2024-cv-03424 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Sassan Filsoof v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:04/29/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Sassan 运动风插画

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Keith

日期 描述
06/26/2024 DEFAULT JUDGMENT ORDER Signed by the Honorable John Robert Blakey on 6/26/2024. Mailed notice
06/26/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Motion hearing held on 6/26/2024 on Plaintiff's motion for default judgment 31.Based upon the notice of voluntary dismissal 35, this case is dismissed without prejudice as to Defendants linzhengzheng (No. 6) and cai ' (No. 55). Absent reinstatement by 8/30/24, the dismissal of these Defendants shall automatically convert to a dismissal with prejudice. No defaulting defendant having appeared to object to the motion or otherwise, and for the reasons explained in the accompanying order, the Court grants Plaintiff's motion for entry of default and default judgment as to the Defendants identified in the accompanying Amended Schedule A 31. Enter Default Judgment Order. All matters in dispute now having been resolved, the case is closed. Civil case terminated. Mailed notice
06/26/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by All Plaintiffs as to defendant no. 6 linzhengzheng and defendant no. 55 cai'
06/14/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: In light of the federal holiday, the 6/19/24 Notice of Motion date is stricken and reset to 6/26/24 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 1203. Mailed notice
06/12/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for default judgment 31 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 6/19/2024 at 11:00 AM.
06/12/2024 MEMORANDUM by Sassan Filsoof in support of motion for default judgment 31
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:(Declaration of Keith A. Vogt)
06/12/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof for default judgment as to Against the Defendants Identified in First Amended Schedule A
1:(Exhibit 1)
05/30/2024 NEW PARTIES: weifanshangmao, Hu Kuiyang, hefeilanyangshangmaoyouxiangongsi, Wang Faxin, zhijiangshishimangjiaomaoyidian, A winning streak, QuanZhouKangNuo, TaoChaAnShangMao, SDJD-DN, ylu sp, lizonghui, Friction nano yue, xuemei Art, zzzjjjlll, TangYinXianQuManYanShangMaoYouXianGongS i, Barnett Art, kunmingcuishuoshangmaoyouxiangongsi, junpingposter, lei art store, All comply with, linmingzhenyishu, kunmingmouyushangmao, zhaml, changfenglisidianzishangwugongzuoshi, SuLianShangMao126, XLTDDP, xiaozhongyuan, Defendant 42, Defendant 53, Defendant 55 and Defendant 62 added to case caption.
05/30/2024 NEW PARTIES: henanraotengfuzhuangyouxiangongsi, dxayhfchisnvj, kunmingyanheshangmao, Guangzhoutianhoushangmaoyouxiangongsi and chengjiangweinishangmaoyouxiangongsi added to case caption.
05/30/2024 NEW PARTIES: Truth Online Art, TYUQJAY, kunmingquntingshangmaoyouxiangongsi, hefeifengjingxinxikejiyouxiangongsi, hefeinishufangdianzishangwuyouxiangongsi and huangshaolun123 added to case caption.
05/30/2024 NEW PARTIES: XIELIANG SHOP, zuokangqing, Booming decoration store, putianchengxiangjialongyubaihuoshanghang, ejiashangmao, WANGWEIMAIYIFU, yuxiaishunwangluokejiyouxiangongsi, waynlong, zhangzhichengcheng, 4829160010941865, XTYKongHu, xixianxinquqinhanxinchengmingyumaobaihuodian, tangshanhonghaoxiaofangshebeiyouxiangongsi and ZHAN-CHENG added to case caption.
05/30/2024 NEW PARTIES: Linjinshan, Happy Holidays Store, GaoGuYouXianGongSi, FanJIngGuoGuo Co.Ltd., Art online, linzhengzheng, zhengzhoulizhiyuanshipinyouxiangongsi, xiangyangshiwanrangyushangmaoyouxiangongsi, liusuit and songniw152 added to case caption.
05/29/2024 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER Signed by the Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/29/2024. Mailed notice
05/29/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Motion hearing held on 5/29/2024. No defendant has appeared or otherwise objected in response to the TRO or Plaintiff's motion for entry of a preliminary injunction 25. Accordingly, and based upon the same findings made in this Court's TRO 23, this Court finds that a preliminary injunction is appropriate and warranted, as well as unopposed and grants Plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction 25. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. The Court directs the Clerk to unseal any previously sealed documents in this matter and directs Plaintiff's counsel to add all defendants listed on Schedule A to the Court's docket within three business days. Plaintiff may find instructions at https://www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/_assets/_documents/_forms/_cmecf/pdfs/v60/Add_Terminate_Instructions.pdf. By 7/8/24, Plaintiff shall file a status report regarding the status of service of process, settlement discussions, and any further information that Plaintiff wishes to bring to the Court's attention. Mailed notice
05/21/2024 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Sassan Filsoof as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A on 5/21/2024, answer due 6/11/2024.
1:(Declaration of Service)
05/21/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction 25 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/29/2024 at 11:00 AM.
05/21/2024 MEMORANDUM by Sassan Filsoof in support of motion for preliminary injunction 25
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:(Exhibit 1, of Keith A. Vogt's Declaration)
05/21/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof for preliminary injunction
05/15/2024 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 68,000 posted by Sassan Filsoof. (Document not Imaged)
05/14/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A
05/14/2024 SEALED ORDER Signed by the Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/14/2024. Mailed notice
05/14/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the materials submitted, this Court grants Plaintiff's ex parte renewed motion for entry of a temporary restraining order 20 and strikes the 5/15/24 Notice of Motion date. Enter sealed temporary restraining order. Consistent with this order, within seven (7) calendar days, Filsoof shall deposit with the Court Sixty-eight Thousand U.S. Dollars ($68,000), either cash or surety bond, as security. Absent further order, this TRO will expire on 5/28/24. Mailed notice
05/07/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable John Robert Blakey: Based upon the materials submitted, this Court grants Plaintiff's motion for leave to file under seal [11] and motion for leave to file excess pages [12] and strikes the 5/8/24 Notice of Motion date. The Court denies without prejudice Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order [13], however, because the Schedule A attached to the proposed order proposed counsel submitted does not match the Schedule A attached to the Complaint. And the Court thus has no basis to grant relief as to the listed Defendants. Mailed notice
05/01/2024 MAILED Copyright report to Registrar, Washington DC.
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Monica Rita Martin
04/29/2024 Presentment for Exparte Motion 13 and NOTICE of Motion by Keith A. Vogt for presentment of motion for leave to file 11, motion for leave to file excess pages 12 before Honorable John Robert Blakey on 5/8/2024 at 11:00 AM.
04/29/2024 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof Sealed Exhibit 2, Declaration of Sassan Filsoof regarding memorandum in support of motion, 14
1:(Exhibit 2-1)
04/29/2024 MEMORANDUM in Support of 13 Exparte Motion
1:Declaration of Keith A. Vogt
2:Exhibit 1-4, of Keith A. Vogt's Declaration
3:Declaration of Sassan Filsoof
4:(Exhibit 1, of Sassan Filsoof's Declaration)
04/29/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof for leave to file excess pages
04/29/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof for leave to file under seal
04/29/2024 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
04/29/2024 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable John Robert Blakey. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Jeffrey T. Gilbert. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 3).
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Yi Bu
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Yanling Jiang
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Christopher Romero
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Christopher Romero
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Cameron Eugene Mcintyre
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Adam Grodman
04/29/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof by Keith A. Vogt
04/29/2024 CIVIL Cover Sheet
04/29/2024 SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Sassan Filsoof Schedule A to Complaint 1
04/29/2024 COMPLAINT filed by Sassan Filsoof; Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-21906097.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:(Exhibit 4)

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