2024-cv-21516 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. v. The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A Hereto

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:05/29/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:SHEIN女装

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:SCIP

日期 描述
11/22/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Unopposed Motion for Return of Cash Bond (DE 85) ("Motion"). Upon review of the record and the Motion, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Motion (DE 85) is GRANTED. The bond posted by Plaintiff in the amount of $10,000 (DE 28) plus any accrued interest is ordered to be released by the Clerk of Court to Plaintiff's counsel: Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, c/o Daniel Humphrey. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 11/22/2024. (rm04)
11/21/2024 Clerk's Notice to Filer re [85] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. Filer Selected the Wrong Motion Relief(s); ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs.
11/20/2024 STIPULATION of Dismissal Joint by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
11/20/2024 Unopposed MOTION for Return of Cash Bond re [27] Order on Ex Parte Motion, by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
1:Text of Proposed Order
1:(Paperless order at DE#83) (scn)
10/22/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER REQUIRING JOINT STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL AND ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSING CASE. THIS MATTER is before the Court on the Notice of Settlement (DE 81) indicating that the Parties have reached a settlement of this matter. Accordingly, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that on or before November 20, 2024, the Parties shall file a joint stipulation of dismissal. If the Parties wish for the Court to retain jurisdiction beyond the filing of their joint stipulation, they are advised that they must file the settlement agreement for review and any stipulation must comply with the Eleventh Circuit's holding in Anago Franchising, Inc. v. Shaz, LLC, 677 F.3d 1272 (11th Cir. 2012). Otherwise, the dismissal of this matter is effective and self-executing upon the filing of the Parties' joint stipulation of dismissal. Id. All hearings and deadlines are CANCELED. All pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT. This case is CLOSED for administrative purposes. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 10/22/2024. (rm04)
10/21/2024 NOTICE of Settlement by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
10/07/2024 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction. Objections to R&R due by 10/21/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 10/7/2024. See attached document for full details.
10/01/2024 Defendant's NOTICE of Filing Proposed Report and Recommendation on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS re 70 Order
1:(Text of Proposed Order Report and Recommendation on Preliminary Injunction Motion)
10/01/2024 NOTICE of Striking 77 Notice (Other), filed by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS
10/01/2024 Clerk's Notice to Filer re 77 Notice (Other). Proposed Order Docketed as Main Document; CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED WITHIN 3 DAYS - Filer must File a Notice of Striking, then resubmit the proposed order as instructed in the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures.
09/30/2024 STRICKEN per DE 79. NOTICE of Filing Report and Recommendation on Plaintiff's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS re 70 Order Modified on 10/2/2024
09/30/2024 ANSWER and Affirmative Defenses to Complaint with Jury Demand by Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS.
09/30/2024 ANSWER and Affirmative Defenses to Complaint with Jury Demand by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size.
09/30/2024 ANSWER and Affirmative Defenses to Complaint with Jury Demand by Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang.
09/30/2024 Plaintiff's NOTICE of Filing Proposed Report and Recommendation Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. re 70 Order
09/27/2024 Hearing(s) DE# 58 terminated.
09/25/2024 NOTICE of Compliance by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS re 70 Order
1:(Exhibit 1 - Email Correspondence)
09/25/2024 NOTICE of Compliance by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. re 70 Order
09/24/2024 POST-HEARING ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER re 31 Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 9/24/2024. See attached document for full details.
09/24/2024 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman: Evidentiary Motion Hearing held on 9/24/2024 re 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order. Post-Hearing Administrative Order to follow. Total time in court: 1 hour(s) : 30 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Joel Benjamin Rothman, Angela Nieves, Phillip A. Hill, Sara Dennis, Daniel L. Humphrey, Court Reporter: Sharon Velazco, 305-523-5636 / Sharon_PellVelazco@flsd.uscourts.gov. (Digital JG-13:28:57)
09/24/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER re 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunc filed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Concerning this afternoon's evidentiary hearing on Plaintiff's Motion For Preliminary Injunction, each side shall have a total of one and a half hours to conduct direct, redirect and cross, so counsel should use focused questioning. In addition, each side will file a proposed Report and Recommendations on the preliminary injunction motion on or before September 30, 2024. The submission may not exceed ten double-spaced pages, excluding signature block and certificate of service. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 9/24/2024.
09/18/2024 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size waiver sent on 9/18/2024, response/answer due 9/30/2024.
09/18/2024 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang waiver sent on 9/18/2024, response/answer due 9/30/2024.
09/18/2024 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS waiver sent on 9/18/2024, response/answer due 9/30/2024.
09/18/2024 Reset Response/Answer Due Deadlines per DE#64: Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size response/answer due 9/30/2024; Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang response/answer due 9/30/2024; Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS response/answer due 9/30/2024; The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto response/answer due 9/30/2024.
09/18/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court sua sponte and on Defendants' response to the Court's September 16, 2024 Order to Show Cause. (DE 63.) Embedded in the response is an unopposed request by Defendants to have until September 30, 2024 to respond to Plaintiff's complaint. The Court will grant this request but moving forward, Defendants must properly file motions such that they are accurately registered in the CM/ECF system and on the case docket. Accordingly, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Defendants shall respond to Plaintiff's complaint on or before September 30, 2024. The Parties are advised that the September 24, 2024 preliminary injunction hearing before Judge Goodman will not be rescheduled. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 9/18/2024. (rm04)
09/17/2024 RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re 62 Order to Show Cause, by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
09/16/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER. On August 2, 2024, Plaintiff filed a notice reflecting that all Defendants had been served by July 19, 2024, making Defendants' answer(s) to the Complaint due no later than August 9, 2024. (DE 38.) To date, Defendants have not filed a responsive pleading to the Complaint. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide that the Clerk must enter default against a defendant who has failed to plead or otherwise defend. Accordingly, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Defendants shall SHOW CAUSE no later than September 17, 2024 why the Clerk should not be directed to enter default against Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 9/16/2024. (rm04)
09/16/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 60 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Attorney(s) Sara J. Dennis. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 9/16/2024.
09/13/2024 MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Sara J. Dennis. Filing Fee $ 200.00 Receipt # AFLSDC-17834514 by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Responses due by 9/27/2024.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
09/11/2024 REPLY to Response to Motion re 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunc filed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
09/09/2024 PAPERLESS Order Resetting Zoom Preliminary Injunction Hearing from 9/13/24 to 9/24/2024 at 01:30 PM in the Miami Division before Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman. The Zoom information, as mentioned in ECF No. 51, will remain the same. Additionally, the TRO will remain in force until the Court rules on the preliminary injunction motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 9/9/2024.
09/06/2024 RESPONSE in Opposition re 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunc filed by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Replies due by 9/13/2024.
1:Declaration of Yang Dong
2:Declaration of Chen Long
3:Declaration of Liu Ming
4:Temu Custodial Declaration
5:Declaration of Joel Rothman
6:Exhibit A
7:Exhibit B
8:Exhibit C
9:(Exhibit D)
09/06/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER striking Defendants' Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint (DE 55). The filing violates Local Rule 7.1(a)(2) because it is not accompanied by a proposed order and it violates Local Rule 7.1(a)(3) because it does not contain the certification of conferral. Moreover, the Motion provides no legal authority to support the requested relief, and it does not advise of the current deadline for Defendants to respond to the complaint. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 9/6/2024. (rm04)
09/05/2024 (STRICKEN PER DE#56) Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to respond to complaint until September 25, 2024 re 1 Complaint, by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Responses due by 9/19/2024. Modified text on 9/6/2024
08/24/2024 Reset Deadlines per DE#54 as to 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunction. Responses due by 9/6/2024. Replies due by 9/11/2024.
08/24/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 52 Defendants' Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Motion for Preliminary Injunction 31. Defendants' response is now due by September 6, 2024, and Plaintiff's reply is due by September 11, 2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 8/23/2024.
08/23/2024 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Order Granting Motion and Setting Briefing Schedule by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS
08/23/2024 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to 31 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to extend the Temporary Restraining Order issued by this Court on June 28, 2024 (ECF 27), and extended to July 26 (ECF 30), until the Court is able to adjudicate Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of a Preliminary Injunc by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS.
08/09/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 50 Defendants' Motion to Continue. The Preliminary Injunction Hearing originally scheduled for August 13, 2024 is now reset to September 13, 2024 at 01:30 PM in the Miami Division before Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman via Zoom. The TRO will remain in force until then, by agreement. The Zoom hearing login information is as follows:Meeting ID: 160 718 6605; Passcode: 014801;https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1607186605?pwd=y2tBCHbDsbFeGaCighhsrmuzD2oBoM.1 Each participant needs to log in ten minutes early, to make sure there are no glitches. This Zoom hearing is the digital equivalent of an actual, in-court hearing, so counsel are expected to dress as though they are in an actual federal courtroom. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 8/9/2024.
08/09/2024 Unopposed MOTION to Continue Preliminary Injunction Hearing AMENDED by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Responses due by 8/23/2024.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
08/08/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER re 47 Order on Motion to Continue. The Undersigned is no longer available on 8/27 at 1:30 PM. If the parties wish to reschedule the preliminary injunction hearing then they can provide a list of dates where they are available between August 28th and September 13th, with the understanding that the TRO would need to be extended, by agreement through the end of the rescheduled hearing. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 8/8/2024.
08/08/2024 NOTICE of Compliance re 46 Order on Motion to Unseal Document. (Document Nos. 7, 14, 15, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 Unsealed)
08/08/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER denying without prejudice 45 Defendants' Unopposed Motion to Continue. The Undersigned will be teaching at the University of Miami Law School on the morning of August 27th but is willing to reschedule the hearing to August 27th at 1:30 PM. If that works for the parties and counsel then Defendants may file an amended motion to reschedule the hearing. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 8/8/2024.
08/08/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 44 Motion to Unseal Document Nos. 7, 14, 15, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 8/8/2024.
08/08/2024 Unopposed MOTION to Continue Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Responses due by 8/22/2024.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
08/07/2024 MOTION to Unseal Document Nos. 7, 14, 15, 18, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Responses due by 8/21/2024.
08/06/2024 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Layla Nguyen on behalf of Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Attorney Layla Nguyen added to party Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size(pty:dft), Attorney Layla Nguyen added to party Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang(pty:dft), Attorney Layla Nguyen added to party Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS(pty:dft).
08/06/2024 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Angela Nieves on behalf of Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS. Attorney Angela Nieves added to party Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size(pty:dft), Attorney Angela Nieves added to party Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang(pty:dft), Attorney Angela Nieves added to party Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS(pty:dft).
08/06/2024 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Joel Benjamin Rothman on behalf of Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS, Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang, Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size. Attorney Joel Benjamin Rothman added to party Defendant 3, Business Name: Guangzhou Tianhe District Tianyuan Miaomiao Clothing Store, Store Name: YUEFS(pty:dft), Attorney Joel Benjamin Rothman added to party Defendant 2, Business Name: Quanzhou Meichang Garment Co., Ltd., Store Name: Meichang(pty:dft), Attorney Joel Benjamin Rothman added to party Defendant 1, Shenyang Leidong Technology Co., Ltd., Store Name: Sporlike Plus Size(pty:dft).
08/06/2024 Clerk's Notice to Filer re 39 Notice of Attorney Appearance. Parties/Mediator Not Added; ERROR - The Filer failed to add all parties from the complaint/petition/removal, etc. or the mediator. Filer is instructed to file a Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF and add the additional parties/mediator.
08/06/2024 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Joel Benjamin Rothman on behalf of The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto. Attorney Joel Benjamin Rothman added to party The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A Hereto(pty:dft).
08/02/2024 NOTICE of Compliance by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
1:Exhibit A
2:Exhibit B
3:(Exhibit C)
08/02/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Motion for Clarification Regarding Docket No. 33. (DE 36.) Plaintiff may provide Third Party Provider Temu the Court's July 26, 2024 Order (DE 33) in order to effectuate its terms. However, Plaintiff is advised that the premise of its motion--that the Court's Order (DE 33) included an instruction to "not allow it to be seen by unauthorized persons"--is mistaken. That language appears nowhere in the Court's Order or on the docket; it is an autogenerated message noticed in every electronic sealed filing to remind court staff of the sealed nature of the document. The question of authorization is addressed in the Court's Order (DE 27). Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 8/2/2024. (rm04)
07/31/2024 Plaintiff's MOTION for clarification Regarding Docket No. 33 by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Responses due by 8/14/2024.
07/30/2024 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 35 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1997354)
07/29/2024 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 34 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/26/2024 SEALED OMNIBUS PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court sua sponte and on Plaintiff's ex parte Motion to Extend Temporary Restraining Order (DE 32). Upon review of the motion and the record it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows: 1. The Motion (DE 32) is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. The Temporary Restraining Order is extended until August 13, 2024. 2. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636 and the Magistrate Rules of the Local Rules for the Southern District of Florida, Plaintiff's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction (DE 31) is REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman for a report and recommendation and a HEARING is set before Judge Goodman regarding the Motion (DE 31) on August 13, 2024. 3. On June 17, 2024, Judge Goodman granted Plaintiff's Motion for an Order Authorizing Alternative Service of Process (DE 26), authorized alternate service of process on Defendants via email, and ordered Plaintiff to "file a copy of delivery confirmation (or substantially equivalent document) as proof that service has been carried out upon Defendants, as required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(l)(2(B)." Accordingly, Plaintiff shall immediately file proof of service upon Defendants. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 7/26/2024. (mso) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024
07/23/2024 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to Extend Temporary Restraining Order by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
1:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024 (amb)
2:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified text on 7/24/2024 (scn). Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024 (amb)
07/11/2024 SEALED ORDER GRANTING EXPEDITED EX PARTE MOTION TO EXTEND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER granting 29 Ex Parte Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 7/11/2024. See attached document for full details. (pcs) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024
07/10/2024 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION (Expedited) to Extend Temporary Restraining Order by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
1:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024 (amb)
07/03/2024 Clerks Receipt for deposit into the registry of the court (DE#27) received on 7/3/2024 in the amount of $ 10,000.00, receipt number FLS288904 by plaintiff.
06/28/2024 SEALED ORDER RE PLAINTIFF'S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF granting 7 Ex Parte Motion. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 6/28/2024. See attached document for full details. (pcs) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024
06/17/2024 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 26 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
06/14/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge for ECF Nos. 6 and 7 (DE 22) in which Plaintiff indicates that it consents to jurisdiction by the magistrate judge for all further proceedings with respect to documents under seal at DE 6 and DE 7. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636 and the Magistrate Rules of the Local Rules for the Southern District of Florida, and in accordance with Plaintiff's consent, DE 6 and DE 7 are REFERRED to United States Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman to take all necessary and proper action as authorized by law. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 6/14/2024. (rm04)
06/13/2024 Sealed Document COMPLAINT re DE# 23 Order on Motion to Seal, by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024
06/12/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 5 Plaintiff's Motion to Seal. Plaintiff wants to file an unredacted, amended Complaint and then move to unseal it after its "motions for ex parte relief are complete through service of this Order the Court may grant and compliance by the served entities." [ECF No. 5, pp. 3-4]. Upon review of Plaintiff's Motion, the record, and applicable law, the Court finds good cause to seal this matter because Plaintiff's interest in protecting confidential information outweighs the common law right of access. See Romero v. Drummond Co., 480 F.3d 1234, 1246 (11th Cir. 2007). Plaintiff may file an amended, unredacted Complaint and shall file move to unseal the case once the events outlined above have occurred. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 6/12/2024.
06/11/2024 Plaintiff's Notice and Consent to Jurisdiction US Magistrate Judge signed by all parties as to ECF Nos. 6 and 7. Filed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
06/11/2024 NOTICE of Striking 20 Consent to Jurisdiction by US Magistrate Judge filed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd.
06/11/2024 STRICKEN per DE 21. Plaintiff's Notice and Consent to Jurisdiction US Magistrate Judge NOT SIGNED by all parties. Filed by Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. Modified on 6/11/2024
05/29/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 Motions to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Attorneys Yuval Mor, Phillip A. Hill, Michael E. Williams,Kevin B. Collins, and Jonathan M. Sperling. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 5/29/2024.
05/29/2024 PAPERLESS OMNIBUS SEALED ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on Plaintiff's Sealed ex parte Contingent Motion for Entry of Preliminary Injunction (DE 14) ("Contingent Motion") and Plaintiff's Sealed ex parte Expedited Motion for Expedited Disposition (DE 15) ("Expedited Motion"). The Contingent Motion seeks conditional relief that the Court is unable to provide. The Expedited Motion does not set forth in detail the reason a ruling is needed by the stated date and therefore fails to comply with Southern District of Florida Local Rule 7.1(d)(2). Accordingly, upon review of the record, the Contingent Motion (DE 14) and the Expedited Motion (DE 15) are DENIED. Signed by Judge Kathleen M. Williams on 5/29/2024. (rm04) Modified to Unseal per DE 46 on 8/8/2024

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