日期 | 描述 |
07/27/2020 | ORDERED that the re 80 Report and Recommendations are ADOPTED. The 58 Motion for Default Judgment is GRANTED. ORDERED that default judgment be, and the same hereby is, ENTERED in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants in the amount of$ 2,000,000.00 in statutory damages. ORDERED that Defendants be, and the same hereby are, ENJOINED from making, using, selling, or offering for sale unauthorized products containing the VW brands trademarks. Within five (5) days of the date of this Ord er, PayPal, Inc. shall release to Plaintiff the monies currently restrained in Defendants' financial accounts as partial payment of the above-identified damages (See Order for Details). Signed by District Judge Anthony J Trenga on 7/27/2020. (lcre,) (c/s) |
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