2022-cv-02456 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



XYZ Corporation v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:12/02/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州中区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
11/16/2023 Trademark Report electronically sent to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1:Copy of Order
2:(Copy of Judgment) (JDR)
11/01/2023 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT and PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of CreeLED, Inc. against Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, Rsek_usa, liuyanping188, nhsunray, wolf-beam (see attached Appendix). The Clerk is directed to terminate any deadlines/motions and to close the case. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 11/1/2023.
11/01/2023 ORDER granting 108 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 11/1/2023.
1:(Appendix) (CCB)
10/31/2023 MOTION for Default Judgment against Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, Rsek_usa, liuyanping188, nhsunray, wolf-beam by CreeLED, Inc.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
2:Exhibit Default Schedule A
3:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Motion
4:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Final Default Judgment
10/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiff's counsel should confirm within 7 days whether this case may be closed, or is it active? Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 10/24/2023.
06/12/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
05/22/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
04/13/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
03/29/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
03/14/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
03/09/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
02/26/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
02/24/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
02/06/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
02/01/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Mokie Direct
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to MAXGTRS
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to wolf-beam
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to BESTSUN Light
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Skyforest Direct
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to YouTwo
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Armytek Official Store
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to GearOZ
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Nightzoo
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to TrustFireDirect-US
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to liuyanping188
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Diyueol
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to HUANG XIAOER
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Northpole Light
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to FoxhawkDirect
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to 4WDKING
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Munination
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to BoekmanDirect
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to YASUO_AMZ
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to antoop
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to led world
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to JIAWILL Tech
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to nhsunray
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Rsek_usa
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Jinju store
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Turboo
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Exalamp
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Peiye Tactical Wear
01/25/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Mingrui test Auto Parts and Accessories
01/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER finding as moot [56] Motion for Clerk's Default. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 1/24/2023.
01/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER granting [55] Motion. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 1/24/2023.
01/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER granting [63] Motion for Clerk's Default and directing Clerk to enter same. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 1/24/2023.
01/24/2023 Second MOTION for Clerk's Default against 4WDKING, Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, BESTSUN Light, BoekmanDirect, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, GearOZ, HUANG XIAOER, JIAWILL Tech, Jinju store, MAXGTRS, Mingrui test Auto Parts and Accessories, Mokie Direct, Munination, Nightzoo, Northpole Light, Peiye Tactical Wear, Rsek_usa, Skyforest Direct, TrustFireDirect-US, Turboo, YASUO_AMZ, YouTwo, antoop, led world, liuyanping188, nhsunray, wolf-beam by CreeLED, Inc.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
01/20/2023 Minute Entry. Telephonic Proceedings held before Judge William F. Jung: MOTION HEARING held on 1/20/2023 re 55 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically filed by 4WDKING, FoxhawkDirect, Peiye Tactical Wear, Munination, Nirider, GearOZ, Diyueol, HUANG XIAOER, MAXGTRS, led world, YASUO_AMZ, wolf-beam, Turboo, Jinju store, Mokie Direct, TrustFireDirect-US, ANGU TECH, AKD Part, Skyforest Direct, Newlight US, Exalamp, BESTSUN Light, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, Rsek_usa, JIAWILL Tech, AutoPowerPlus, liuyanping188, antoop, Northpole Light, DJI 4X4, YouTwo, Armytek Official Store, LZGPRO, Niwaker, Mingrui test Auto Parts and Accessories, Teochew-LED, lumimotor, CreeLED, Inc., BoekmanDirect, IZSELF US, Sando Tech, Nightzoo, Regeek, Agese, KEY TRADE, nhsunray, 56 MOTION for Clerk's Default against 4WDKING, AKD Part, ANGU TECH, Agese, Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, AutoPowerPlus, BESTSUN Light, BoekmanDirect, DJI 4X4, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, GearOZ, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, JIAWILL Tech filed by CreeLED, Inc. Court Reporter: Rebekah Lockwood
01/20/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
01/19/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
01/18/2023 NOTICE of Telephonic Hearing (previously scheduled 1/19/2023) on 55 MOTION and 56 MOTION for Clerk's Default against 4WDKING, AKD Part, ANGU TECH, Agese, Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, AutoPowerPlus, BESTSUN Light, BoekmanDirect, DJI 4X4, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, GearOZ, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, JIAWILL Tech. Motion Hearing set for 1/20/2023 at 1:00 PM before Judge William F. Jung. Counsel are directed to call the reserved conference toll free number at 1-888-557-8511. Enter the access code: 4744914 followed by the # (pound) key. You will be prompted to enter the security code: 2456 followed by the # (pound) key. Please call in at least 10 minutes before the scheduled hearing.
01/18/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by CreeLED, Inc.
01/13/2023 NOTICE of Telephonic Hearing on 55 MOTION and 56 MOTION for Clerk's Default against 4WDKING, AKD Part, ANGU TECH, Agese, Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, AutoPowerPlus, BESTSUN Light, BoekmanDirect, DJI 4X4, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, GearOZ, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, JIAWILL Tech. Motion Hearing set for 1/19/2023 at 1:00 PM before Judge William F. Jung. Counsel are directed to call the reserved conference toll free number at 1-888-557-8511. Enter the access code: 4744914 followed by the # (pound) key. You will be prompted to enter the security code: 2456 followed by the # (pound) key. Please call in at least 10 minutes before the scheduled hearing.
01/12/2023 MOTION for Clerk's Default against 4WDKING, AKD Part, ANGU TECH, Agese, Armytek Official Store, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, AutoPowerPlus, BESTSUN Light, BoekmanDirect, DJI 4X4, Diyueol, Exalamp, FoxhawkDirect, GearOZ, HUANG XIAOER, IZSELF US, JIAWILL Tech, Jinju store, KEY TRADE, LZGPRO, MAXGTRS, Mingrui test Auto Parts and Accessories, Mokie Direct, Munination, Newlight US, Nightzoo, Nirider, Niwaker, Northpole Light, Peiye Tactical Wear, Regeek, Rsek_usa, Sando Tech, Skyforest Direct, Teochew-LED, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A, TrustFireDirect-US, Turboo, YASUO_AMZ, YouTwo, antoop, led world, liuyanping188, lumimotor, nhsunray, wolf-beam by CreeLED, Inc.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
01/12/2023 NOTICE by CreeLED, Inc., Mingrui test Auto Parts and Accessories, Peiye Tactical Wear, Exalamp, Turboo, Sando Tech, Ascent Fair (HK) Ltd, Jinju store, lumimotor, Rsek_usa, nhsunray, JIAWILL Tech, LZGPRO, DJI 4X4, led world, antoop, IZSELF US, YASUO_AMZ, Agese, ANGU TECH, AutoPowerPlus, BoekmanDirect, Munination, 4WDKING, Niwaker, FoxhawkDirect, Northpole Light, Newlight US, KEY TRADE, HUANG XIAOER, Diyueol, Teochew-LED, liuyanping188, Regeek, TrustFireDirect-US, Nightzoo, GearOZ, Armytek Official Store, YouTwo, Nirider, Skyforest Direct, BESTSUN Light, wolf-beam, MAXGTRS, AKD Part, Mokie Direct of Entry of Parties
01/12/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
01/12/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
01/10/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
01/09/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
01/02/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/28/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/28/2022 ENDORSED ORDER granting [47] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Attorney Ge Lei may appear pro hac vice on behalf of Defendant Amazon store.shenzhenshifeiliruikejiyouxiangongsi. Within twenty-one days of the date of this Order, counsel shall comply with the fee and electronic filing registration requirements of Local Rule 2.01(c)(5). Signed by Magistrate Judge Sean P. Flynn on 12/28/2022.
12/28/2022 Amended MOTION for Ge Lei to appear pro hac vice by store.shenzhenshifeiliruikejiyouxiangongsi. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Sean P. Flynn.
1:Exhibit Certification Local Rules
2:Exhibit Oath of Office
12/23/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/21/2022 ENDORSED ORDER denying without prejudice [44] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. The Motion fails to comply with Local Rule 2.01(c)(5). See Local Rule 2.01(b)(1)(C)-(E). Signed by Magistrate Judge Sean P. Flynn on 12/21/2022.
12/21/2022 MOTION for Ge (Linda) Lei to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20327540 for $150 by store.shenzhenshifeiliruikejiyouxiangongsi. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Sean P. Flynn.
12/19/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/19/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/16/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/13/2022 NOTICE of Appearance by Benjamin W. Dowers on behalf of store.shenzhenshifeiliruikejiyouxiangongsi
12/12/2022 ENDORSED ORDER granting 38 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. KLARUS DIRECT's answer or response due 12/27/2022. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 12/12/2022.
12/12/2022 Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer or File Response by KLARUS DIRECT.
12/12/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/08/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/07/2022 Minute Entry. Telephonic Proceedings held before Judge William F. Jung: STATUS CONFERENCE held on 12/7/2022. Court Reporter: Tracey Aurelio
12/07/2022 ORDER extending TRO to 12/15/2022 at close of business. Failure to file opposition by 12/14/2022 will result in entry of a preliminary injunction without further notice. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 12/7/2022.
12/07/2022 NOTICE of compliance re 32 Order by XYZ Corporation
12/07/2022 ENDORSED ORDER: Mr. Heitner and Messrs. Guerra or Weaver should have a phone call before the 1 :30 pm hearing today to confer about any possible resolution of this issue. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 12/7/2022.
12/07/2022 RESPONSE in Opposition re 21 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Schedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction, 13 SEALED MOTION Plaintiff's Ex Parte Motion for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, RESTRAINING TRANSFER OF ASSETS, and Setting Preliminary Injunction hearing by XYZ Corporation filed by Lightronic.
12/06/2022 NOTICE of Appearance by Darren Adam Heitner on behalf of Lightronic
12/06/2022 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by XYZ Corporation
12/05/2022 ENDORSED ORDER granting 27 Motion to Unseal restricted docket entries and directing the Clerk to unseal same. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 12/5/2022.
12/02/2022 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically to Unseal by XYZ Corporation.
12/02/2022 CERTIFICATE of service by XYZ Corporation.

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