日期 | 描述 |
11/01/2019 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
10/11/2019 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
10/01/2019 | SATISFACTION of Judgment |
03/12/2019 | MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA. |
03/11/2019 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Plaintiff's attorney, Yi Bu, confirmed to the courtroom deputy that R. 49 dismisses the only remaining Defendants. Pursuant to the notice of voluntary dismissal, under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(A)(i), the case is dismissed without prejudice. Status hearing of 03/14/2019 is vacated. Civil case terminated.Emailed notice |
03/08/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
03/08/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
02/28/2019 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Status hearing held. Counsel reported that a number of Defendants remain in the case, although those Defendants are operated by one individual. Counsel reported that Plaintiff is actively engaged in settlement discussions. Status hearing set for 03/14/2019 at 9:30 a.m. If the parties have not reached a settlement by 03/11/2019, then on that date Plaintiff shall file a motion for default judgment in sum certain, noticed for presentment to coincide with the 03/14/2019 status hearing date and time. Emailed notice |
02/27/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
02/11/2019 | TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS held on 12-19-2018 before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang. Order Number: 33242. Court Reporter Contact Information: Krista Burgeson, krista_burgeson@ilnd.uscourts.gov, 312-435-5567. IMPORTANT: The transcript may be viewed at the court's public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through the Court Reporter/Transcriber or PACER. For further information on the redaction process, see the Court's web site at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov under Quick Links select Policy Regarding the Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings. Redaction Request due 3/4/2019. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/14/2019. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/13/2019. |
02/07/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
01/30/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
01/18/2019 | FINAL Judgment Order Signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 1/18/2019:Emailed notice |
01/18/2019 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Status and motion hearing on Plaintiff's motion for entry or default and default judgment as to the Defaulting Defendants identified in the Amended Schedule 37. Plaintiff has properly completed service of process on the Defaulting Defendants. They have not answered, and the time for answering the Complaint has expired. So Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment is granted. For the reasons stated in Court, Plaintiff is awarded statutory damages from each of the Defaulting Defendants in the amount of $50,000,00. Plaintiff's request for a permanent injunction is granted. The final judgment order will be entered in a separate entry. This leaves a few remaining Defendants, with whom Plaintiff is engaged in settlement discussions. Status hearing set for 02/28/2019 at 9:30 a.m.Emailed notice |
01/15/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
01/14/2019 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
01/09/2019 | NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for default judgment 37 before Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 1/18/2019 at 09:30 AM. |
01/09/2019 | MEMORANDUM by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. in support of motion for default judgment 37 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 to Memo in Support 2:Exhibit 2 to Memo in Support 3:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt |
01/09/2019 | MOTION by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. for default judgment as to The Defendants Identified In The First Amended Schedule A |
12/30/2018 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
12/20/2018 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
12/19/2018 | PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER Signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 12/19/2018. Mailed notice. |
12/19/2018 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Motion hearing held. In light of the continued applicability of the factors supporting the original TRO, Plaintiff's motion for entry of preliminary injunction 27 is granted. For any defendants in default, Plaintiff shall file the motion for default judgment by 01/11/2019, noticed for the next status date and time. The status hearing of 12/26/2018 is vacated and reset for 01/18/2019 at 9:30 a.m. Mailed notice. |
12/17/2018 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
12/14/2018 | SUMMONS Returned Executed by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 12/14/2018, answer due 1/4/2019. 附件: 1:Declaration of Service of Summons |
12/13/2018 | SUMMONS Returned Executed by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 12/13/2018, answer due 1/3/2019. 附件: 1:Declaration of Service of Summons |
12/13/2018 | NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 27 before Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 12/19/2018 at 08:30 AM. |
12/13/2018 | MEMORANDUM by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. in support of motion for preliminary injunction 27 附件: 1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt 2:Exhibit 1 to Declaration of KVogt |
12/13/2018 | MOTION by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. for preliminary injunction |
12/12/2018 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. |
12/11/2018 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Status hearing held. Counsel appeared on behalf of Defendant Tsung Ming Hsu. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant Hsu shall meet and confer today. If any disputes remain, then a follow-up conferral to take place by 12/13/2018. Motion hearing held on Plaintiff's motion to extend the Temporary Restraining Order 20. The motion is granted: the same four factors apply, as does the need to refrain from notice at this point. The Court extends the Temporary Restraining Order through 12/26/2018. The motion for preliminary injunction to be filed by 12/21/2018, noticed for presentment to coincide with the status hearing. Status hearing set for 12/26/2018 at 9:30 a.m.Emailed notice |
12/11/2018 | Surety BOND in the amount of $ 10,000.00 posted by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. (Document not scanned) |
12/11/2018 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. as to [Certain] Defendant identified on Schedule A |
12/10/2018 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On the Court's on initiative, the status and motion hearing time is reset to 9:15 a.m. on the same date, 12/11/2018. Emailed notice |
12/06/2018 | NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of extension of time 20 before Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 12/11/2018 at 09:00 AM. |
12/06/2018 | MOTION by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. for extension of time |
11/29/2018 | SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant alfiano and all other Defendants identified in the Complaint. |
11/27/2018 | [REDACTED] TEMPORARY Restraining Order Signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 11/27/2018:Emailed notice |
11/27/2018 | [SEALED] TEMPORARY Restraining Order Signed by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 11/27/2018:Emailed notice |
11/27/2018 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: Motion hearing held on Plaintiff's motion for temporary restraining order and other relief 12. For the reasons stated in open court and in the motion, Plaintiff's motion for temporary restraining order 12 is granted. The temporary restraining order will be entered in a separate entry: there will be a temporarily sealed version and a publicly available redacted version. Plaintiff's motion to serve Defendants by electronic means 12 is granted. Plaintiff's motion for expedited discovery is granted. Plaintiff's motion to seal document 10 is granted. Plaintiff's motion for leave to file brief in excess of fifteen pages 11 is granted. The motion for renewal of the TRO or a motion for preliminary injunction to be filed by 12/07/2018, noticed for presentment to coincide with the status hearing. Status hearing set for 12/11/2018 at 8:30 a.m.Emailed notice |
11/25/2018 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Edmond E. Chang: On the Court's own initiative, the time of the motion hearings are reset from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on the same date, 11/27/2018.Emailed notice |
11/20/2018 | Notice of Motion for presentment of 10 11 12 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for leave to file 10, motion for leave to file excess pages 11 before Honorable Edmond E. Chang on 11/27/2018 at 08:30 AM. |
11/20/2018 | SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. Sealed Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Paul Varley regarding memorandum in support of motion 13 附件: 1:Exhibit 2, Part 1 2:Exhibit 2, Part 2 3:Exhibit 2, Part 3 4:Exhibit 2, Part 4 5:Exhibit 2, Part 5 6:Exhibit 2, Part 6 7:Exhibit 2, Part 7 8:Exhibit 2, Part 8 9:Exhibit 2, Part 9 10:Exhibit 2, Part 10 |
11/20/2018 | MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF 12 EX PARTE MOTION 附件: 1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt 2:Exhibit 1-6 to Declaration of KVogt 3:Declaration of Paul Varley 4:Exhibit 1 to Declaration of PVarley |
11/20/2018 | MOTION by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. for leave to file excess pages |
11/20/2018 | MOTION by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. for leave to file [Certain] Documents Under Seal |
11/20/2018 | SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Iron Maiden Holdings LTD. Schedule A to Complaint |
11/20/2018 | NOTICE TO THE PARTIES - The Court is participating in the Mandatory Initial Discovery Pilot (MIDP). The key features and deadlines are set forth in this Notice which includes a link to the (MIDP) Standing Order and a Checklist for use by the parties. In cases subject to the pilot, all parties must respond to the mandatory initial discovery requests set forth in the Standing Order before initiating any further discovery in this case. Please note: The discovery obligations in the Standing Order supersede the disclosures required by Rule 26(a)(1). Any party seeking affirmative relief must serve a copy of the following documents (Notice of Mandatory Initial Discovery and the Standing Order) on each new party when the Complaint, Counterclaim, Crossclaim, or Third-Party Complaint is served. |
11/20/2018 | MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials. |
11/20/2018 | MAILED Trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA. 附件: 1:Registration Numbers |
11/20/2018 | CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Edmond E. Chang. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Sheila M. Finnegan. Case assignment: Random assignment. |
11/19/2018 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff IRON MAIDEN HOLDINGS LTD. by Yi Bu |
11/19/2018 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff IRON MAIDEN HOLDINGS LTD. by Yanling Jiang |
11/19/2018 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff IRON MAIDEN HOLDINGS LTD. by Keith A. Vogt |
11/19/2018 | CIVIL Cover Sheet |
11/19/2018 | COMPLAINT filed by IRON MAIDEN HOLDINGS LTD.; Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0752-15197814. 附件: 1:Exhibit 1 trademarks |
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