2022-cv-60316 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Animaccord Ltd. v. The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/10/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
06/20/2023 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of Animaccord Ltd. against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A". Closing Case. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 6/20/2023. See attached document for full details.
06/20/2023 ORDER on Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 6/20/2023. See attached document for full details.
05/26/2023 NOTICE of Compliance by Animaccord Ltd. re 46 Order on Motion for Clarification, Order on Motion for Reconsideration, 44 Order on Motion for Default Judgment
05/26/2023 Renewed MOTION for Default Judgment by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Schedule A - Defaulting Defendants
2:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction
3:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Motion for Entry of Default Judgment
4:Affidavit of Richard Guerra
5:Exhibit 1 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
6:Exhibit 2 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
7:Exhibit 3 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
8:Exhibit 4 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
9:(Exhibit 5 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra)
05/26/2023 SERVICE (Proof) by Publication by Animaccord Ltd. Last Publication date 5/26/2023. Claims/Positions/Written Defenses/Answers/etc., due by 6/26/2023.
05/24/2023 Summons Issued as to 24FunShop, 3LittlePumpkins, AGATONart, Ahmed Yacine BAKLI, AlexLTM, AllReadyWear, Andjelinadjina, Aqelebaa, BELLABARGAIN, BabyomKnitting, BackToDrop, BuyCraftsUs, ByBunnyAndBear, CSYMAON, DorinCalmatui, DropletCrafts, DubLinArt00, EleBouquet, FormulaMerino, HFruomin, Hanan89, HandmadeIsa, JBDesignCrafts, JCCNJSUUN, JaisonshiJan, JayneWol, Karatasch, KatysBoutiqueUK, LARtigianobyLarisa, LQAMZON, LaFeeBulleuse, LaMamuca, LaZiaAnto, LeatherArtWorkUA, Lecreazionidika, LilyMitchell47, LuxuryArtFavors, Monpassion, MrFux, MuiYing, Musaalian, MyBirthdayParty, MyChristmasToys, NDHandMadeWithLove, Nikolata, ONETE Stickers, PKproductsltd, PegasusItalia, ROJO ART, RShineGraphics, RTVISA, RobinnZapata, SamOzii, SrkiArt, Stason4ek, SugieStore, SunsetInACup, Swatcha, The Best Buy Gift, The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", TiendaZoez, Ulrich Bonheur, UsualRussianArt, VICTORIABESTart, Victor Cotov, WendysDesignsEstudio, WhiskeySour, YINGYING8, alia777med, angel4dm Store, angel6dm Store, angle2fj Store, artesanoLOKAL, artfulcustom, arthiz93, artzprint, askm, faers, feltdecor2014, happygiftworldshop, iRicamicioli, lubingmaoyishanghang, mascotwu Store, neeew, nipu.eshop94, oneshoping31, sabretoothpub, sangsheng, sto3, stoffkleks, tian0991 Store, tkdsport-italia, turasanuraka, wooddolls, woodentoysby, yumenghao2021 Store.
05/23/2023 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Animaccord Ltd.
05/23/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER denying [DE 45] Motion for Clarification and Motion for Reconsideration. The Summons Issued at [DE 16] is deficient under Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(a), which states that a summons must name the court and the parties. Here, Plaintiff's summons does not name the parties to this action; nor does it affix a document naming the parties to this action. See DE 16. Consequently, the summons is deficient under Rule 4(a), and service in this case has not been perfected. Thus, Plaintiff is instructed to perfect service of process on Defendants in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and this Court's Sealed Order Authorizing Alternative Service of Process [DE 10] on or before June 9, 2023. SO ORDERED. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 5/23/2023.
05/23/2023 MOTION for clarification [44] Order on Motion for Default Judgment (Responses due by 6/6/2023), MOTION for Reconsideration re [44] Order on Motion for Default Judgment by Animaccord Ltd.
05/10/2023 ORDER denying 43 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 5/10/2023. See attached document for full details.
04/06/2023 MOTION for Default Judgment by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Schedule A - Defaulting Defendants
2:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Motion
3:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction
4:Affidavit of Richard Guerra
5:Exhibit 1 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
6:Exhibit 2 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
7:Exhibit 3 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
8:Exhibit 4 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra
9:(Exhibit 5 of 5 to Declaration of Richard Guerra)
02/02/2023 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 41 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Nicole Fundora, Esq. representing Animaccord Ltd. (Plaintiff) withdrawn from case. Nicole Fundora, Esq. is hereby relieved of any and all further obligations on behalf of Plaintiff Animaccord Ltd. in this action. SO ORDERED. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 2/2/2023.
02/02/2023 Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney for Plaintiff by Nicole Fundora for / by Animaccord Ltd. Responses due by 2/16/2023
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
12/16/2022 ORDER OF PARTIAL DISMISSAL; HANDMAKEARTDESIGNS. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 12/16/2022. See attached document for full details.
12/16/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
10/05/2022 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): LQAMZON, lubingmaoyishanghang, The Best Buy Gift, MuiYing, CSYMAON, sangsheng, ONETE Stickers, JCCNJSUUN, YINGYING8, HFruomin, angle2fj Store, mascotwu Store, angel4dm Store, angel6dm Store, tian0991 Store, yumenghao2021 Store, sto3, arthiz93, happygiftworldshop, tkdsport-italia, nipu.eshop94, wooddolls, EleBouquet, WendysDesignsEstudio, RobinnZapata, MyChristmasToys, MrFux, JBDesignCrafts, stoffkleks, artfulcustom, artesanoLOKAL, KatysBoutiqueUK, Lecreazionidika, LeatherArtWorkUA, FormulaMerino, SunsetInACup, ByBunnyAndBear, VICTORIABESTart, BabyomKnitting, LaZiaAnto, feltdecor2014, UsualRussianArt, AllReadyWear, iRicamicioli, BuyCraftsUs, MyBirthdayParty, Nikolata, SugieStore, Karatasch, RShineGraphics, DropletCrafts, LARtigianobyLarisa, woodentoysby, LaFeeBulleuse, TiendaZoez, BackToDrop, HandmadeIsa, PKproductsltd, LuxuryArtFavors, HandmakeArtDesigns, PegasusItalia, NDHandMadeWithLove, BELLABARGAIN, Ulrich Bonheur, DorinCalmatui, LaMamuca, 24FunShop, ROJO ART, RTVISA, askm, LilyMitchell47, alia777med, Swatcha, JayneWol, neeew, Andjelinadjina, turasanuraka, SrkiArt, Ahmed Yacine BAKLI, AGATONart, faers, Hanan89, DubLinArt00, Monpassion, oneshoping31, Musaalian, JaisonshiJan, artzprint, Victor Cotov, Aqelebaa, sabretoothpub, AlexLTM, 3LittlePumpkins, SamOzii, Stason4ek and WhiskeySour.
08/09/2022 ORDER OF PARTIAL DISMISSAL: Upon consideration, it is hereby, ORDERED that this action is DISMISSED with prejudice as to Defendant PILLAR BEAUTY. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 8/9/2022. See attached document for full details.
08/09/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
07/27/2022 Clerk's Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Granting 34 Motion for Clerk's Entry of Default. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 7/27/2022.
07/27/2022 MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Schedule A- Defendants that have not answered or otherwise responded to complaint
2:(Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra)
07/13/2022 ORDER OF PARTIAL DISMISSAL: Accordingly, it is hereby, ORDERED that this action is DISMISSED with prejudice as to Defendant WEPARTY. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 7/13/2022. See attached document for full details.
07/12/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Animaccord Ltd.
07/07/2022 ORDER OF PARTIAL DISMISSAL: It is hereby, ORDERED that this action is DISMISSED without prejudice as to Defendant CRYSTALSTARDESIGN. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 7/7/2022. See attached document for full details.
07/05/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
06/29/2022 ORDER of Partial Dismissal re 28 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal; Dismissing Action with prejudice as to Defendant ARSTUDIOCREATION. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 6/29/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/31/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Animaccord Ltd.
05/25/2022 ORDER OF PARTIAL DISMISSAL as to Defendant ZCPTZ andDefendant HSDSH. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 5/25/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/20/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Animaccord Ltd.
05/20/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only (with Prejudice) by Animaccord Ltd.
05/10/2022 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Rodney Smith: Motion Hearing held on 5/10/2022 re 4 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets filed by Animaccord Ltd. Total time in court: 10 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Richard Guerra, Court Reporter: Ellen Rassie, 954-769-5448 / ellen_rassie@flsd.uscourts.gov. (ch1)
05/11/2022 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. ORDER granting 4 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets filed by Animaccord Ltd. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 5/11/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/11/2022 NOTICE of Compliance re 21 Order on Motion to Unseal Document. (Docket Entries Unsealed)
05/11/2022 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO UNSEAL. ORDER granting 19 Motion to Unseal Document. The Clerk is directed to unseal all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the file to the public record. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 5/11/2022. See attached document for full details.
05/09/2022 NOTICE by Animaccord Ltd. of Filing Proposed Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction
1:Text of Proposed Order
05/09/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Text of Proposed Order
05/09/2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Animaccord Ltd.
05/03/2022 Notice of Filing BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by Animaccord Ltd. Approved by Judge Rodney Smith
1:(Exhibit) (pcs)
05/02/2022 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
04/29/2022 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Animaccord Ltd.
04/25/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
04/20/2022 Clerks Notice to Filer re 12 Plaintiff's MOTION to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Motion with Multiple Reliefs Filed as One Relief; ERROR - The Filer selected only one relief event and failed to select the additional corresponding events for each relief requested in the motion. The docket entry was corrected by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future filings must comply with the instructions in the CM/ECF Attorney User's Manual.AND Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs.
04/19/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Affidavit Declaration of Richard Guerra
2:Text of Proposed Order
04/19/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Animaccord Ltd.
04/12/2022 Order
04/06/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
04/05/2022 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL. ORDER granting 6 Sealed Motion. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/5/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/16/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/16/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 5 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/16/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 4 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/16/2022 Order
2:Exhibit A
3:Exhibit B
4:Exhibit C) (ebz
02/10/2022 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Rodney Smith. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
02/10/2022 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-15390393, filed by Animaccord Ltd.
1:Exhibit Composite Exhibit 1- federal trademark registrations
2:Exhibit Composite Exhibit 2- copyright registrations
3:Exhibit Exhibit 3- list of unregistered copyrighted works
4:Civil Cover Sheet

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