2024-cv-04632 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Triumph International, LLC v. The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A,

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:06/04/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:伊利诺伊州北区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Michael Jackson 迈克尔杰克逊

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:TME

日期 描述
10/18/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to a certain defendant
10/11/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to a certain defendant
10/04/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to a certain defendant
09/20/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to a certain defendant
09/13/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
09/09/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
08/30/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
08/23/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
08/16/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
08/09/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
08/02/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
07/26/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
07/22/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
07/12/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
07/08/2024 NEW PARTIES: B@MJ.com!, BabiesDecor, CAT Family, Celebjacket, ChandeliersDecor, cryptizen, EZcosplay, fairypocket, gearhumans, hallowitch, Hectee, hozzify, N2 VIBESTORE, one rockin, Owl Harbors, Owl Ohh, owlbumble, owlcartels, OWLCONOR, Owls Matrix, OwlTrending, resttee, sgatee, sherateen, storecloths, teegino, valkyre, wanahavit, wbmtee, webcosplay, wesellanything, wispmerch, Child's VoicCac, Debora Ribeiro, Iain Mcgregor, FlorismartBrian, Herbertas Kazlaukas, Jasapparell, Juanjo Magana, Miltossavvides, MintuDutta1, OttmarSchlute, Pik26shop, AAA Art, Album Canvas, Cool Goods Collected, funsweet, Jun poster board, ModificationClub, Nanatongxue, SUMMER CRAFTS, T T canvas print, TSY Phone Case, BINFA-Wall Art, Anime Paradise Store, Dodnjka562, grwoerihzxnz, GUOFAN5, HaogeZshop, lindanping1189, mengxin1994, qingyanph, tanyuanshihui, yangwenhai025621 and zhaoxiaoyun6062 added to case caption.
07/08/2024 NEW PARTIES: Muuhansic, MyjoyLife, NM Leather City, NYC JACKET, One Cong, PARBHU JI STORE, S,S Store, shenghuabaihuodain, Shop 24x7, SKIN FASHIONS STORE, Slimfitleatherjacket, Sovetov market, StarsJackets, The 3D lab, The 3d lab 2, Trend Leather, Tulip Lake, Unique-Arts, UniqueNO1, UrbanLeatherFactory, Vanesa Roman, Veston Leather Jacket, William Jacket, xiaxiaxiaxingallery, yangjiangshimailinxianshangmaoyouxiangongsi, yejiabinhaibao, YOUQIQI, YUKONSOURCING, Zhonggui Store, AUCRP0LWRSOB7, vingroupshop LED NEON Online Store, carol_store, cow02, qqmall, 2012piaoyanguohai2012, chang-cheng-2022, cute-dragon88, fengtia-32, loveee-84, naby-wang, ya202276, yidai_yilu_2016, zhengfanyuxi-0, autopa_7457, blues_378 and caiyunpiao_39638 added to case caption.
07/08/2024 NEW PARTIES: 18 Factory Store, Eharlien Official Store, Rock Band T Shirt Store, Shop1102191338 Store, Shop1102828192 Store, Shop1103207139 Store, Shop1103278190 Store, Shop3125025 Store, SUNNY NO.7 Store Store, Wangwang Shop Store, Maxonor-US, 24hourscancontact, a can can, Art-Decore, BHARAT BAZAR CREATION, BINGIGNGINH, BLACK MOON CREATION IND, BOMJJOR, BUNET SHOP, CALENDARMAN, CO CREATIVE, dalinhuazhuangpinmenshibu, deeps4u, DESPERTAR1111, DIYART7, Dizller USA, DreamJ, Dressesify, Elias Gonzalez, Faddy-Rox, FFtto, FHome, gaoyunbo1, guangzhoufanhanmaoyiyouxiangongsi, Hefei mishao Trading Co., Ltd, HOPE&FAITH, JacksonRowe, Jasperz-pvt-ltd, KHASSAN ZHUMAGAZY market, LambsLeather, LaVenty, leather face, LeathersClub Store, Lin Hu Happy, linmeiqinyishuhaibao, M ARSAL STORE, Mary Towns, Melleade, MJ fans (ship time 5-10days) and MJB2C added to case caption. Terminating The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A
07/05/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
07/03/2024 PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Manish S. Shah on 7/3/2024. Notices Mailed.
07/03/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Motion hearing held. For the reasons stated in open court, plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction [29] is granted in part and denied in part. The motion is granted as to all non-appearing defendants, and is denied as to defendants Noorleather Store and NooraniLeather. Enter Preliminary Injunction Order. Representatives from Noorleather Store and NooraniLeather appeared by telephone and were advised that entities cannot appear in court without counsel. The TRO expires on 7/5/24 and the court expects plaintiff to advise third-party platforms that the TRO has been replaced by the Preliminary Injunction and no asset restraint should be in place against dismissed or excepted defendants. The Clerk is directed to unseal any previously sealed documents in this matter. Plaintiff's counsel is directed to add all defendants listed on Schedule A to the court's docket within three business days. Instructions on how to do so may be located on the court's website at www.ilnd.uscourts.gov/instructions. Notices Mailed.
06/28/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Martin Francis Trainor for presentment of motion for preliminary injunction[29] before Honorable Manish S. Shah on 7/3/2024 at 09:45 AM.
06/28/2024 MEMORANDUM by Triumph International, LLC in support of motion for preliminary injunction[29]
1:Declaration of Martin F. Trainor
2:Exhibit 1
06/28/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC for preliminary injunction
1:Exhibit A
06/28/2024 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Triumph International, LLC as to The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A, on 6/28/2024, answer due 7/19/2024.
1:Declaration of Sydney Fenton
2:Exhibit A
06/28/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
06/28/2024 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Triumph International, LLC as to certain Defendants
06/17/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: The motion for extension of time [22] is granted, and no appearance is necessary. The TRO is extended to 7/5/24. Notices Mailed.
06/14/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Martin Francis Trainor for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief[22] before Honorable Manish S. Shah on 6/20/2024 at 09:45 AM.
06/14/2024 MEMORANDUM by Triumph International, LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief[22]
1:Declaration of Martin F. Trainor
06/14/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC to Extend the Temporary Restraining Order
06/14/2024 SURETY BOND in the amount of $ 200,000 posted by Triumph International, LLC. Document not imaged. (Received at the Intake Counter on 06/14/2024)
06/11/2024 SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The Partnerships And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A
06/07/2024 SEALED TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER. Signed by the Honorable Manish S. Shah on 6/7/2024. Notices Mailed.
06/07/2024 MINUTE entry before the Honorable Manish S. Shah: Plaintiff's ex parte motions [3] [12] [16] are granted, and no appearance is necessary. The plaintiff's written submissions establish that if defendants were informed of this proceeding before a TRO could issue, assets would likely be redirected, defeating plaintiff's interests in identifying defendants, stopping the infringement, and obtaining an accounting. In addition, the submitted evidence establishes a likelihood of success on the merits, the harm to plaintiff is irreparable and an injunction is in the public interest because infringement interferes with the plaintiff's ability to control its intellectual property. Those rights cannot be fully compensated by money damages. There is no countervailing harm to defendants from an order directing them to stop infringement. Electronic service of process does not violate any treaty and is consistent with due process because it is an effective, perhaps the most effective, way to communicate with defendants. Expedited discovery is warranted to identify defendants and implement the asset freeze. If any defendant were to appear and object, the court will take a fresh look at the asset freeze, joinder, and personal jurisdiction. The court finds that security in the amount of $200,000 is sufficient to secure the injunctive relief. Plaintiff's counsel is warned that joinder of over 200 defendants risks immediate severance (and unsealing of all filings), because it is unlikely that joinder at that scale is appropriate. Enter Sealed Temporary Restraining Order. Notices Mailed.
06/06/2024 NOTICE of Motion by Martin Francis Trainor for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief[12], motion for miscellaneous relief[16], motion for miscellaneous relief[3] before Honorable Manish S. Shah on 6/11/2024 at 09:45 AM.
06/06/2024 MEMORANDUM by Triumph International, LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief[16]
1:Declaration of Martin F. Trainor
2:Exhibit 1
06/06/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC for Electronic Service of Process Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(f)(3)
06/06/2024 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC regarding declaration[14]
1:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 1
2:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 2
3:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 3
4:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 4
5:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 5
6:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 6
7:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 7
8:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 8
9:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 9
10:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 10
11:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 11
12:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 12
13:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 13
14:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 14
15:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 15
16:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 16
17:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 17
18:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 18
19:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 19
20:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 20
21:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 21
22:Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 22
23:(Exhibit Exhibit 2, Part 23)
06/06/2024 DECLARATION of Paul Varley regarding memorandum in support of motion[13]
1:Exhibit 1
06/06/2024 MEMORANDUM by Triumph International, LLC in support of motion for miscellaneous relief[12]
1:Declaration of Martin F. Trainor
2:Exhibit 1
06/06/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC for Entry of a Temporary Restraining Order, Including a Temporary Injunction, a Temporary Asset Restraint, and Expedited Discovery
06/05/2024 MAILED to plaintiff(s) counsel Lanham Mediation Program materials.
06/05/2024 MAILED trademark report to Patent Trademark Office, Alexandria VA.
06/04/2024 CLERK'S NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 73.1(b), a United States Magistrate Judge of this court is available to conduct all proceedings in this civil action. If all parties consent to have the currently assigned United States Magistrate Judge conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, the entry of final judgment, and all post-trial proceedings, all parties must sign their names on the attached Consent To form. This consent form is eligible for filing only if executed by all parties. The parties can also express their consent to jurisdiction by a magistrate judge in any joint filing, including the Joint Initial Status Report or proposed Case Management Order.
06/04/2024 CASE ASSIGNED to the Honorable Manish S. Shah. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Gabriel A. Fuentes. Case assignment: Random assignment. (Civil Category 2).
06/04/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC by Alexander Whang
06/04/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC by Sydney Paige Fenton
06/04/2024 ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC by Martin Francis Trainor
06/04/2024 Notice of Claims Involving Trademarks by Triumph International, LLC
06/04/2024 NOTIFICATION of Affiliates pursuant to Local Rule 3.2 by Triumph International, LLC
06/04/2024 CIVIL Cover Sheet
06/04/2024 MOTION by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC for Leave to File Certain Documents Under Seal
06/04/2024 SEALED EXHIBIT by Plaintiff Triumph International, LLC Schedule A regarding complaint[1]
06/04/2024 COMPLAINT filed by Triumph International, LLC ; Filing fee $ 405, receipt number AILNDC-22104380.
1:Exhibit 1
2:Exhibit 2
3:Exhibit 3
4:Exhibit 4

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