2021-cv-03377 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Legend Pictures, LLC v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:06/23/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Pacific Rim 环太平洋

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Keith

日期 描述
08/19/2021 MAILED trademark report with certified copy of judgment order dated 8/18/2021 to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
08/18/2021 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Manish S. Shah on 8/18/2021. Notices mailed.
08/18/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: No defendants have appeared to object to the motion for entry of default judgment. The motion 26 is granted. Based on the evidence submitted in support of the temporary restraining order and the admission of liability by virtue of the default, plaintiff has established that a permanent injunction should be entered. The infringement of plaintiff's marks irreparably harms plaintiff and confuses the public. The infringement was willful and statutory damages are awarded. After considering the nature of the products, the price point, the absence of any concrete evidence of lost profits or high-volume infringement by defendants, the value of the plaintiff's brand, and the need to deter infringement that is easily committed and difficult to stop, the court concludes that $50,000 is an appropriate award of statutory damages (total per defendant for all theories of liability). Enter Default Judgment Order. Terminate civil case. Notices mailed.
08/02/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Any objections to the motion for default judgment 26 must be properly filed by 8/9/21. If no objections are filed, the motion will be considered unopposed. Plaintiff's counsel must serve this scheduling order on defendants. Notices mailed.
07/30/2021 MEMORANDUM by Legend Pictures, LLC in support of motion for default judgment 26
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
07/30/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC for default judgment as to The Defendants Identified In Schedule A
07/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: sourisack chansomphou, Stacey DAuriziog, StephanieWilliamkMzYk, Steve Howze, sunguoqing245, sunlei271X, sunwei1828845, sunxinyue002X, sunyajun76573, sunyang fashion, sunyang5667, sunyuyang3519, surprise shi, susu123, tangguobin886823, tangjiayi632154566 and tangjinlong875464 added to case caption.
07/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: sourisack chansomphou, Stacey DAuriziog, StephanieWilliamkMzYk, Steve Howze, sunguoqing245, sunlei271X, sunwei1828845, sunxinyue002X, sunyajun76573, sunyang fashion, sunyang5667, sunyuyang3519, surprise shi, susu123, tangguobin886823, tangjiayi632154566 and tangjinlong875464 added to case caption.
07/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: longqing78564, luizijun12345, LunfanzhipC, Luofaleishop, luohuiyin27, Luowenhao5432768, lvhaoru7913, lvlin1211, lvwenchuan3956, lvwenjia Store, lvxiaofan6857, LWQQ234, mahui5213, malei4636, Mango Cricket YER, Marshacb, MartinaEnochgReErD, Mary Jarrell, Matt Thurber, maweiwei Store, meiwenhui0623, MelissaHeatherbPrLr, Melody Malone, mengfanwei66058, mengxueke147, Michelle King, mnhgua, Naierxiang, naishikuan138792489, NatalieLeeaUfOk, NeiMengGu BaoTou Huiming shopping, New Hoa Dang, NicelyShop, niujunhui123, niuyanyan5289, niwenqi820, Oliver Flood, PaixialuchendX, pangzhaoou1, Paula Lee, Paulxw, pdaoid, Pearl Roby, peluchesoviedo, Philipp Cuny, PPPabcgg, Primer Lugar, QiaoweikefYj, qichanglin2391, qiluyao520, qinbin57711584964, qinluran66, qishanshan454546, qituo454684, qiumenghong310424, QueenNight, RalapEvanjDjD, Ralph Barnes, RandolphMartinjUtQz, ReefStore, rkmzcfshop, rudesillbrfgxad, SabinaArleneAoZ, SamanthaSusanaQfSf, sdd333, sgwserw, ShatongxuanhU, shiweiling Store, shuangshishengshen, shunshuhui, siyan583, smileshen, Snow island art store, SONGFANGJI886136 and songmingzhu1234 added to case caption.
07/27/2021 NEW PARTIES: JuliusAndrewuCuNk, jvxin123456789, Katerine, khadeeqhmno, kongchuiting99, Lam marker, Li Fang Art Painting, Li zhi xin shop, liangruizhi0010, liangshanshan45468, LianTingYi68235, lichunyao0830, lijiawei4628, lijinduo55855, lijingwei163070, liliyan168, lilu6755645545, lilycaishop, linan14736928, linchangbiao8752895, Linda S French, linsiqin518154, linziyun1314, lishanshan133, lisu2780, litingting4322, liuanxin, LIUBETY, liuchang5746, liuchang823, liuchuanzheng25, liuhao13680, liujianghuai123, liujiaxin00, liujie345, liuqinhui1998, liuzhenwang5040, lixiaoping Store, lixinhang2445, lixinran42164, lixiulin, LIxuf85202580, Liyang123456, liyanping Store me, liyaolong13, liyujie0825, lizhihao842200, lizixuan1394, lizuqi583 and longfei Store me added to case caption.
07/22/2021 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Order. Signed by the Honorable Manish S. Shah on 7/22/2021. Notices mailed.
07/22/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction 20 is granted. No defendant has appeared or objected to the motion. The evidence submitted in support of the TRO also supports the entry of a preliminary injunction. Enter preliminary injunction. The Clerk is directed to unseal any previously sealed documents in this matter. Plaintiff's counsel is directed to add all defendants listed on Schedule A to the court's docket within three business days. Instructions on how to do so may be located on the court's website at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/instructions. Notices mailed.
07/08/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Any objections to the motion for a preliminary injunction must be properly filed by 7/19/21. If no objections are filed, the motion will be considered unopposed. Notices mailed.
07/08/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Legend Pictures, LLC as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 7/8/2021, answer due 7/29/2021.
1:Declaration of Service
07/08/2021 MEMORANDUM by Legend Pictures, LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction 20
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1, Declaration of Keith Vogt
07/08/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC for preliminary injunction
07/06/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: The motion for extension of the temporary restraining order 18 is granted. The TRO is extended to 7/22/21. The court expects plaintiff to serve all defendants and give notice of any motion for a preliminary injunction by 7/19/21. Notices mailed.
07/02/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC for extension of time of the Temporary Restraining Order
06/28/2021 BOND on Injunction in the amount of $ 50,000.00 posted by Legend Pictures, LLC. (Document not imaged)
06/24/2021 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"
06/24/2021 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
06/24/2021 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA
06/24/2021 SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Manish S. Shah on 6/24/2021. Notices mailed.
06/24/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Plaintiff's ex parte motions to file documents under seal 8, for excess pages 9, and for a temporary restraining order, asset restraint, and expedited discovery 10 are granted. The plaintiff's written submissions establish that if defendants were informed of this proceeding before a TRO could issue, assets would likely be redirected, defeating plaintiff's interests in identifying defendants, stopping the infringement, and obtaining an accounting. In addition, the submitted evidence establishes a likelihood of success on the merits (including evidence of active infringement of plaintiff's intellectual property and intent to conduct business in Illinois), the harm to plaintiff is irreparable, and an injunction is in the public interest because infringement interferes with the plaintiff's ability to control its intellectual property and causes consumer confusion. Those rights cannot be fully compensated by money damages. There is no countervailing harm to defendants from an order directing them to stop infringement. Electronic service of process does not violate any treaty and is consistent with due process because it is an effective, perhaps the most effective, way to communicate with defendants. The court reminds plaintiff's counsel that the electronic service authorized requires both electronic publication and email to every known email address associated with defendants. Expedited discovery is warranted to identify defendants and implement the asset freeze. If any defendant were to appear and object, the court will take a fresh look at the asset freeze, joinder, and personal jurisdiction. Because plaintiff seeks to enjoin 200 defendants, the court concludes that $50,000 is necessary to secure the injunctive relief. The large number of defendants corresponds to a higher amount of damages in the event of a wrongful injunction. Security must be posted by July 1, 2021. Enter Sealed TRO. Notices mailed.
06/24/2021 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"
06/23/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC Sealed Exhibit 3 to the Declaration of Kristina Holliman regarding memorandum in support of motion, 11
1:Exhibit 3, Part 1
2:Exhibit 3, Part 2
3:Exhibit 3, Part 3
4:Exhibit 3, Part 4
5:Exhibit 3, Part 5
6:Exhibit 3, Part 6
06/23/2021 MEMORANDUM In Support of 10 Ex Parte Motion
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1-4, Declaration of Keith Vogt
3:Declaration of Kristina Holliman
4:Exhibit 1, Declaration of Kristina Holliman
5:Exhibit 2, Declaration of Kristina Holliman
06/23/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC for leave to file excess pages
06/23/2021 MOTION by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC for leave to file [Certain] Documents Under Seal
06/23/2021 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Manish S. Shah. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Young B. Kim. Case assignment: Random assignment.
06/23/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC by Adam Grodman
06/23/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC by Yi Bu
06/23/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC by Yanling Jiang
06/23/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC by Keith A. Vogt
06/23/2021 CIVIL Cover Sheet
06/23/2021 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Legend Pictures, LLC Schedule A to Complaint 1
06/23/2021 COMPLAINT filed by Legend Pictures, LLC; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-18382721.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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