日期 | 描述 |
02/22/2023 | SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT as to Defendant No. 177 (alexnld) by Lei Tang |
12/16/2022 | CLERK'S NOTICE. Additional Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) sent to Financial Clerk. |
12/16/2022 | Second Order Partially Amending Default Judgment 52 : Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 12/16/2022. See attached document for full details. |
12/13/2022 | CLERK'S NOTICE. Additional Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) sent to Financial Clerk for order at DE 59 |
12/12/2022 | Order Partially Amending Default Judgment: The bond posted by the Plaintiff is ordered to be released by the Clerk from the Registry of the Court, payable to the Plaintiff. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 12/12/2022. See attached document for full details. |
11/23/2022 | Order of Partial Dismissal re 57 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, filed by Lei Tang. The Plaintiff has dismissed with prejudice its claims against the following Defendants, consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(A)(i):diyhomedecor_uk (identified as Defendant No. 148 on the Amended ScheduleA); dreamhouse2019 (Defendant No. 149); factorymotoe (Defendant No. 151);gardensupplies_online17 (Defendant No. 152); motorpartsvalue (Defendant No.159); paska2016 (Defendant No. 162); shiningweddingdeals (Defendant No.170), and thamesmall (Defendant No. 171). Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 11/23/2022. See attached document for full details. |
11/23/2022 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal With Prejudice as to Defendant Nos. 148 (diyhomedecor_uk), 149 (dreamhouse2019), 151 (factorymotoe), 152 (gardensupplies_online17), 159 (motorpartsvalue), 162 (paska2016), 170 (shiningweddingdeals), and 171 (thamesmall) by Lei Tang 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
11/23/2022 | SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT as to Defendant Nos. 181 (GlobaleParts), 145 (congta-90), 150 (expand-base), 156 (jueying_4), 157 (m.cloud-2), 161 (ose_8975), 163 (pdsi1qi), 174 (wantanb-7), 179 (RC LADY), 180 (RC SHOES), 143 (att.store), 166 (ps_mall) by Lei Tang |
11/21/2022 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Lei Tang |
11/01/2022 | JUDGMENT Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 10/31/2022. See attached document for full details. |
11/01/2022 | DEFAULT JUDGMENT Closing Case. Motions GRANTED: 51 MOTION for Default Judgment filed by Lei Tang. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 10/31/2022. See attached document for full details. |
10/27/2022 | MOTION for Default Judgment by Lei Tang. 附件: 1:Exhibit Declaration of L. Pittaway 2:Exhibit Exh. 1 to Decl. of L. Pittaway 3:Exhibit Declaration of Lei Tang 4:Text of Proposed Order [proposed] order on Motion for Entry of Final Judgment by Default 5:(Text of Proposed Order) |
10/20/2022 | PAPERLESS ORDER: granting, nunc pro tunc, the Plaintiff's motion for extension of time to file motion for entry of final judgment. 49. The Court takes notice of counsel's candor but observes that the reasons provided for the requested extension do not constitute good cause for an extension. The Court will not grant future extensions without good cause for the extension. The Plaintiff shall filed his motion for default judgment, as directed by the Court's order (ECF No. 47), no later than October 27, 2022. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr. |
10/20/2022 | MOTION for Extension of Time Ten Days to File Motion for Entry of Final Judgment by Lei Tang. Responses due by 11/3/2022 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
10/20/2022 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Lei Tang |
10/03/2022 | Order on Default Judgment Procedur, as to Certain Defendants identified on Amended Schedule A to the Complaint numbered 1-3, 5, 7-9, 11-24, 26-30, 33-35, 37-38, 42-44, 48-61, 65-71, 74, 76-89, 91-93, 95-100, 102-103, 107, 109, 111-123, response/answer due 10/13/2022.(Responses due by 10/17/2022) Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 10/3/2022. See attached document for full details. |
10/03/2022 | Clerk's Entry of Default as to Defendants identified on Schedule A to the Complaint numbered 1-3, 5, 7-9, 11-24, 26-30, 33-35, 37-38, 42-44, 48-61, 65-71, 74, 76-89, 91-93, 95-100, 102-103, 107, 109, 111-123, 125-127, 131-138, 140-146, 150, 153-158, 161, 163-167, 169, 173-183, 185-193, 195, 197-235, 237, 239-247 Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 10/3/2022. |
10/03/2022 | Order of Partial Dismissal. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 10/3/2022. See attached document for full details. |
10/03/2022 | MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to as to Certain Defendants identified on Amended Schedule A to the Complaint numbered 1-3, 5, 7-9, 11-24, 26-30, 33-35, 37-38, 42-44, 48-61, 65-71, 74, 76-89, 91-93, 95-100, 102-103, 107, 109, 111-123, 125-127, 131-138, 140-146, 150, 153-158, 161, 163-167, 169, 173-183, 185-193, 195, 197-235, 237, 239-247 by Lei Tang. |
10/03/2022 | NOTICE by Lei Tang of Filing Amended Schedule "A" 附件: 1:(Exhibit Amended Schedule A) |
10/03/2022 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendants diyhomedecor_uk (148); dreamhouse2019 (149); factorymotoe (151); gardensupplies_online17 (152); motorpartsvalue (159); paska2016 (162); shiningweddingdeals (170) and thamesmall (171) by Lei Tang 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
09/27/2022 | ORDER ON CLERK'S DEFAULT PROCEDURE. The Court orders the Plaintiff to submit a Motion for Entry of Clerks Default by October 4, 2022. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 9/27/2022. See attached document for full details. |
09/19/2022 | Clerk's NOTICE of Compliance re 39 Order on Motion to Unseal Document, DEs 8-13 and 15-20 unsealed. |
09/19/2022 | PAPERLESS ORDER: granting the Plaintiff's motion to unseal filings. 37. The Clerk is directed to unseal the following docket entries: ECF Nos. 8-13 and 15-20. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr. |
09/16/2022 | Clerk's Notice to Filer re 37 Miscellaneous Relief. Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. |
09/16/2022 | MOTION to Unseal Pleadings (D.E. 8-13 and D.E. 15-20) by Lei Tang. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) Modified Relief on 9/16/2022 (cds) |
09/13/2022 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr: Miscellaneous Hearing held on 9/13/2022 pursuant to 32 order granting preliminary injunction. Total time in court: 2 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Lydia R Pittaway, Esquire. Court Reporter: Sharon Velazco, 305-523-5636 / Sharon_PellVelazco@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
09/07/2022 | Amended Order of Partial Dismissal: This case will stay open, as the Plaintiff continues to assert claims against the remaining Defendants. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 9/7/2022. See attached document for full details. |
09/07/2022 | CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Lei Tang re 32 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction, 29 Motion for Preliminary Injunction |
09/07/2022 | SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 1 Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Lei Tang. The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A" served on 9/2/2022, response/answer due 9/23/2022. |
09/02/2022 | ORDER granting 29 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Responses or Oppositions to Plaintiff's Motion due by 9/9/2022, A Hearing is set for 9/13/2022 09:30 AM in Miami Division before Judge Robert N. Scola Jr. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 9/2/2022. See attached document for full details. |
09/02/2022 | Order of Partial Dismissal re 28 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed by Lei Tang. The Plaintiff has dismissed with prejudice its claims against the following Defendants, consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(1)(A)(i): hongcommerece; Qewmsg; Dicon Technology LLC; monraily; Pero pio; danilena; mstorep; tiging; Shop911547272; StephenCurry Store; Warm Tone Store; pangpang88; Wlida; Wonder4 U Store; wroy yuan store Store; Xiangrong Life Store Store; YaYa SweetLife Store; libertyhope1; A Supermarket Store; Ai-li 99 Store; Apricotss Store; Daisy House Store; Elenxs Store; Emlay Store; Global Shopping Living Store; Grace-Painting Store; Grow Wantonly Homeware Store; Home of Love Store; Honey Room Store; Hoppy House Store; Hots Product Discounts Store; LittleNines Sweethome Store; LittleStool Sweethome Store; Lovely Moment Store; Paranoia Store; Pleasant House Store; ShaYi Factory Store; qualityacx; oddity; pk shopping; Xuannis. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 9/1/2022. See attached document for full details. |
09/02/2022 | NOTICE by Lei Tang of Filing Amended Schedule "A" 附件: 1:(Exhibit Amended Schedule A) |
09/02/2022 | MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Lei Tang. 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
09/01/2022 | NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants by Lei Tang 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
08/29/2022 | PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr: Miscellaneous Hearing re Sealed Temporary Restraining Order held on 8/29/2022. Total time in court: 5 minutes. Attorney Appearance(s): Lydia R Pittaway, Court Reporter: Sharon Velazco, 305-523-5636 / Sharon_PellVelazco@flsd.uscourts.gov. |
08/15/2022 | Summons Re-issued as to Shenzhen Egirl Trading Co., Ltd and all other Defendants identified in the Complaint. |
08/11/2022 | ORDER granting 24 the Plaintiff's motion for an extension of the temporary restraining order. The previously scheduled hearing regarding the order is reset before Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr., at the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr., U.S. Courthouse, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33128, Courtroom 12-3, for August 29, 2022, at 8:30 AM. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr. See attached document for full details. |
08/11/2022 | MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order Extension of Fourteen (14) Days by Lei Tang. Responses due by 8/25/2022 附件: 1:(Text of Proposed Order) |
08/09/2022 | Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A". |
08/08/2022 | NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Lei Tang |
08/05/2022 | Clerks Receipt for bond received on 8/5/2022 (Re DE#18) in the amount of $10,000.00, receipt number 2992. |
08/03/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 20 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
08/03/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 19 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
08/03/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 18 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
07/27/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 17 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/27/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 16 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/27/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 15 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. |
07/26/2022 | PAPERLESS ORDER: denying without prejudice the Plaintiff's ex parte motion for entry of a temporary restraining order, ex parte motion for an order authorizing alternative service of process, and ex parte motion for leave to conduct expedited third-party discovery. 11, 12, 13. In violation of Local Rule 7.1(a)(2), the Plaintiff did not file a proposed order with each of the motions listed above. Moreover, in violation of Section 3I(6) of the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures, the Plaintiff did not submit a Word version of any proposed order to the Court via e-mail. The Plaintiff may refile his motions, provided that he abides by the applicable Local Rules. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr. |
07/25/2022 | Order |
07/25/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 10 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/25/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/25/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/21/2022 | ORDER granting 6 Ex Parte Motion to File Under Seal. The Court directs the Clerk to unseal the Plaintiffs motion to seal. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 7/21/2022. See attached document for full details. |
07/19/2022 | EX PARTE MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL AND MEMORANDUM OF LAW by Lei Tang. 附件: 1:Text of Proposed Order |
07/19/2022 | SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 6 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1152026) |
07/19/2022 | MAGISTRATE JUDGE GOODMAN'S DISCOVERY PROCEDURES ORDER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 7/19/2022. See attached document for full details. |
07/19/2022 | Order |
07/18/2022 | Order Requiring Discovery and Scheduling Conference and Order Referring Discovery Matters to the Magistrate Judge Judge Jonathan Goodman. Signed by Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr on 7/18/2022. See attached document for full details. |
07/18/2022 | Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. |
07/18/2022 | COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule "A". Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-15796037, filed by Lei Tang. 附件: 1:Civil Cover Sheet |
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