2021-cv-04701 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC et al v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:09/02/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Tommy Hilfiger 汤米·希尔费格

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:GBC

日期 描述
12/10/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC as to certain defendants
12/03/2021 NOTICE of withdrawal of bond 30 by John Summerfield
11/24/2021 MAILED trademark report with certified copy of order dated 11/23/2021 to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA
11/23/2021 ORDER: Telephonic conference and ruling on motion hearing held. Motion for entry of default [42] is granted. Enter order. Civil case terminated. Signed by the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber on 11/23/2021: Mailed notice
11/18/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber: Plaintiffs' Motion for default judgment 42 will be heard via telephone conference set for 11/23/21 at 9:45 AM. Dial: 888-684-8852 or 215-446-0155, access code: 9582710#. Security code (if asked): 8115. Mailed notice
11/18/2021 NOTICE by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC re MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for entry of default MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for default judgment as to all Defendants 42
11/18/2021 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 43
1:Exhibit 1
11/18/2021 MEMORANDUM by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC in support of motion for entry of default, motion for default judgment, 42
1:Exhibit 1
11/18/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for entry of default, MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for default judgment as to all Defendants
11/18/2021 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC as to Certain Defendants
11/17/2021 NEW PARTIES: Chenzhou Huichen Technology Co., Ltd, Jieyang Rongcheng Joy Life E-Commerce Business Department, Quanzhou Daidaidaibao Network Technology Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Bai Nian Tianxia Trade Co., Ltd, Zhuji Soulmate E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Empty pockets Store, Very Good T-shirt B Store, L&X3 Store, Unveiling girl Store, jlchai20 Store, Tidy men's suit shop Store, aiaii213 Store, BrandOnline Store, zo86cccccc Store, 123321 Store, Radish costume Store, With the high-quality goods Store, 1070733860 Store, 17858946941 Store, 1994ZH Store, 2021apparel Store, 569fykl Store, 6545498774 Store, 908sales Store, 9181818 Store, 9527 sportswear Store, A man's wardrobe. Store, aaaapabg Store, AAAyst Store, ADFSD Store, aiaithanks12 Store, AiYiYao Store, Anointed 2019 Store, Aprilia Clothes Store, Axuping Store, BaBaBuy Club Store, baique Store, Bang_Yuan Store, Beautiful and Fascinating Store, bibibi1212 Store, Black Friday 888 Store, BLOSSOMLIFE Store, Brilliant Show Store, Childhood Friends Store, COZOK-520 Store, cq888 Store, Dave-kang Store, Dime Store, Dimelet Store, Direct marketing factory Store, DIYs 155 Store, Domineering man Store, drdfdf Store, EMIN Stylish Swimwear Store, fashionka Store, FGH5566 Store, fujianshoes188 Store Store, FULONG Store, gdgh185213 Store, good man cloese Shop Store, GYMJAM Store, haikeyi123456 Store, HaiXia Store, HAOOHU Official Store, HF_Crotchet boys Children's Clothes Store, highquality 123 Store, High-quality discounts12 Store, Hongjie Apparel Store, INGOO Online Store, Jennye Store, JIANUO Watch Store, JK Bags Store, JN228899 Store, JN659889 Store, JNG-XQY Store, jun man001 Store, kangyongxue Store, li zhe jun 1818918 Store, Lifemen T-shirt Store, lililigo 12 Store, LinQi DROP SHIPPING Trading Co., Ltd Store, LoveNecklace Jewellwey Store, LT 156 Store, Luxurypanties Store, LVZHI Store, man cloese very good Store, MCCKLE SHOE Store, Men's Boutique 8888888 Store, Men's Boutique989 Store, Men's jacket suit Store, Miseo Store, Nanren's wardrobe 002 Store, NBNBNB Store, NEED BUY Store, NineFox Store, Pink baby house Store, Pinotis Watch Store, qiaoye1818 Store, qzouchangB Store, qzouchangE Store, Raocheng store Store, SelectClothes Store, SH men's wardrobe Store, shackles Store, Shangyifang Store, Shiyaze Store, Shop4406141 Store, Shop4921007 Store, Shop5064359 Store, Shop5361318 Store, Shop5579020 Store, Shop5780735 Store, shop654984 Store, Shop900246131 Store, Shop910719086 Store, Shop911217262 Store, Shop911608431 Store, shuimuqi2021 Store, SN Boutiques Store, Sofitel 1918 Store, Sofitel 1958 Store, Sofitel1960 Store, soso122. Store, stone Trendy shoe Store, Street Harajuku Store, Sumi Lavi Store, SUPER MIX Official Store, TM Hoodie Pants Store, Trendency Bag Store, unun123 Store, uuuyyy123123 Store, Uzakey Store, We251416 Store, WEIRDO Dropshipping Store, WenNuan688 Store, Where's HuiJUUU Store, WXM Store, xiaocancan Store, XIN YUN SHANG Store, Xin@Bo Store, xinjin Store, xinyufushi Store, xionxion Store, xmbaichangdaC Store, YangFa Woman Store, yanglong Store, Yicheng jeans Store, Yocelynn Factory Store, Yongxin shoe store Store, You came here Store, you128 Store, yuyunxia Store, ZANPACE Tammy Princess Store, ZHI518.5518 Store, zizi123123 Store, zkukukukuku Store, zm18888 Store, zuan01 Store, zuan777 Store, Brand-Online Store, wiwiwi121 Store, 1958 Store, 1999TAOZHUAN Store, AAS77520 Store, Deerdense Store, First, boutiques Store, HARNI HWANG-04 Store, HEFANGFUSHI003 Store, kamaihw Store, Laozhu005 Store, LZJ1981111AA Store, MKAH Store, QAWS556677 Store, Sexy woman S Store, Sofitel 1962 Store, Step over World Store, TOPsales Store, Wabi-sabi Store, xionmian Store, yaa xiom Store, zhang 11111111111111111111 Store, ltpd5015, nightclub888.com, sunifty.com, westome.com, baijingyu04024, calvinkleinchlie.com, calvinkleinrebajas.com, calvinkleinonlineus.com, calvinkleinonlinesrbija.com, calvinkleinonderbroeken.com, calvinkleinsaleuk.com, calvinkleindenmark.com, calvinkleinoutletportugal.com, calvinkleinromania.com, calvinkleinbelgie.com, calvinkleinoutletnorge.com, calvinkleinsalecanada.com, calvinkleincalgary.com, calvinkleinoutletgreece.com, tommyhilfiger-canada.com, tommynz.com, lethinhien.com, hothoneywatermedia.com and superfsk.com added to case caption.
10/12/2021 ORDER: Telephonic ruling on motion hearing held. Plaintiffs' Motion for preliminary injunction 35 is granted. See attached order. Signed by the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber on 10/12/2021: Mailed notice
10/08/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber: Plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction 35 will be heard via Telephone Conference set for 10/12/21 at 9:30 a.m. To join the conference, Dial: 888-684-8852 or 215-446-0155, access code: 9582710#. Security code (if asked): 8115. Mailed notice
10/07/2021 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC, Calvin Klein, Inc., Calvin Klein Trademark Trust as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" on 10/7/2021, answer due 10/28/2021.
1:Declaration of Isaku M. Begert
10/07/2021 NOTICE by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC re MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for preliminary injunction [35]
10/07/2021 MEMORANDUM by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[35]
1:Declaration of Justin R. Gaudio
2:Exhibit 1
10/07/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for preliminary injunction
10/07/2021 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A"
09/20/2021 ORDER: Motion for extension of time of the TRO 31 is granted. See attached order. Telephone Conference set for 9/23/21 is re-set to 10/12/21 at 9:30 a.m. To join the conference, Dial: 888-684-8852 or 215-446-0155, access code: 9582710#. Security code (if asked): 8115. Mailed notice
09/20/2021 NOTICE by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC re MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order 31
09/20/2021 MEMORANDUM by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC in support of extension of time 31
1:Declaration of Justin R. Gaudio
09/20/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for extension of time of Temporary Restraining Order
09/15/2021 SURETY BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC (Document not scanned).
09/09/2021 ORDER: Telephonic ruling on motion hearing held. Plaintiffs' motions [10, 19] are granted. Enter Sealed Order. Telephone Conference set for 9/23/21 at 10:00 a.m. To join the conference, Dial: 888-684-8852 or 215-446-0155, access code: 9582710#. Security code (if asked): 8115. Mailed notice
09/09/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC by Jake Michael Christensen
09/07/2021 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials
09/07/2021 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA
09/03/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber: Plaintiffs' motions [10, 19] will be heard via Telephone Conference set for 9/9/21 at 9:15 a.m. To join the conference, Dial: 888-684-8852 or 215-446-0155, access code: 9582710#. Security code (if asked): 8115. Mailed notice
09/03/2021 Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC
09/03/2021 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC
09/03/2021 NOTICE by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC re MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Transfer of the Defendant Domain Names, a Temporary Asset Restraint, an 10, MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLCfor Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3) 19
09/03/2021 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 20
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
09/03/2021 MEMORANDUM by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief 19
09/03/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLCfor Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3)
09/03/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC Exhibit 4 regarding declaration 16
09/03/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC Exhibit 3 - Parts 1 - 2 regarding declaration 16
1:Exhibit 3-1
2:Exhibit 3-2
09/03/2021 DECLARATION of Dawn Buonocore-Atlas regarding memorandum in support of motion 11
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
09/03/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC Exhibit 3 regarding declaration 13
09/03/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC Exhibit 2 - Parts 1 - 3 regarding declaration 13
1:Exhibit 2-1
2:Exhibit 2-2
3:Exhibit 2-3
09/03/2021 DECLARATION of Alastair Gray regarding memorandum in support of motion 11
1:Exhibit 1
09/03/2021 DECLARATION of Justin R. Gaudio regarding memorandum in support of motion 11
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4
09/03/2021 MEMORANDUM by Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC in support of motion for temporary restraining order, 10
09/03/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for temporary restraining order including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Transfer of the Defendant Domain Names, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery
09/02/2021 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber: Motion for leave to file under seal [3] is granted. Mailed notice
09/02/2021 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Sheila M. Finnegan. Case assignment: Random assignment.
09/02/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC by Isaku Begert
09/02/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC by RiKaleigh C. Johnson
09/02/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC by Amy Crout Ziegler
09/02/2021 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC by Justin R. Gaudio
09/02/2021 CIVIL Cover Sheet
09/02/2021 MOTION by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC for leave to file under seal
09/02/2021 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiffs Calvin Klein Trademark Trust, Calvin Klein, Inc., Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC Schedule A regarding complaint, [1]
09/02/2021 COMPLAINT filed by Tommy Hilfiger Licensing LLC, Calvin Klein, Inc., Calvin Klein Trademark Trust; Filing fee $ 402, receipt number 0752-18630923.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4
5:Exhibit 5

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