2020-cv-60519 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Chanel, Inc. v. The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:03/10/2020

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Chanel 香奈儿

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:SMG

日期 描述
01/15/2021 Civil Case Terminated. Per chambers request. Closing Case.
11/16/2020 CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AS TO THE CONSENT JUDGMENT DEFENDANTS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A HERETO. Granting: [38] Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule APlaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A filed by Chanel, Inc. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 11/16/2020. See attached document for full details.
10/05/2020 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT in favor of Chanel, Inc. against AccessoriesforaQueen, Anna Sobanska111, Asvbi0hmd8, Cotton Baifenbai, EudoraGift, GoldFaith, Hangshu&, Huawu Hardware Machinery Shop, Lost138136, Lucky 7 store, Qing se tong hua wu, SeekTheMostToTheExtreme, Senior Ladies' Wear, Shanxin001, Suofe ya yi chu, Week eight shop, Yanbin Shoe and Hat Shop, a1_fancy_store, aaa_19, accfashion2019, allaboutcase, alwaysbestzj, ar38jhg, astore168, aylacases, beltstore, bigdiscountstore.life, caesar_65, cailai25638, casememe.com, charmfashion, cheapshoeswholesaleonline.com, chenca, chinachina22, conghui126, customizedjerseys, dinglihongshop, drx5588, dunhang05, fashionbag05, fei29, fenash6, garrryyyy88, gg6666, goodshop1234, heilongjiang.MW818, hi666, hncs0731, honghuo6688, jiejiaxun, jxnc0791, lawren67, likebags, lingge12, liwei0415, lmanuel, luxurybelt, mytcoltd, neilcop662, oliva-store975, qq92, rwteaalig, scarf_99, shishangjingpin, shp0123, smile019, smile87, store12345, stzz0513, supersellers888, sylvancornelius, tanchaomad9uy, trendycoco, usshoe, velinzacases, vipsport, vsgod, vxstore33, wangjuanniu19, wanglilid88, wch629, weiluchifushi, wen22, wheieg, whnybz, worth_a_look_uk_2013, wow_aaa, ws5488, xhmz0808, xiaomei1122, yan512, ygy917, yin721, yoyo11, yuyunhua1, zhangxue0002, zsm2019, zxl120815, PERMANENT INJUNCTION Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 10/5/2020. See attached document for full details.
10/01/2020 ORDER Granting [39] Motion for Final Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 10/1/2020. See attached document for full details.
09/01/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Chanel, Inc.
1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment Against Defend
3:Text of Proposed Order Granting Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction
09/01/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A (Responses due by 9/15/2020), Plaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 - Proposed Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to the C
2:Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent
08/20/2020 NOTICE by Chanel, Inc. of Identification of Additional Alias for Defendant Number 13 and Additional PayPal Account Used by Defendant Number 13
1:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support Thereof
2:Exhibit 1 to the Burns Declaration
07/30/2020 Clerks Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" - Motions Terminated: 35 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 7/30/2020.
07/29/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to AccessoriesforaQueen, Anna Sobanska111, Asvbi0hmd8, Cotton Baifenbai, EudoraGift, GoldFaith, Hangshu&, Huawu Hardware Machinery Shop, Lost138136, Lucky 7 store, Qing se tong hua wu, SeekTheMostToTheExtreme, Senior Ladies' Wear, Shanxin001, Suofe ya yi chu, The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A", Week eight shop, Yanbin Shoe and Hat Shop, a1_fancy_store, aaa_19, accfashion2019, allaboutcase, alwaysbestzj, ar38jhg, astore168, aylacases, beltstore, bigdiscountstore.life, caesar_65, cailai25638, casememe.com, charmfashion, cheapshoeswholesaleonline.com, chenca, chinachina22, conghui126, customizedjerseys, deng1314520, dinglihongshop, drx5588, dunhang05, fashionbag05, fei29, fenash6, garrryyyy88, gg6666, goodshop1234, heilongjiang.MW818, hi666, hncs0731, honghuo6688, jiejiaxun, jxnc0791, lawren67, likebags, lingge12, liqingyun188, liwei0415, lmanuel, lujunxi, luxurybelt, mytcoltd, neilcop662, oliva-store975, qq92, rwteaalig, scarf_99, shishangjingpin, shp0123, smile019, smile87, store12345, stzz0513, supersellers888, sylvancornelius, tanchaomad9uy, trendycoco, usshoe, velinzacases, vipsport, vsgod, vxstore33, wangjuanniu19, wanglilid88, wch629, weiluchifushi, wen22, wheieg, whnybz, worth_a_look_uk_2013, wow_aaa, ws5488, xhmz0808, xiangyating, xiaomei1122, yan512, ygy917, yin721, yoyo11, yuyunhua1, yx56789, zhangxue0002, zsm2019, zxl120815 by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
07/22/2020 CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AS TO THE CONSENT JUDGMENT DEFENDANTS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A HERETO, Granting: [33] Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule APlaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A filed by Chanel, Inc. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 7/22/2020. See attached document for full details.
07/17/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A (Responses due by 7/31/2020), Plaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to The Consent Judgment Defendants Identified on Schedule A by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 - Proposed Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction as to the C
2:Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent
07/06/2020 CONSENT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION AS TO THE CONSENT JUDGMENT DEFENDANTS IDENTIFIED ON SCHEDULE A HERETO. Granting: [27] Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to the Defendants Identified on Schedule APlaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to the Defendants Identified on Schedule A filed by Chanel, Inc. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 7/6/2020. See attached document for full details.
06/11/2020 ORDER OF FINAL DISMISSAL. topmarket and womenpop are Dismissed without prejudice. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 6/11/2020. See attached document for full details.
06/11/2020 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice of Defendant Numbers 134 and 138 by Chanel, Inc.
06/02/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re [26] Preliminary Injunction upon Defendants via website posting
06/02/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re [23] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, [26] Preliminary Injunction upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
06/02/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Approve Consent Judgment as to the Defendants Identified on Schedule A (Responses due by 6/16/2020), Plaintiff's MOTION for Permanent Injunction as to the Defendants Identified on Schedule A by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 - Proposed Consent Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction
2:Exhibit 2 - Statements of Consent
04/23/2020 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR ENTRY OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/23/2020. See attached document for full details.
04/23/2020 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Rodney Smith: Motion Hearing held on 4/23/2020, 10:40-10:48 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Chanel, Inc. After hearing from counsel, the Court found plaintiff met its burden to be successful on the merits, therefore the is motion granted. Order to follow Attorney Appearance(s): T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez, Court Reporter: Ellen Rassie, 305-523-5024 / ellen_rassie@flsd.uscourts.gov.
04/23/2020 CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by Unsealing ALL docket entries pursuant to 23 Order
04/22/2020 ORDER Granting 13 Motion to Unseal. The Clerk shall UNSEAL all docket entries in this case. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/22/2020. See attached document for full details.
04/22/2020 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 1 Complaint, 14 Amended Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Chanel, Inc. Aaaacaaaa served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; AccessoriesforaQueen served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Anna Sobanska111 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Asvbi0hmd8 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Cotton Baifenbai served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; EudoraGift served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Fashionstore001 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; GoldFaith served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Hangshu& served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Huawu Hardware Machinery Shop served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Lost138136 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Lucky 7 store served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Qing se tong hua wu served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; SeekTheMostToTheExtreme served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Senior Ladies' Wear served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Shanxin001 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Suofe ya yi chu served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Week eight shop served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; Yanbin Shoe and Hat Shop served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; a1_fancy_store served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; aaa_19 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; accfashion2019 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; ajsf served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; allaboutcase served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; alwaysbestzj served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; appeal appeal served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; ar38jhg served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; astore168 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; aylacases served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; baitong511 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; beltstore served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; bestqualitylowprice6 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; bigdiscountstore.life served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; bmw001 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; brandbag528 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; caesar_65 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; cailai25638 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; casememe.com served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; charmfashion served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; cheapshoeswholesaleonline.com served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; chenca served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; chinachina22 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; conghui126 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; customizedjerseys served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; deng1314520 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; dfb2017 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; dinglihongshop served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; drx5588 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; dunhang05 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; fashionbag05 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; fei29 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; fenash6 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; garrryyyy88 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; gg6666 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; goodshop1234 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; happ1985 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; hats20 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; hb_jewelry served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; heilongjiang.MW818 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; hi666 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; hncs0731 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; honghuo6688 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; hotglasses2016 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; htzt12345 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; huahuasu123 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; jack84 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; jewelry77xiaoshun served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; jewelryboutique served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; jiejiaxun served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; jxnc0791 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; lawren67 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; likebags served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; lingge12 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; linzloveh served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; liqingyun188 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; liwei0415 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; lmanuel served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; lujunxi served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; luxurybelt served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; meiji1688 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; meisiyalandai served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; mytcoltd served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; neilcop662 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; oliva-store975 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; only_jewelry served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; qq92 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; renchenglong8888 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; rwteaalig served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; scarf82 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; scarf_99 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; sellerbf served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; shishangjingpin served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; shp0123 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; smile019 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; smile87 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; store12345 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; stzz0513 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; supersellers888 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; sylvancornelius served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; tanchaomad9uy served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; tiantian06 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; topmarket served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; trade777 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; trendycoco served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; usshoe served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; velinzacases served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; vipsport served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; vsgod served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; vxstore33 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wangjuanniu19 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wanglilid88 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wch629 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; weiluchifushi served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wen22 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wheieg served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; whnybz served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; womenpop served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; worth_a_look_uk_2013 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wow_aaa served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; ws5488 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; wyl15 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; xhmz0808 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; xiangyating served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; xiaomei1122 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; xie1954 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; xqin0209 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yaadf2 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yan512 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; ygy917 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yifenghuang served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yin721 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yoyo11 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yunyun2018 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yuyunhua1 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; yx56789 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; zhangxue0002 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; zsm2019 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020; zxl120815 served on 4/20/2020, answer due 5/11/2020.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
04/22/2020 NOTICE by Chanel, Inc. Of E-Mail Inquiries Received From Certain Defendants
1:Exhibit 1 to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries
04/21/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re 5 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, 3 Form AO 120/121, 4 Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, 8 Order on Motion to Seal, 1 Complaint, upon Defendants via website posting
04/21/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re 8 Order on Motion to Seal, 1 Complaint, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
04/21/2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re 8 Order on Motion to Seal, 1 Complaint, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
04/20/2020 Notice of Filing Bond by Chanel, Inc.
04/20/2020 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A".
04/20/2020 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Chanel, Inc.
1:Summon(s) combined
04/20/2020 Plaintiff's AMENDED COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants, filed by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 to the Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Chanel Trademarks
04/20/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by Chanel, Inc.
1:Text of Proposed Order
04/13/2020 Set/Reset Sealed Deadlines/Hearings : Prelinjhrg Hearing set for 4/23/2020 10:45 AM before Judge Rodney Smith. per DE 12 (cbr) Modified by Unsealing Deadline per 23 Order on 4/23/2020
04/13/2020 Notice of Resetting Hearing (cbr) Modified by Unsealing Document per 23 Order on 4/23/2020
04/09/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 11 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
04/09/2020 Sealed Document by Chanel, Inc.
1:Schedule "A" to Complaint) Modified by Unsealing Document per
2:Order on 4/23/2020 (nc
04/09/2020 Order; granting 7 Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/8/2020. (cbr) Modified by Unsealing Document per 23 Order on 4/23/2020
04/09/2020 Set/Reset Sealed Deadlines/Hearings : Telephonic Preliminary Injunction Hearing set for 4/22/2020 11:00 AM before Judge Rodney Smith. per DE 9 (cbr) Modified Deadline Unsealed per 23 Order on 4/23/2020
04/09/2020 Sealed Order; granting 6 Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/9/2020. (cbr) Modified by Unsealing Document per 23 Order on 4/23/2020
04/09/2020 ORDER granting 5 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Rodney Smith on 4/9/2020. See attached document for full details.
03/11/2020 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Chanel, Inc.
1:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
2:Exhibit 1 to the Gaffigan Decl.
3:Text of Proposed Order) Modified by Unsealing Document per
4:Order on 4/23/2020 (nc
03/11/2020 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Chanel, Inc.
1:Declaration of Jennifer Bleys in Support Thereof
2:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support Thereof
3:Declaration of Eric Rosaler in Support Thereof
4:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 1
5:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 2
6:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 3
7:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 4
8:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 5
9:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 6
10:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 7
11:Exhibit 1 to the Rosaler Decl. - Part 8
12:Declaration of Kathleen Burns in Support Thereof
13:Exhibit 1 to the Burns Decl. - Part 1
14:Exhibit 1 to the Burns Decl. - Part 2
15:Text of Proposed Order) Modified by Unsealing Document per
16:Order on 4/23/2020 (nc
03/11/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 7 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
03/11/2020 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (700785)
03/11/2020 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Chanel, Inc.
1:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion to Seal
03/10/2020 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Chanel, Inc.
03/10/2020 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Rodney Smith. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
03/10/2020 COMPLAINT for Damages and Injunctive Relief against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 400.00 receipt number AFLSDC-12580806, filed by Chanel, Inc.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to the Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Chanel Trademarks

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