2025-cv-20425 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Manchester United Football Club Limited v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:01/28/2025

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:MUFC 曼联

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Rosenbaum

日期 描述
03/08/2025 PAPERLESS ORDER granting [24] Motion to Unseal Document. The Clerk is hereby DIRECTED to unseal all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the file to the public records. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 3/8/2025.
03/07/2025 MOTION to Unseal Document by Manchester United Football Club Limited. Responses due by 3/21/2025.
1:Text of Proposed Order
03/07/2025 NOTICE of Filing Declaration of David Wokoun Regarding Proof of Service on Defendants by Manchester United Football Club Limited
1:Exhibit A to Declaration of David Wokoun
2:Declaration of David Wokoun
03/03/2025 ORDER ON PLAINTIFF'S 21 MOTION TO RESCHEDULE MARCH 17TH HEARING ON MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION: Upon consideration of the Motion, it is hereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Motion is GRANTED. The preliminary injunction hearing is RESET to March 14, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. before the undersigned at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Courthouse, Courtroom 11-4, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida 33128. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 3/3/2025. See attached document for full details.
02/28/2025 MOTION to Reschedule March 17 Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction re 20 Order Setting/Resetting/Cancelling Hearing, Terminate Motions, by Manchester United Football Club Limited.
02/25/2025 ORDER ON MOTION TO EXTEND EX PARTE TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND RESCHEDULE HEARING ON MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION: Granting 16 MOTION to Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Manchester United Football Club Limited. Preliminary Injunction Hearing reset for 3/17/2025 10:30 AM in Miami Division before Judge Jacqueline Becerra. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 2/25/2025. See attached document for full details.
02/25/2025 Summons Issued as to The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
02/25/2025 Bong on Injunction in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by Manchester United Football Club Limited. Approved by DEPUTY CLERK on 2/25/2025.
02/25/2025 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Manchester United Football Club Limited
02/25/2025 MOTION To Extend Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order and Reschedule Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Manchester United Football Club Limited.
1:Declaration of David Wokoun
2:(Text of Proposed Order) Added MOTION to Extend Ex Parte TRO on 2/25/2025 (scn)
02/25/2025 NOTICE of Compliance of Bond Filing by Manchester United Football Club Limited
02/19/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
02/19/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
01/30/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 12 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (910157)
01/30/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 11 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (910157)
01/29/2025 Notice of NO Pending, Refiled, Related or Similar Actions by Manchester United Football Club Limited
01/29/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (910157)
01/29/2025 PAPERLESS ORDER REQUIRING NOTICE OF RELATED ACTION. Plaintiff shall file a Notice of Related Action by February 3, 2025 identifying any other actions pending in the Southern District of Florida which involve the trademark(s) at issue in this case, along with an explanation why these claims and defendants were not included in those actions. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 1/29/2025.
01/29/2025 PAPERLESS ORDER REGARDING PROCEDURES. The parties shall comply with the following procedures: 1. SERVICE: Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m) requires service of summons and complaint to be perfected upon Defendants within 90 days after the filing of the complaint. Unless service is waived, proof of service must be made to the Court by filing the server's affidavit. If a Defendant waives service, notice of the same shall be filed immediately. Failure to file proof of service or show good cause within 90 days will result in a dismissal without prejudice and without further notice. 2. DEFAULTS: In the event a served Defendant does not appear in this action, the Plaintiff(s) shall file a Motion for Clerk's Default within seven days of the deadline for the Defendant to answer. Extensions of time to answer a pleading must take the form of a motion to the Court. Motions for Final Default Judgment, if applicable, shall be filed within seven days of the entry of a Clerk's Default. Any motions for default final judgment must comply with the Court's Standing Procedures Regarding Motions for Default Final Judgment found at: https://www.flsd.uscourts.gov/sites/flsd/files/JudgeBecerraStandingOrderMotionsforDefaultJudgment.pdf. 3. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES: Within fifteen days from the date the last Defendant enters an appearance in this action, the parties, including governmental parties, must file Certificates of Interested Parties and Corporate Disclosure Statements that contain a complete list of persons, associated persons, firms, partnerships, or corporations that have a financial interest in the outcome of this case, including subsidiaries, conglomerates, affiliates, parent corporations, and other identifiable legal entities related to a party. The parties must not include the undersigned or the assigned Magistrate Judge as interested parties unless they have an interest in the litigation. Throughout the pendency of the action, the parties are under a continuing obligation to amend, correct, and update the Certificates. 4. JOINT SCHEDULING REPORTS: Within twenty days from the date the last Defendant enters an appearance in this action, the parties are directed to prepare and file a Joint Scheduling Report as required by Local Rule 16.1. Disclosures required under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(l) must be made at or before the time the parties confer to develop their case management and discovery plan. The parties must certify in the Joint Scheduling Report that such disclosures have been made unless a party files an objection to a required disclosure. Such filed objection must include a full explanation of the basis for the objection. The scheduling conference may be held via video conference or in person. It may not be held by telephone. In drafting their Joint Proposed Scheduling Order, the parties shall utilize the Court's Template Scheduling Order, found at https://www.flsd.uscourts.gov/sites/flsd/files/TemplateSchedulingOrder.pdf. Any deviation from the guidelines set forth in the Court's Template Scheduling Order or those proposed by the Local Rules must be noted in the Joint Scheduling Report along with an explanation for why any deviation is being proposed. Failure to articulate the reason(s) for any deviation from the guidelines set forth in the Court's Template Scheduling Order may result in the Court setting pre-trial deadlines and/or a trial date without regard to those proposed by the parties. 5. FILING OF MOTIONS: All filings must be in a 12-point font and double spaced. Single spacing is only permitted for footnotes. The required conferral under Local Rule 7.1 must be by telephone or in person. An e-mail conferral will only be permitted if counsel are in agreement as to the relief sought in the motion. 6. EXTENSIONS OF TIME: Requests for extensions of time, including unopposed motions, will only be granted by the Court upon an appropriate motion showing good cause why the deadline cannot be met. Absent an emergency, motions for extensions of time must be filed no later than three business days prior to the deadline from which relief is being sought. All requests for extensions of time must include: (1) the conferral statement required under Local Rule 7.1; (2) a list of any prior motions for extension of time; (3) a specific statement regarding the circumstances necessitating the requested relief; and (4) a statement as to whether the request impacts the deadline to file a dispositive motion or trial date. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 1/29/2025.
01/28/2025 ORDER granting 5 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Jacqueline Becerra on 1/28/2025. See attached document for full details.
01/28/2025 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Manchester United Football Club Limited.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
01/28/2025 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Manchester United Football Club Limited identifying Corporate Parent Manchester United Limited, Corporate Parent Manchester United plc for Manchester United Football Club Limited
1:(Complaint with Exhibits) (wce)
01/28/2025 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Jacqueline Becerra. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent.
01/28/2025 COMPLAINT against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 405.00 receipt number AFLSDC-18157850, filed by Manchester United Football Club Limited.
1:(Civil Cover Sheet)

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