2021-cv-61313 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Louis Vuitton Malletier v. The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:06/24/2021

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:LV

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:SMG

日期 描述
03/29/2022 FINAL DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of Louis Vuitton Malletier against Aa520002, Designer fashion clothes, a5972332, aa789, aaa977, aaabrandhandbag_88, aaqss, abtluxury, adida_lecheng, af8828, agg4bi, aiai123, aj_adidas, alasijiaa, alexlvxury, aliguagua123, amylulubb, angelafufu, angelia57, angelisdoll888, angelxianbo, annmy003, aokdi, app17775632697a, ariasbags, arvinbruce, asong311, azlx127, bag2028, bag5599, bag_lv, bag_wallet, bagdesigner, baggucci, bags654321, bags8899, bags_shoes_dong, bagslaaaa, bagsygfashion, bagvip888, banjishou1986, bbyy6688, bdsanhaodian, bdshiyihaodian, beautiful1788, beautifulcase, beautyy8, beijinglikeyou, belt147, belt999888777, belts0826, belts2020, belttt01, best181818, bestdada, bestgoodss, bestquality877, bestseller1818, bestsellhandbagshop, beverly665, biewordkim, bigbigworld0017, biyuexiuhuatt, blissti, bo696, bobokiki832217, booming889, bosonn, boss04, bosue6521, brand128, brand_babyhood, brand_logo_dd, brandbag18, brandbag20201, brandbag20211, brandbag661, brandbagss, branddiscountstores, brandfoyou, brandnewstore, brandpackage5550, brandr7, brandwatchdw, broosnan3, bstore1191, buycheapcocos, buyingnow, c686, caili68, caishenye2019, capcap1, cc756, cc89650004, ccdong2012, chaneldior, chaoc3, chenfei2019, chenggongg, chenjing958, chenyuluoyanzzy, cherry2020a, cherry2020c, choe, chongtoan8, chuquwan, ck1968, ckforthenewyear2020, clothes_xuan, constance28, constance67, couponshave, csushoes, cutezai, d668, dahonghua666, darkday, davismask_002, deluxe_bag, demars, deng999, denglu6695, dennis_bags, designer__handbags, designer_luxury_bag, designer_shoes9188, designerbag_18, designerbags88, designerbags_1688, designerhandbag01, designerladies2019, designersbags_66, designersbags_686, designhandbag, dh2023, dh69233, dh_cui, dh_liu, dhgate616, dhgate_love, dhgatehats, dhgatetopbag, dhgatezuoyifan2, dhstrawberry, dhyanl, di0r, dianfengshan667788, dianshiji666, dicky0750, dicky0750b, dilusso772, ding26708, dingdanduoduo888, dior_01, dodobag, dothebesst, douyin, dromedarygate, dunhuang2025, dunren, dw19891005, dzxgs789, ea378szx, earlove_store, elliottwang993, enduregate, extravagantbag, fa02, fa168brand, facai958, factory_outlet_man, fafafa2019, fangniu, fangyan1699, fannie86, fantasyshoes88, fashion_wholesale202, fashion_womenhandbag, fashionbrand13698, fashionladies666, fashionstore001, fashionstore88888, fashsionguangzhou, fawch, fdhfjkhehhjsdkw882, feixiang5255, fendi9999, fendou2020, feng25855, fias, firsthandbag, fj316121, fj666, fshpj20lv, fuguixianrong888, funnystore2020, futurestreet, galaxyu, gaoclothes, gaoduandianpu, gavin_h, gavin_hong, getbag, ghsy176, gift1003, givenchypolos, goddess5213, godoflove_, gogo_002, good_shop116, good_tech86, goodcoco288, goodfanye011, goodlvbag58, goodseller15, goodshoptime, greenapple023, greenwindow, guangcity_156, gugoodbags, guihua023, guo828, guoliangiii, guoqaz168, guoqingzhen888, guosn123, gxiao506917, gzluxurybag, gzz990315, hagongzhineng, haha06, haihaihai778899, halouiii, handbags40249, handbagstore2020, handbagstore888, hangmeng1025, hangqing, haohaohao888, haoyun10188, haoyunll01, happyfamily2020, happystore789, hat223, hcl1997, hcy7iz, heidi88, hello1986, hellohihony, hellonikeshoes, heying1989, hhf1314, high_quaity_shop, highbag2001, highdw, highquality2020, highqualitystore998, hihanicxji, hjzhzyszrw12580, honest1ang, honest369, honesthandbag, honeysunny, honghua77, hot_bag1688, hotbag9968, hotmail888, hotshoesonline, hrjiandan567, hua10, huadashoes, huahua7788, huang1202668, huanggua11, huangrong57, huangwei345, huhushoes, huihuihui2, huijiadelu2021, huoyunxieshen1122, huweifeng1, huyang-898, hyg0608zqm, hzx101, i_lucky03, iadidas, icanyan, iconcap, innesst, isok, jc6578, jiajinrong, jian815love, jianghu2020, jianhan12389, jiashi8888, jiejie809000, jihucompan, jihuo698, jinbing5188, jincheng201888, jinpin688, jinwanchiji5888, jiushiyaolaidao666, jkl1987, joe_he, joliann99, jshdgfhjg6, juan551805, juan551806, jujujukvc2v2, junhaojunhao3, junhaojunhao4, junhaojunhao5, kacce, kaccv, kahsng61845, kaigeluhuzb, kaixin818518, kaiyi522, kanewwf, katherineshop68798, keke1689, kekoukele003, kennedy77, keulotte, kingfan, kirin003, kjlsdasasqws222, kongge259, kpkpkp525, kundalnewi, kuwan_ltd, kwbag, l19840983066, labulaka1, lasiweijiasi, lcc2014168, lebronyr350, lebronyr790, lei52452, letter_bags, levana10010, lgflgf, lhg3826652, liang008, liao0243420, liao5890, libobo2, libobo4, liday85, lifengxia2020, lifuying123, lin5200212, liner001, liner006, lingpao137, linsong1168, liruoxi7899, liu333, liu65858, liu_01, liujie1452, lixiunan, lju67, ljx1028, logbagsstore, longrisheng8, louibag_88, louis1788, louis_bag888, louis_bags888, louisbag_18, louisbags_18, louisbags_222, louisbags_568, love9023, loveshoe, lowandbest, lrl123456, lrw001, lrw003, lry1970, lsp001, luckin_store, lufengliu, lulei_888, luoxifushi, luxury_bag1588, luxury_designer_bag0, luxurybag355, luxurybag_supplier, luxurybelts, luxurybrand0018, luxurybrandbags123, luxurybrandlogo23, luxuryproducts88888, luxurysbags_18, luxurysonline, lvxuryshop, lx1862741, lyb921012, lyj18203820888, lz920123, lzb103511, lzh3, lzw7777, lzw871105, lzw9999, m6687, madeline51, maggielvxury, magicalgoods, maizhongstore, mango8971, mango89711, medusa888, meet0802, meibag1988, meimei13168, mendesignershoes, mfa01, mg083468, mikami, miniadseada, miumiu009, mj123456, mkbag0519, mkbag2019, mknj, mountainriver, mr_wise, mttroliii, nan3897, nancy_clock_1, nanri, nicefashionstore, nicetutu, nicevevryday888, nishuo6bu6, nitoyou, okhome1883, olivia006, onlinestore2018, orging_wholesale, ouyishang168, overture, package1209, paspas, pet_sunchamp, pgy1968, piaoxue1224, pieasantgood, pink25, pinksugao, pixiu19, posh_crochetarts, pp1984, preserver, prettyplus, prima_sunglasses, pro_phonecase, puluowangsi7, purse4u, q406419430, q553987322, qazwsx02, qazwsx88888, qianjiabaobao118, qianqianli2020, qianqianli4, qianqianli9, qiaowei588, qingshanlvshui345, qishixiongxiong, qishoes, qiye006, qiye007, qlinguo, qq3393, qq9939, quanmj858, queena5, qw258369, qw405588, qwe8888asd, qwert2021, qydesigner8shoes, ranbag8, ranzemaoyi, raybunsunglasses2020, redbottoms202009, renxiaoyao77, rerere_888, rolewatches, royalronnie, rrztlz3374, safef022, samantha99, saperstarshoes, scttsshoes, sell_clothing, sell_love, sese21, seven111962, she520, shengnanhu2020, shenzhiguo009, shihua2019618, shijunlu, shionnew, shiyeshunli, shoe07, shoes52000, shoes_factory118, shoesygfashion, shop_2017, shoppingspree2, shoulder_bag, showcaser, shunbo168, shushoes, silver2018, sisuideguyu4, sjdjf856, smith98, sneakersstore202008, song1227, sowangzhejk, sport0062, sport0094, sportswear_monopoly, sportswearsuit, star899, starka, store_005, streethiphop3, style2020, sunnn22, sunshine866, superqueen001, supersneaker666, superwholesale01, supplierwatch, tamin998, thank2025, tongsayi, top6277, top_designer_bag, topbag181818, topbags1990, topbrand698, topcasualshoes20201, topfactorys, topfanshops, topqualitylowprice11, topqualitylowprice13, topsellershop6, topsfashion, toy999, tpgg6876, trademall001, trendy_clothes, triplexedge, tshirt2019, tw134679, tx04, tx05, uf1981, uranusgate, v998, vincent_liu, vipboys, vv898989, vvtisks2, w15290381875, waist, wangbaiyun888, wangfei168, wangjunka, wangquanguo, wangshitao, wcy7712, wen8888, wholesale_grils, wholesalebags99, wholesaleers, windy856, wlh1979, wlls10, womenhandbagshop, wuduitchu, www1822, www5822, www7822, wwwdshop, wyl5, wzweizhi, xhmz8482, xia19, xiangxiaojuan888, xiangyue0005, xiangzi689, xiaocai0066, xiaocai0099, xiaohongliang2020, xiaokaishangmao, xiaole_88, xiaoleidraw1, xiaoss521, xiaotianye0258, xiaoyang2021, xin514, xingyun2015, xinxin80988, xiyongxie, xsguoji, xuan201905, xuanhemen6699, xunjiefashion, xx0208, xyjshoes168, xzzx1977, yan65235978, yangguang888, yangone2, yangzizhi2_, yangzizhi7, yaofaleaa, yayayayaya, yd1996, yifanfengshun998, yilufa688, yingbrandshop, yinwei12018, yiodocxrii, yoloclub, yoyocase, yrsmit34, yslbag888, yu86, yuanbo19890702, yuancheng5_, yuandan2021, yuehaiwenquan, yunyunzhongsheng, yw8828, yy3cgoods, z2020312, z381450603, zaizai13168, zds1978, zhangkeliyang, zhanglon19860815, zhangyunlian1992, zhangzhaopei123789, zhaocai13168, zhengzhouyiyou45, zhenpingdiyishuai, zhgi6718, zhonghua3366, zhou2585, zhou890604, zhousongsong, zhouzhoubao123, zhuzhu584, zm27, zq87, zst272712zst, zwbf_female_bag, zyl8888. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 3/29/2022. See attached document for full details.
1:Order Granting Default Judgment
2:(Schedule A) (jas)
03/29/2022 ORDER granting 32 Motion for Default Judgment in favor of Louis Vuitton Malletier against The Individuals, Business Entities, And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A. Closing Case. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 3/29/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/28/2022 Notice of Ninety Days Expiring by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [32] Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
12/22/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Declaration of T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment
3:(Text of Proposed Order Final Default Judgment and Permanent Injunction)(Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
10/04/2021 Clerks Entry of Default as to all Defendants listed in Schedule A. Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 10/4/2021.
10/01/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to Aa520002, Designer fashion clothes, The Individuals, Business Entities, And Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A, a5972332, aa789, aaa977, aaabrandhandbag_88, aaqss, abtluxury, adida_lecheng, af8828, agg4bi, aiai123, aj_adidas, alasijiaa, alexlvxury, aliguagua123, amylulubb, angelafufu, angelia57, angelisdoll888, angelxianbo, annmy003, aokdi, app17775632697a, ariasbags, arvinbruce, asong311, azlx127, bag2028, bag5599, bag_lv, bag_wallet, bagdesigner, baggucci, bags654321, bags8899, bags_shoes_dong, bagslaaaa, bagsygfashion, bagvip888, banjishou1986, bbyy6688, bdsanhaodian, bdshiyihaodian, beautiful1788, beautifulcase, beautyy8, beijinglikeyou, belt147, belt999888777, belts0826, belts2020, belttt01, best181818, bestdada, bestgoodss, bestquality877, bestseller1818, bestsellhandbagshop, beverly665, biewordkim, bigbigworld0017, biyuexiuhuatt, blissti, bo696, bobokiki832217, booming889, bosonn, boss04, bosue6521, brand128, brand_babyhood, brand_logo_dd, brandbag18, brandbag20201, brandbag20211, brandbag661, brandbagss, branddiscountstores, brandfoyou, brandnewstore, brandpackage5550, brandr7, brandwatchdw, broosnan3, bstore1191, buycheapcocos, buyingnow, c686, caili68, caishenye2019, capcap1, cc756, cc89650004, ccdong2012, chaneldior, chaoc3, chenfei2019, chenggongg, chenjing958, chenyuluoyanzzy, cherry2020a, cherry2020c, choe, chongtoan8, chuquwan, ck1968, ckforthenewyear2020, clothes_xuan, constance28, constance67, couponshave, csushoes, cutezai, d668, dahonghua666, darkday, davismask_002, deluxe_bag, demars, deng999, denglu6695, dennis_bags, designer__handbags, designer_luxury_bag, designer_shoes9188, designerbag_18, designerbags88, designerbags_1688, designerhandbag01, designerladies2019, designersbags_66, designersbags_686, designhandbag, dh2023, dh69233, dh_cui, dh_liu, dhgate616, dhgate_love, dhgatehats, dhgatetopbag, dhgatezuoyifan2, dhstrawberry, dhyanl, di0r, dianfengshan667788, dianshiji666, dicky0750, dicky0750b, dilusso772, ding26708, dingdanduoduo888, dior_01, dodobag, dothebesst, douyin, dromedarygate, dunhuang2025, dunren, dw19891005, dzxgs789, ea378szx, earlove_store, elliottwang993, enduregate, extravagantbag, fa02, fa168brand, facai958, factory_outlet_man, fafafa2019, fangniu, fangyan1699, fannie86, fantasyshoes88, fashion_wholesale202, fashion_womenhandbag, fashionbrand13698, fashionladies666, fashionstore001, fashionstore88888, fashsionguangzhou, fawch, fdhfjkhehhjsdkw882, feixiang5255, fendi9999, fendou2020, feng25855, fias, firsthandbag, fj316121, fj666, fshpj20lv, fuguixianrong888, funnystore2020, futurestreet, galaxyu, gaoclothes, gaoduandianpu, gavin_h, gavin_hong, getbag, ghsy176, gift1003, givenchypolos, goddess5213, godoflove_, gogo_002, good_shop116, good_tech86, goodcoco288, goodfanye011, goodlvbag58, goodseller15, goodshoptime, greenapple023, greenwindow, guangcity_156, gugoodbags, guihua023, guo828, guoliangiii, guoqaz168, guoqingzhen888, guosn123, gxiao506917, gzluxurybag, gzz990315, hagongzhineng, haha06, haihaihai778899, halouiii, handbags40249, handbagstore2020, handbagstore888, hangmeng1025, hangqing, haohaohao888, haoyun10188, haoyunll01, happyfamily2020, happystore789, hat223, hcl1997, hcy7iz, heidi88, hello1986, hellohihony, hellonikeshoes, heying1989, hhf1314, high_quaity_shop, highbag2001, highdw, highquality2020, highqualitystore998, hihanicxji, hjzhzyszrw12580, honest1ang, honest369, honesthandbag, honeysunny, honghua77, hot_bag1688, hotbag9968, hotmail888, hotshoesonline, hrjiandan567, hua10, huadashoes, huahua7788, huang1202668, huanggua11, huangrong57, huangwei345, huhushoes, huihuihui2, huijiadelu2021, huoyunxieshen1122, huweifeng1, huyang-898, hyg0608zqm, hzx101, i_lucky03, iadidas, icanyan, iconcap, innesst, isok, jc6578, jiajinrong, jian815love, jianghu2020, jianhan12389, jiashi8888, jiejie809000, jihucompan, jihuo698, jinbing5188, jincheng201888, jinpin688, jinwanchiji5888, jiushiyaolaidao666, jkl1987, joe_he, joliann99, jshdgfhjg6, juan551805, juan551806, jujujukvc2v2, junhaojunhao3, junhaojunhao4, junhaojunhao5, kacce, kaccv, kahsng61845, kaigeluhuzb, kaixin818518, kaiyi522, kanewwf, katherineshop68798, keke1689, kekoukele003, kennedy77, keulotte, kingfan, kirin003, kjlsdasasqws222, kongge259, kpkpkp525, kundalnewi, kuwan_ltd, kwbag, l19840983066, labulaka1, lasiweijiasi, lcc2014168, lebronyr350, lebronyr790, lei52452, letter_bags, levana10010, lgflgf, lhg3826652, liang008, liao0243420, liao5890, libobo2, libobo4, liday85, lifengxia2020, lifuying123, lin5200212, liner001, liner006, lingpao137, linsong1168, liruoxi7899, liu333, liu65858, liu_01, liujie1452, lixiunan, lju67, ljx1028, logbagsstore, longrisheng8, louibag_88, louis1788, louis_bag888, louis_bags888, louisbag_18, louisbags_18, louisbags_222, louisbags_568, love9023, loveshoe, lowandbest, lrl123456, lrw001, lrw003, lry1970, lsp001, luckin_store, lufengliu, lulei_888, luoxifushi, luxury_bag1588, luxury_designer_bag0, luxurybag355, luxurybag_supplier, luxurybelts, luxurybrand0018, luxurybrandbags123, luxurybrandlogo23, luxuryproducts88888, luxurysbags_18, luxurysonline, lvxuryshop, lx1862741, lyb921012, lyj18203820888, lz920123, lzb103511, lzh3, lzw7777, lzw871105, lzw9999, m6687, madeline51, maggielvxury, magicalgoods, maizhongstore, mango8971, mango89711, medusa888, meet0802, meibag1988, meimei13168, mendesignershoes, mfa01, mg083468, mikami, miniadseada, miumiu009, mj123456, mkbag0519, mkbag2019, mknj, mountainriver, mr_wise, mttroliii, nan3897, nancy_clock_1, nanri, nicefashionstore, nicetutu, nicevevryday888, nishuo6bu6, nitoyou, okhome1883, olivia006, onlinestore2018, orging_wholesale, ouyishang168, overture, package1209, paspas, pet_sunchamp, pgy1968, piaoxue1224, pieasantgood, pink25, pinksugao, pixiu19, posh_crochetarts, pp1984, preserver, prettyplus, prima_sunglasses, pro_phonecase, puluowangsi7, purse4u, q406419430, q553987322, qazwsx02, qazwsx88888, qianjiabaobao118, qianqianli2020, qianqianli4, qianqianli9, qiaowei588, qingshanlvshui345, qishixiongxiong, qishoes, qiye006, qiye007, qlinguo, qq3393, qq9939, quanmj858, queena5, qw258369, qw405588, qwe8888asd, qwert2021, qydesigner8shoes, ranbag8, ranzemaoyi, raybunsunglasses2020, redbottoms202009, renxiaoyao77, rerere_888, rolewatches, royalronnie, rrztlz3374, safef022, samantha99, saperstarshoes, scttsshoes, sell_clothing, sell_love, sese21, seven111962, she520, shengnanhu2020, shenzhiguo009, shihua2019618, shijunlu, shionnew, shiyeshunli, shoe07, shoes52000, shoes_factory118, shoesygfashion, shop_2017, shoppingspree2, shoulder_bag, showcaser, shunbo168, shushoes, silver2018, sisuideguyu4, sjdjf856, smith98, sneakersstore202008, song1227, sowangzhejk, sport0062, sport0094, sportswear_monopoly, sportswearsuit, star899, starka, store_005, streethiphop3, style2020, sunnn22, sunshine866, superqueen001, supersneaker666, superwholesale01, supplierwatch, tamin998, thank2025, tongsayi, top6277, top_designer_bag, topbag181818, topbags1990, topbrand698, topcasualshoes20201, topfactorys, topfanshops, topqualitylowprice11, topqualitylowprice13, topsellershop6, topsfashion, toy999, tpgg6876, trademall001, trendy_clothes, triplexedge, tshirt2019, tw134679, tx04, tx05, uf1981, uranusgate, v998, vincent_liu, vipboys, vv898989, vvtisks2, w15290381875, waist, wangbaiyun888, wangfei168, wangjunka, wangquanguo, wangshitao, wcy7712, wen8888, wholesale_grils, wholesalebags99, wholesaleers, windy856, wlh1979, wlls10, womenhandbagshop, wuduitchu, www1822, www5822, www7822, wwwdshop, wyl5, wzweizhi, xhmz8482, xia19, xiangxiaojuan888, xiangyue0005, xiangzi689, xiaocai0066, xiaocai0099, xiaohongliang2020, xiaokaishangmao, xiaole_88, xiaoleidraw1, xiaoss521, xiaotianye0258, xiaoyang2021, xin514, xingyun2015, xinxin80988, xiyongxie, xsguoji, xuan201905, xuanhemen6699, xunjiefashion, xx0208, xyjshoes168, xzzx1977, yan65235978, yangguang888, yangone2, yangzizhi2_, yangzizhi7, yaofaleaa, yayayayaya, yd1996, yifanfengshun998, yilufa688, yingbrandshop, yinwei12018, yiodocxrii, yoloclub, yoyocase, yrsmit34, yslbag888, yu86, yuanbo19890702, yuancheng5_, yuandan2021, yuehaiwenquan, yunyunzhongsheng, yw8828, yy3cgoods, z2020312, z381450603, zaizai13168, zds1978, zhangkeliyang, zhanglon19860815, zhangyunlian1992, zhangzhaopei123789, zhaocai13168, zhengzhouyiyou45, zhenpingdiyishuai, zhgi6718, zhonghua3366, zhou2585, zhou890604, zhousongsong, zhouzhoubao123, zhuzhu584, zm27, zq87, zst272712zst, zwbf_female_bag, zyl8888 by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
10/01/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [26] Order on Ex Parte Motion upon Defendants via website posting
10/01/2021 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [26] Order on Ex Parte Motion upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
10/01/2021 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on [16] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [1] Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Louis Vuitton Malletier. Aa520002 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; Designer fashion clothes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; a5972332 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aa789 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aaa977 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aaabrandhandbag_88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aaqss served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; abtluxury served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; adida_lecheng served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; af8828 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; agg4bi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aiai123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aj_adidas served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; alasijiaa served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; alexlvxury served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aliguagua123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; amylulubb served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; angelafufu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; angelia57 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; angelisdoll888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; angelxianbo served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; annmy003 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; aokdi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; app17775632697a served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ariasbags served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; arvinbruce served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; asong311 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; azlx127 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bag2028 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bag5599 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bag_lv served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bag_wallet served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bagdesigner served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; baggucci served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bags654321 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bags8899 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bags_shoes_dong served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bagslaaaa served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bagsygfashion served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bagvip888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; banjishou1986 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bbyy6688 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bdsanhaodian served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bdshiyihaodian served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; beautiful1788 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; beautifulcase served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; beautyy8 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; beijinglikeyou served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; belt147 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; belt999888777 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; belts0826 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; belts2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; belttt01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; best181818 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bestdada served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bestgoodss served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bestquality877 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bestseller1818 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bestsellhandbagshop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; beverly665 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; biewordkim served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bigbigworld0017 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; biyuexiuhuatt served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; blissti served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bo696 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bobokiki832217 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; booming889 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bosonn served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; boss04 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bosue6521 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brand128 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brand_babyhood served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brand_logo_dd served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandbag18 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandbag20201 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandbag20211 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandbag661 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandbagss served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; branddiscountstores served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandfoyou served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandnewstore served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandpackage5550 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandr7 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; brandwatchdw served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; broosnan3 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; bstore1191 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; buycheapcocos served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; buyingnow served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; c686 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; caili68 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; caishenye2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; capcap1 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; cc756 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; cc89650004 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ccdong2012 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chaneldior served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chaoc3 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chenfei2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chenggongg served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chenjing958 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chenyuluoyanzzy served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; cherry2020a served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; cherry2020c served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; choe served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chongtoan8 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; chuquwan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ck1968 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ckforthenewyear2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; clothes_xuan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; constance28 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; constance67 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; couponshave served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; csushoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; cutezai served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; d668 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dahonghua666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; darkday served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; davismask_002 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; deluxe_bag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; demars served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; deng999 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; denglu6695 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dennis_bags served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designer__handbags served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designer_luxury_bag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designer_shoes9188 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designerbag_18 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designerbags88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designerbags_1688 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designerhandbag01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designerladies2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designersbags_66 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designersbags_686 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; designhandbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dh2023 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dh69233 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dh_cui served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dh_liu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhgate616 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhgate_love served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhgatehats served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhgatetopbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhgatezuoyifan2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhstrawberry served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dhyanl served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; di0r served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dianfengshan667788 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dianshiji666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dicky0750 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dicky0750b served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dilusso772 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ding26708 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dingdanduoduo888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dior_01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dodobag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dothebesst served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; douyin served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dromedarygate served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dunhuang2025 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dunren served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dw19891005 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; dzxgs789 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ea378szx served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; earlove_store served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; elliottwang993 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; enduregate served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; extravagantbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fa02 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fa168brand served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; facai958 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; factory_outlet_man served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fafafa2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fangniu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fangyan1699 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fannie86 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fantasyshoes88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashion_wholesale202 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashion_womenhandbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashionbrand13698 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashionladies666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashionstore001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashionstore88888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fashsionguangzhou served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fawch served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fdhfjkhehhjsdkw882 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; feixiang5255 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fendi9999 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fendou2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; feng25855 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fias served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; firsthandbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fj316121 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fj666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fshpj20lv served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; fuguixianrong888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; funnystore2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; futurestreet served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; galaxyu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gaoclothes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gaoduandianpu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gavin_h served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gavin_hong served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; getbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ghsy176 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gift1003 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; givenchypolos served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goddess5213 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; godoflove_ served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gogo_002 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; good_shop116 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; good_tech86 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goodcoco288 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goodfanye011 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goodlvbag58 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goodseller15 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; goodshoptime served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; greenapple023 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; greenwindow served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guangcity_156 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gugoodbags served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guihua023 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guo828 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guoliangiii served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guoqaz168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guoqingzhen888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; guosn123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gxiao506917 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gzluxurybag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; gzz990315 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hagongzhineng served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; haha06 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; haihaihai778899 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; halouiii served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; handbags40249 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; handbagstore2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; handbagstore888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hangmeng1025 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hangqing served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; haohaohao888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; haoyun10188 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; haoyunll01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; happyfamily2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; happystore789 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hat223 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hcl1997 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hcy7iz served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; heidi88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hello1986 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hellohihony served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hellonikeshoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; heying1989 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hhf1314 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; high_quaity_shop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; highbag2001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; highdw served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; highquality2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; highqualitystore998 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hihanicxji served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hjzhzyszrw12580 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; honest1ang served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; honest369 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; honesthandbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; honeysunny served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; honghua77 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hot_bag1688 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hotbag9968 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hotmail888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hotshoesonline served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hrjiandan567 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hua10 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huadashoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huahua7788 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huang1202668 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huanggua11 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huangrong57 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huangwei345 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huhushoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huihuihui2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huijiadelu2021 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huoyunxieshen1122 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huweifeng1 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; huyang-898 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hyg0608zqm served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; hzx101 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; i_lucky03 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; iadidas served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; icanyan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; iconcap served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; innesst served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; isok served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jc6578 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jiajinrong served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jian815love served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jianghu2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jianhan12389 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jiashi8888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jiejie809000 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jihucompan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jihuo698 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jinbing5188 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jincheng201888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jinpin688 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jinwanchiji5888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jiushiyaolaidao666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jkl1987 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; joe_he served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; joliann99 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jshdgfhjg6 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; juan551805 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; juan551806 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; jujujukvc2v2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; junhaojunhao3 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; junhaojunhao4 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; junhaojunhao5 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kacce served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kaccv served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kahsng61845 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kaigeluhuzb served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kaixin818518 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kaiyi522 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kanewwf served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; katherineshop68798 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; keke1689 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kekoukele003 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kennedy77 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; keulotte served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kingfan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kirin003 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kjlsdasasqws222 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kongge259 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kpkpkp525 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kundalnewi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kuwan_ltd served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; kwbag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; l19840983066 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; labulaka1 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lasiweijiasi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lcc2014168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lebronyr350 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lebronyr790 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lei52452 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; letter_bags served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; levana10010 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lgflgf served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lhg3826652 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liang008 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liao0243420 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liao5890 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; libobo2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; libobo4 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liday85 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lifengxia2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lifuying123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lin5200212 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liner001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liner006 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lingpao137 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; linsong1168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liruoxi7899 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liu333 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liu65858 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liu_01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; liujie1452 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lixiunan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lju67 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ljx1028 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; logbagsstore served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; longrisheng8 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louibag_88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louis1788 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louis_bag888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louis_bags888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louisbag_18 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louisbags_18 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louisbags_222 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; louisbags_568 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; love9023 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; loveshoe served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lowandbest served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lrl123456 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lrw001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lrw003 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lry1970 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lsp001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luckin_store served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lufengliu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lulei_888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luoxifushi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxury_bag1588 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxury_designer_bag0 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybag355 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybag_supplier served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybelts served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybrand0018 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybrandbags123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurybrandlogo23 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxuryproducts88888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurysbags_18 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; luxurysonline served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lvxuryshop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lx1862741 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lyb921012 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lyj18203820888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lz920123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lzb103511 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lzh3 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lzw7777 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lzw871105 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; lzw9999 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; m6687 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; madeline51 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; maggielvxury served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; magicalgoods served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; maizhongstore served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mango8971 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mango89711 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; medusa888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; meet0802 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; meibag1988 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; meimei13168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mendesignershoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mfa01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mg083468 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mikami served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; miniadseada served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; miumiu009 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mj123456 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mkbag0519 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mkbag2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mknj served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mountainriver served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mr_wise served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; mttroliii served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nan3897 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nancy_clock_1 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nanri served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nicefashionstore served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nicetutu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nicevevryday888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nishuo6bu6 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; nitoyou served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; okhome1883 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; olivia006 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; onlinestore2018 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; orging_wholesale served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ouyishang168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; overture served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; package1209 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; paspas served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pet_sunchamp served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pgy1968 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; piaoxue1224 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pieasantgood served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pink25 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pinksugao served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pixiu19 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; posh_crochetarts served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pp1984 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; preserver served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; prettyplus served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; prima_sunglasses served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; pro_phonecase served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; puluowangsi7 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; purse4u served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; q406419430 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; q553987322 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qazwsx02 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qazwsx88888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qianjiabaobao118 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qianqianli2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qianqianli4 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qianqianli9 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qiaowei588 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qingshanlvshui345 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qishixiongxiong served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qishoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qiye006 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qiye007 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qlinguo served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qq3393 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qq9939 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; quanmj858 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; queena5 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qw258369 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qw405588 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qwe8888asd served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qwert2021 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; qydesigner8shoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ranbag8 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; ranzemaoyi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; raybunsunglasses2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; redbottoms202009 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; renxiaoyao77 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; rerere_888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; rolewatches served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; royalronnie served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; rrztlz3374 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; safef022 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; samantha99 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; saperstarshoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; scttsshoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sell_clothing served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sell_love served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sese21 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; seven111962 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; she520 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shengnanhu2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shenzhiguo009 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shihua2019618 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shijunlu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shionnew served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shiyeshunli served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoe07 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoes52000 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoes_factory118 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoesygfashion served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shop_2017 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoppingspree2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shoulder_bag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; showcaser served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shunbo168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; shushoes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; silver2018 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sisuideguyu4 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sjdjf856 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; smith98 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sneakersstore202008 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; song1227 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sowangzhejk served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sport0062 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sport0094 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sportswear_monopoly served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sportswearsuit served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; star899 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; starka served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; store_005 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; streethiphop3 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; style2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sunnn22 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; sunshine866 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; superqueen001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; supersneaker666 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; superwholesale01 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; supplierwatch served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tamin998 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; thank2025 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tongsayi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; top6277 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; top_designer_bag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topbag181818 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topbags1990 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topbrand698 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topcasualshoes20201 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topfactorys served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topfanshops served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topqualitylowprice11 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topqualitylowprice13 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topsellershop6 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; topsfashion served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; toy999 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tpgg6876 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; trademall001 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; trendy_clothes served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; triplexedge served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tshirt2019 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tw134679 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tx04 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; tx05 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; uf1981 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; uranusgate served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; v998 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; vincent_liu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; vipboys served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; vv898989 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; vvtisks2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; w15290381875 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; waist served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wangbaiyun888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wangfei168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wangjunka served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wangquanguo served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wangshitao served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wcy7712 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wen8888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wholesale_grils served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wholesalebags99 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wholesaleers served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; windy856 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wlh1979 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wlls10 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; womenhandbagshop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wuduitchu served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; www1822 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; www5822 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; www7822 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wwwdshop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wyl5 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; wzweizhi served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xhmz8482 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xia19 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiangxiaojuan888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiangyue0005 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiangzi689 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaocai0066 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaocai0099 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaohongliang2020 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaokaishangmao served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaole_88 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaoleidraw1 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaoss521 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaotianye0258 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiaoyang2021 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xin514 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xingyun2015 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xinxin80988 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xiyongxie served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xsguoji served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xuan201905 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xuanhemen6699 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xunjiefashion served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xx0208 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xyjshoes168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; xzzx1977 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yan65235978 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yangguang888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yangone2 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yangzizhi2_ served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yangzizhi7 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yaofaleaa served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yayayayaya served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yd1996 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yifanfengshun998 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yilufa688 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yingbrandshop served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yinwei12018 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yiodocxrii served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yoloclub served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yoyocase served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yrsmit34 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yslbag888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yu86 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yuanbo19890702 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yuancheng5_ served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yuandan2021 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yuehaiwenquan served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yunyunzhongsheng served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yw8828 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; yy3cgoods served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; z2020312 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; z381450603 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zaizai13168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zds1978 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhangkeliyang served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhanglon19860815 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhangyunlian1992 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhangzhaopei123789 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhaocai13168 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhengzhouyiyou45 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhenpingdiyishuai served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhgi6718 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhonghua3366 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhou2585 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhou890604 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhousongsong served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhouzhoubao123 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zhuzhu584 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zm27 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zq87 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zst272712zst served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zwbf_female_bag served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021; zyl8888 served on 8/13/2021, answer due 9/3/2021.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
08/13/2021 ORDER Granting 8 Application For Entry Of Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 8/12/2021. See attached document for full details.
08/12/2021 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Raag Singhal: Motion Hearing held on 8/12/2021 re [8] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier. Court Reporter: Karl Shires, 954-769-5496 / Karl_Shires@flsd.uscourts.gov. (mr1)
08/12/2021 Summons Issued as to Aa520002, Designer fashion clothes, a5972332, aa789, aaa977, aaabrandhandbag_88, aaqss, abtluxury, adida_lecheng, af8828, agg4bi, aiai123, aj_adidas, alasijiaa, alexlvxury, aliguagua123, amylulubb, angelafufu, angelia57, angelisdoll888, angelxianbo, annmy003, aokdi, app17775632697a, ariasbags, arvinbruce, asong311, azlx127, bag2028, bag5599, bag_lv, bag_wallet, bagdesigner, baggucci, bags654321, bags8899, bags_shoes_dong, bagslaaaa, bagsygfashion, bagvip888, banjishou1986, bbyy6688, bdsanhaodian, bdshiyihaodian, beautiful1788, beautifulcase, beautyy8, beijinglikeyou, belt147, belt999888777, belts0826, belts2020, belttt01, best181818, bestdada, bestgoodss, bestquality877, bestseller1818, bestsellhandbagshop, beverly665, biewordkim, bigbigworld0017, biyuexiuhuatt, blissti, bo696, bobokiki832217, booming889, bosonn, boss04, bosue6521, brand128, brand_babyhood, brand_logo_dd, brandbag18, brandbag20201, brandbag20211, brandbag661, brandbagss, branddiscountstores, brandfoyou, brandnewstore, brandpackage5550, brandr7, brandwatchdw, broosnan3, bstore1191, buycheapcocos, buyingnow, c686, caili68, caishenye2019, capcap1, cc756, cc89650004, ccdong2012, chaneldior, chaoc3, chenfei2019, chenggongg, chenjing958, chenyuluoyanzzy, cherry2020a, cherry2020c, choe, chongtoan8, chuquwan, ck1968, ckforthenewyear2020, clothes_xuan, constance28, constance67, couponshave, csushoes, cutezai, d668, dahonghua666, darkday, davismask_002, deluxe_bag, demars, deng999, denglu6695, dennis_bags, designer__handbags, designer_luxury_bag, designer_shoes9188, designerbag_18, designerbags88, designerbags_1688, designerhandbag01, designerladies2019, designersbags_66, designersbags_686, designhandbag, dh2023, dh69233, dh_cui, dh_liu, dhgate616, dhgate_love, dhgatehats, dhgatetopbag, dhgatezuoyifan2, dhstrawberry, dhyanl, di0r, dianfengshan667788, dianshiji666, dicky0750, dicky0750b, dilusso772, ding26708, dingdanduoduo888, dior_01, dodobag, dothebesst, douyin, dromedarygate, dunhuang2025, dunren, dw19891005, dzxgs789, ea378szx, earlove_store, elliottwang993, enduregate, extravagantbag, fa02, fa168brand, facai958, factory_outlet_man, fafafa2019, fangniu, fangyan1699, fannie86, fantasyshoes88, fashion_wholesale202, fashion_womenhandbag, fashionbrand13698, fashionladies666, fashionstore001, fashionstore88888, fashsionguangzhou, fawch, fdhfjkhehhjsdkw882, feixiang5255, fendi9999, fendou2020, feng25855, fias, firsthandbag, fj316121, fj666, fshpj20lv, fuguixianrong888, funnystore2020, futurestreet, galaxyu, gaoclothes, gaoduandianpu, gavin_h, gavin_hong, getbag, ghsy176, gift1003, givenchypolos, goddess5213, godoflove_, gogo_002, good_shop116, good_tech86, goodcoco288, goodfanye011, goodlvbag58, goodseller15, goodshoptime, greenapple023, greenwindow, guangcity_156, gugoodbags, guihua023, guo828, guoliangiii, guoqaz168, guoqingzhen888, guosn123, gxiao506917, gzluxurybag, gzz990315, hagongzhineng, haha06, haihaihai778899, halouiii, handbags40249, handbagstore2020, handbagstore888, hangmeng1025, hangqing, haohaohao888, haoyun10188, haoyunll01, happyfamily2020, happystore789, hat223, hcl1997, hcy7iz, heidi88, hello1986, hellohihony, hellonikeshoes, heying1989, hhf1314, high_quaity_shop, highbag2001, highdw, highquality2020, highqualitystore998, hihanicxji, hjzhzyszrw12580, honest1ang, honest369, honesthandbag, honeysunny, honghua77, hot_bag1688, hotbag9968, hotmail888, hotshoesonline, hrjiandan567, hua10, huadashoes, huahua7788, huang1202668, huanggua11, huangrong57, huangwei345, huhushoes, huihuihui2, huijiadelu2021, huoyunxieshen1122, huweifeng1, huyang-898, hyg0608zqm, hzx101, i_lucky03, iadidas, icanyan, iconcap, innesst, isok, jc6578, jiajinrong, jian815love, jianghu2020, jianhan12389, jiashi8888, jiejie809000, jihucompan, jihuo698, jinbing5188, jincheng201888, jinpin688, jinwanchiji5888, jiushiyaolaidao666, jkl1987, joe_he, joliann99, jshdgfhjg6, juan551805, juan551806, jujujukvc2v2, junhaojunhao3, junhaojunhao4, junhaojunhao5, kacce, kaccv, kahsng61845, kaigeluhuzb, kaixin818518, kaiyi522, kanewwf, katherineshop68798, keke1689, kekoukele003, kennedy77, keulotte, kingfan, kirin003, kjlsdasasqws222, kongge259, kpkpkp525, kundalnewi, kuwan_ltd, kwbag, l19840983066, labulaka1, lasiweijiasi, lcc2014168, lebronyr350, lebronyr790, lei52452, letter_bags, levana10010, lgflgf, lhg3826652, liang008, liao0243420, liao5890, libobo2, libobo4, liday85, lifengxia2020, lifuying123, lin5200212, liner001, liner006, lingpao137, linsong1168, liruoxi7899, liu333, liu65858, liu_01, liujie1452, lixiunan, lju67, ljx1028, logbagsstore, longrisheng8, louibag_88, louis1788, louis_bag888, louis_bags888, louisbag_18, louisbags_18, louisbags_222, louisbags_568, love9023, loveshoe, lowandbest, lrl123456, lrw001, lrw003, lry1970, lsp001, luckin_store, lufengliu, lulei_888, luoxifushi, luxury_bag1588, luxury_designer_bag0, luxurybag355, luxurybag_supplier, luxurybelts, luxurybrand0018, luxurybrandbags123, luxurybrandlogo23, luxuryproducts88888, luxurysbags_18, luxurysonline, lvxuryshop, lx1862741, lyb921012, lyj18203820888, lz920123, lzb103511, lzh3, lzw7777, lzw871105, lzw9999, m6687, madeline51, maggielvxury, magicalgoods, maizhongstore, mango8971, mango89711, medusa888, meet0802, meibag1988, meimei13168, mendesignershoes, mfa01, mg083468, mikami, miniadseada, miumiu009, mj123456, mkbag0519, mkbag2019, mknj, mountainriver, mr_wise, mttroliii, nan3897, nancy_clock_1, nanri, nicefashionstore, nicetutu, nicevevryday888, nishuo6bu6, nitoyou, okhome1883, olivia006, onlinestore2018, orging_wholesale, ouyishang168, overture, package1209, paspas, pet_sunchamp, pgy1968, piaoxue1224, pieasantgood, pink25, pinksugao, pixiu19, posh_crochetarts, pp1984, preserver, prettyplus, prima_sunglasses, pro_phonecase, puluowangsi7, purse4u, q406419430, q553987322, qazwsx02, qazwsx88888, qianjiabaobao118, qianqianli2020, qianqianli4, qianqianli9, qiaowei588, qingshanlvshui345, qishixiongxiong, qishoes, qiye006, qiye007, qlinguo, qq3393, qq9939, quanmj858, queena5, qw258369, qw405588, qwe8888asd, qwert2021, qydesigner8shoes, ranbag8, ranzemaoyi, raybunsunglasses2020, redbottoms202009, renxiaoyao77, rerere_888, rolewatches, royalronnie, rrztlz3374, safef022, samantha99, saperstarshoes, scttsshoes, sell_clothing, sell_love, sese21, seven111962, she520, shengnanhu2020, shenzhiguo009, shihua2019618, shijunlu, shionnew, shiyeshunli, shoe07, shoes52000, shoes_factory118, shoesygfashion, shop_2017, shoppingspree2, shoulder_bag, showcaser, shunbo168, shushoes, silver2018, sisuideguyu4, sjdjf856, smith98, sneakersstore202008, song1227, sowangzhejk, sport0062, sport0094, sportswear_monopoly, sportswearsuit, star899, starka, store_005, streethiphop3, style2020, sunnn22, sunshine866, superqueen001, supersneaker666, superwholesale01, supplierwatch, tamin998, thank2025, tongsayi, top6277, top_designer_bag, topbag181818, topbags1990, topbrand698, topcasualshoes20201, topfactorys, topfanshops, topqualitylowprice11, topqualitylowprice13, topsellershop6, topsfashion, toy999, tpgg6876, trademall001, trendy_clothes, triplexedge, tshirt2019, tw134679, tx04, tx05, uf1981, uranusgate, v998, vincent_liu, vipboys, vv898989, vvtisks2, w15290381875, waist, wangbaiyun888, wangfei168, wangjunka, wangquanguo, wangshitao, wcy7712, wen8888, wholesale_grils, wholesalebags99, wholesaleers, windy856, wlh1979, wlls10, womenhandbagshop, wuduitchu, www1822, www5822, www7822, wwwdshop, wyl5, wzweizhi, xhmz8482, xia19, xiangxiaojuan888, xiangyue0005, xiangzi689, xiaocai0066, xiaocai0099, xiaohongliang2020, xiaokaishangmao, xiaole_88, xiaoleidraw1, xiaoss521, xiaotianye0258, xiaoyang2021, xin514, xingyun2015, xinxin80988, xiyongxie, xsguoji, xuan201905, xuanhemen6699, xunjiefashion, xx0208, xyjshoes168, xzzx1977, yan65235978, yangguang888, yangone2, yangzizhi2_, yangzizhi7, yaofaleaa, yayayayaya, yd1996, yifanfengshun998, yilufa688, yingbrandshop, yinwei12018, yiodocxrii, yoloclub, yoyocase, yrsmit34, yslbag888, yu86, yuanbo19890702, yuancheng5_, yuandan2021, yuehaiwenquan, yunyunzhongsheng, yw8828, yy3cgoods, z2020312, z381450603, zaizai13168, zds1978, zhangkeliyang, zhanglon19860815, zhangyunlian1992, zhangzhaopei123789, zhaocai13168, zhengzhouyiyou45, zhenpingdiyishuai, zhgi6718, zhonghua3366, zhou2585, zhou890604, zhousongsong, zhouzhoubao123, zhuzhu584, zm27, zq87, zst272712zst, zwbf_female_bag, zyl8888.
08/11/2021 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier of E-mail Inquiry Received from Defendant Number 122 in Connection with Asset Restraint and Service
1:Exhibit 1 to the to the Notice of E-mail Inquiry
08/11/2021 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [9] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [15] Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal, [14] Sealed Document, [4] Notice of Court Practice/to Appear/Other, [6] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [1] Complaint, [11] Order on Motion to Seal, [3] Form AO 120/121, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [5] Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, [10] Sealed Document, [7] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [8] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [13] Order on Ex Parte Motion, upon Defendants via website posting
08/11/2021 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [1] Complaint, [11] Order on Motion to Seal, [12] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [5] Order Requiring Joint Scheduling Report, [8] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
08/10/2021 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [13] Order on Ex Parte Motion
08/06/2021 CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance by Unsealing all sealed docket entries 18 Order
08/06/2021 ORDER Granting [15] Motion to Unseal. The Clerk of Court is DIRECTED to UNSEAL all docket entries in this case and return those portions of the Court file to the public records. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 8/6/2021. See attached document for full details.
08/04/2021 Notice of Entry of Parties Listed on [16] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, into CM/ECF. NOTE: New Filer(s) will appear twice, since they are also a new party in the case. New Filer(s)/Party(s): louisbags_222, louisbags_568, love9023, loveshoe, lowandbest, lrl123456, lrw001, lrw003, lry1970, lsp001, luckin_store, lufengliu, lulei_888, luoxifushi, luxury_bag1588, luxury_designer_bag0, luxurybag_supplier, luxurybag355, luxurybelts, luxurybrand0018, luxurybrandbags123, luxurybrandlogo23, luxuryproducts88888, luxurysbags_18, luxurysonline, lvxuryshop, lx1862741, lyb921012, lyj18203820888, lz920123, lzb103511, lzh3, lzw7777, lzw871105, lzw9999, m6687, madeline51, maggielvxury, magicalgoods, maizhongstore, mango8971, mango89711, medusa888, meet0802, meibag1988, meimei13168, mendesignershoes, mfa01, mg083468, mikami, miniadseada, miumiu009, mj123456, mkbag0519, mkbag2019, mknj, mountainriver, mr_wise, mttroliii, nan3897, nancy_clock_1, nanri, nicefashionstore, nicetutu, nicevevryday888, nishuo6bu6, nitoyou, okhome1883, olivia006, onlinestore2018, orging_wholesale, ouyishang168, overture, package1209, paspas, pet_sunchamp, pgy1968, piaoxue1224, pieasantgood, pink25, pinksugao, pixiu19, posh_crochetarts, pp1984, preserver, prettyplus, prima_sunglasses, pro_phonecase, puluowangsi7, purse4u, q406419430, q553987322, qazwsx02, qazwsx88888, qianjiabaobao118, qianqianli2020, qianqianli4, qianqianli9, qiaowei588, qingshanlvshui345, qishixiongxiong, qishoes, qiye006, qiye007, qlinguo, qq3393, qq9939, quanmj858, queena5, qw258369, qw405588, qwe8888asd, qwert2021, qydesigner8shoes, ranbag8, ranzemaoyi, raybunsunglasses2020, redbottoms202009, renxiaoyao77, rerere_888, rolewatches, royalronnie, rrztlz3374, safef022, samantha99, saperstarshoes, scttsshoes, sell_clothing, sell_love, sese21, seven111962, she520, shengnanhu2020, shenzhiguo009, shihua2019618, shijunlu, shionnew, shiyeshunli, shoe07, shoes_factory118, shoes52000, shoesygfashion, shop_2017, shoppingspree2, shoulder_bag, showcaser, shunbo168, shushoes, silver2018, sisuideguyu4, sjdjf856, smith98, sneakersstore202008, song1227, sowangzhejk, sport0062, sport0094, sportswear_monopoly, sportswearsuit, star899, starka, store_005, streethiphop3, style2020, sunnn22, sunshine866, superqueen001, supersneaker666, superwholesale01, supplierwatch, tamin998, thank2025, tongsayi, top_designer_bag, top6277, topbag181818, topbags1990, topbrand698, topcasualshoes20201, topfactorys, topfanshops, topqualitylowprice11, topqualitylowprice13, topsellershop6, topsfashion, toy999, tpgg6876, trademall001, trendy_clothes, triplexedge, tshirt2019, tw134679, tx04, tx05, uf1981, uranusgate, v998, vincent_liu, vipboys, vv898989, vvtisks2, w15290381875, waist, wangbaiyun888, wangfei168, wangjunka, wangquanguo, wangshitao, wcy7712, wen8888, wholesale_grils, wholesalebags99, wholesaleers, windy856, wlh1979, wlls10, womenhandbagshop, wuduitchu, www1822, www5822, www7822, wwwdshop, wyl5, wzweizhi, xhmz8482, xia19, xiangxiaojuan888, xiangyue0005, xiangzi689, xiaocai0066, xiaocai0099, xiaohongliang2020, xiaokaishangmao, xiaole_88, xiaoleidraw1, xiaoss521, xiaotianye0258, xiaoyang2021, xin514, xingyun2015, xinxin80988, xiyongxie, xsguoji, xuan201905, xuanhemen6699, xunjiefashion, xx0208, xyjshoes168, xzzx1977, yan65235978, yangguang888, yangone2, yangzizhi2_, yangzizhi7, yaofaleaa, yayayayaya, yd1996, yifanfengshun998, yilufa688, yingbrandshop, yinwei12018, yiodocxrii, yoloclub, yoyocase, yrsmit34, yslbag888, yu86, yuanbo19890702, yuancheng5_, yuandan2021, yuehaiwenquan, yunyunzhongsheng, yw8828, yy3cgoods, z2020312, z381450603, zaizai13168, zds1978, zhangkeliyang, zhanglon19860815, zhangyunlian1992, zhangzhaopei123789, zhaocai13168, zhengzhouyiyou45, zhenpingdiyishuai, zhgi6718, zhonghua3366, zhou2585, zhou890604, zhousongsong, zhouzhoubao123, zhuzhu584, zm27, zq87, zst272712zst, zwbf_female_bag and zyl8888.
08/04/2021 AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants, filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Exhibit 1 to Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Louis Vuit
08/02/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Text of Proposed Order
07/29/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/21/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/29/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice.
07/21/2021 ORDER Granting 7 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 7/20/2021. See attached document for full details.
06/28/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 9 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336528)
06/28/2021 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 8 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336528)
06/28/2021 Order
06/28/2021 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Text of Proposed Order) (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.
06/28/2021 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Louis Vuitton Malletier identifying Corporate Parent LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, SE for Louis Vuitton Malletier (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
06/24/2021 ORDER Requiring Scheduling Report And Certificates Of Interested Parties. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 6/24/2021. See attached document for full details.
06/24/2021 NOTICE OF COURT PRACTICE Unless otherwise specified by the Court, every motion, legal memorandum, brief, and otherwise shall: be double-spaced, in justified alignment, in 12-point font, using either Times New Roman or Arial typeface. This Notice does not supplant the requirements and provisions of Local Rule 7.1(c). The Court cautions parties against excessive use of footnotes. Multiple Plaintiffs or Defendants shall file joint motions with co-parties unless there are clear conflicts of position. If conflicts of position exist, parties shall explain the conflicts in their separate motions. Parties are encouraged to seek extensions of time in a timely fashion. "A motion for extension of time is not self-executing; no motion is, unless expressly provided for by the applicable rule. Yet, by filing these motions on or near the last day, and then sitting idle pending the Court's disposition of the motion, parties essentially grant their own motion. The Court will not condone this." Compere v. Nusret Miami, LLC, 2020 WL 2844888, at *2 (S.D. Fla. May 7, 2020) (internal citations omitted). Local Rule 16.4, Local Rules for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, requires that a Notice of Settlement "shall be filed and served jointly by counsel for all parties to the settlement." A unilateral notice of settlement will not stay pre-trial deadlines or hearings. Failure to comply with any of these procedures may result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions. Signed by Judge Raag Singhal on 6/24/2021.
06/24/2021 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Raag Singhal. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent. Pro se (NON-PRISONER) litigants may receive Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFS) via email after filing a Consent by Pro Se Litigant (NON-PRISONER) to Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. The consent form is available under the forms section of our website.
06/24/2021 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-14793894, filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Louis Vuitton Trad

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