日期 | 描述 |
12/27/2024 | ANNUAL REMINDER: Pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 (Notification of Affiliates), any nongovernmental party, other than an individual or sole proprietorship, must file a statement identifying all its affiliates known to the party after diligent review or, if the party has identified no affiliates, then a statement reflecting that fact must be filed. An affiliate is defined as follows: any entity or individual owning, directly or indirectly (through ownership of one or more other entities), 5% or more of a party. The statement is to be electronically filed as a PDF in conjunction with entering the affiliates in CM/ECF as prompted. As a reminder to counsel, parties must supplement their statements of affiliates within thirty (30) days of any change in the information previously reported. This minute order is being issued to all counsel of record to remind counsel of their obligation to provide updated information as to additional affiliates if such updating is necessary. If counsel has any questions regarding this process, this LINK will provide additional information. Signed by the Honorable Virginia M. Kendall on 12/27/2024: Mailed notice. |
12/30/2024 | STATUS Report by Anagram International, LLC |
12/13/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable April M. Perry: This case having been recently reassigned to Judge April M. Perry, Plaintiff is asked to file an Initial Status Report for Reassigned Cases by 12/30/2024. The required contents of the report may be found on Judge Perry's website at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov. Mailed notice. (jcc,) |
11/26/2024 | EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER: GENERAL ORDER 24-0032: IT APPEARING THAT, the civil cases on the attached list have been selected for reassignment to form the initial calendar of the Honorable April M. Perry; therefore IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the attached list of 290 cases be reassigned to the Honorable April M. Perry; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all parties affected by this Order must review the Honorable April M. Perry's webpage on the Court's website for the purpose of reviewing instructions regarding scheduling and case management procedures; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any civil case that has been reassigned pursuant to this Order will not be randomly reassigned to create the initial calendar of a new district judge for twelve months from the date of this Order; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of Court is directed to add the Honorable April M. Perry to the Court's civil case assignment system during the next business day, so that she shall receive a full share of such cases; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of Court is directed to add the Honorable April M. Perry to the Court's criminal case assignment system ninety (90) days so that Judge Perry shall thereafter receive a full share of such cases. Case reassigned to the Honorable April M. Perry for all further proceedings. Honorable Jeffrey I Cummings no longer assigned to the case. Signed by Honorable Virginia M. Kendall on 11/26/2024. |
10/22/2024 | MINUTE entry before the Honorable Jeffrey I Cummings: This case has been assigned to the calendar of Judge Jeffrey I. Cummings. Plaintiff's motion for leave to file under seal 4 is granted. On or before 12/10/24, the parties shall file a joint initial status report in accordance with the template available on the Court's website under the case management procedure titled "Initial Status Report for Newly Filed Cases." The parties shall also review all of the case management procedures and standing orders available on the Court's website, including the Court's case management procedure for motions to dismiss. Initial tracking status hearing set for 12/23/24 at 9:00 a.m. to track the case only (no appearance is required and the case will not be called). Instead, the Court will review the parties' joint initial status report and enter further orders as appropriate. Mailed notice |
10/16/2024 | EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Anagram International, LLC Amended Schedule A regarding amended complaint, 7 |
10/16/2024 | AMENDED complaint by Anagram International, LLC against FeiandengUs and the Individuals and Entities Operating FeiandengUs and terminating The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A hereto 附件: 1:(Ex. 4 CPB) 2:Ex. 3 IP Rights 3:Ex. 2 DHS 4:Ex. 1 Copyright Registrations |
10/10/2024 | CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order. |
10/10/2024 | CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Jeffrey I Cummings. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Maria Valdez. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 3). |
10/09/2024 | ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Anagram International, LLC by Matthew A. Werber |
10/08/2024 | NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Anagram International, LLC |
10/08/2024 | MOTION by Plaintiff Anagram International, LLC to seal document exhibit 3 |
10/08/2024 | SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Anagram International, LLC Schedule A - Sealed regarding complaint, 1 |
10/08/2024 | CIVIL Cover Sheet |
10/08/2024 | COMPLAINT filed by Anagram International, LLC; Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-22578753. 附件: 1:(Ex. 5 - TM Registrations) 2:Ex. 4 - CBP 3:Ex. 3 - IP 4:Ex. 2 - DHS Report 5:Ex. 1 Copyrights |
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