2025-cv-20514 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Difold Inc. v. The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:02/04/2025

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Collapsible Container 折叠水杯

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:Bsfllp

日期 描述
03/06/2025 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Difold Inc. re [25] Notice re Hearing
1:Exhibit Schedule A to Complaint - list of defendants served
03/06/2025 PAPERLESS NOTICE of Hearing: **TIME CHANGE ONLY** The Preliminary Injunction Hearing on March 11, 2025, has been reset to 11:30 AM in Miami Division before Judge Roy K. Altman.
03/05/2025 Plaintiff's NOTICE of Filing Proposed Order on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Difold Inc.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
03/05/2025 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on 22 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed into CM/ECF, into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): zenith_shop, zgmh2584, A beautiful life, AbbyAiTt, BAGWORLD, barley, binbinbag, dcdsc, Dongyang on daily necessities, fengbacao, Gbxy Sport, Goobo, hongdei, HUA XIAO STORE, Hualiwen, huilan, jumm, Lao Mo Department Store Selection, LUHUANGJU, Mile MengChuang, New Flash Technology, Yammy, Yiwu Xinnuo Trading Co., Ltd., yiwuqiaoyu, YJjiadefu, ykwanxiantang, yuchengxing, Zhenyuan Pet Products, zhuoshi123, ZJ Daily, EBUYE, Global Bazaar shop, Haoyan Xi Electric Appliance Co LTD, JATEN SHOP, KAIJU TRADE, KKYUMY, Lift Business, LYuShan, Nar Household, new magic cup, THE LITTLE RB, Wansheng Space, Yan XiElectronic Technology, Better and Easy Life, CHANGXIAO, Chaoda fashion boutique, Chengduqiuhainian Co.,Ltd, chenyangtaiyang, Cloud Shoes Store, Cteifuer, Da Ma, Depato, fantasticshop, Fendali Trading, foshanshijuejunhenshangmao, foshanshilikejunshangmao, foshanshiyangdundeshangmao, Genruite, GMGQJDS, GODOIT, GoodGoods, goodssky, guang zhou yi yu mao yi you xian gong si, GuangZhouFengYanQi, guangzhouhaishangmaoyi, Hand Jet, haolunmaoyi, HGYW, Honest Healthcare, HongDongXianShuoHuaShangMao, HongDongXianTeSaDianZi, hunanyirenyingshiwenhuachuanmeiyouxiangongsi, HYYsecond, Iricdace, JD Trade CO.,LTD, jinanhengyuansiwangluokeji, jinanshannantiyuqicai, jinanyixuanshangmaoxiaoshouyouxiangongsi, JingXinHuJianKangGuanLi, kaibaomaoyi, KEYHHWE, KOFPA, laifuzhubao, LaMaz, LIAOBOWEN, liboshangmaa, lijingrongbaozhuangcailiao, lixiaoshangmao, longuan, LTS EMIRA, LXJYUYU, O2frepak Direct, Rain Tin, ruoiit37, ruoit37, sanshiguanggao, Shenzhenshininghuimaoyi Co. Ltd., SUQIN, TaiYuan, taiyuanyanhongshangmao, TBKOMH, VacYaYa, WangDan12, WeiAoShangMao, wenbirdword, WVacFre, xiangtanxinla, Xiao market, xiongdasujiaozhipin, xulizhixingkeji, XuYing12, Yaxueyuan network, YGKJYXGS, yiqukeji, yuanchenfeishangmao, yuesongkeji, zhaoliangfashangmao, ZHIGUAN and Zitingyi Trading Co., Ltd.
03/05/2025 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): Dongguan Dibang Silicone Rubber Household Products Co., Ltd., Guizhou Zhirong Xinde Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., Ningbo Double G Trading Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Pin Ke Industrial Co., Ltd., Sichuan Mybottle Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Zejunhui Home Product Co., Ltd., Yiwu Chengrong Electronic Commerce Co.,ltd, Yiwu Juecai Trade Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang Newcoast Construction Materials Co., Ltd., Shop 1103207972 Store, USLION Official Store, 70422, chenchenkundedianpu, Context Real.X, CXZWZ, DaoXiFu, DeLiBaiH, Divinity Seed, Finura Store, fishpride, GangLinSEN, guowangdexiny i, GWESFDGZ, hao bo mao yi, High-quality products collection, HuaiBaoMh, jiaxingshiyibomaoyiyouxiangongsi, Junwang123, Kakamono, Komost, kylinss, LANDENGWANG, lihaifeng123, LinErBHD, Liurongchaos, Liuys shop, ManFeiLiDuo, MIEDEON, Mo Caikun International Trade, MuXiaoB, Nini Corporation, QiangWeia, QIANGYUNDIANZI, qinggandianzishangwuyouxiangongsi, QiSheShu, SAMUKA, Sinicline Shop, Springen, Three Pigs, TinyTiger Lifestory, TOKOSIO, US-acxc LLC, WeIXIB, WEN LU HAO, WIGOEIANCN IN STORE, wuhanyajilidianzishangwuzhongxin, Xingye-Home, XuGW, YANmsh, YuanShaGui, yuhong shop, zhenjiangs, ZHUOLAIYAN, ZONGXING, aliexcllent, Beautifuljewelry2 (supfhsion), damoni-77, dancing-flames, digitalzstore, dri5-85, famfindsbazaar, flamenco0039, hans_muller, hfmh5525, high-qualityworldproducts132hqwp, jasons5486, kulwant_81, lamul6397, mipha22, noobster8, page_5600 (trang_5600), perfekto24, premiumitemseb, raslokuli-0, royalcart-az, rustuoont, shopello_99, Sjewelrystore (prtstore), tahirmustafakhan22, the_global_gallery, Underwear*Loungewear*Store (fullhousemart66), unixmoment, Versa Market (yosefsimri21), VirtualShopping World (husmoha-95), Yaoping_Wang (enpq3636), yindou, yunfeichi01 and za61926.
03/05/2025 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal Case by Difold Inc. Responses due by 3/19/2025.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
03/05/2025 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on 1 Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Difold Inc. The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A served on 3/5/2025, response/answer due 3/26/2025.
1:(Exhibit Schedule A to Complaint - list of defendants served)
03/04/2025 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal as to Certain Defendants Only by Difold Inc.
02/21/2025 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 17 Motion for Extension of Time. The deadline for the Defendants to oppose the Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction shall be extended to March 7, 2025. The deadline for the Plaintiff to file its reply to any response in opposition is extended to March 10, 2025. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 2/21/2025.
02/20/2025 Plaintiff's MOTION for Extension of Time to Extend Briefing Deadlines by Difold Inc. Responses due by 3/6/2025.
1:Text of Proposed Order
2:Exhibit Declaration of Nicole Fundora ISO Motion to Extend Briefing Deadlines
02/14/2025 BOND in the amount of $5,000.00 receipt # 298570 posted by Difold Inc. Approved by Judge Roy K. Altman at DE#12.
02/14/2025 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Leigh Benjamin Salomon on behalf of Difold Inc. Attorney Leigh Benjamin Salomon added to party Difold Inc.(pty:pla).
02/12/2025 Summons Issued as to The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A.
02/11/2025 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) in Compliance with the Court's Sealed Order Granting Ex Parte Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order [DE 12] by Difold Inc.
02/07/2025 Order
02/05/2025 ORDER IN CASES WITH MULTIPLE DEFENDANTS. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 2/5/2025. See attached document for full details.
02/05/2025 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 7 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1857863)
02/05/2025 ORDER GRANTING 5 MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL. Signed by Judge Roy K. Altman on 2/5/2025. See attached document for full details.
02/05/2025 Order
02/05/2025 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal Schedule A to Complaint per Local Rule 5.4 by Difold Inc.
1:(Text of Proposed Order)
02/05/2025 Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement by Difold Inc. identifying Corporate Parent Hyperfold JSC for Difold Inc.
02/04/2025 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Roy K. Altman. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Enjolique A. Lett is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
02/04/2025 COMPLAINT against The Individuals, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Filing fees $ 405.00 receipt number AFLSDC-18177200, filed by Difold Inc.
1:Exhibit 1
2:(Civil Cover Sheet)

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