2021-cv-06443 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Antsy Labs, LLC et al v. The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A Hereto

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:07/28/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:纽约州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌: Fidget Cube 减压魔方

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Bsfllp

日期 描述
08/02/2021 AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - CASE TERMINATED- SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 17 U.S.C. 508, the Register of Copyrights is hereby advised that a final decision was rendered on 8/2/2021 in a court action filed on the following copyright(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Form e-mailed to Register of Copyrights.
08/02/2021 NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the plaintiff(s) and or their counsel(s), hereby give notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice and without costs against the defendant(s) The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A hereto. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc. Proposed document to be reviewed and processed by Clerk's Office staff (No action required by chambers).
08/02/2021 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Gregory H. Woods: Telephone Conference held on 8/2/2021. (Court Reporter present)
07/30/2021 ORDER granting [15] Letter Motion for Conference re: [15] LETTER MOTION for Conference re: [14] Order, Set Hearings, (request to appear telephonically) addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Michael R Yellin dated July 30, 2021. Application granted. Plaintiffs' request that the conference scheduled for August 2, 2021 take place via teleconference, Dkt. No. 15, is granted. Plaintiffs are directed to the Courts Emergency Rules in Light of COVID-19, which are available on the Court's website, for the dial-in number and other relevant instructions. Plaintiffs are specifically directed to comply with Rule 2(C) of the Court's Emergency Rules. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate the motion pending at Dkt. No. 15. SO ORDERED. Telephone Conference set for 8/2/2021 at 09:30 AM before Judge Gregory H. Woods. (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 7/30/2021)
07/30/2021 LETTER MOTION for Conference re: [14] Order, Set Hearings, (request to appear telephonically) addressed to Judge Gregory H. Woods from Michael R Yellin dated July 30, 2021. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
07/29/2021 ORDER: The Court has reviewed the submissions by Plaintiffs in support of their requested temporary restraining order. The Court will hold a conference regarding Plaintiffs' application on August 2, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 12C, Danie l Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York 10007. So Ordered. (Status Conference set for 8/2/2021 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 12C, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Gregory H. Woods.) (Signed by Judge Gregory H. Woods on 7/29/2021)
07/29/2021 AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - CASE OPENING - SUBMITTED. In compliance with the provisions of 17 U.S.C. 508, the Register of Copyrights is hereby advised that a court action has been filed on the following copyright(s) in the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Form e-mailed to Register of Copyrights.
07/29/2021 ***NOTICE TO COURT REGARDING PROPOSED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WITH EMERGENCY RELIEF. Document No. [5] Proposed Order to Show Cause With Emergency Relief was reviewed and approved as to form.
07/29/2021 CASE OPENING INITIAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE: The above-entitled action is assigned to Judge Gregory H. Woods. Please download and review the Individual Practices of the assigned District Judge, located at https://nysd.uscourts.gov/judges/district-judges. Attorneys are responsible for providing courtesy copies to judges where their Individual Practices require such. Please download and review the ECF Rules and Instructions, located at https://nysd.uscourts.gov/rules/ecf-related-instructions.
07/28/2021 EX PARTE MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
1:Exhibit A (Memo of Law)
2:Text of Proposed Order
07/28/2021 ***EX-PARTE***REDACTION to [8] Declaration in Support, Exhibit 2 to Drysdale Declaration by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc. (Attachments: # (1) Supplement Part 2, # (2) Supplement Part 3, # (3) Supplement Part 4, # (4) Supplement Part 5, # (5) Supplement Part 6, # (6) Supplement Part 7)Motion or Order to File Under Seal: [9].
07/28/2021 ***EX-PARTE***REDACTION to [1] Complaint, Sealed Schedule A by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.Motion or Order to File Under Seal: [9].
07/28/2021 EX PARTE MOTION to Seal Schedule A to Complaint and Exhibit 2 to Drysdale Declaration. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
07/28/2021 DECLARATION of Stephen Drysdale in Support re: [5] Proposed Order to Show Cause With Emergency Relief. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 (Copyright Registration)
2:Exhibit 2 (Screenshot Printouts - Redacted)
07/28/2021 DECLARATION of Michael R. Yellin in Support re: [5] Proposed Order to Show Cause With Emergency Relief. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 (January 2011 Mark Monitor report)
2:Exhibit 2 (IP Rights Seizures Statistics Report)
3:Exhibit 3 (BASCAP Report)
4:Exhibit 4 (ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement)
5:Exhibit 5 (Hague Convention on Service Abroad)
6:Exhibit 6 (Translation of Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of C
07/28/2021 EX PARTE MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: [5] Proposed Order to Show Cause With Emergency Relief. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
07/28/2021 PROPOSED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WITH EMERGENCY RELIEF. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc. Proposed Order to Show Cause to be reviewed by Clerk's Office staff.
07/28/2021 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. No Corporate Parent. Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
07/28/2021 CIVIL COVER SHEET filed.
07/28/2021 AO 121 FORM COPYRIGHT - NOTICE OF SUBMISSION BY ATTORNEY. AO 121 Form Copyright for case opening submitted to court for review.
07/28/2021 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A hereto. (Filing Fee $ 402.00, Receipt Number ANYSDC-24857836)Document filed by Antsy Labs, LLC, ZURU Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 (Copyright Registration)
2:Exhibit Schedule A

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