2020-cv-02348 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



3M Company v. Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified in Schedule A

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日期 描述
08/05/2021 ORDER DISMISSING CASE Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 8/5/2021.
04/23/2021 CONSENT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION re: Defendant Qing Fung. Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 4/23/2021.
04/22/2021 NOTICE of Settlement and Stipulation for Entry of Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction by 3M Company. Jointly signed by Qing Fung.
1:(Exhibit(s) A - [Proposed] Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction Defendant Qing Fung) Modified text on 4/26/2021 (kt)
04/12/2021 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Qing Fung
04/09/2021 Amended DECLARATION of Christopher M. Weimer re 42 Application for Entry of Default by 3M Company against Defendant Qing Fung.
1:(Exhibit(s) A (to Amended Decl. of Christopher Weimer))
04/08/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by 3M Company
04/02/2021 ORDER DISMISSING Defendant Alexis Alva. Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 4/2/2021.
04/01/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by 3M Company
03/25/2021 DECLARATION of Christopher M. Weimer re 42 Application for Entry of Default by 3M Company.
1:(Exhibit(s) A (to Weimer Decl.))
03/25/2021 APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT against Defendant Qing Fung.
1:DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR: REFILE SEPARATELY Appendix Declaration of Christopher Weimer in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Entry of Default
2:(DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR: REFILE SEPARATELY Exhibit(s) A (to Weimer Decl) - Affidavit of Service on Qing Fung) Modified text on 3/23/2021 (kt). Modified text on 3/25/2021 (kt)
03/16/2021 ORDER on 37 Stipulation. Joshua Epperly answer due 4/16/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on 3/15/2021.
03/15/2021 DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR: WILL REFILE. ORDER on 37 Stipulation. Joshua Epperly answer due 4/16/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on 3/15/2021. (HAM) Modified text on 3/16/2021
03/15/2021 PROPOSED ORDER TO JUDGE re 37 Stipulation.
03/15/2021 STIPULATION to Extend Time to Answer for Defendant Joshua Epperly by 3M Company. Jointly Signed by Joshua Epperly.
03/05/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by 3M Company. Joshua Epperly served on 2/23/2021, answer due 3/16/2021.
03/01/2021 ORDER on 32 Stipulation. Alexis Alva answer due 4/4/2021. Signed by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on 3/1/2021.
03/01/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by 3M Company re 32 Stipulation, 33 Proposed Order to Judge
03/01/2021 PROPOSED ORDER TO JUDGE re 32 Stipulation.
03/01/2021 STIPULATION (to Extend Time to Answer for Defendant Alexis Alva) by 3M Company. Jointly Signed by Alexis Alva.
02/22/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by 3M Company. Megan Arndt served on 2/13/2021, answer due 3/8/2021.
02/22/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by 3M Company. Alexis Alva served on 2/11/2021, answer due 3/4/2021.
02/19/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by 3M Company. Qing Fung served on 2/10/2021, answer due 3/3/2021.
01/25/2021 Summons Issued as to Alexis Alva, Megan Arndt, Joshua Epperly, Qing Fung.
01/22/2021 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Qing Fung, Alexis Alva, Joshua Epperly, Megan Arndt. filed by 3M Company. Filer requests summons issued.
1:(Exhibit(s) 1-8 to First Amended Complaint)
12/21/2020 NOTICE by 3M Company (Regarding Attempts to Meet and Confer)
12/08/2020 NOTICE OF DOCKETING CORRECTION for 6 Declaration in Support: Main document rescanned to include missing page and Exhibit 7 rescanned to include color photos.
12/08/2020 NOTICE OF DOCKETING CORRECTION for 1 Complaint: Exhibits 1-7 rescanned to include color photos.
12/08/2020 NOTICE OF DOCKETING CORRECTION for 7 Declaration in Support: Exhibit 1 rescanned to include color photo.
11/23/2020 TEXT ONLY ENTRY: ORDER granting 21 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney David E. Armendariz for 3M Company; granting 22 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Alexandra Bistline for 3M Company. Approved by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on 11/23/2020.
11/20/2020 ORDER granting 3 Motion for TRO, Motion for an Order Temporarily Restraining Defendants' Assets, Motion for Limited Expedited Discovery. (Written Opinion) Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 11/20/2020.
11/19/2020 TEXT ONLY ENTRY: ORDER granting 14 Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Christopher Mark Weimer for 3M Company. Approved by Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung on 11/19/2020.
11/19/2020 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Alexandra H. Bistline. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number AMNDC-8235397 filed by 3M Company.
11/19/2020 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Attorney David E. Armendariz. Filing fee $ 100, receipt number AMNDC-8235372 filed by 3M Company.
11/19/2020 REPORT ON FILING OF PATENT/TRADEMARK ACTION (AO 120)(USPTO noticed with filing).
11/18/2020 ORDER OF RECUSAL. Magistrate Judge Becky R. Thorson recused. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung for all further proceedings. NOTE: the new case number is 20-cv-2348 (SRN/TNL). Please use this case number for all subsequent pleadings Signed by Magistrate Judge Becky R. Thorson on 11/18/2020.
11/18/2020 ORDER granting 9 MOTION to SEAL 2 Exhibit, 6 Declaration in Support. Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 11/18/2020.
11/18/2020 (Text-Only): Notice re: Non-Admitted Attorney We have received documents listing Alexandra Bistline, David Armendariz as counsel of record. If he or she wishes to be listed as an attorney of record in this case, he or she must be admitted to the bar of the U.S. District Court of Minnesota in accordance with Local Rule 83.5 (a), (b) and (c) or temporarily admitted pro hac vice in accordance with Local Rule 83.5 (d) or (e). For more admissions information and forms, please see the Attorney Forms Section of the courts website at www.mnd.uscourts.gov/forms/all-forms.
11/18/2020 DOCUMENT FILED IN WRONG CASE-DOCUMENT RESTRICTED. ORDER granting 9 Motion to Seal 6 Declaration in Support, 2 Exhibit. Signed by Judge Susan Richard Nelson on 11/18/2020. (CLK) Modified text on 11/18/2020
11/17/2020 RULE 7.1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. There is no parent corporation, publicly held corporation or wholly-owned subsidiary to report for Plaintiff 3M Company. (CLK) DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 MOTION for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Attorney Christopher M. Weimer (filing fee $100, receipt number 44641109226) filed by 3M Company. (CLK) DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 STATEMENT INSTEAD OF REDACTED DOCUMENT: Entire Document Confidential for 6, 3 Sealed Document(s) - 2 SEALED EXHIBIT Schedule A to Complaint, 6 SEALED Declaration of Michael L. Gannon, [6-1][6-2][6-3][6-4][6-5][6-6][6-7][6-8][6-9][6-10][6-11] Sealed Exhibits 1-7 filed by 3M Company.(CLK) DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 PROPOSED ORDER TO JUDGE re 9 MOTION to SEAL 2 Exhibit, 6 Declaration in Support, filed by 3M Company.
11/17/2020 MEMORANDUM in Support re 9 MOTION to SEAL 2 Exhibit, 6 Declaration in Support, filed by 3M Company.
1:(LR7.1/LR72.2 Word Count Compliance Certificate)(CLK)
11/17/2020 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION 9 MOTION to SEAL 2 Exhibit, 6 Declaration in Support, : Date and time to be determined.
11/17/2020 MOTION to SEAL 2 Exhibit Schedul A, 6 Declaration in Support and Exhibits, filed by 3M Company.
1:Cover Letter
2:(Envelope)(CLK) Untermed motion on 11/18/2020 (CLK). LETTER QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020. (kt)
11/17/2020 PROPOSED ORDER TO JUDGE re 3 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order filed by 3M Company.(CLK) Modified text on 11/19/2020 (CLK). DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 Declaration of Charles Stobbie in Support of 3 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order filed by 3M Company.
1:Exhibit(s) 1)(CLK) Modified text on 11/19/2020 (CLK). (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/8/2020: #
2:(Corrected Exhibit 1) (kt)
11/17/2020 SEALED Declaration of Michael L. Gannon in Support of 3 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order filed by 3M Company.
1:Sealed Exhibit 1
2:Sealed Exhibit 2
3:Sealed Exhibit 3
4:Sealed Exhibit 4
5:Sealed Exhibit 5
6:Sealed Exhibit 6
7:Sealed Exhibit 7
8:Sealed Exhibit 7-2
9:Sealed Exhibit 7-3
10:Sealed Exhibit 7-4
11:Sealed Exhibit 7-5)(CLK) Modified text on 11/19/2020 (CLK). (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/8/2020: #
12:Corrected Main Document
13:(Corrected Exhibit 7) (kt)
11/17/2020 MEMORANDUM in Support re 3 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order filed by 3M Company.
1:(LR7.1/LR72.2 Word Count Compliance Certificate)(CLK) Modified text on 11/19/2020 (CLK). DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020. (kt)
11/17/2020 NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION 3 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order: Date and time to be determined. (CLK) Modified text on 11/19/2020 (CLK). DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order filed by 3M Company. (CLK) Modified text on 11/18/2020 (CLK). Modified text/access on 11/19/2020 (CLK). DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 SEALED EXHIBIT Schedule A to Complaint re 1 Complaint, by 3M Company. (CLK) DOCUMENT QC'd by KT on 12/8/2020.
11/17/2020 COMPLAINT against Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified in Schedule A (filing fee $400, receipt number 44641109226) filed by 3M Company. No summons requested. Case assigned to Judge Susan Richard Nelson per Civil (3rd, 4th - Copyright, Trademark) list, referred to Magistrate Judge Becky R. Thorson.
1:Exhibit(s) 1-7
2:Civil Cover Sheet) (CLK) (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/8/2020: #
3:Corrected Page 1 to Exhibit 7 (Color Photo)) (kt). (Additional attachment(s) added on 12/8/2020: #
4:(Corrected Exhibits 1-7) (kt). Modified text on 12/8/2020 (kt)

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