2023-cv-00139 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Twows, LLC v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:01/20/2023

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州中区法院

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律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:

日期 描述
11/02/2023 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT and PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of Plaintiff Twows, LLC and against Defendants 13696814654m0, 7552rebecca, AWARE-store, AllStarMediaUSA, AndrejKling, Anthony Keller, Arianne Store, Art & Design, AshtynsShopCo, BLOnlineshop, BabiesDecor.com, Bennyc007, BlazedWork, CNCOZ, CanvasLandArt, CarlAlexanderGl, Cruch, CustomCollab, CustomHappyPortraits, DaniloyBirk, Dmitry Belov, DreamsFlower, DriftwoodDecor9x, FilmPosterStore, FlacStore, FrameArtWorks, FreshFlex, GADprint, Gary Knisley, GeneralAladeen, GenerateArtAI, GolderBro, HangShop, HiResPostersPrints, Home Decor, HomeDecor79, IKONIKcanvas, IconicArtUK, Illustratedbyleah, JJARTSHOP, JakeFashionGoods, JenFlanders, JohnMarcus, KatheriHarris, Kelly Shatzer, Kina2716, Kun Bai Yan Industry, Lecomte1, LewisMcLeanArt, LikeMArk, LilyChurchill, LoucrativeDecor, MORUDELUXE, MPCanvasPrint, Madeline Lee, Maestro4Store, MarcoTolardo1, Maria M Rose, Mary Graves, MaxybonDesign, Michael Robie, MonkeyGeeks, MontoyaArtDesign, MxwlUK, NgocBa, Omoozo, OxyartCreations, PhilYourMind, PictureThisMeDesigns, PingpanD, PoletariJack, PosterToasters, PosterboyNo1, QuartersDesign, RYCHstyleArtCo, Reel VHS Lamps, Robert kosek, RyanMcDesigns, ScriptInFrame, SpaceArtStudioCo, StagAndSparrowCo, StairwayHeavenFinds, StudioCollectionsArt, SwazzdrawsA, TV DOODLES, TdreamsDesigns, The world of rice, TheEleventhPrints, TheInspirationsPoint, TheMoviePosterStore, TheRealBateman, TopTierMerchStore, Totoparano, Vensdesigns, VicFreedomind, YEAISTORE, YezirDesign, aimarula, ayuer, dpesart, elduderino006, exness, facaile, fillingwalls, fine-art-london, gengilust, georgioska, hong8436, imageweb, impressionposters, jht750731, jiang kou jian guo jie ju dian, khloe-XX, ladpoaw, leacatt, malmsteenhill, marketplacesigns, newcute, poppowprints, putianshihezhemaoyiyouxiangongsi, quirkyprintz, rgbroun, sdafjfuhknjml545, shanxifuyuhualikejiyouxiangongsi, sociabeler, stars27, stickersmaster, tangerinepuppet_ie, teeeceeeart, tickertees, tingting ART, topstock8, vajkshg, wahruelled, wangli1583, wenchanglicanhewangluokejiyouxiangongsi, wessel lagerweij, xianyouxianduweizhenlimingzhibaihuolingshouchaoshi, yangzhou321, yaojiaxiang24930, zengshaona poster, zhouxiyu40247 (See attached Appendix). The Clerk is directed to complete the CM/ECF information necessary, to terminate any pending motions/deadlines, and to close the case. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 11/2/2023.
11/02/2023 ORDER granting 51 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 11/2/2023.
1:(Appendix) (CCB)
11/01/2023 MOTION for Default Judgment against 13696814654m0, 7552rebecca, AWARE-store, Charles Adrian, AllStarMediaUSA, AndrejKling, Anthony Keller, Arianne Store, Art & Design, AshtynsShopCo, BLOnlineshop, BabiesDecor.com, Bennyc007, BlazedWork, CNCOZ, CanvasLandArt, CarlAlexanderGl, Cruch, CustomCollab, CustomHappyPortraits, DaniloyBirk, Dmitry Belov, DreamsFlower, DriftwoodDecor9x, FilmPosterStore, FlacStore, FrameArtWorks, FreshFlex, GADprint, Gary Knisley, GeneralAladeen, GenerateArtAI, GolderBro, HangShop, HiResPostersPrints, Home Decor, HomeDecor79, IKONIKcanvas, IconicArtUK, Illustratedbyleah, JJARTSHOP, JakeFashionGoods, JenFlanders, JohnMarcus, KatheriHarris, Kelly Shatzer, Kina2716, Kun Bai Yan Industry, Lan ji baihuo, Lecomte1, LewisMcLeanArt, LikeMArk, LilyChurchill, LoucrativeDecor, MORUDELUXE, MPCanvasPrint, Madeline Lee, Maestro4Store, MarcoTolardo1, Maria M Rose, Mary Graves, MaxybonDesign, Michael Robie, MonkeyGeeks, MontoyaArtDesign, MxwlUK, NgocBa, Omoozo, OxyartCreations, PhilYourMind, PictureThisMeDesigns, PingpanD, PoletariJack, PosterToasters, PosterboyNo1, QuartersDesign, RYCHstyleArtCo, Reel VHS Lamps, Robert kosek, RyanMcDesigns, ScriptInFrame, SpaceArtStudioCo, StagAndSparrowCo, StairwayHeavenFinds, StudioCollectionsArt, SwazzdrawsA, TV DOODLES, TdreamsDesigns, The world of rice, TheEleventhPrints, TheInspirationsPoint, TheMoviePosterStore, TheRealBateman, TopTierMerchStore, Totoparano, Vensdesigns, VicFreedomind, Wangmingxuan, YEAISTORE, YezirDesign, aimarula, ayuer, dpesart, elduderino006, exness, facaile, fillingwalls, fine-art-london, gengilust, georgioska, hong8436, imageweb, impressionposters, jht750731, jiang kou jian guo jie ju dian, khloe-XX, ladpoaw, leacatt, malmsteenhill, marketplacesigns, newcute, poppowprints, putianshihezhemaoyiyouxiangongsi, quirkyprintz, rgbroun, sdafjfuhknjml545, shanxifuyuhualikejiyouxiangongsi, sociabeler, stars27, stickersmaster, tangerinepuppet_ie, teeeceeeart, tickertees, tingting ART, topstock8, vajkshg, wahruelled, wangli1583, wenchanglicanhewangluokejiyouxiangongsi, wessel lagerweij, xianyouxianduweizhenlimingzhibaihuolingshouchaoshi, yangzhou321, yaojiaxiang24930, zengshaona poster, zhouxiyu40247 by Twows, LLC.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
2:Exhibit Exhibit 1 (Def Nos 1-46)
3:Exhibit Exhibit 1 (Def Nos 47-127)
4:Exhibit Exhibit 1 (Def Nos 128-157)
5:Exhibit Default Schedule A
6:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Motion
7:Text of Proposed Order Proposed Final Judgment
10/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER: Plaintiff should confirm within seven days if the case is still active, or may it be closed? Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 10/24/2023.
10/10/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC.
07/31/2023 Case Reassigned to Magistrate Judge Unassigned Magistrate. New case number: 8:23-cv-139-WFJ-UAM. Magistrate Judge Mac R. McCoy no longer assigned to the case.
07/05/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
05/04/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
04/11/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC.
04/07/2023 ORDER of Preliminary Injunctive Relief. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 4/7/2023.
04/07/2023 ORDER Dismissing without prejudice 30 Counterclaim filed by LostVintages and RetroPrintStore. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 4/7/2023.
04/06/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
04/06/2023 Clerk's ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Arianne Store, Lan ji baihuo, Maestro4Store, shanxifuyuhualikejiyouxiangongsi, zengshaona poster, xianyouxianduweizhenlimingzhibaihuolingshouchaoshi, putianshihezhemaoyiyouxiangongsi, AllStarMediaUSA, yangmingxuan, Wangmingxuan, PingpanD, MarcoTolardo1, jiang kou jian guo jie ju dian, wenchanglicanhewangluokejiyouxiangongsi, Kun Bai Yan Industry, VioletHandknits, facaile, tingting ART, BabiesDecor.com, Home Decor, Reel VHS Lamps, newcute, topstock8, stickersmaster, marketplacesigns, 7552rebecca, malmsteenhill, imageweb, impressionposters, fine-art-london, hong8436, MaxybonDesign, BLOnlineshop, TheMoviePosterStore, RYCHstyleArtCo, MPCanvasPrint, quirkyprintz, TheInspirationsPoint, IKONIKcanvas, IconicArtUK, OxyartCreations, QuartersDesign, CustomCollab, FrameArtWorks, StairwayHeavenFinds, YezirDesign, poppowprints, FilmPosterStore, LoucrativeDecor, FlacStore, StagAndSparrowCo, PictureThisMeDesigns, SpaceArtStudioCo, MonkeyGeeks, CustomHappyPortraits, TopTierMerchStore, TheEleventhPrints, HomeDecor79, StudioCollectionsArt, JakeFashionGoods, Illustratedbyleah, RyanMcDesigns, MontoyaArtDesign, Omoozo, TdreamsDesigns, DreamsFlower by Twows, LLC, HiResPostersPrints, PosterToasters, Vensdesigns, AshtynsShopCo, DriftwoodDecor9x, LewisMcLeanArt, PosterboyNo1, MORUDELUXE, CanvasLandArt, GADprint, exness, JJARTSHOP, wangli1583, Cruch, 13696814654m0, Robert kosek, yangzhou321, zhouxiyu40247, ladpoaw, Madeline Lee, Michael Robie, Kelly Shatzer, Maria M Rose, Anthony Keller, Gary Knisley, Mary Graves, ayuer, vajkshg, sociabeler, jht750731, YEAISTORE, sdafjfuhknjml545, aimarula, The world of rice, LikeMArk, yaojiaxiang24930, tangerinepuppet_ie, stars27, leacatt, Kina2716, georgioska, PhilYourMind, Lecomte1, JohnMarcus, AndrejKling, wessel lagerweij, gengilust, Bennyc007, HangShop, fillingwalls, SwazzdrawsA, PoletariJack, TheRealBateman, CarlAlexanderGl, khloe-XX, wahruelled, MxwlUK, ScriptInFrame, teeeceeeart, KatheriHarris, Totoparano, rgbroun, Art & Design, elduderino006, FreshFlex, LilyChurchill, GeneralAladeen, NgocBa, DaniloyBirk, tickertees, Dmitry Belov, JenFlanders, GolderBro, GenerateArtAI, AWARE-store, BlazedWork, dpesart, CNCOZ, VicFreedomind, TV DOODLES.
04/06/2023 MINUTE ENTRY for 4/6/2023 telephonic Preliminary Injunction Hearing before Judge William F. Jung. Court Reporter: Sharon A. Miller
04/06/2023 ENDORSED ORDER granting [37] and [38] Motions for Clerk's Default. The Clerk is directed to enter a Clerk's default as to the Defendants listed in the motions. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 4/6/2023.
04/05/2023 MOTION for Clerk's Default against HiResPostersPrints, PosterToasters, Vensdesigns, AshtynsShopCo, DriftwoodDecor9x, LewisMcLeanArt, PosterboyNo1, MORUDELUXE, CanvasLandArt, GADprint, exness, JJARTSHOP, wangli1583, Cruch, 13696814654m0, Robert kosek, yangzhou321, zhouxiyu40247, ladpoaw, Madeline Lee, Michael Robie, Kelly Shatzer, Maria M Rose, Anthony Keller, Gary Knisley, Mary Graves, ayuer, vajkshg, sociabeler, jht750731, YEAISTORE, sdafjfuhknjml545, aimarula, The world of rice, LikeMArk, yaojiaxiang24930, tangerinepuppet_ie, stars27, leacatt, Kina2716, georgioska, PhilYourMind, Lecomte1, JohnMarcus, AndrejKling, wessel lagerweij, gengilust, Bennyc007, HangShop, fillingwalls, SwazzdrawsA, PoletariJack, TheRealBateman, CarlAlexanderGl, khloe-XX, wahruelled, MxwlUK, ScriptInFrame, teeeceeeart, KatheriHarris, Totoparano, rgbroun, Art & Design, elduderino006, FreshFlex, LilyChurchill, GeneralAladeen, NgocBa, DaniloyBirk, tickertees, Dmitry Belov, JenFlanders, GolderBro, GenerateArtAI, AWARE-store, BlazedWork, dpesart, CNCOZ, VicFreedomind, TV DOODLES by Twows, LLC.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
04/05/2023 MOTION for Clerk's Default against Arianne Store, Lan ji baihuo, Maestro4Store, shanxifuyuhualikejiyouxiangongsi, zengshaona poster, xianyouxianduweizhenlimingzhibaihuolingshouchaoshi, putianshihezhemaoyiyouxiangongsi, AllStarMediaUSA, yangmingxuan, Wangmingxuan, PingpanD, MarcoTolardo1, jiang kou jian guo jie ju dian, wenchanglicanhewangluokejiyouxiangongsi, Kun Bai Yan Industry, VioletHandknits, facaile, tingting ART, BabiesDecor.com, Home Decor, Reel VHS Lamps, newcute, topstock8, stickersmaster, marketplacesigns, 7552rebecca, malmsteenhill, imageweb, impressionposters, fine-art-london, hong8436, MaxybonDesign, BLOnlineshop, TheMoviePosterStore, RYCHstyleArtCo, MPCanvasPrint, quirkyprintz, TheInspirationsPoint, IKONIKcanvas, IconicArtUK, OxyartCreations, QuartersDesign, CustomCollab, FrameArtWorks, StairwayHeavenFinds, YezirDesign, poppowprints, FilmPosterStore, LoucrativeDecor, FlacStore, StagAndSparrowCo, PictureThisMeDesigns, SpaceArtStudioCo, MonkeyGeeks, CustomHappyPortraits, TopTierMerchStore, TheEleventhPrints, HomeDecor79, StudioCollectionsArt, JakeFashionGoods, Illustratedbyleah, RyanMcDesigns, MontoyaArtDesign, Omoozo, TdreamsDesigns, DreamsFlower by Twows, LLC.
1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
04/05/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
03/29/2023 ENDORSED ORDER finding as moot 27 Motion to Dismiss by CharlieAdrianArt (Deft. 69), in light of plaintiff's notice of dismissal of this defendant. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 3/29/2023.
03/29/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC.
03/27/2023 ANSWER to [1] Complaint, by OrdanaClothing.
03/24/2023 ANSWER to [1] Complaint, by InfinitiArts Canada.
03/24/2023 CERTIFICATE of service by LostVintages and RetroPrintStore re [30] Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim.
03/24/2023 ANSWER to [1] Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against Twows, LLC by LostVintages and RetroPrintStore.
03/24/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
03/24/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
03/21/2023 MOTION to Dismiss case by Charles Adrian.
03/20/2023 NOTICE of voluntary dismissal by Twows, LLC
03/15/2023 Minute Entry. Telephonic Proceedings held before Judge William F. Jung: MOTION HEARING held on 3/15/2023 re 13 MOTION to Modify and Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Scheduling Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction 11 filed by Twows, LLC. Court Reporter: Tracey Aurelio
03/15/2023 NOTICE of Telephonic Hearing: Hearing for preliminary injunction set for 4/6/2023 at 11:00 AM before Judge William F. Jung. Counsel and any unrepresented parties are directed to call the reserved conference toll free number at 1-888-557-8511. Enter the access code: 4744914 followed by the # (pound) key. You will be prompted to enter the security code: 0139 followed by the # (pound) key. Please call in at least 10 minutes before the scheduled hearing.
03/15/2023 ORDER extending TRO and Notice Regarding Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 3/15/2023.
03/15/2023 ENDORSED ORDER/INSTRUCTIONS for Telephonic Hearing 3/15/2023 at 11:00 a.m. (provided at docket 11 on page 17). Counsel and any unrepresented parties are directed to call the reserved conference toll free number at 1-888-557-8511. Enter the access code: 4744914 followed by the # (pound) key. You will be prompted to enter the security code: 0139 followed by the # (pound) key. Please call in at least 10 minutes before the scheduled hearing. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 3/15/2023.
03/13/2023 SEALED NOTICE of Filing Bond re [11] Sealed Order on Sealed Motion.
03/13/2023 CERTIFICATE of service by Twows, LLC.
03/02/2023 SUMMONS issued as to Arianne Store and all other Defendants identified in Schedule 'A' of the Complaint.
03/01/2023 PROPOSED summons to be issued by Twows, LLC.
1:Proposed Summons
02/27/2023 NOTICE canceling hearing scheduled for 3/1/2023.
02/27/2023 ENDORSED ORDER granting, for good cause shown, [13] Motion to extend the ex parte TRO through 3/15/2023 at 5:00 p.m. The telephonic hearing is rescheduled to 3/15/2023 at 11:00 a.m. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 2/27/2023.
02/24/2023 MOTION to Modify and Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Scheduling Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction 11 by Twows, LLC.
02/14/2023 Plaintiff's Ex Parte SEALED MOTION for Ex Parte Entry of TRO, Restraining Transfer of Assets, and Setting Preliminary Injunction Hearing re 7 Order on Motion for Leave to File Under Seal by Twows, LLC.
1:Exhibit Hermann Declaration
2:Exhibit Weaver Declaration
3:(Text of Proposed Order)
02/14/2023 Plaintiff's Ex Parte SEALED MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants re 7 Order on Motion for Leave to File Under Seal by Twows, LLC.
1:(Exhibit Weaver Declaration)
02/14/2023 Plaintiff's SEALED DOCUMENT Schedule A to the Complaint re 7 Order on Motion for Leave to File Under Seal by Twows, LLC.
01/24/2023 ENDORSED ORDER granting 4 Motion for leave to file under seal. Signed by Judge William F. Jung on 1/24/2023.
01/23/2023 Copyright Report sent to Washington.
01/20/2023 NEW CASE ASSIGNED to Judge William F. Jung and Magistrate Judge Mac R. McCoy. New case number: 8:23-cv-0139-WFJ-MRM.
01/20/2023 Plaintiff's MOTION for leave to file DOCUMENT Schedule A to the Complaint and Ex Parte Motions under seal by Twows, LLC
01/20/2023 CERTIFICATE of interested persons and corporate disclosure statement by Twows, LLC identifying Corporate Parent Red Granite Pictures, Inc. for Twows, LLC.
01/20/2023 NOTICE of Lead Counsel Designation by Arthur Robert Weaver on behalf of Twows, LLC. Lead Counsel: Arthur Robert Weaver.
01/20/2023 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A (Filing fee $402 receipt number AFLMDC-20420659) filed by Twows, LLC.
1:Civil Cover Sheet

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