日期 | 描述 |
11/29/2023 | REGISTRY DISBURSEMENT check number 4039-52239698 in the amount of $10,366.47 paid to MICHAEL ALEXANDER HURCKES per Order #97 dated 11/17/2023. |
11/17/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: From a review of the record, it appears that Plaintiffs have settled with the Defendants who have appeared in the case, see (Docs. 90, 91, 92; 93, 94, 96), and that the objects of this litigation as to those Defendants have been accomplished. Plaintiffs failed to appear at a case management conference duly noticed for November 15, 2023. See (Doc. 86). Accordingly, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 16(f)(1)(A) and (C), this action is hereby dismissed with prejudice as to the Defendants identified in the notice of settlement filed by Plaintiffs on November 6, 2023 (Doc. 92), and without prejudice as to the remaining Defendants. The preliminary injunction entered by the Court on February 16, 2023 (Doc. 20) is hereby dissolved. The Clerk is directed to return the cash security posted by Plaintiffs and deposited in the Court Registry, including principal and any accrued interest, to Plaintiffs via check payable to Michael Alexander Hurckes, and mailed to Michael Alexander Hurckes, MAH Advising PLLC, 3030 Rocky Point Drive W, Suite 150, Tampa FL 33607. The Clerk is directed to terminate any pending motions and deadlines and thereafter close this case. Plaintiffs are directed to provide a copy of this Order to all Defendants and third party providers. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 11/17/2023. |
11/17/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a) and Plaintiffs' "Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice" (Doc. 91), this case is dismissed with prejudice as to Defendants Nos. 2, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 53, 54, and 68 (duratione.com, clusterw.com, resemblek.com, neverpaints.com, termuecular.com, fractionk.net, fastenery.com, summer-bud.com, admiratione.com, expectationd.com, aerthuake.com, confrontn.com, preferlikely.com, ondutyearth.com, and seebraw.com, respectively) as identified in Schedule A to the Complaint only, with each party to bear its own attorney's fees and costs. This dismissal does not affect any other party in this action. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 11/17/2023. |
11/15/2023 | Minute Entry. In Person Proceedings held before Judge Thomas P. Barber: CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE held on 11/15/2023. Court Reporter: Rebekah Lockwood |
11/07/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: On the basis of the "Notice of Resolution Per Local Rule 3.09" (Doc. 92), this cause is dismissed without prejudice as to Defendants No. 3 and 49 (Bulgo and Ziavia) as identified in Schedule A to the Complaint only, subject to the right of the parties to re-open the action within sixty (60) days, upon good cause shown, or to submit a stipulated form of final judgment or stipulation of dismissal. After that 60-day period, however, without further order, this dismissal shall be deemed with prejudice as to these Defendants. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 11/7/2023. |
11/07/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: On the basis of the "Notice of Resolution Per Local Rule 3.09" (Doc. 90), this cause is dismissed without prejudice as to Defendants Nos. 2, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 53, 54, and 68 (duratione.com, clusterw.com, resemblek.com, neverpaints.com, termuecular.com, fractionk.net, fastenery.com, summer-bud.com, admiratione.com, expectationd.com, aerthuake.com, confrontn.com, preferlikely.com, ondutyearth.com, and seebraw.com, respectively) as identified in Schedule A to the Complaint only, subject to the right of the parties to re-open the action within sixty (60) days, upon good cause shown, or to submit a stipulated form of final judgment or stipulation of dismissal. After that 60-day period, however, without further order, this dismissal shall be deemed with prejudice as to these Defendants. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 11/7/2023. |
11/06/2023 | NOTICE of settlement with the Defendants (No. 3 and 49) by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC |
10/24/2023 | NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen |
09/28/2023 | NOTICE of settlement with the defendants (No. 2, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 53, 54, and 68) by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen |
09/15/2023 | Joint STATUS report by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. Modified on 9/18/2023 |
09/13/2023 | STATUS report to the Honorable Justice Thomas P Barber by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. |
08/25/2023 | CASE MANAGEMENT AND SCHEDULING ORDER: Amended Pleadings/Joinder of Parties due by 8/30/2023; Discovery due by 2/15/2024; Dispositive motions due by 3/15/2024; Plaintiff disclosure of expert report due by 10/30/2023; Defendant disclosure of expert report due by 11/30/2023; Rebuttal disclosure of expert report due by 12/30/2023; Pretrial Conference set for SEPTEMBER 16, 2024, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. Trial set for October 2024 term (commencing 9/30/2024) before Judge Thomas P. Barber. The parties anticipate a JURY TRIAL will take 10 days to complete. Conduct mediation hearing by 4/30/2024. Lead counsel to coordinate dates. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 8/25/2023. |
08/24/2023 | NOTICE of hearing: Case Management Conference set for NOVEMBER 15, 2023, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
08/24/2023 | Minute Entry. In Person Proceedings held before Judge Thomas P. Barber: MOTION HEARING held on 8/24/2023 re [43] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Lack of Personal Jurisdiction filed by Buulgo, [40] MOTION to Dismiss Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by ondutyearth.com, summer-bud.com, resemblek.com, admiratione, duratione.com, aerthuake.com, fastenery.com, expectationd.com, termuecular.com, confrontn.com, clusterw.com, seebraw.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, preferlikely.com. Court Reporter: Rebekah Lockwood |
08/23/2023 | NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING (AS TO COURTROOM ONLY): The Case Management Conference/Motion Hearing re: Docs. 40 and 43 is scheduled for AUGUST 24, 2023, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
08/17/2023 | NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING (AS TO COURTROOM ONLY): The Case Management Conference/Motion Hearing re: Docs. 40 and 43 is scheduled for AUGUST 24, 2023, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 13 B before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
07/21/2023 | NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING: The Case Management Conference/Motion Hearing re: Docs. 40 and 43 previously scheduled for 8/22/2023 is rescheduled. New scheduling date and time: AUGUST 24, 2023, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
07/20/2023 | NOTICE of hearing on [40] MOTION to Dismiss Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim and [43] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Lack of Personal Jurisdiction. Motion Hearing set for AUGUST 22, 2023, at 02:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
07/07/2023 | CASE MANAGEMENT REPORT. 附件: 1:(Main Document 26(f) report) Modified on 7/11/2023 (SRC). Modified on 7/11/2023 (SRC) |
06/05/2023 | RETURN of service executed on 5.26.23 and 5.30.23 by Mikkel Guldberg Hansen, Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC as to All Defendants. |
06/01/2023 | ***INCORRECT EVENT; CORRECT EVENT IS "SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED", PER EACH DEFENDANT SEPARATELY*** PROOF of service by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen Modified on 6/2/2023 |
05/26/2023 | ***INCORRECT EVENT; COUNSEL NOTIFIED***PROOF of service by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen Modified on 5/30/2023 |
05/24/2023 | PROOF of service by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen |
05/19/2023 | ORDER. Defendant Buulgo's "Emergency Motion to Modify Asset Restraint" (Doc. 48) is granted. "Defendants' Emergency, Time-Sensitive Motion to Dissolve or Modify Preliminary Injunction" (Doc. 52) is granted in pa rt and deferred in part. Defendant ZIAVIA's "Motion to Modify Asset Restraint" (Doc. 54) is granted. The Court's Preliminary Injunction Order (Doc. 20) is modified to eliminate the freezing of Defendants' assets and accounts. Plaintiffs are directed to provide a copy of this Order to all Defendants and third party providers. See Order for details. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 5/19/2023. |
05/19/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: "Defendants' Motion to Strike Late-Filed Opposition to Emergency Motion for Miscellaneous Relief" (Doc. 72) is denied. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 5/19/2023. |
05/16/2023 | Minute Entry. Virtual Proceedings held before Judge Thomas P. Barber: MOTION HEARING held on 5/16/2023 re [54] MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint filed by ZIAVIA, [48] Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint Emergency / Time-Sensitive Motion with Ruling Requested by April 21, 2023 filed by Buulgo, [52] Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically to dissolve or modify preliminary injunction filed by ondutyearth.com, summer-bud.com, resemblek.com, admiratione, duratione.com, aerthuake.com, fastenery.com, expectationd.com, termuecular.com, confrontn.com, clusterw.com, seebraw.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, preferlikely.com, [43] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Lack of Personal Jurisdiction filed by Buulgo, [40] MOTION to Dismiss Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by ondutyearth.com, summer-bud.com, resemblek.com, admiratione, duratione.com, aerthuake.com, fastenery.com, expectationd.com, termuecular.com, confrontn.com, clusterw.com, seebraw.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, preferlikely.com. Court Reporter: Rebekah Lockwood |
05/13/2023 | MOTION to Strike 70 Memorandum in opposition by admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com. |
05/11/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re 54 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. 附件: 1:(Affidavit Mikkel Guldberg Hansen Affidavit) |
05/11/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re 52 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. 附件: 1:(Affidavit) Modified on 5/11/2023 (LD) |
05/10/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re [56] Objection, filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. |
05/05/2023 | NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING: Due to a conflict in the Court's schedule, the Motion hearing previously scheduled for 5/11/2023 is rescheduled. New scheduling date and time: MAY 15, 2023, at 03:00 PM by Zoom Video Conference before Judge Thomas P. Barber. Participants will receive a Zoom invitation by separate email. |
05/02/2023 | NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Douglas James Giuliano on behalf of admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com. Lead Counsel: Katherine Burghardt Kramer. |
05/02/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: Because the Court has rescheduled the hearing, the "Joint Motion to Allow Remote Attendance at Hearing" (Doc. 62) is denied as moot. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 5/2/2023. |
05/01/2023 | NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING HEARING: Due to a conflict in the Court's schedule, the Motion hearing previously scheduled for 5/5/2023 is rescheduled. New scheduling date and time: MAY 11, 2023, at 10:00 AM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
05/01/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER granting [61] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Attorney Katherine Burghardt Kramer may appear pro hac vice, subject to the requirement that counsel submit their Pro Hac Vice E-File Registration (see https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/for-lawyers) within seven days of this order. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 5/1/2023. |
05/01/2023 | ORDER granting 60 Motion for leave to file under seal. See order for details. Signed by Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone on 5/1/2023. |
05/01/2023 | Joint MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically for Remote Hearing Attendance by Buulgo, ZIAVIA, admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com. |
04/30/2023 | MOTION for Katherine Burghardt Kramer to appear pro hac vice, Special Admission fee paid, Receipt No. AFLMDC-20779374 for $150 by admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com. Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Amanda Arnold Sansone. 附件: 1:(Exhibit) |
04/28/2023 | Unopposed MOTION for leave to file DOCUMENT under seal by admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com |
04/28/2023 | NOTICE of Appearance by Alan Wilmot on behalf of Buulgo, ZIAVIA |
04/27/2023 | NOTICE of hearing re: 40 MOTION to Dismiss Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim, 43 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Lack of Personal Jurisdiction, 48 Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint Emergency / Time-Sensitive Motion with Ruling Requested by April 21, 2023, 54 MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint, 52 Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically to dissolve or modify preliminary injunction. Motion Hearing set for MAY 5, 2023, at 01:30 PM in Tampa Courtroom 14 A before Judge Thomas P. Barber. |
04/24/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re 43 Motion to Dismiss / Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. 附件: 1:(Exhibit -1 Mikkel's Declaration) Modified on 4/25/2023 (LD) |
04/24/2023 | OBJECTION re 55 Memorandum in opposition, filed by Defendants Nos. 2, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 53, 54, and 68 (duratione.com, clusterw.com, resemblek.com, neverpaints.com, termuecular.com, fractionk.net, fastenery.com, summer-bud.com, admiratione.com, expectationd.com, aerthuake.com, confrontn.com, preferlikely.com, ondutyearth.com, and seebraw.com, respectively). |
04/21/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re 40 Motion to Dismiss Motion to Dismiss / Lack of Jurisdiction Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim, filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of Mikkel Guldberg Hansen 2:Exhibit Defendants' unreliable addresses 3:Exhibit Defendants' offering shipping to FL 4:(Exhibit Defendants' advertisement) |
04/18/2023 | MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint by ZIAVIA. 附件: 1:(Affidavit Declaration) |
04/18/2023 | NOTICE by admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com re 40 MOTION to Dismiss Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim --NOTICE OF ERRATA |
04/18/2023 | Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically to dissolve or modify preliminary injunction by admiratione, aerthuake.com, clusterw.com, confrontn.com, duratione.com, expectationd.com, fastenery.com, fractionk.net, neverpaints.com, ondutyearth.com, preferlikely.com, resemblek.com, seebraw.com, summer-bud.com, termuecular.com. 附件: 1:Affidavit of Baoyuan Lin 2:Exhibit 1 to Lin Affidavit 3:Affidavit of Joseph Wilbert 4:Exhibit 1 to Wilbert Affidavit 5:Exhibit 2 to Wilbert Affidavit 6:Exhibit 3 to Wilbert Affidavit 7:Exhibit 4 to Wilbert Affidavit 8:Exhibit 5 to Wilbert Affidavit 9:Exhibit 6 to Wilbert Affidavit 10:Exhibit 7 to Wilbert Affidavit 11:Exhibit 8 to Wilbert Affidavit 12:Exhibit 9 to Wilbert Affidavit 13:Exhibit 10 to Wilbert Affidavit 14:Exhibit 11 to Wilbert Affidavit 15:Exhibit 12 to Wilbert Affidavit 16:Exhibit 13 to Wilbert Affidavit 17:Exhibit 14 to Wilbert Affidavit 18:Exhibit 15 to Wilbert Affidavit 19:Exhibit 16 to Wilbert Affidavit 20:Exhibit 17 to Wilbert Affidavit 21:Exhibit 18 to Wilbert Affidavit 22:(Exhibit 19 to Wilbert Affidavit) |
04/17/2023 | MEMORANDUM in opposition re [48] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration |
04/14/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiffs are directed to file a response to Defendant Buulgo's "Emergency Motion to Modify Asset Restraint" (Doc. 48) on or before April 17, 2023. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 4/14/2023. |
04/11/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiffs' "Motion for Extension of Time Pursuant to Local Rule 3.01(C)" (Doc. 45) is granted. Plaintiffs may file their response to Buulgo's motion to dismiss on or before April 27, 2023. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 4/11/2023. |
04/10/2023 | Emergency MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint Emergency / Time-Sensitive Motion with Ruling Requested by April 21, 2023 by Buulgo. 附件: 1:(Affidavit Declaration) |
04/10/2023 | NOTICE of WITHDRAWAL of motion re 46 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by Buulgo by Buulgo |
04/07/2023 | MOTION for Miscellaneous Relief, specifically Modify Asset Restraint by Buulgo. 附件: 1:(Affidavit Declaration) |
04/07/2023 | MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction [ECF 43] filed by Buulgo by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. |
04/06/2023 | NOTICE of Appearance by Darren Adam Heitner on behalf of ZIAVIA |
03/30/2023 | MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Lack of Personal Jurisdiction by Buulgo. 附件: 1:(Affidavit Declaration) |
03/30/2023 | ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiffs' "Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time Pursuant to Local Rule 3.01(c)" (Doc. 41) is granted. Plaintiffs may file their response to the motion to dismiss (Doc. 40) on or before April 21, 2023. Signed by Judge Thomas P. Barber on 3/30/2023. |
03/29/2023 | First MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response(s) to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Complaint, Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim [ECF 40] on April 21, 2023 by Awareness Avenue Jewelry LLC, Mikkel Guldberg Hansen. |
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