日期 | 描述 |
08/29/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon plaintiff's report of full satisfaction of judgment 79, the Court, pursuant to LR 58.1, enters the satisfaction of judgment as to defendants Nos. 23, 84, 87, 104, 109, 110, 122, 149, 163, 167, 169, 177, 178, 202, 207, 208, 211. Mailed notice |
08/28/2024 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
07/29/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon plaintiff's report of full satisfaction of judgment 77, the Court, pursuant to LR 58.1, enters the satisfaction of judgment as to defendants No. 59. Mailed notice |
07/25/2024 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
07/03/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon plaintiff's report of full satisfaction of judgment 74, the Court, pursuant to LR 58.1, enters the satisfaction of judgment as to defendant no. 239. Mailed notice |
07/02/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon plaintiff's report of full satisfaction of judgment 73, the Court, pursuant to LR 58.1, enters the satisfaction of judgment as to defendant no. 230. Mailed notice |
07/02/2024 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
07/01/2024 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
02/21/2024 | ***Civil Case Terminated. |
02/21/2024 | DEFAULT Judgment Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 2/21/2024. Mailed notice |
02/21/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:No defendant having objected, the plaintiff's motion for default judgment 63 is granted. Enter default judgment order. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice |
02/21/2024 | CONSENT Judgment Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 2/21/2024. Mailed notice |
02/21/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Plaintiff's agreed motion to approve the consent judgment 60 is granted. Enter consent judgment. The civil case is terminated as to defendant No. 239. Mailed notice |
02/09/2024 | CERTIFICATE of Service Proof of Service by William Benjamin Kalbac on behalf of Dorna Sports, S.L. 附件: 1:(Exhibit Amended Schedule A) |
02/08/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment 63 is taken under advisement. Any objections or responses are due by 2/19/24. The plaintiff is directed to provide defendants with notice of the default proceedings against them by 2/12/24. To effectuate that notice, the Court directs the plaintiff to (1) update the website through which it has been publishing information about the case to provide notice of its motion for entry of default and default judgment, as well as the deadline to object set forth in this order and (2) sending an email to the email addresses provided for the defendants by third parties (or otherwise obtained by the plaintiff) informing them of the default proceedings against them and containing a link to the updated website. Mailed notice |
02/08/2024 | CERTIFICATE of Service by William Benjamin Kalbac on behalf of Dorna Sports, S.L. 附件: 1:(Exhibit 1) |
02/07/2024 | DECLARATION of Michael A. Hierl regarding motion for default judgment, [63] 附件: 1:Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 1 |
02/07/2024 | MEMORANDUM by Dorna Sports, S.L. in support of motion for default judgment, [63] 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 2:Exhibit 2 |
02/07/2024 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. for default judgment as to Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of Default and Default Judgment Against Defendants Identified in Amended Schedule A |
02/07/2024 | CERTIFICATE of Service by Robert Payton Mcmurray on behalf of Dorna Sports, S.L. |
12/28/2023 | ANNUAL REMINDER: Pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 (Notification of Affiliates), any nongovernmental party, other than an individual or sole proprietorship, must file a statement identifying all its affiliates known to the party after diligent review or, if the party has identified no affiliates, then a statement reflecting that fact must be filed. An affiliate is defined as follows: any entity or individual owning, directly or indirectly (through ownership of one or more other entities), 5% or more of a party. The statement is to be electronically filed as a PDF in conjunction with entering the affiliates in CM/ECF as prompted. As a reminder to counsel, parties must supplement their statements of affiliates within thirty (30) days of any change in the information previously reported. This minute order is being issued to all counsel of record to remind counsel of their obligation to provide updated information as to additional affiliates if such updating is necessary. If counsel has any questions regarding this process, this LINK will provide additional information. Signed by the Executive Committee on 12/28/2023: Mailed notice. |
10/23/2023 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Agreed Motion for Entry of Consent Judgment |
09/11/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 58 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants nos. 43, 48, and 242. Mailed notice |
09/07/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants |
08/25/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The Court has received an email communication from Yang Yiwei's (Defendant No. 26) expressing concern about needing to appear in person to participate in these proceedings. The "appearance" referenced in the Court's prior order, 53, is not a literal "appearance" in the Courtroom, but rather it refers to the act of electronically filing a "pro se appearance form," which can be found on the Northern District of Illinois website, https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/OnlineForms.aspx. The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this order to the email listed on the email communication, ekinyy@hotmail.com. Mailed notice |
08/25/2023 | LETTER from Yang Yi Wei dated 5/25/23. |
08/24/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 54 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants numbers 85, 147, and 187 are dismissed from this case. Mailed notice |
08/23/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendants No. 85, 147, 187 |
08/16/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: The Court is in receipt of Yang Yiwei's (Defendant No. 26) email communication 52. Yang Yiwei is directed to file a pro se appearance in accordance with the federal rules in order to make any future filings or communications with the Court, or to retain counsel to represent you in this case. The form and other information for filing documents can be found on the Northern District of Illinois' website, https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/OnlineForms.aspx. The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this order to the email listed on the email communication, ekinyy@hotmail.com. Mailed notice |
08/14/2023 | EMAIL Communication from Yang Yi Wei. 附件: 1:Attachments 2:Attachments 3:(Attachments) |
08/07/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 50 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants numbers 119, 130, 135, 148, 151, 152, 194, 212, and 217 are dismissed from this case. Notices mailed. |
08/04/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants |
07/31/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 48 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants numbers 64 and 70 are dismissed from this case. Mailed notice |
07/28/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendants No. 64, 70 |
07/07/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 46 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants numbers 74, 76 are dismissed. Mailed notice |
07/06/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendants No. 74, 76 |
07/06/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 44 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendants numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are dismissed. Mailed notice |
07/05/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: ebce-66, geshi-7080, kz2046, weimeilia_65, 6x0_lfr73, 8pc47n60, DennisLuttrell, FUcyang9843, GaocailY, KanjigoubikL, LiaolinsuibP, xhgloves, XieyanlinrPn, XIUHONGYANG75, zhangcaiyu1235, Birol Akcay VG, DuyShop Store, Klc Store, MAIMINIVA, TNGTORE, b3nj Store, h151 Store, oxgc Store, wl6j Store, 565896can, ekinyangyiwei, mn_online, quanzhengdian, vqrb1198, wwm-store, yuhua_carmodel, Fangnuo Hardware Processing Shop, Anderson dad4, chaotianpeng91303, contextlill, dengjie fashion, Doris Shopping, Emily maker, Fashionfashionfly, haiying fashion, Hao hat monopoly, JinZhuang, li e, LIUJUNYING122, LIURENTIAN, LIXICHU066, Madison, mothergofighting, moyudushang, OMGXE, piiziwiiqsmmb, poqssf, qianqianwapu, qq 200815 163.com, qs_snow, Trigger next week, tygtyyu supper-market, Unjktghak, unterdruecken, wangcaihua fashion, Xpress Share, yanghuan009, yu_100516 163.com, dengzhoushimingyishangmaoyouxiangongsi, dewen-poster, KHANH MINI VA, Loafer poster shop, Love International Poster Shop, niuge1688889, PINPIN TOP, shnn shipp and TARAKING added to case caption. |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: fujianjia, hat 1002, SenSongDecal, tiantian01, wujiang1, xuhaijian02, CHUNNUAN, Jinsulai, Joybuy, Kanqin Electronic Commerce Co. Ltd, LLL, MTF, SCZ, SSB, WCJ, WR, XHM and YILIDA STORE added to case caption. |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: v5x6 Store, vfbk Store, viviniko Store, vk1d Store, vkgzd5800ug Store, vlqn Store, whku Store, winebar Store, wkgn Store, womg Store, wtfx Store, wxhx Store, xrh2 Store, y9tm Store, yape Store, ydcl Store, 91140100MA0LT6NU2A, 91140100MA0LT7WL92, 91460000MABY06TQ1N, All Birds Hip Hop Hat, Big Step Cases, Boioprt Shirts and cool toy added to case caption. |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: lmooj Store, lp01 Store, lpx9 Store, lqvlj Store, m2r0 Store, m6uw Store, m8c4 Store, meidala Store, mfhy Store, mm8n Store, mo60 Store, mo6z Store, netm Store, nincheng Store, nmmn Store, nokg Store, nufd Store, nyfly Store, offschromb Store, omkc Store, ooyi Store, p8xs Store, paiyueele07 Store, parts4bike_ltd Store, pcngarden Store, pddo Store, plhg Store, plul Store, pm8c Store, psat Store, psz3 Store, qlzd Store, quso Store, qw8a Store, racingclub Store, rdqo Store, ridingcar Store, rqwc Store, rv09 Store, rzkv Store, sfr8 Store, skycityone Store, smgm Store, ssak Store, stpf Store, sunana Store, sxyj Store, tikok Store, tlht Store, tncb Store, truststore2021 Store, txeu Store, tygv Store, u3ft Store, udoi Store, ujch Store and uxy6 Store added to case caption. |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: tianqishangpu168, WHITE BOARD STORE, yuhangdexiaodian, yuliangdian, a7fg Store, ajpq Store, avkb Store, b4rz Store, b7ku Store, backpacks68 Store, bbuw Store, binj Store, blackracingcar Store, bomq Store, cipj Store, crv2 Store, cywg Store, d1fs Store, d65j Store, dacx Store, dmjq Store, dold Store, dsoz Store, dvrh Store, dzvo Store, egix Store, egqv Store, elnl Store, ena5 Store, ez1b Store, fkc2 Store, fmx8 Store, fnwk Store, fou2 Store, fqxt Store, ftyg Store, fzctb5 Store, fzctj2 Store, fzctl2 Store, fzctq2 Store, fzctq3 Store, fzctq66 Store, fzctq8 Store, g7fc Store, gabg Store, gc1i Store, geland Store, gfmr Store, gk3u Store, glks Store, gob2 Store, grab Store, gu09 Store, gxdf Store, gxwz Store, gyl5 Store, gzwi Store, holidayqueen Store, honglongele04 Store, hqf4 Store, i8zn Store, iism Store, imenbuydhtiat Store, ioo0 Store, ivxt Store, jauh Store, jekr Store, jersey665708 Store, jjhp Store, jrdx Store, jsbv Store, judydoll Store, jvvz Store, kbd3 Store, kingofoffroad Store, lashion Store, lbsc Store, ldqk Store, likegrace Store and lilybrown Store added to case caption. |
06/30/2023 | NEW PARTIES: ebce-66, geshi-7080, kz2046, weimeilia_65, 6x0_lfr73, 8pc47n60, DennisLuttrell, FUcyang9843, GaocailY, KanjigoubikL, LiaolinsuibP, xhgloves, XieyanlinrPn, XIUHONGYANG75, zhangcaiyu1235, Birol Akcay VG, DuyShop Store, Klc Store, MAIMINIVA, TNGTORE, b3nj Store, h151 Store, oxgc Store, wl6j Store, 565896can, ekinyangyiwei, mn_online, quanzhengdian, vqrb1198, wwm-store, yuhua_carmodel, Fangnuo Hardware Processing Shop, Anderson dad4, chaotianpeng91303, contextlill, dengjie fashion, Doris Shopping, Emily maker, Fashionfashionfly, haiying fashion, Hao hat monopoly, JinZhuang, li e, LIUJUNYING122, LIURENTIAN, LIXICHU066, Madison, mothergofighting, moyudushang, OMGXE, piiziwiiqsmmb, poqssf, qianqianwapu, qq 200815 163.com, qs_snow, Trigger next week, tygtyyu supper-market, Unjktghak, unterdruecken, wangcaihua fashion, Xpress Share, yanghuan009, yu_100516 163.com, dengzhoushimingyishangmaoyouxiangongsi, dewen-poster, KHANH MINI VA, Loafer poster shop, Love International Poster Shop, niuge1688889, PINPIN TOP, shnn shipp and TARAKING added to case caption. |
06/29/2023 | PRELIMINARY Injunction Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 6/29/2023. Mailed notice |
06/29/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:On the grounds set forth in the motion, plaintiff's motion for entry of a preliminary injunction 35 is granted. Enter preliminary injunction order. The preliminary injunction directs, among other things, that Schedule A be unsealed. Plaintiff is ordered to enter in CM/ECF no later than 7/7/23 each defendant named in the original Schedule A as a party in this case (where a defendant has been dismissed, the CM/ECF entry should reflect that status). Failure to timely comply with this requirement may result in vacating the preliminary injunction. For instructions as to how to add parties to the case docket, see https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/Videos.aspx?folder=_cmecf&play=Add_Terminate.mp4 Mailed notice |
06/29/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr: Upon receipt of the plaintiff's notice of voluntary dismissal 40 and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i), defendant number 241 is dismissed from this case. Mailed notice |
06/28/2023 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Dorna Sports, S.L. Plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendant No. 241 |
06/28/2023 | SUMMONS Returned Executed by Dorna Sports, S.L. as to The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto on 6/28/2023, answer due 7/19/2023. |
06/28/2023 | DECLARATION of Robert P. McMurray Declaration of Service 附件: 1:Exhibit A |
06/28/2023 | SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto (axk,) |
06/27/2023 | DECLARATION of Michael A. Hierl regarding motion for preliminary injunction 35 |
06/27/2023 | MEMORANDUM by Dorna Sports, S.L. in support of motion for preliminary injunction 35 |
06/27/2023 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. for preliminary injunction Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction |
06/14/2023 | EXTENSION of Temporary Restraining Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 6/14/2023. Mailed notice |
06/14/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:Plaintiff's motion to extend the temporary restraining order 32 is granted. Enter order. Mailed notice |
06/13/2023 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. for extension of time Plaintiff's Ex Parte motion to Extend the Temporary Restraining Order |
06/08/2023 | SURETY BOND in the amount of $250,000 posted by Dorna Sports, S.L. (Document not scanned.) |
06/05/2023 | MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials. |
06/05/2023 | MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA. 附件: 1:(Trademarks) |
06/02/2023 | SEALED Temporary Restraining Order Signed by the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr on 6/2/2023. Mailed notice |
06/02/2023 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr:On the grounds set forth in the motion, plaintiff's ex parte motion for a temporary restraining order, temporary asset restraint, expedited discovery, and service of process by email and/or electronic publication 10 is granted. The motions for leave to file certain documents under seal 6 and for leave to file excess pages 9 are granted. Enter Temporary Restraining Order. Mailed notice |
05/31/2023 | Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by Dorna Sports, S.L. |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 14 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 13 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 12 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 11 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 10 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 9 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 8 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 7 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 6 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 5 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 4 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 3 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 2 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Exhibit 2 Part 1 of Orozco Declaration |
05/31/2023 | MEMORANDUM by Dorna Sports, S.L. in support of motion for temporary restraining order, 10 附件: 1:Declaration Orozco Declaration 2:Exhibit 1 3:Declaration Hierl Declaration 4:Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 1 5:Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 2 6:(Exhibit Hierl Exhibit 3) |
05/31/2023 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. for temporary restraining order Plaintiff's Ex Parte Motion for Entry of a Temporary Restraining Order, Including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Asset Restraint, Expedited Discovery, and Service of Process by Email and/or Electronic Publication |
05/31/2023 | MOTION by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. for leave to file excess pages Plaintiff's Motion to Exceed Page Limitation |
05/31/2023 | CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order. |
05/31/2023 | CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John J. Tharp, Jr. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Heather K. McShain. Case assignment: Random assignment. |
05/31/2023 | NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Dorna Sports, S.L. |
05/31/2023 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Dorna Sports, S.L. Sealed Schedule A |
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