2023-cv-02787 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Wang v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Organizations in Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/13/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州中区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
12/17/2024 STATUS report by Xianfeng Wang.
11/14/2024 STATUS report by Xianfeng Wang.
10/23/2024 ENDORSED ORDER denying Plaintiffs' First Motion to Reopen Case. (Doc. # 127). Pending service in accordance with the Court's prior order (Doc. # 128), this case remains stayed and administratively closed. Plaintiffs are directed to promptly file proof of service upon serving each Defendant. Additionally, Plaintiffs must continue to file status reports on service as provided in the Court's prior order. See (Doc. # 107 at 7). Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 10/23/2024.
10/22/2024 ORDER: Plaintiffs' Motion for Order Authorizing Alternative Service of Process on Foreign Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) (Doc. # [118]) is DENIED without prejudice. The deadline for Plaintiffs to serve the defendants is extended to May 30, 2025. Plaintiffs are directed to effectuate service of process in accordance with this Order. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 10/22/2024.
10/15/2024 First MOTION to Reopen Case and Status Report by Xianfeng Wang.
09/30/2024 ADDENDUM to Plaintiff's 118 Motion for Alternative Service of Process by Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit A - email address from Jin Lv) Modified on 10/1/2024 to edit text (ELA)
09/12/2024 STATUS report per the Court's Order, dated 7/2/2024 (Dkt. 107) by Xianfeng Wang.
09/09/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
09/09/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
09/09/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
09/09/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
09/09/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
09/03/2024 DECLARATION of Robert M. DeWitty re 118 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Order Authorizing Alternative Service of Process on Foreign Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure f(f)(3) by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit Declaration of Robert DeWitty)
08/29/2024 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Order Authorizing Alternative Service of Process on Foreign Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure f(f)(3) by All Plaintiffs.
1:(Exhibit A)
08/14/2024 STATUS report by Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit Ex A)
08/14/2024 SUMMONS returned unexecuted by Xianfeng Wang as to CVNC USA.
07/24/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: Pending service, the Court stays and administratively closes this case. Plaintiffs are directed to promptly file proof of service upon serving each Defendant. Plaintiffs must continue to file status reports on service as provided in the Court's prior order. See (Doc. # 107 at 7). The Clerk is directed to stay and administratively close the case. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 7/24/2024.
07/24/2024 ORDER: The Report and Recommendation (Doc. # 99) is ACCEPTED and ADOPTED. Plaintiff Xianfeng Wang's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction as to Defendants Identified on Schedule A (Doc. ## 35, 36) is DENIED. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 7/24/2024.
07/24/2024 Case Stayed.
07/23/2024 RESPONSE to objections to 99 Report and Recommendations filed by CVNC USA, SOLSHINE.
07/16/2024 SUMMONS issued as to Jinzhou City Success Quartz Glass Factory (aka store CVNC USA).
07/15/2024 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Xianfeng Wang.
07/15/2024 STATUS report as to Service of Process of Defendants by Xianfeng Wang.
1:Exhibit A
2:Exhibit B
07/10/2024 RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re 103 Order to show cause filed by Jinzhou Topfund Industry Co. LTD., Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit A)
07/09/2024 OBJECTION re [99] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re [35] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Xianfeng Wang.
07/02/2024 ORDER: A subset of the defendants listed on Schedule A is dismissed without prejudice as described in this order. Plaintiffs are directed to serve all remaining defendants by October 1, 2024. The Clerk is directed to strike the unilateral Case Management Report. (Doc. # 94). See Order for details. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 7/2/2024.
06/28/2024 ORAL ORDER denying 104 Plaintiff's Motion to Sever Schedule A Defendants. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/28/2024.
06/28/2024 Minute Entry. In Person Proceedings held before Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington: STATUS CONFERENCE held on 6/28/2024. Court Reporter: David Collier
06/27/2024 MOTION to Sever Schedule A Defendants by Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit Amended Schedule A)
06/26/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: On June 23, 2024, the Court entered an order requiring Plaintiffs' counsel, by June 25, 2024, to file an updated version of Schedule A. (Doc. # 96). Plaintiffs' counsel failed to comply with the Court's order. Furthermore, it appears to the Court that Plaintiffs' counsel had to have been aware of the Court's order because he was aware that the Court had scheduled a status conference via the same order. (Id.). Accordingly, by July 10, 2024, Plaintiffs' counsel is directed to show cause why this matter should not be dismissed for failure to prosecute. Failure to respond to this order may result in this matter being dismissed without further order of the Court. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/26/2024.
06/25/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: The Court scheduled a status conference for June 25, 2024, at 3:00 PM. (Doc. # 97). Counsel for Plaintiff did not attend. Accordingly, by June 27, 2024, Plaintiff is directed to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed for failure to attend the status conference. Furthermore, the Court was unable to reach Counsel by telephone despite multiple tries and the Court was not able to leave a message on the phone number given by Counsel. Counsel is to immediately file a notice informing the Court how it can reach him by telephone, in other words, the Court needs to have a working telephone number. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/25/2024.
06/25/2024 NOTICE of hearing: Status Conference set for 6/28/2024 at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 B before Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington
06/25/2024 Minute Entry. Virtual Proceedings held before Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington: STATUS CONFERENCE held on 6/25/2024. Court Reporter: Rebekah Lockwood
06/25/2024 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re 35 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 6/25/2024.
06/24/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: The Clerk is directed to unseal Schedule A (Doc. # 26) and Exhibit B (Doc. # 26-1) to the complaint and file these documents in the public record. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/24/2024.
06/24/2024 NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING: The Status Conference hearing previously scheduled for 6/27/2024 is rescheduled. New scheduling date and time: Status Conference set for 6/25/2024 at 03:00 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 B before Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington. While the hearing will occur in the courtroom, the Court will permit counsel and parties/interested parties to appear via video zoom using https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1619540494?pwd=d3diQU5rb2N3a0xhT0ZVY3U1bmFEUT09 Meeting ID: 161 954 0494 Passcode: 386435.
06/23/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: The Clerk is directed to schedule this matter for a status conference to occur on June 27, 2024, at 3 p.m. While the hearing will occur in the courtroom, the Court will permit counsel and parties/interested parties to appear via video zoom. Please contact the courtroom deputy no later than June 26, 2024, if that is the case, so that arrangements can be made. The Court notes that a unilateral case management report was filed. Ordinarily, the Court would strike such a pleading. However, since a status has now been scheduled counsel for plaintiff should be prepared to explain why the report was filed in that manner. Counsel for plaintiff must also comply with this Court's Order of June 3, 2024, at docket 92 and file that information with the Court by June 25, 2024. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/23/2024.
06/19/2024 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Xianfeng Wang
06/03/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: Pursuant to the notice of voluntary dismissal (Doc. # 90), this case is dismissed without prejudice as to Defendant Malixiao88, with each party bearing its own attorney's fees, costs, and expenses. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/3/2024.
06/03/2024 ENDORSED ORDER granting Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to Add Parties and File First Amended Complaint. (Doc. # 80). Plaintiff is granted leave to file his first amended complaint and to add the requested parties. Given that the Court has dismissed several Defendants based on notices of voluntary dismissal, along with the amended complaint, Plaintiff is directed to file an updated version of Schedule A that removes these Defendants. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/3/2024.
06/03/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: Counsel are directed to meet and confer, in person or by telephone, and by June 17, 2024, file a completed patent Case Management Report. After the patent Case Management Report is filed, the Court will determine whether a Case Management Hearing is necessary before entry of a patent Case Management and Scheduling Order. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 6/3/2024.
05/31/2024 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Xianfeng Wang
05/14/2024 SUPPLEMENT re 35 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction Brief by Xianfeng Wang.
05/14/2024 SUPPLEMENT Brief in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Ebay Inc.
1:(Exhibit A - Patent Assignment) Modified text on 5/15/2024 (MCB)
05/14/2024 SUPPLEMENT re 74 Order on Motion in Limine Supplemental Brief in Support of Defendants' Response in Opposition to PI by CVNC USA, SOLSHINE.
1:(Exhibit A)
04/30/2024 TRANSCRIPT of Evidentiary hearing held on 2.27.24 before Judge Amanda A. Sansone. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Susie Cayler. Email address: reportercayler@gmail.com. Telephone number: 15157785008. NOTICE TO THE PARTIES - The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such notice is filed, the transcript may be made remotely available to the public without redaction after ninety (90) calendar days. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or purchased through the Court Reporter. Redaction Request due 5/21/2024. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/31/2024. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/29/2024.
04/23/2024 ENDORSED ORDER VACATING 84 Order directing compliance. It has come to the court's attention the entirety of the hearing transcript has not been filed. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 4/23/2024.
04/23/2024 VACATED per Endorsed Order 85. ENDORSED ORDER directing compliance with 74 Order directing supplemental briefing. Supplemental briefing on the issue of standing and a summationof the evidence presented at the hearing on the plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction was due by April 19, 2024. No supplemental briefing was filed. Supplemental briefing must be filed by 4/26/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 4/23/2024. (BEE) Modified text on 4/23/2024
04/22/2024 Patent Report electronically sent to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1:(Copy of Complaint with Attachments) (JDR)
04/19/2024 AMENDED COMPLAINT against The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A filed by Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit A)
04/19/2024 DECLARATION of Jingyi Chin re 80 First MOTION to Amend Complaint by Xianfeng Wang.
04/19/2024 MOTION for Leave to Add Parties and File First Amended Complaint by Xianfeng Wang. Modified on 4/22/2024 to edit docket text
04/05/2024 TRANSCRIPT of Zoom Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction held on March 18, 2024 before Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Tana J. Hess. Email address: tana_hess@flmd.uscourts.gov. Telephone number: 813.301.5207. NOTICE TO THE PARTIES - The parties have seven (7) calendar days to file with the court a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of this transcript. If no such notice is filed, the transcript may be made remotely available to the public without redaction after ninety (90) calendar days. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or purchased through the Court Reporter. Redaction Request due 4/26/2024. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/6/2024. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2024.
03/22/2024 Exhibit List by Xianfeng Wang.
1:Plaintiff's Exhibit A
2:Plaintiff's Exhibit B
3:Plaintiff's Exhibit C
4:Plaintiff's Exhibit D
5:Plaintiff's Exhibit F
6:(Plaintiff's Exhibit G)(JS)
03/22/2024 Exhibit List by Ebay Inc.
1:eBay exhibit 1
2:eBay exhibit 2
3:eBay exhibit 3
4:eBay exhibit 4
5:eBay exhibit 5
6:(eBay exhibit 6)(JS)
03/18/2024 Exhibit List by Defendant's.
1:Exhibit 7
2:Exhibit 8
3:Exhibit 9
4:(Exhibit 10)(ABC)
03/18/2024 Minute Entry. Virtual Proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone: Evidentiary Hearing held on 3/18/2024. Court Reporter: Tana Hess
03/18/2024 ORDER denying 70 Motion in Limine; denying 71 Motion in Limine; denying 72 Motion in Limine. Setting supplemental briefing deadline. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 3/18/2024.
03/15/2024 ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiff's Motion in Limine to Defendants' CVNC USA and Solshine Witnesses Presented 3/11/2024 (Doc. # 70), Exhibit A to the motion (Doc. # 71), and Motion in Limine to Defendants' Use of Independent Translator (Doc. # 72) are hereby referred to the Honorable Amanda A. Sansone, United States District Judge, for disposition. Signed by Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington on 3/15/2024. (JAK) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone.
03/13/2024 Second MOTION In Limine regarding Use of Independent Translator by Xianfeng Wang.
1:(Exhibit A) Modified on 3/14/2024 (JTM)
03/13/2024 First MOTION In Limine Exhibit A regarding Dkt. 69 Witness List Motion in Limine by Xianfeng Wang. Modified on 3/14/2024
03/12/2024 First MOTION In Limine regarding Dkt. 69 Witness List by Xianfeng Wang. Modified on 3/14/2024
03/11/2024 Witness List by CVNC USA, SOLSHINE.
03/04/2024 ENDORSED ORDER Setting Continued Hearing on Motion 35 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction: Motion Hearing set for 3/18/2024 at 9:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone. The court will send counsel listed on the docket sheet a calendar entry containing a link to the videoconference information. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 3/4/2024.
02/27/2024 Minute Entry. Virtual Proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone: Evidentiary Hearing held on 2/27/2024. Court Reporter: Susan Cayler
02/22/2024 Amended Witness List by Ebay Inc. Modified on 2/23/2024 to edit docket text
02/14/2024 STATUS report re 47 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal Mufico by Xianfeng Wang. Modified on 2/15/2024 as to docket text
02/13/2024 NOTICE canceling 49 Motion Hearing set for 2/14/2024 at 10:00 AM.
02/13/2024 ENDORSED ORDER Setting Hearing on Motion 35 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction: Motion Hearing set for 2/27/2024 at 1:00 PM before Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone. The court will send counsel listed on the docket sheet a calendar entry containing a link to the videoconference information. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 2/13/2024.

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