2024-cv-20079 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Chanel, Inc. v. The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:01/09/2024

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:Chanel 香奈儿

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:SMG

日期 描述
07/25/2024 JUDGMENT in favor of Chanel, Inc. against The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A. Closing Case. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 7/25/2024. See attached document for full details.
07/25/2024 ORDER granting [28] Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 7/25/2024. See attached document for full details.
07/23/2024 Notice of Ninety Days Expiring by Chanel, Inc. re [28] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law In Support Thereof filed by Chanel, Inc.
04/23/2024 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law In Support Thereof by Chanel, Inc.
1:Declaration of Elizabeth Han in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Entry of
2:Exhibit 1 to Decl. of Elizabeth Han
3:Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Motion for Final Default Judgm
4:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Entry of Final Default Judgment
5:Text of Proposed Order Granting Final Default Judgment Against Defendants
04/16/2024 Clerk's Entry of Default as to sergio.gentilini, yuzu_mei13 - Motions Terminated: 26 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 4/16/2024.
04/15/2024 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerk's Entry of Default as to The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule A, sergio.gentilini, yuzu_mei13 by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
04/09/2024 NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE ON DEFAULT PROCEDURE. Plaintiff effectuated service of the summons and complaint on Defendants on March 15, 2024 [ECF No. 22]. Defendants, however, have failed to plead or otherwise defend this action after being served with process. Accordingly, within five (5) days of the date of this Order, Plaintiff shall file for entry of default by the Clerk as to the defendants. Within ten (10) days of entry of default by the Clerk, Plaintiff shall file a motion for final default judgment, accompanied by a proposed final default judgment attached to the motion as Exhibit A, and duly supported by affidavits and other documentation. Plaintiffs failure to file a Motion for Final Default Judgment on or before the date set forth above may result in dismissal of the instant action. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 4/9/2024.
03/19/2024 ORDER granting [6] Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 3/19/2024. See attached document for full details. (bs00)
03/19/2024 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Darrin P. Gayles: Motion Hearing held on 3/19/2024 re 6 Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Chanel, Inc. Plaintiff's counsel present. Defendants did not appear. Total time in court: 5 minutes. Court Reporter: Sharon Velazco, 305-523-5636 / Sharon_PellVelazco@flsd.uscourts.gov. (bs00)
03/15/2024 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on [16] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [1] Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Chanel, Inc. sergio.gentilini served on 3/8/2024, response/answer due 3/29/2024; yuzu_mei13 served on 3/8/2024, response/answer due 3/29/2024.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
03/15/2024 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Chanel, Inc. re [17] Bond, [16] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [8] Notice of Court Practice/to Appear/Other, [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [11] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [2] Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment, [3] Form AO 120/121, [10] Sealed Document, [7] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [4] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [19] Notice of Compliance, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [9] Order on Motion to Seal, [18] Order on Motion to Unseal Document, [13] Sealed Document, [15] Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal Document Entries 6-7 and 10-14, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [1] Complaint, upon Defendants via website posting
03/15/2024 Plaintiff's NOTICE upon Defendants via Electronic Mail by Chanel, Inc. re [16] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [11] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [1] Complaint
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
03/08/2024 NOTICE of Compliance (All Docket Entries have been Unsealed) re 18 Order on Motion to Unseal Document
03/08/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting Plaintiff's 15 Motion to Unseal. The Clerk of Court shall unseal all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the Court file to the public record. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 3/8/2024.
03/08/2024 Surety BOND in the amount of $10,000.00 posted by Chanel, Inc. Approved by Judge Darrin P. Gayles
03/08/2024 AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants, filed by Chanel, Inc.
1:Exhibit 1 to Amended Complaint Certificates of Registration for the Chanel Trad
03/08/2024 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal Document Entries 6-7 and 10-14 by Chanel, Inc. Responses due by 3/22/2024.
1:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion to Unseal
02/28/2024 Order
02/28/2024 PAPERLESS ORDER granting 5 Plaintiff's Motion to File Under Seal. Plaintiff shall file Schedule "A" to its Complaint under seal and the filing shall remain under seal for one (1) year or until further Order of the Court. The Summonses in this matter shall be filed and issued under seal and shall remain under seal until further order from this Court. Within seven (7) days of completing service, Plaintiff must move to unseal Schedule "A" and add all of the Defendants as parties through CM-ECF. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 2/28/2024.
02/26/2024 NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE. Unless otherwise specified by the Court, every motion shall be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point typeface. Multiple Plaintiffs or Defendants shall file joint motions with co-parties unless there are clear conflicts of position. If conflicts of position exist, parties shall explain the conflicts in their separate motions. Failure to comply with ANY of these procedures may result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions, including but not limited to, the striking of the motion or dismissal of this action. Signed by Judge Darrin P. Gayles on 2/26/2024.
01/11/2024 Order
01/10/2024 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Chanel, Inc.
1:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion to File Under Seal
01/10/2024 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Chanel, Inc.
01/09/2024 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Darrin P. Gayles. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Lauren F. Louis is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent.
01/09/2024 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 405.00 receipt number AFLSDC-17200016, filed by Chanel, Inc.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to Complaint Certificates of Registration for the Chanel Trademarks

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