日期 | 描述 |
06/24/2024 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:(Supplement Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction) (ls) |
06/21/2024 | FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT and PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of CreeLED, Inc. and against the Defendants listed in Schedule "A"; Closing Case. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 6/21/2024. See attached document for full details. |
06/21/2024 | ORDER granting 78 Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 6/21/2024. See attached document for full details. 附件: 1:(Exhibit - Schedule "A") (oco) |
06/21/2024 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL AS TO CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. All pending motions are DENIED ASMOOT and all deadlines are TERMINATED with respect to the listedDefendants only suying15320, FULLUX and alex_3612. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 6/21/2024. See attached document for full details. |
06/18/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants Only by CreeLED, Inc. |
06/17/2024 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL AS TO CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. The above-styled case is DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: basicmicro_uk, home_paradise. The above-styled case is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE as to the following Defendants: kcf748, moddiy.com, qzsy, strastreet001, DISPLAY PROMOTION and Dafan international - case remains open. All pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT and all deadlines are TERMINATED with respect to the above-listed Defendants only. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 6/17/2024. See attached document for full details. |
06/11/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants only by CreeLED, Inc. |
06/06/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants only by CreeLED, Inc. |
06/06/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants only by CreeLED, Inc. |
06/05/2024 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Petia Tenev on behalf of home_paradise. Attorney Petia Tenev added to party home_paradise(pty:dft). |
06/04/2024 | MOTION for Default Judgment by CreeLED, Inc. 附件: 1:Exhibit Weaver Declaration 2:Exhibit Final Default Schedule 3:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion 4:Text of Proposed Order of Final Default Judgment |
06/04/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants only by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/31/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/30/2024 | ORDER OF DISMISSAL AS TO CERTAIN DEFENDANTS 6-inch, ACEXIER, AUTO SOLUTION 2022, Aisilan Lighting, Alchemy Parts Limited, Aoglenic, Aprelco, AprilMall, Audak, Beteray, BlueFire Tech, CNBRIGHTER, COSOOS, Cherise Trading, DUNSI, E-Simpo, Exzeit, FISH and CAT, FandyFire-Direct, Fengyan Seller Center, GHNC US, GuangshuishiYingshanjiaxiudianzishangwuzhongxin, HS Store Shop, Homesafety Electronic Co.,Ltd., INFRAY Tactical Flashlights, InJoy Tech, JALN7 LED, JIAYING KEJI, KAWELL, KJLAND, KOMAS, KU Direct, KaTur, LED JLAN, LIGHTFE, LUMENLIGHT, LZGPRO, LaiCan Trading Company Ltd, Lasso of Truth, LolitaC, MEMEOKON, MISOL ELECTRIC, MecArmyOfficial, Mengyin Luopan Electronic Commercial Center, Mevell Group, Milestone Tech, Nastyaer, OUHENGDENGJU, Pakrys, PerkLuck Store, Phixtonus, SOFTYI Department Stores, SPRINGFUN, SWANDEW TRADING, SXMA Group, Skysted, TTanks, TUINCYN, TXin Tech, Tiooka, Titat, USonline911, Victagen, WERISE, WFLC, WanboTH, WerFamily, WhaleS, WindFire, XINXU AUTO, XYH-Win, Xiangqiang, YASHIDA Direct, YBQZ-US, YL INC., Yoneda AutoParts, ZeZhen Store, aar2019, akibashipping, angelsimplelife212, asher-8609, ason59can, au.lightmalls.com, auto-gene, auto_expert2020, autogroup2023, autoparty, best-invest4u, braleyegfnxbwwg, buy-in-world, candy.bean-2, cantry, car-boy-cj, car-gps-club, charmular2022, chenqiudong123, chris-7097, coom_99bubu, dillmurlati, dodoge14, dudruim0, dvd-play-store, eizin_0, elsales2076, enfoworld, flowersuring7, forcetss, gavrie-57, gb.ledsupermall.com, geaakeme, gear_teck_store, glacierss, globalfortuneled, goodssale2010, gracefulgenius, gracelightled, gyzhuo16, gzzhe-12, haobo-car-boy, haweelshop, hefeishidaiwendianzishangwuyouxiangongsi, heinnie.com, hero-led, heyu990, hisgifts, hoboera-gps, hoboera-store, https://www.fereilights.com/, https://www.teng.co.uk/, huepar_kingdom, huepar_store, irit_63, japanawesome, jdgeui0, jiecana69, jiekekek, jkls_33, jomitop, k.g.electronic, ket237phin, kimkh_0, led-mounting-bases.com, led.auto.star, ledlights.io/, ledrise.eu, leds.de, ledsupermall.com, lian lian ri za, llautoparts2022, loopsdirect.com, lucky_light, lxrzls, magnetstock, massnar, must40to, number-1-store88, oran17112005.com7, orgseks, paradoiimsl, phse14thre, plusbuyer.com, protechsoundandlight.co.uk, qqquickstar, quick-light, s-motor, satellitetvshop.uk, shashinki.com, shu-car-navi, shulo_5750, signagewholesales, slopehk, sunblesa, superreleases, tandoulu, taste76but, tomtop_store, toyfrse14, tzi179, uk.lumistrips.com, ukda1733, unieonly12, video-auto-light-parts, wudongpo2011, xinya001, xitang35qo, xssj69, yithing, yushi guolu, yuyeye, yyuc2c, zhenligu79, zjchao123, zotootech, 2cn2582 and 4WDKING Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 5/30/2024. See attached document for full details. |
05/28/2024 | STATUS REPORT re Order [71] by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/23/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/22/2024 | ORDER ON DEFAULT FINAL JUDGMENT PROCEDURE. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 5/22/2024. See attached document for full details. |
05/22/2024 | ORDER. (Status Report due by 5/28/2024) Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 5/22/2024. See attached document for full details. |
05/21/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/16/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/07/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
05/02/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/24/2024 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to 11noamt, 17shop, 2017168shop, 4WDKING, 563601870, 78978Wall, A-KISONG, ACEXIER, ASFKDASFGJKLG, Acsin, Aimee Stage light, Anna Foreign Trade Shop, Aukepate Direct, Authentic Lights, Auto car1, BOODLIED, Bakuis, Beyond-estore, BlueJelly, C.D.M. Lighting, CHENLIAA, CHUANGYOUXUE, COOGEO TECH, CZC Ltd., Car accessories modification, CilecanyouhDa, Commodities Wholesale, CreeLED, Inc., Cxmshine led, DISPLAY PROMOTION, DR.BIGG, DUOMIMALL, Dafan international, Daiseta, Department Store Clothing and Beauty Store, DingDongman, Doyaus, ExtremeBrightLEDs, FEIFEIER, FULLUX, Fall in love with fashion, Fancoy, Fashion Containers, Fashion Made Factory, FashionFeijie, FashionTimerrr, Fashionstore2021, Foshan Yuyan Technology Co., Ltd., GODCHOOSE Direct, GZRIVERRUN, HBuy Store, HY-Motor, HongZhao Technology, Incorruptible, JINMEI SHOP, Jinguomoden fushi, Joyfine toys, KENE, KFDHOP, King Trading, LED JLAN, LEDoor Innovations, LIGHTFE, LY Luggage Store, Led Light Wholesale, Lin Lin international, LordOf Light, Lynn R Womack, MUCH LTD, Mengyin Luopan Electronic Commercial Center, Milestone Tech, Moon01, MoveFlash, Musataer Bedding, N-C Brand Direct, New saleone, Nizhuoby Shoes, OKbuy, PPxiang47, Peiye Tactical Wear, PotunfeiyigP, QUANWANG, QUNSUNUSIS, QiuKo, Reddy4, Rzhp, SHOPSTORYFRANCE, SUJHSE7EN, SUN god god, SXMA Group, Shenzhen WuY Technology Co. Ltd, Shenzhen Yichuang Zhizao Trading Co., Ltd., Speeding PRO Motorcycle Store, Springs bumper, TEMACOO, Thackeray, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, The goodseaman, TheBargainShop101, Titop Lifestyle, US Flashlight Brand Direct, Urlwall, VGETTING, WFLC, Workfor, World Fashion Palace, X&Y Ind., X8998, Xiao Wei Nv Zhuang shuaihuo, YANGXIULL, YASHIDA Direct, YXO YUXINOU, Yepwell, YuYu Wonderful Life, Yueng Luk, ZHIXIAOSHIDAI, ZN123, ZNN.xiangcheng.zhu, ZeZhen Store, ZhuoShang, Zubha Enterprises, aamlt, abozyad, aceparts_uk, adminmoosh, adrdobr_2883, affordablemotorspares, aga88, akmtiesledlights, alex_3612, andn0688, anglo-forro, ardillion, asteval_80, auto-lec_savers, autofit.parts, basicmicro_uk, beams-lighthouse, bennys.tools, better-life888, bigamart.com, birco-lighting, bits4work, blue_bar_industries, blueskycomponents, bluestuffedgiraffe, boyuang, brixiamoto, budget_friendly_store, bullete2017, bupu65527903, buy-buy-bargains, buy2fix.co.uk, bytesgalore123, carttocar, chenxuchenxu, choiceonline.co, chongguolidao, chrometrader0, crosshairsinternational, curs_online, cursonline, cvpartsinmotion, danodeals111, danych_0, dapetz, daz-marine1, ddebstore, deltaimportsrl, demuch, destock-access, dfbtrade, dingfu11949, diycarserviceparts, dmautoparts2009, doors-r-up, duguihuashop, dysw999, ecom-hanse, eec177, eeet5p, eezee.sg, epictools, eranpo-outlets, evergear, ewke13, fashion_corset, fashionstore8, fdrtr_12, fexxhs, fjnlyouth0102, flashlight-mall.com, franbig0, from_sharon_to_you, fur1033, fuzhoumuxiaohuwaiyongpindian, gaby113, gainer-led.com, gb.ledsupermall.com, geotay48, gexautoparts, gongtiantianshop, good_items_011, guangzhoukangtengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, guangzhoushijuyanshangmaoyouxiangongsi, guocale_50, guoshupingshop, guy_shop12, gya27nbet, hanyanfei, haohanstore, hdmall, he wen yan, hefeidilangshangmaoyouxiango, helloJewelry, hellomysport, herinan67, hfdaugh, hockgiftshop.com, home_paradise, homebeauty66, homeshopfamily, huepar_kingdom, huepar_store, ideals_market, igua0, ilovlas_direct, innovative_leds, itamagaba_0, ivo18835, jake-stott95, japanawesome, jinjjaloya, jjh.trading, jjjdono, jkls_33, jonacoinshop, jumpingbugzy, jvfyad, kaichaote11, kcf748, kenny5207, knm3693, kriail1, lancillotto731, libradealer, lie91p_74, lintea_world321, lisnaskeaauctions2011, liuli258, llautoparts2022, long47993, loopsdirect.com, lovemeday, luogeer, luokebicyclestore, lush-uk, machead_outdoor, madmax2john, mael55, makes-71, martynscratch68, masterstore, maxiaoqin3276, mb-machinery, mccormicktools, mctoolsuk, md_999supplies, me-ta.em.al-in_0, meihua112211@163.com, merlinmotorcyclesonline, michaelsons0, mingzhe, mmsportingltd, moddiy.com, motodak, mpaspares, mr.cupra0, multiboutic, muqier555, nani18215, nauticabasile, neilukas, neobits.com, netwares, next-day-delivery-ireland, nextool, no one can do, o_o1423, ordicus, ottostackleworld, ozensaat, ozgunmart, pandavivi, parrot0, partbusters, polights_uk, povilt-sbkof, premium_led_store, primetools, purevue, qilingchishangm, qzsy, r2digital_it, rcecho.com, re-universe, re7_6178, rocalan2016, rockshop08, rollyourway, rosembrio, s1_store, sapisaba_0, sean white, seungyeole_4, shabt_0, shaeli_38, shenshi, shenzhenshixinshengshijishangmaoyouxiangongsi, shikshop10, shop_online_store_4u, shopeddies, shopkey2, shuka992, shulo_5750, simsalve_99, sjrautoparts, sklepbabyshop30, skyfee, sm-poland2, smiley.ltd.2015, sobaldr, speedyonfire, spopyboo, station13thirteen, stevenn56, strastreet001, streetfx, summerhui, super-father, super-panda.x, suying15320, sweet shopping store, tanyili, taowanwan, tdgsazw21, teckwise, text_store, the-right-tool, thetoolacademy, tiandaocuiyin, tjmoon1987, toolboxkinguk, tooled-upcom, toolsmartltd, toolstek, transparent_shopping1, trevord2, troy-sadi, tupi96, twodayparts, tzi179, tzipmo-0, ultra-hids, valley-lighting, video-auto-light-parts, virgogo, vngfjngfn, vs6xvk, vstore2012, wanglinlin8734, waybiker.com, westerninternational, wfuture, wings_palace, wish_online_store, wnb-pro-tools, wolf-beam, worldoftackle_uk, wuruonan7001, xfhjzdhvd123, xiangchen0204, xiaolongwangmaoyiyouxiangongsi, xuanhongfan, y-couple, yao520mao, ybcarsuk, yesytu79, yff3466, yithing, ylanlan15, yochan61, yoli_2624, youwinme international, yuanyuannvxiedian, yujietaikun, yusheng home, yuxc321cyan, yuyitian, zackkh_55, zamarah.com, zengxinggui4606, zhang-shop, zhaoranranhg - Motions Terminated: 64 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 4/25/2024. |
04/24/2024 | STATUS REPORT re: Order 58 by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/24/2024 | MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to 11noamt, 17shop, 2017168shop, 4WDKING, 563601870, 78978Wall, A-KISONG, ACEXIER, ASFKDASFGJKLG, Acsin, Aimee Stage light, Anna Foreign Trade Shop, Aukepate Direct, Authentic Lights, Auto car1, BOODLIED, Bakuis, Beyond-estore, BlueJelly, C.D.M. Lighting, CHENLIAA, CHUANGYOUXUE, COOGEO TECH, CZC Ltd., Car accessories modification, CilecanyouhDa, Commodities Wholesale, Cxmshine led, DISPLAY PROMOTION, DR.BIGG, DUOMIMALL, Dafan international, Daiseta, Department Store Clothing and Beauty Store, DingDongman, Doyaus, ExtremeBrightLEDs, FEIFEIER, FULLUX, Fall in love with fashion, Fancoy, Fashion Containers, Fashion Made Factory, FashionFeijie, FashionTimerrr, Fashionstore2021, Foshan Yuyan Technology Co., Ltd., GODCHOOSE Direct, GZRIVERRUN, HBuy Store, HY-Motor, HongZhao Technology, Incorruptible, JALN7 LED, JINMEI SHOP, Jinguomoden fushi, Joyfine toys, KENE, KFDHOP, King Trading, LED JLAN, LEDoor Innovations, LIGHTFE, LY Luggage Store, Led Light Wholesale, Lin Lin international, LordOf Light, Lynn R Womack, MUCH LTD, Milestone Tech, Moon01, MoveFlash, Musataer Bedding, N-C Brand Direct, New saleone, Nizhuoby Shoes, OKbuy, PPxiang47, Peiye Tactical Wear, PotunfeiyigP, QUANWANG, QUNSUNUSIS, QiuKo, Reddy4, Rzhp, SHOPSTORYFRANCE, SUJHSE7EN, SUN god god, SXMA Group, Shenzhen WuY Technology Co. Ltd, Shenzhen Yichuang Zhizao Trading Co., Ltd., Speeding PRO Motorcycle Store, Springs bumper, TEMACOO, Thackeray, The goodseaman, TheBargainShop101, Titat, Titop Lifestyle, US Flashlight Brand Direct, Urlwall, VGETTING, WFLC, WXH store, Workfor, World Fashion Palace, X&Y Ind., X8998, Xiao Wei Nv Zhuang shuaihuo, YANGXIULL, YASHIDA Direct, YXO YUXINOU, Yepwell, Yoneda AutoParts, YuYu Wonderful Life, Yueng Luk, ZHIXIAOSHIDAI, ZN123, ZNN.xiangcheng.zhu, ZhuoShang, Zubha Enterprises, aamlt, abozyad, aceparts_uk, adminmoosh, adrdobr_2883, affordablemotorspares, aga88, akmtiesledlights, alex_3612, andn0688, anglo-forro, ardillion, asteval_80, auto-lec_savers, autofit.parts, basicmicro_uk, beams-lighthouse, bennys.tools, better-life888, bigamart.com, birco-lighting, bits4work, blue_bar_industries, blueskycomponents, bluestuffedgiraffe, boyuang, brixiamoto, budget_friendly_store, bullete2017, bupu65527903, buy-buy-bargains, buy2fix.co.uk, bytesgalore123, carttocar, chenxuchenxu, choiceonline.co, chongguolidao, chrometrader0, crosshairsinternational, curs_online, cursonline, cvpartsinmotion, danodeals111, danych_0, dapetz, daz-marine1, ddebstore, deltaimportsrl, demuch, destock-access, dfbtrade, dingfu11949, diycarserviceparts, dmautoparts2009, dodoge14, doors-r-up, duguihuashop, dysw999, ecom-hanse, eec177, eeet5p, eezee.sg, epictools, eranpo-outlets, evergear, ewke13, fashion_corset, fashionstore8, fdrtr_12, fexxhs, fjnlyouth0102, flashlight-mall.com, franbig0, from_sharon_to_you, fur1033, fuzhoumuxiaohuwaiyongpindian, gaby113, gainer-led.com, geotay48, gexautoparts, gongtiantianshop, good_items_011, guangzhoukangtengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, guangzhoushijuyanshangmaoyouxiangongsi, guocale_50, guoshupingshop, guy_shop12, gya27nbet, hanyanfei, haohanstore, hdmall, he wen yan, hefeidilangshangmaoyouxiango, helloJewelry, hellomysport, herinan67, hfdaugh, hisgifts, hockgiftshop.com, home_paradise, homebeauty66, homeshopfamily, huepar_kingdom, huepar_store, ideals_market, igua0, ilovlas_direct, innovative_leds, itamagaba_0, ivo18835, jake-stott95, japanawesome, jinjjaloya, jjh.trading, jjjdono, jkls_33, jonacoinshop, jumpingbugzy, jvfyad, kaichaote11, kcf748, kenny5207, knm3693, kriail1, lancillotto731, libradealer, lie91p_74, lintea_world321, lisnaskeaauctions2011, liuli258, llautoparts2022, long47993, loopsdirect, lovemeday, luogeer, luokebicyclestore, lush-uk, machead_outdoor, madmax2john, mael55, makes-71, martynscratch68, masterstore, maxiaoqin3276, mb-machinery, mccormicktools, mctoolsuk, md_999supplies, me-ta.em.al-in_0, meihua112211@163.com, merlinmotorcyclesonline, michaelsons0, mingzhe, mmsportingltd, moddiy.com, motodak, mpaspares, mr.cupra0, multiboutic, muqier555, nani18215, nauticabasile, neilukas, neobits.com, netwares, next-day-delivery-ireland, nextool, no one can do, o_o1423, ordicus, ottostackleworld, ozensaat, ozgunmart, pandavivi, parrot0, partbusters, polights_uk, povilt-sbkof, premium_led_store, primetools, purevue, qilingchishangm, qzsy, r2digital_it, rcecho.com, re-universe, re7_6178, rocalan2016, rockshop08, rollyourway, rosembrio, s1_store, sapisaba_0, sean white, seungyeole_4, shabt_0, shaeli_38, shenshi, shenzhenshixinshengshijishangmaoyouxiangongsi, shikshop10, shop_online_store_4u, shopeddies, shopkey2, shuka992, shulo_5750, simsalve_99, sjrautoparts, sklepbabyshop30, skyfee, sm-poland2, smiley.ltd.2015, sobaldr, speedyonfire, spopyboo, station13thirteen, stevenn56, strastreet001, streetfx, summerhui, super-father, super-panda.x, suying15320, sweet shopping store, tanyili, taowanwan, tdgsazw21, teckwise, text_store, the-right-tool, thetoolacademy, tiandaocuiyin, tjmoon1987, toolboxkinguk, tooled-upcom, toolsmartltd, toolstek, transparent_shopping1, trevord2, troy-sadi, tupi96, twodayparts, tzi179, tzipmo-0, ultra-hids, valley-lighting, virgogo, vngfjngfn, vs6xvk, vstore2012, wanglinlin8734, waybiker.com, westerninternational, wfuture, wings_palace, wish_online_store, wnb-pro-tools, wolf-beam, worldoftackle_uk, wuruonan7001, xfhjzdhvd123, xiangchen0204, xiaolongwangmaoyiyouxiangongsi, xuanhongfan, y-couple, yao520mao, ybcarsuk, yesytu79, yff3466, yithing, ylanlan15, yochan61, yoli_2624, youwinme international, yuanyuannvxiedian, yujietaikun, yusheng home, yuxc321cyan, yuyitian, zackkh_55, zamarah.com, zengxinggui4606, zhang-shop, zhaoranranhg, zhiyan by CreeLED, Inc. 附件: 1:(Exhibit Weaver Declaration) |
04/24/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/19/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/17/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/17/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/12/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/10/2024 | ORDER. (Status Report due by 4/22/2024) Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 4/10/2024. See attached document for full details. |
04/04/2024 | ORDER DENYING AS MOOT DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF PERSONAL JURIDICTION AND FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM [ECF NO. [41]]. ORDER denying as moot [41] Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 4/4/2024. See attached document for full details. |
04/05/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
04/02/2024 | RESPONSE to Motion re 41 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction 1 Complaint and Failure to State a Claim for Relief filed by CreeLED, Inc. Replies due by 4/9/2024. |
04/02/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/28/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/26/2024 | ORDER GRANTING UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO OPPOSE DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO DISMISS [ECF NO. 50 ]. ORDER granting 50 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Motion. Plaintiff shall file a response to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss [ECF No. 41 ] by April 1, 2024. Responses due by 4/1/2024. Signed by Judge Melissa Damian on 3/26/2024. See attached document for full details. |
03/25/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/25/2024 | Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [41] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction [1] Complaint and Failure to State a Claim for Relief by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/22/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal without prejudice as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/22/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal with prejudice as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/18/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/15/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/14/2024 | ORDER OF REASSIGNMENT to Judge Melissa Damian for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Melissa Damian-MJ and Judge Raag Singhal no longer assigned to case. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 3/5/2024. See attached document for full details. |
03/13/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/13/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/11/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/11/2024 | MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction 1 Complaint and Failure to State a Claim for Relief by Aprelco, AprilMall, USonline911, YL INC. Responses due by 3/25/2024. |
03/08/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/08/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/08/2024 | Corporate Disclosure Statement by Aprelco, AprilMall, USonline911, YL INC. |
03/07/2024 | NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Jianyin Liu on behalf of Aprelco, AprilMall, USonline911, YL INC. Attorney Jianyin Liu added to party Aprelco(pty:dft), Attorney Jianyin Liu added to party AprilMall(pty:dft), Attorney Jianyin Liu added to party USonline911(pty:dft), Attorney Jianyin Liu added to party YL INC.(pty:dft). |
03/06/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/04/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/04/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/04/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): dingfu11949, duguihuashop, eranpo-outlets, ewke13, Fall in love with fashion, Fancoy, Fashion Containers, Fashion Made Factory, fashion_corset, FashionFeijie, Fashionstore2021, fashionstore8, FashionTimerrr, fjnlyouth0102, fuzhoumuxiaohuwaiyongpindian, gaby113, gongtiantianshop, guoshupingshop, GZRIVERRUN, hanyanfei, haohanstore, HBuy Store, he wen yan, helloJewelry, hfdaugh, HongZhao Technology, HY-Motor, Incorruptible, Jinguomoden fushi, jinjjaloya, Joyfine toys, jvfyad, KENE, kenny5207, KFDHOP, King Trading, knm3693, LaiCan Trading Company Ltd, Led Light Wholesale, Lin Lin international, liuli258, LordOf Light, lovemeday, luokebicyclestore, LY Luggage Store, Lynn R Womack, maxiaoqin3276, meihua112211@163.com, mingzhe, Moon01, muqier555, Musataer Bedding, New saleone, Nizhuoby Shoes, no one can do, pandavivi, paradoiimsl, parrot0, PotunfeiyigP, PPxiang47, QUNSUNUSIS, Reddy4, rollyourway, sean white, Shenzhen WuY Technology Co. Ltd, shenzhenshixinshengshijishangmaoyouxiangongsi, SHOPSTORYFRANCE, skyfee, SOFTYI Department Stores, Speeding PRO Motorcycle Store, Springs bumper, SUJHSE7EN, summerhui, SUN god god, suying15320, sweet shopping store, tanyili, taowanwan, TEMACOO, Thackeray, The goodseaman, tiandaocuiyin, troy-sadi, TTanks, Urlwall, virgogo, vngfjngfn, wanglinlin8734, wfuture, World Fashion Palace, wuruonan7001, WXH store, X8998, xfhjzdhvd123, Xiao Wei Nv Zhuang shuaihuo, xiaolongwangmaoyiyouxiangongsi, YANGXIULL, yff3466, ylanlan15, youwinme international, yuanyuannvxiedian, Yueng Luk, yujietaikun, yuxc321cyan, yuyitian, YuYu Wonderful Life, zhang-shop, zhaoranranhg, zhiyan and ZNN.xiangcheng.zhu. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): qqquickstar, quick-light, r2digital_it, re7_6178, re-universe, rocalan2016, rockshop08, rosembrio, s1_store, sapisaba_0, seungyeole_4, shabt_0, shaeli_38, shikshop10, shop_online_store_4u, shopeddies, shopkey2, shu-car-navi, shuka992, shulo_5750, simsalve_99, sjrautoparts, sklepbabyshop30, slopehk, smiley.ltd.2015, s-motor, sm-poland2, sobaldr, speedyonfire, spopyboo, station13thirteen, stevenn56, strastreet001, streetfx, sunblesa, super-father, super-panda.x, superreleases, taste76but, tdgsazw21, teckwise, text_store, the-right-tool, thetoolacademy, tjmoon1987, tomtop_store, toolboxkinguk, tooled-upcom, toolsmartltd, toolstek, toyfrse14, transparent_shopping1, trevord2, tupi96, twodayparts, tzi179, tzipmo-0, ukda1733, ultra-hids, unieonly12, valley-lighting, video-auto-light-parts, vs6xvk, vstore2012, westerninternational, wings_palace, wish_online_store, wnb-pro-tools, worldoftackle_uk, wudongpo2011, xinya001, xitang35qo, xssj69, yao520mao, ybcarsuk, y-couple, yesytu79, yochan61, yoli_2624, yuyeye, yyuc2c, zackkh_55, zhenligu79, zotootech, 563601870, 17shop, 2017168shop, aamlt, aga88, Aimee Stage light, A-KISONG, akmtiesledlights, Anna Foreign Trade Shop, ASFKDASFGJKLG, Auto car1, Bakuis, BOODLIED, boyuang, braleyegfnxbwwg, bupu65527903, Car accessories modification, chenxuchenxu, chongguolidao, CilecanyouhDa, Commodities Wholesale, Cxmshine led, CZC Ltd., Dafan international, Department Store Clothing and Beauty Store and DingDongman. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): glacierss, good_items_011, goodssale2010, gracefulgenius, gracelightled, guocale_50, guy_shop12, gya27nbet, gyzhuo16, gzzhe-12, haobo-car-boy, haweelshop, hdmall, hellomysport, herinan67, heyu990, hisgifts, hoboera-gps, hoboera-store, home_paradise, homebeauty66, homeshopfamily, huepar_kingdom, huepar_store, ideals_market, igua0, ilovlas_direct, innovative_leds, irit_63, itamagaba_0, ivo18835, jake-stott95, japanawesome, jdgeui0, jiecana69, jiekekek, jjh.trading, jjjdono, jkls_33, jomitop, jonacoinshop, jumpingbugzy, k.g.electronic, kaichaote11, kcf748, ket237phin, kimkh_0, kriail1, kuachuan, lancillotto731, led.auto.star, libradealer, lie91p_74, lintea_world321, lisnaskeaauctions2011, llautoparts2022, long47993, loopsdirect, lucky_light, luogeer, lush-uk, machead_outdoor, madmax2john, mael55, magnetstock, makes-71, martynscratch68, massnar, masterstore, mb-machinery, mccormicktools, mctoolsuk, md_999supplies, merlinmotorcyclesonline, me-ta.em.al-in_0, michaelsons0, mmsportingltd, motodak, mpaspares, mr.cupra0, multiboutic, must40to, nani18215, nauticabasile, neilukas, netwares, next-day-delivery-ireland, nextool, number-1-store88, o_o1423, oran17112005.com7, ordicus, orgseks, ottostackleworld, ozensaat, ozgunmart, partbusters, phse14thre, polights_uk, povilt-sbkof, premium_led_store, primetools and purevue. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): loopsdirect.com, moddiy.com, neobits.com, plusbuyer.com, protechsoundandlight.co.uk, rcecho.com, satellitetvshop.uk, shashinki.com, uk.lumistrips.com, waybiker.com, zamarah.com, 11noamt, 2cn2582, 6-inch, aar2019, abozyad, aceparts_uk, adminmoosh, adrdobr_2883, affordablemotorspares, akibashipping, alex_3612, andn0688, angelsimplelife212, anglo-forro, ardillion, asher-8609, ason59can, asteval_80, auto_expert2020, autofit.parts, auto-gene, autogroup2023, auto-lec_savers, autoparty, basicmicro_uk, beams-lighthouse*, bennys.tools, best-invest4u, better-life888, birco-lighting, bits4work, blue_bar_industries, blueskycomponents, bluestuffedgiraffe, brixiamoto, budget_friendly_store, bullete2017, buy-buy-bargains, buy-in-world, bytesgalore123, candy.bean-2, cantry, car-boy-cj, car-gps-club, carttocar, charmular2022, chris-7097, chrometrader0, coom_99bubu, crosshairsinternational, curs_online, cursonline, cvpartsinmotion, danodeals111, danych_0, dapetz, daz-marine1, dd*ebstore, deltaimportsrl, demuch, destock-access, dfbtrade, dillmurlati, diycarserviceparts, dmautoparts2009, dodoge14, doors-r-up, dudruim0, dvd-play-store, dysw999, ecom-hanse, eec177, eeet5p, eizin_0, elsales2076, enfoworld, epictools, fdrtr_12, fexxhs, flowersuring7, forcetss, franbig0, from_sharon_to_you, fur1033, gavrie-57, geaakeme, gear_teck_store, geotay48 and gexautoparts. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): KAWELL, KJLAND, KOMAS, KU Direct, Lasso of Truth, LED JLAN, LEDoor Innovations, lian lian ri za, LIGHTFE, LolitaC, LUMENLIGHT, lxrzls, LZGPRO, MecArmyOfficial, MEMEOKON, Mengyin Luopan Electronic Commercial Center, Mevell Group, Milestone Tech, MISOL ELECTRIC, MoveFlash, MUCH LTD, Nastyaer, N-C Brand Direct, OKbuy, OUHENGDENGJU, Pakrys, Peiye Tactical Wear, PerkLuck Store, Phixtonus, qilingchishangm, QiuKo, QUANWANG, qzsy, Rzhp, shenshi, Shenzhen Yichuang Zhizao Trading Co., Ltd., signagewholesales, Skysted, SPRINGFUN, SWANDEW TRADING, SXMA Group, tandoulu, TheBargainShop101, Tiooka, Titat, Titop Lifestyle, TUINCYN, TXin Tech, US Flashlight Brand Direct, USonline911, VGETTING, Victagen, WanboTH, WerFamily, WERISE, WFLC, WhaleS, WindFire, wolf-beam, Workfor, X&Y Ind., xiangchen0204, Xiangqiang, XINXU AUTO, xuanhongfan, XYH-Win, YASHIDA Direct, YBQZ-US, Yepwell, yithing, YL INC., Yoneda AutoParts, yusheng home, yushi guolu, YXO YUXINOU, zengxinggui4606, ZeZhen Store, ZHIXIAOSHIDAI, ZhuoShang, zjchao123, ZN123, Zubha Enterprises, Foshan Yuyan Technology Co., Ltd., au.lightmalls.com, bigamart.com, buy2fix.co.uk, choiceonline.co, eezee.sg, flashlight-mall.com, gainer-led.com, gb.ledsupermall.com, heinnie.com, hero-led, hockgiftshop.com, https://www.fereilights.com/, https://www.teng.co.uk/, ledlights.io/, led-mounting-bases.com, ledrise.eu, leds.de and ledsupermall.com. |
03/01/2024 | Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Order on Motion to Unseal Document into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): 4WDKING, 78978Wall, ACEXIER, Acsin, Aisilan Lighting, Alchemy Parts Limited, Aoglenic, Aprelco, AprilMall, Audak, Aukepate Direct, Authentic Lights, AUTO SOLUTION 2022, Beteray, Beyond-estore, BlueFire Tech, BlueJelly, C.D.M. Lighting, CHENLIAA, chenqiudong123, Cherise Trading, CHUANGYOUXUE, CNBRIGHTER, COOGEO TECH, COSOOS, Daiseta, DISPLAY PROMOTION, Doyaus, DR.BIGG, DUNSI, DUOMIMALL, E-Simpo, evergear, ExtremeBrightLEDs, Exzeit, FandyFire-Direct, FEIFEIER, Fengyan Seller Center, FISH and CAT, FULLUX, GHNC US, globalfortuneled, GODCHOOSE Direct, GuangshuishiYingshanjiaxiudianzishangwuzhongxin, guangzhoukangtengshangmaoyouxiangongsi, guangzhoushijuyanshangmaoyouxiangongsi, hefeidilangshangmaoyouxiango, hefeishidaiwendianzishangwuyouxiangongsi, Homesafety Electronic Co.,Ltd., HS Store Shop, INFRAY Tactical Flashlights, InJoy Tech, JALN7 LED, JIAYING KEJI, JINMEI SHOP and KaTur. |
02/29/2024 | ORDER granting [8] Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 2/28/2024. See attached document for full details. (pb00) |
02/28/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain defendants by CreeLED, Inc. |
02/26/2024 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Raag Singhal: Evidentiary Motion Hearing held on 2/26/2024 re 8 EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Preliminary Injunction filed by CreeLED, Inc. Total time in court: 15 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Arthur Robert Weaver. No appearance by Defendants. Plaintiff's counsel to submit proposed order. Court Reporter: Karl Shires, 954-769-5496 / Karl_Shires@flsd.uscourts.gov. (pb00) |
02/22/2024 | Surety BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by CreeLED, Inc. Approved by Judge Raag Singhal 附件: 1:Bond On Injunction 2:(Supplemental Attachment) (ebz) |
02/22/2024 | ORDER granting 21 Motion to Unseal. Plaintiff shall add all Defendants as parties through CM/ECF within seven (7) days of this Order. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 2/22/2024. See attached document for full details. |
02/21/2024 | MOTION to Unseal Document and orders filed under seal by CreeLED, Inc. Responses due by 3/6/2024. |
02/21/2024 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by CreeLED, Inc. |
02/21/2024 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to certain Defendants only by CreeLED, Inc. |
02/15/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER re 13 Sealed Document filed by CreeLED, Inc. Plaintiff filed a Notice of Filing Schedule A to the Complaint (DE 13) but, because Plaintiff failed to name the Defendants in its Complaint (DE 1), those Defendants have not been added as parties to this case. By February 22, 2024, the Plaintiff must add all Defendants as parties through CM-ECF. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 2/15/2024. (pb00) |
02/15/2024 | Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A. |
02/15/2024 | NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by CreeLED, Inc. 附件: 1:(Summon(s)) |
02/12/2024 | Order |
01/18/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
01/18/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336344) |
01/18/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 12 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336344) |
01/18/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 11 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
01/17/2024 | ORDER granting 7 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 1/17/2024. See attached document for full details. |
01/17/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336344) |
01/17/2024 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336344) |
01/17/2024 | Order |
01/17/2024 | MOTION to Seal Schedule A to Complaint per Local Rule 5.4 by CreeLED, Inc. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
01/17/2024 | Corporate Disclosure Statement by CreeLED, Inc. identifying Corporate Parent SMART Global Holdings, Other Affiliate Axencis Europe Ltd. d/b/a Axencis for CreeLED, Inc. |
01/10/2024 | PAPERLESS ORDER TO FILE CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PERSONS Within SEVEN (7) DAYS of entry of an appearance, each party, including governmental parties, must file certificates of interested parties and corporate disclosure statements that contain a complete list of persons, associated persons, firms, partnerships, or corporations that have a financial interest in the outcome of this case, including subsidiaries, conglomerates, affiliates, parent corporations, and other identifiable legal entities related to a party. The parties shall not include Judge Singhal or the paired magistrate judges unless they have an interest in the litigation. Throughout the pendency of the action, the parties are under a continuing obligation to amend, correct, and update the certificates. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 1/10/2024. (pb00) |
01/10/2024 | NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE Unless otherwise specified by the Court, every motion, legal memorandum, brief, and otherwise shall: be double-spaced, in justified alignment, in 12-point font, using either Times New Roman or Arial typeface. This Notice does not supplant the requirements and provisions of Local Rule 7.1(c). The Court cautions parties against excessive use of footnotes. Multiple Plaintiffs or Defendants shall file joint motions (and responses to motions) with co-parties unless there are clear conflicts of position. If conflicts of position exist, parties shall explain the conflicts in their separate motions (and responses). Parties are encouraged to seek extensions of time in a timely fashion. "A motion for extension of time is not self-executing; no motion is, unless expressly provided for by the applicable rule. Yet, by filing these motions on or near the last day, and then sitting idle pending the Court's disposition of the motion, parties essentially grant their own motion. The Court will not condone this." Compere v. Nusret Miami, LLC, 2020 WL 2844888, at *2 (S.D. Fla. May 7, 2020) (internal citations omitted). Exhibits to pleadings and motions shall be docketed in accordance with the Courts CM/ECF procedures, Rule 3L.(2): (2) Describing an Attachment to a Docket Entry A party filing an attachment to a document shall select one of the prescribed attachment categories from the drop-down menu (e.g., affidavit, transcript), provide an alphabetical or numerical designation (e.g., Exhibit A, Exhibit 1), and descriptively name each attachment (e.g., Exhibit 1 - Affidavit of Boo Radley) in a manner that enables the Court to easily locate and distinguish attachments. (Emphasis added.) Local Rule 16.4, Local Rules for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, requires that a Notice of Settlement "shall be filed and served jointly by counsel for all parties to the settlement." A unilateral notice of settlement will not stay pre-trial deadlines or hearings. Failure to comply with any of these procedures may result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 1/10/2024. (pb00) |
01/10/2024 | FORM AO 120 SENT TO DIRECTOR OF U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK 附件: 1:(Complaint) (nan) |
01/09/2024 | Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Raag Singhal. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Jared M. Strauss is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. |
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