日期 | 描述 |
11/06/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 108 Letter filed by Dropcases, LTD. ENDORSEMENT Application APPROVED. The Clerk's Office Finance Department is directed to release the posted bond of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) and disburse the same by Electronic Funds Transfer to Dropcases Ltd. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 11/6/2024) (jca) Transmission to Finance Unit (Cashiers) for processing. |
11/05/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated November 5, 2024 re: Release of Bond. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
10/24/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 106 Letter filed by Dropcases, LTD. ENDORSEMENT Application DENIED. Plaintiff does not indicate to whom the bond is to be released. Plaintiff shall contact the Finance Department before submitting an additional application to ensure the correct details are submitted for the Court to approve the release of funds. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 10/24/2024) |
10/22/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated October 22, 2024 re: Release of Bond. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
10/22/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: EVDANCE and Seguma terminated.Prior to the filing of this notice, Defendants have yet to file an answer or motion forsummary judgment. By the court's order dated October 15, 2024 [Dkt. 102], Plaintiff was required to provide a further status update as to service of the remaining Defendants, dismissed herein, by October 21, 2024 and requested an extension to do so [Dkt. 103], which is now moot. There are no other Defendants remaining in this action. Plaintiff's claims against the defendants listed in this application are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to CLOSE the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 10/22/2024) |
10/22/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) All Remaining Defendants. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
10/21/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated October 21, 2024 re: Status of Service of Remaining Defendants. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
10/15/2024 | ORDER Plaintiff provides no authority on which it is permitted to simply proceed to serve the forty-five defendants in small groups. Indeed, it has taken over six months and repeated orders from the Court for Plaintiff to even attempt to serve the first three defendants in this action. Plaintiff is hereby ORDERED to proceed promptly with service as to all defendants remaining in this action, and to provide a further status update as to service by October 21, 2024. Plaintiff is warned that failure to proceed promptly with the service process as to all defendants may result in dismissal of the remainder of this action for failure to prosecute. (And as further set forth herein.) SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 10/15/2024) |
10/09/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated October 9, 2024 re: Status of Service of Remaining Defendants. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. 附件: 1:Exhibit EX A to Letter 10 09 24 2:(Exhibit EX B to Letter 10 09 24) |
10/09/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: EEK-US, Haitianxinda, Immersion Gear Research Lab, Nilight Headlight, Nivion EV, Outdoors Gamers, Singtoow, TAECHU, TeahWamny, WildHulkAuto, flyEVfish store, laixuanstore, westaim, (US Based Seller) A1PS96CG2U31BM and AMZ terminated. Prior to the filing of this notice, Defendants have yet to file an answer or motion for summary judgment. Plaintiff's claims against the Defendants listed above are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate the Defendants listed above. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 10/9/2024) |
10/09/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. [99] Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
10/09/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 99 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
10/08/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) Nivion EV, Immersion Gear Research Lab, westaim, flyEVfish store, Nilight Headlight, TAECHU, AMZ, Outdoors Gamers, laixuanstore, EEK-US, Haitianxinda, (US Based Seller) A1PS96CG2U31BM, TeahWamny, WildHulkAuto, Singtoow. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
09/26/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 97 Letter, filed by Dropcases, LTD. ENDORSEMENT Plaintiff shall provide a further status update regarding all defendants no later than October 9, 2024. By that same date, Plaintiff is also ordered to SHOW CAUSE why this action should not be dismissed as to the defendants located in the United States for failure to comply with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m), which requires service for defendants within 90 days after the complaint is filed. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 9/26/2024) |
09/25/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated September 25, 2024 re: Status of Service of Remaining Defendants. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. 附件: 1:Exhibit EX A to Letter 9.25.2024 2:(Exhibit EX B to Letter 9.25.2024) |
09/23/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 95 Letter filed by Dropcases, LTD. ENDORSEMENT This case commenced on April 5, 2024. Dkt. 1. On August 19, 2024, the Court ordered Plaintiff to file a letter identifying the status of service with respect to each defendant remaining in this action. Dkt. 92. In response to that order, Plaintiff filed this letter, which simply states the name of each defendant in this action and fails to state the status of service with respect to any specific defendant. Plaintiff is ordered to file a letter no later than September 25, 2024 which details the status of service with respect to each defendant remaining in this action. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 9/23/2024) |
09/19/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily Borich dated September 19, 2024 re: Updated List. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
08/29/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i): Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: 11 A2F0FOR3ILNG4F shanghaigaiyejidiankejiyouxiangongsi Vacallity. Prior to the filing of this notice, Defendants have yet to file an answer or motion for summary judgment. Plaintiff's claims against defendant shanghaigaiyejidiankejiyouxiangongsi are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant shanghaigaiyejidiankejiyouxiangongsi from the docket. SO ORDERED. shanghaigaiyejidiankejiyouxiangongsi (alias Vacallity) terminated. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 8/29/2024) |
08/29/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 93 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
08/28/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) shanghaigaiyejidiankejiyouxiangongsi (alias Vacallity). Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
08/19/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 89 Letter filed by Dropcases, LTD. ENDORSEMENT Plaintiff shall file an additional status update no later than September 19, 2024. Plaintiff's status update shall identify all defendants that remain in this action, as well as the status of service with respect to each of those defendants. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 8/19/2024) |
08/19/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Jury Trial Demanded Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: (ningboboliandunqipeiyouxiangongsi) Bolanton terminated. Plaintiff's claims against defendant ningboboliandunqipeiyouxiangongsi are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant ningboboliandunqipeiyouxiangongsi from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 8/19/2024) |
08/19/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) (ningboboliandunqipeiyouxiangongsi) Bolanton. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
08/15/2024 | LETTER addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily Borich dated August 15, 2024 re: in accordance with Your Honor's July 30, 2024 (Dkt. 82) directive. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
07/31/2024 | ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting 85 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The motion of Theodore S. Lee for admission to practice Pro Hac Vice in the above captioned action is GRANTED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/31/2024) |
07/31/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: Shanghai chi ting technology co., ltd. (alias DEDCAUTO) terminated.Plaintiff's claims against defendant Shanghai chi ting technology co., ltd. are DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant Shanghai chi ting technology co., ltd. from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/31/2024) |
07/31/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: Fei Wang (alias "beautycitys") terminated.Plaintiff's claims against defendant Fei Wangare dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant Fei Wang from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/31/2024) |
07/31/2024 | >>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. 85 MOTION for Theodore S. Lee to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29680658. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. |
07/31/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 84 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/31/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 83 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/31/2024 | MOTION for Theodore S. Lee to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29680658. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by Shenzhen Lingbin Auto Parts Co. Ltd. 附件: 1:Affidavit of Theodore S. Lee 2:Exhibit CA certificate of good standing 3:(Proposed Order For Admission Pro Hac Vice) |
07/30/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) Shanghai chi ting technology co., ltd. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/30/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) Fei Wang. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/30/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Jury Trial Demanded Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: ZANCH, wigoo, FOCSPROD and REEVAA terminated. Prior to the filing of this notice, Defendants have yet to file an answer or motion for summary judgment. Plaintiff does not concede the allegations in Defendants' Motions to Dismiss [DKT 46 & 57] and reserves all rights. Plaintiff's claims again Defendants ZANCH, REEVAA, wigoo, and FOCSPROD areDISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendants ZANCH, REEVAA, wigoo, and FOCSPROD from the docket. Additionally, in light of the dismissal of these defendants, the motions to dismiss at ECF Nos. 46 and 57 are denied without prejudice as moot. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate the motions at ECF Nos 46 and 57. No later than August 15, 2024, Plaintiff shall file a letter on the docket indicating which defendants still remain in this action in light of the numerous voluntary dismissals filed over the past several weeks. SO ORDERED. Motions terminated: 46 MOTION to Dismiss. filed by FOCSPROD, 57 MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint under Rule 12. filed by REEVAA, wigoo, ZANCH. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/30/2024) |
07/30/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) FOCSPROD, REEVAA, ZANCH, wigoo. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/19/2024 | ORDER granting 79 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. The request is GRANTED. Plaintiff shall respond to the motion to dismiss by August 5, 2024. SO ORDERED. Responses due by 8/5/2024 (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/19/2024) |
07/18/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 46 MOTION to Dismiss. addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily Borich dated July 18, 2024. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
07/18/2024 | ORDER granting 77 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply.The request is GRANTED nunc pro tunc. Plaintiff shall respond to the motion to dismiss by July 26, 2024. SO ORDERED. Responses due by 7/26/2024. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/18/2024) |
07/17/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 57 MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint under Rule 12. addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily Borich dated July 17, 2024. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
07/16/2024 | ORDER granting 74 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply. The request is GRANTED. Plaintiff shalloppose the motion to dismiss by July 22, 2024. SO ORDERED. Responses due by 7/22/2024. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/16/2024) |
07/16/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: shenzhenshiyingrunhechuangkejiyouxiangongsi terminated. Defendant shenzhenshiyingrunhechuangkejiyouxiangongsi is dismissed without prejudiced. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant shenzhenshiyingrunhechuangkejiyouxiangongsi from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/16/2024) |
07/11/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 66 Order on Motion for Extension of Time, 46 MOTION to Dismiss. addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily Borich dated July 11, 2024. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
07/11/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 73 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/10/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) shenzhenshiyingrunhechuangkejiyouxiangongsi. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/09/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed against the defendant(s) Guangzhouqiongludianzikejiyouxiangongsi. Defendant Guangzhouqiongludianzikejiyouxiangongsi is dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant Guangzhouqiongludianzikejiyouxiangongsi from the docket. Guangzhouqiongludianzikejiyouxiangongsi terminated. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/9/2024) |
07/09/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 71 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/08/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) Guangzhouqiongludianzikejiyouxiangongsi. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/08/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: Defendants SZWSXLTDWE, Xiaojian Luo, AIMI Electronic Technology Limited, firexu, lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin, shenzhen jurengu kejiyouxiangongsi, and lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin are dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate these defendants from the docket. SO ORDERED. SZWSXLTDWE (Vrasly), firexu (Ddtohan), lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin (KEVWR), lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin (MODESLAB), shenzhen jurengu kejiyouxiangongsi (NZY), AIMI Electronic Technology Limited (LOKEKE) and Xiajian Luo (MOTONG) terminated. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/8/2024) |
07/08/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARYDISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: Shenzhenshidingshidianzi-Shangwuyouxiangongsi (Nexpower-US) and nanchangshichaijingkejiyouxiangongsi terminated. Defendants nanchangshichaijingkejiyouxiangongsi and SHENZHENSHIDINGSHIDIANZISHANGWUYOUXIANGONGSI are dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate Defendants nanchangshichaijingkejiyouxiangongsi and SHENZHENSHIDINGSHIDIANZISHANGWUYOUXIANGONGSI from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/8/2024) |
07/03/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 68 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/03/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 67 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
07/02/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) SZWSXLTDWE (Vrasly), Xiajian Luo (MOTONG), AIMI Electronic Technology Limited (LOKEKE), firexu (Ddtohan), lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin (MODESLAB), shenzhen jurengu kejiyouxiangongsi (NZY), lingshixianruyuxinxizixunfuwuzhongxin (KEVWR). Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/02/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant(s) nanchangshichaijingkejiyouxiangongsi, Shenzhenshidingshidianzi-Shangwuyouxiangongsi (Nexpower-US). Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
07/02/2024 | Set/Reset Deadlines: Responses due by 7/11/2024 |
07/02/2024 | ORDER granting 65 Letter Motion for Extension of Time. The request is GRANTED. Plaintiff shall file its opposition to the motion to dismiss by July 11, 2024. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 7/2/2024) |
07/01/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time re Motion to Dismiss Dkt. 46 addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Emily M. Borich dated July 1, 2024. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. |
07/01/2024 | NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Emily Borich on behalf of Dropcases, LTD. |
06/28/2024 | ORDER FOR ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE granting 62 MOTION for Michael Boldt to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The motion for admission pro hac vice filed by Michael Boldt, for admission to practice Pro Hac Vice in the above captioned action, is GRANTED. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/28/2024) |
06/27/2024 | >>>NOTICE REGARDING PRO HAC VICE MOTION. Regarding Document No. 62 MOTION for Michael Boldt to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29538619. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. The document has been reviewed and there are no deficiencies. |
06/27/2024 | MOTION for Michael Boldt to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-29538619. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff. Document filed by EVDANCE, Seguma. Return Date set for 6/27/2024 at 03:59 PM. 附件: 1:Exhibit LR 1.3 Affidavit 2:Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing 3:(Exhibit Proposed Order) |
06/20/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: FFFAuto terminated.Defendant ZheJiang Jiayan International Trade Co., Ltd is dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to terminate defendant ZheJiang Jiayan International Trade Co., Ltd from the docket, which is presently listed on the docket under its Amazon Seller Alias, FFFauto. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/20/2024) |
06/20/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: HxBloc and rao jintang terminated. Defendants Mo Lin lin and Guangzhou Hongxin Industrial Co., Ltd. are dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate defendants Mo Lin lin and Guangzhou Hongxin Industrial Co., Ltd. from the docket, which are presently listed on the docket under their Amazon Seller Aliases rao jintang and HxBloc, respectively. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/20/2024) |
06/20/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 59 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
06/20/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 55 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
06/20/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) FFFAuto. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
06/20/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 58 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
06/19/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) rao jintang, HxBloc. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
06/19/2024 | MOTION to Dismiss the Complaint under Rule 12. Document filed by REEVAA, ZANCH, wigoo. |
06/18/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: TopDonStarter and TopDonStarter terminated.Defendant ChangShaHongMaoKaiKeJiYou XianGongSi is dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate defendant ChangShaHongMaoKaiKeJiYou XianGongSi from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/18/2024) |
06/18/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) TopDonStarter. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
06/17/2024 | Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Jennifer L. Rochon: Show Cause Hearing held via Microsoft Teams on 6/17/2024. (aba) Modified on 6/27/2024 |
06/17/2024 | ORDER By consent of Plaintiff as stated on the record during the June 17, 2024 hearing, the Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to UNSEAL all documents in this action and upload them to the Electronic Case Filing system. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to close the motions pending at ECF Nos. 6 and 11. Further, the Court's order at ECF No. 17 addressed ECF No. 15, and the Clerk of Court is therefore respectfully directed to close the motion pending at ECF No. 15. SO ORDERED. Motions terminated: 6 LETTER MOTION to Seal addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from David A. Boag dated April 19, 2024. filed by Dropcases, LTD., 15 MOTION for Extension of Time. filed by Dropcases, LTD., 11 LETTER MOTION to Seal addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from David A. Boag dated April 26, 2024. filed by Dropcases, LTD. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/17/2024) |
06/17/2024 | ORDER denying 7 Motion for TRO. The Court previously entered a temporary restraining order and order granting temporary asset restraint and expedited discovery in this case. See April 30, 2024 Order; ECF Nos. 17, 19, 21. That order expires by its own terms on June 18, 2024, and has not been further extended by the Court. It is therefore no longer necessary for any parties or non-parties in this case to abide by the terms of that order. Plaintiff is ORDERED to serve a copy of this order on Amazon no later than June 19, 2024. Further, for the reasons stated on the record during the June 17, 2024 hearing, Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction is DENIED. The Clerk of Court is respectfully directed to CLOSE the motion pending at ECF No. 7. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/17/2024) |
06/17/2024 | MEMO ENDORSEMENT granting 47 Letter Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 47 LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply IN OPPOSITION TO PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Zhi (Teddy) Gong dated June 16, 2024. ENDORSEMENT The request for an extension of time for defendant FOCSPROD to file its opposition to Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction is GRANTED nunc pro tunc. The Clerk of Court is directed to CLOSE the motion pending at ECF No. 47. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/17/2024) |
06/17/2024 | UNOPPOSED MOTION TO APPEAR REMOTELY granting 49 Letter Motion for Conference re: 49 LETTER MOTION for Conference re: 21 Order, Set Hearings, via Remote Appearance addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Zhi (Teddy) Gong dated June 16, 2024. The undersigned, Zhi (Teddy) Gong, counsel for the defendant, FOCSPROD, hereby requests that this Court grant his remote appearance as states as follows: 1. On June 17, 2024, this Court will hold a hearing at Courtroom 23B of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York at 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007. See Docket # 21. 2. The undersigned is currently living in Hawaii. 3. The undersigned appeared in this Court pro hac vice. 4. Thus, the undersigned requests that this Court grant his appearance via phone or Microsoft Teams. 5. The opposing party does not oppose to this motion. WHEREFORE, the undersigned, Zhi (Teddy) Gong, counsel for Defendant FOCSPROD, hereby requests that this Court grant his remote appearance and please email the credentials to the following email address: zg2125@caa.columbia.edu. The June 17, 2024 hearing will take place via Microsoft Teams as previously ordered at ECF No. 38. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the motion pending at ECF No. 49. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/17/2024) |
06/17/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL PURSUANT TO RULE 41(a)(1)(A)(i) Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), Plaintiff Dropcases Ltd. ("Plaintiff"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby voluntarily dismisses this action WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendant: Aleanu terminated. Defendant Changshashi Yueluqu Wentaowenhao Jiancaishanghang is DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate defendant Changshashi Yueluqu Wentaowenhao Jiancaishanghang from the docket. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jennifer L. Rochon on 6/17/2024) |
06/17/2024 | ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL Document No. 45 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, was reviewed and referred to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon for approval for the following reason(s): the plaintiff(s) filed their voluntary dismissal and it did not dismiss all of the parties or the action in its entirety. |
06/17/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Conference re: 21 Order, Set Hearings, via Remote Appearance addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Zhi (Teddy) Gong dated June 16, 2024. Document filed by FOCSPROD. Return Date set for 6/17/2024 at 10:59 AM. 附件: 1:(Proposed Order TO APPERAR REMOTELY) |
06/17/2024 | RESPONSE in Opposition to Motion re: 7 EMERGENCY MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order. and Preliminary Injunction. Document filed by FOCSPROD. 附件: 1:Exhibit A - Key Similarities bt Patent and a Prior Art ZENCAR NACS Product 2:Exhibit B - NEXPOW Product and Date First Available 3:Exhibit C - AKSESROYAL Product and Date First Available 4:Exhibit D - Exhibit Product and Patent Comparison Chart 5:Affidavit of RongMao Chen 0616 on Prior Art 6:(Affidavit of RongMao Chen 0614 on Sales) |
06/17/2024 | LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply IN OPPOSITION TO PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION addressed to Judge Jennifer L. Rochon from Zhi (Teddy) Gong dated June 16, 2024. Document filed by FOCSPROD. |
06/16/2024 | MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by FOCSPROD. 附件: 1:(Affidavit (Declaration) of RongMao Chen) |
06/15/2024 | NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) Aleanu. Document filed by Dropcases, LTD. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers). |
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