant No. 379 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 3. MADFERART (Defendant No. 379 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 4. TEEHROMAN (Defendant No. 132 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 5. QQUEYYUEG (Defendant No. 130 on Schedule A to the Complaint); and 6. TDOWNTOWNLADY (Defendant No. 129 on Schedule A to the Complaint). Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 4/13/2022. See attached document for full details.
04/12/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
04/08/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
04/07/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
04/05/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re [32] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, [33] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, [34] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Nicholas Rhodes, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon, John Taylor. Being fully advised, the Court hereby ORDERS AND ADJUDGES that the claims against these Defendants are DISMISSED without prejudice: 1. NOTGIVINGUP (Defendant No. 492 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 2. NATURE-MARAKO (Defendant No. 597 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 3. JPAULDRYGOODS (Defendant No. 638 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 4. DAYDAYBID (Defendant No. 154 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 5. JAYJAYNATNAT (Defendant No. 473 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 6. TKF STORE 22 (Defendant No. 22 on Schedule A to the Complaint); and 7. TODAY'S DEALS STORE (Defendant No. 44 on Schedule A to the Complaint). Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 4/1/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/31/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/31/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/31/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
1:(Docket sheet containing paperless order closing case) (drz)
03/31/2022 Civil Case Terminated per Order Closing Case DE# 36. Closing Case.
03/31/2022 PAPERLESS ORDER closing this case. The Clerk of the Court is directed to CLOSE this case for administrative purposes. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/31/2022.
03/31/2022 Civil Case Terminated per Order Closing Case DE#[36]. Closing Case.
03/30/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/30/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/24/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/22/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes, John Taylor, Roger Taylor
03/22/2022 ORDER granting [6] Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/22/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/22/2022 CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by Unsealing docket entries 6, 7, 9 & 11 Pursuant to 29 Order.
03/22/2022 ORDER granting [23] Motion to Unseal. The Clerk is directed to unseal all docket entries in this case. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/22/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/22/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re [21] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation. Being fully advised, the Court hereby ORDERS AND ADJUDGES that the claims against these Defendants are DISMISSED without prejudice: 1. PATMACKRIEL70 (Defendant No. 572 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 2. ACQUIESCE13 (Defendant No. 119 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 3. VINGROUPSHOP LED NEON ONLINE STORE (Defendant No. 120 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 4. UNIQUE WACKY NECKTIES, WATCHES, BACKPACKS FOR GEEKS NERDS COSPLAY MOVIEMANIACS (Defendant No. 121 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 5. UNIQUE WACKY NECKTIES, WATCHES, BACKPACKS FOR GEEKS NERDS COSPLAY MOVIEMANIACS (Defendant No. 122 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 6. FEARLESS APPAREL (Defendant No. 123 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 7. SAUL E-STORE (Defendant No. 384 on Schedule A to the Complaint);8. JAKELAGI (Defendant No. 673 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 9. FRANKWOLF2 (Defendant No. 674 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 10. PIEDPIPER (Defendant No. 675 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 11. VELINDEAL (Defendant No. 676 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 12. COMUNITYZ (Defendant No. 677 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 13. MAYDENART (Defendant No. 678 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 14. PANDAQUE (Defendant No. 679 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 15. BERAHNYA (Defendant No. 680 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 16. INK YEAH (Defendant No. 681 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 17. VELINDEAL (Defendant No. 682 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 18. SO RED THE POPPY (Defendant No. 683 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 19. JOANNAPEARSON (Defendant No. 684 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 20. AGNEZ MONRAY ART (Defendant No. 685 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 21. UNMETAL (Defendant No. 686 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 22. NAIRACREATORS (Defendant No. 687 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 23. MAJANATION (Defendant No. 688 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 24. WHITESTARTEES (Defendant No. 689 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 25. COLOURUS (Defendant No. 690 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 26. DANKFUTURA (Defendant No. 691 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 27. ARTEFM (Defendant No. 692 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 28. PUNKPOP (Defendant No. 693 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 29. MECHAMIX MERCH (Defendant No. 694 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 30. RIBBIT KINZI (Defendant No. 695 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 31. PANCI_LOCKDSG (Defendant No. 696 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 32. WILTSHIRE CHILLI (Defendant No. 697 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 33. DARKLORDPUG (Defendant No. 698 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 34. JAMEXALISA (Defendant No. 699 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 35. POP FAN SHOP (Defendant No. 700 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 36. FMANO (Defendant No. 701 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 37. MONOGRAPHIS (Defendant No. 702 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 38. SAUDADE (Defendant No. 703 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 39. CREATORMJK (Defendant No. 704 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 40. SAKANA (Defendant No. 705 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 41. CHEWBACCADOLL (Defendant No. 706 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 42. BABY_GHOST (Defendant No. 707 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 43. WPAP ART STORE (Defendant No. 708 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 44. WE LOVE POP CULTURE (Defendant No. 709 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 45. AVERHOME (Defendant No. 710 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 46. THESKULLANIMASI (Defendant No. 711 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 47. BERTADAVENPO (Defendant No. 712 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 48. SPOOKYCLUB (Defendant No. 713 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 49. ICHAELGLENN32 (Defendant No. 714 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 50. MARAKO (Defendant No. 715 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 51. UPANDDOWN (Defendant No. 716 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 52. EMAN (Defendant No. 717 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 53. GAMORAK (Defendant No. 718 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 54. TESUKASUKA (Defendant No. 719 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 55. CULTOFROMANCE (Defendant No. 720 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 56. PUNK ROBOT (Defendant No. 721 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 57. IBBIT KINZI (Defendant No. 722 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 58. MARTINXO (Defendant No. 723 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 59. THRIFTJD (Defendant No. 724 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 60. ANELSON2 (Defendant No. 725 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 61. SANDIESAYS (Defendant No. 726 on Schedule A to the Complaint); 62. WARDGALLOW (Defendant No. 727 on Schedule A to the Complaint); and 63. CARVEDINRIOT (Defendant No. 728 on Schedule A to the Complaint). The Clerk of Court shall TERMINATE these parties from the case. Each party shall bear its own fees and costs. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/22/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/21/2022 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE re [18] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation, [14] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation, [13] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation, [16] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by XYZ Corporation. The claims against these Defendants are DISMISSED without prejudice: TIME-AND-CLOCKS (Defendant No. 180 on Schedule A to the Complaint); ART_DECOR_SHOP (Defendant No. 172 on Schedule A to the Complaint); ALESLAV (Defendant No. 218 on Schedule A to the Complaint); JJ'S HODGEPODGE (Defendant No. 411 on Schedule A to the Complaint); ACQUIESCE13 (Defendant No. 586 on Schedule A to the Complaint); and OURKID (Defendant No. 396 on Schedule A to the Complaint). Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/21/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/21/2022 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roy K. Altman: Motion Hearing held on 3/21/2022 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets filed by XYZ Corporation. Total time in court: 05 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Richard Guerra, Court Reporter: Francine Salopek, 305-301-3276 / mjsfcs@aol.com.
03/21/2022 NOTICE by Roger Taylor, John Taylor, Simon Le Bon, Nicholas Rhodes of Filing Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Attorney Nicole Fundora added to party Roger Taylor(pty:pla), Attorney Nicole Fundora added to party John Taylor(pty:pla), Attorney Nicole Fundora added to party Simon Le Bon(pty:pla), Attorney Nicole Fundora added to party Nicholas Rhodes(pty:pla).
1:Text of Proposed Order
03/21/2022 AMENDED COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A, Roger Taylor, John Taylor, Nicholas Rhodes, Simon Le Bon, filed by Roger Taylor, John Taylor, Nicholas Rhodes, Simon Le Bon.
1:Exhibit Exhibit 1- federal trademark registrations
2:Exhibit Schedule A to Amended Complaint identifying Defendants
03/21/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by XYZ Corporation.
1:Text of Proposed Order
03/21/2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by XYZ Corporation
03/21/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
03/21/2022 PAPERLESS ORDER denying 15 the Plaintiff's Second Motion for an Extension of the Temporary Restraining Order. The Court has already extended the TRO once and will not do so again. The Plaintiff may either voluntarily dismiss the action under Rule 41 or may move forward with the Preliminary Injunction hearing as currently scheduled. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/21/2022.
03/16/2022 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
03/16/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
03/16/2022 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by XYZ Corporation
03/15/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
03/15/2022 Second MOTION to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction by XYZ Corporation.
1:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:Text of Proposed Order
03/14/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
03/11/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by XYZ Corporation
03/08/2022 ORDER granting in part and denying in part [10] Motion to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Prelinjhrg Hearing Rescheduled for 3/21/2022 02:30 PM (Via Zoom) before Judge Roy K. Altman. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 3/8/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/04/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 11 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice.
03/04/2022 Order
03/04/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction by XYZ Corporation.
1:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:(Text of Proposed Order)
02/23/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
02/22/2022 ORDER granting 4 Motion for Leave to Temporarily Proceed Under a Pseudonym by XYZ Corporation. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 2/18/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/17/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 7 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/17/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/16/2022 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Show Cause Response due by 2/17/2022. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 2/15/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/11/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Leave to Temporarily Proceed Under a Pseudonym by XYZ Corporation.
1:Text of Proposed Order
1:Complaint) (jua
02/10/2022 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Roy K. Altman. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Patrick M. Hunt is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
02/10/2022 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-15390288, filed by XYZ Corporation.
1:Civil Cover Sheet

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