2024-cv-01372 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Funny Soul LLC v. Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations on Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/19/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Xarfik-FTOPUDV 服饰

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Getech


日期 描述
07/02/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations on Schedule A
05/31/2024 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 5/31/2024. Mailed notice.
05/31/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: The Court has reviewed the status report. 31. The motion for entry of Default 28 is granted, as modified. Enter Order. Mailed notice.
05/29/2024 STATUS Report by Funny Soul LLC
05/15/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Any response to Plaintiff's motion for default [28] is due by 5/24/24. Plaintiff is to file a status report by 5/29/24. Mailed notice
05/13/2024 MEMORANDUM by Funny Soul LLC in support of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment[28]
05/13/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC for entry of default, MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC for default judgment as to all Defendants
05/02/2024 NEW PARTIES: buyaogenmaiwo, tian050318hao011105wen, Duanyyy, huhao253, zhijiangshiyuefenshangmaoyouxiangongsi, Z2a8n3NWR7YQ6h2a8, ', fujinaxingtaihaoyangshi, taiyuanshisuonanduojieshangmaoyouxiangongsi and Rongqing yundong added to case caption.
04/26/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: The Clerk is directed to unseal any previously sealed documents in this matter. Plaintiff is ordered to add all Defendant names listed in the Schedule A to the docket within three business days. Instructions can be found on the court's website located at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. In addition, is a link to video instructions for Plaintiff to view on how to Add Terminate Party https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/Videos.aspx?folder=_cmecf&play=Add_Terminate.mp4. Status report remains due on 6/14/24. [25] Mailed notice.
04/12/2024 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER Signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 4/12/2024. Mailed notice.
04/12/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion for entry of preliminary injunction [22] is granted. Enter Preliminary injunction Order. Plaintiff is to file a status report on 6/14/24. Mailed notice.
04/10/2024 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Funny Soul LLC as to Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations on Schedule A on 4/10/2024, answer due 5/1/2024.
04/10/2024 MEMORANDUM by Funny Soul LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[22]
04/10/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC for preliminary injunction
04/10/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Individuals, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations on Schedule A
04/01/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: The Court has reviewed the Plaintiff's status report. Plaintiff shall file a status report by 5/15/24. Mailed notice.
03/29/2024 STATUS Report by Funny Soul LLC
03/27/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's ex parte motion to extend the temporary restraining order [17] is granted. TRO is extended to 4/12/24. Mailed notice.
03/25/2024 MEMORANDUM in Support of Plaintiff's Motion to Extend the Temporary Restraining Order
03/25/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC to Extend the Temporary Restraining Order
03/20/2024 BOND in the amount of $10,000 cashier's check, receipt no.100003994, posted by Funny Soul LLC. (evw,)
03/15/2024 SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER Signed by the Honorable Mary M. Rowland on 3/15/2024. Mailed notice.
03/15/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of temporary restraining order, including a temporary restraining order, including temporary injunction, temporary asset restraint, and expedited discovery [3] is granted. Enter Sealed Temporary Restraining Order. Mailed notice.
03/07/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff's motion to seal documents [7] is granted. Plaintiff's motion for alternate service [5] is granted. Plaintiff has requested a TRO. The court requires a bond of $1,000 per defendant in schedule A cases. Plaintiff is to send a proposed order to the court's proposed order mailbox at Proposed_Order_Rowland@ilnd.uscourts.gov reflecting that bond amount by 3/21/24. Plaintiff is to file a status report by 3/29/24. Mailed notice.
02/28/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Mary M. Rowland: Plaintiff has filed a motion requested a temporary restraining order. In Schedule A cases, the court requires a bond be posted of $1,000 per defendant identified in the Schedule A. Plaintiff is free to resubmit a proposed TRO that complies with this requirement if it wishes to pursue this action. Mailed notice.
02/20/2024 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
02/20/2024 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
02/20/2024 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
02/20/2024 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Mary M. Rowland. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey Cole. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 2).
02/19/2024 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Funny Soul LLC
02/19/2024 CIVIL Cover Sheet
02/19/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC by Ge Lei
02/19/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC to seal documents
02/19/2024 SEALED RESPONSE Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Alternative Service
02/19/2024 SEALED MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC for alternative service
02/19/2024 SEALED RESPONSE Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order
02/19/2024 SEALED MOTION by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order
02/19/2024 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Funny Soul LLC Amended Complaint
02/19/2024 COMPLAINT filed by Funny Soul LLC; Jury Demand. Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-21650901.

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