2022-cv-60192 - 案件详情 - 61TRO案件查询网站



Louis Vuitton Malletier v. The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations Identified On Schedule A

日期 - 61TRO案件查询网站 日期:01/27/2022

法院 - 61TRO案件查询网站 法院:佛罗里达州南区法院

品牌 - 61TRO案件查询网站 品牌:LV

律所 - 61TRO案件查询网站 律所:SMG

日期 描述
03/28/2022 DEFAULT FINAL JUDGMENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION in favor of Louis Vuitton Malletier against 6th Street Market, AAbdallah, ASporting, Aceshine, Alaneyiny shoes, Always BIG Balloons, Amanda Ozard Hair, Amos Masonic Lodge, AndromedaL, Antojitos Lara, AntonioPascua, Astros Shoes Market, B&T Construction Services, Barbarafw, BeautyD'Jewels, Best Factory, BestGirlbaby, Betancourtcovalent, Betanzos Store, Black Shirts For, Blame the Comic, Bobis, BocVg, Bomyatho, Bresler's Ice Cream, Briscobowi, Bspq, CYBERSANZ, CalistaPet, Carlacra, Cedreferto, Cheap Shot Deal, Cool Crest Miniature Golf, Cosas para Locos, Creativeyou, DONGYASTAR, DRECTOF, David D Kettler, DeJeans Shop Store, Delicia C Martin, Deontr, Dora M Long, Doramantic, ERJackson, Earl Wolf, ElizaAK, EllaBoggan, Ericgu, EsmeraldaBodegon, EugeneJohnson, FEITIANBA, Fairiprises, Fancy hat, Fashion poin, FcFelito, Feliz Dia de Hoy, Financial Group Max, Fluxystemsjjm, Forbox, Forever Beauty World, Freedom Solar, GENGJILONG136, Gabrielcandy1, Gifforn, Glelavold, Gonne09, Gorgeous Places Wold, GrignonM, Grimwade Family, GuangZhouLianJianShiYeYouXianGongSi, Gududan Toys, Gunbag, HDRm, Hainabaroj, Handbag 2021, HenryEdwardbDxY, High-end custom shop, Hisab6348, Hot333, Ioxjwsye, JBCSQ, JFeswe, JLJIL, JMccaskill, JSprinkles - Connection Coach, Jameel, Jesus D Batey, JimMoorewLhV, JiuGyer, Joint Chiropractic, JuelaconglueCr, Junglectics0, Karlys329, Keila cafes, KopHyre, KristalAns, LcMcseu, Libanesa, Linda S Seal, Louis O Hall, Lucentmaster, Luxury Designers bags Store, Luxury Sunglasses, Maelstroment, Magician Plays, MalcolmPoppydMwIbZ, Manduda shame, Markdown, Mege, Melvacoics, Miejuner Shaver, MohammSE, Musica de viento, MyStore Mommy, Myint Moh Khine Store, Myrtle C Willis, NOSTALGIA TRUNK, Negradecobra, NioJuie, Nobil 88, Nxsera, Originalhandbag, OsmondMurrayhJeGn, Pactodivino, Peggy J Wilson, PerZeal, Pets and fish, Pirulos, Potter House at One, Pozuelopress, Probidad, Prosabor criollo, QDZYEYXGS, Qupresa, ROSE cA, RULeF, Ragestudius, ReneeRT, Renegade Rob Martin, Restaurant by TVB, Retjust, Rhino Networks, Robert & Records, Robinson Department, RockyRocky, Royal Realty Group brokered, Royal Skincare Nigeria, Runhouse, START1979, STORE NO 10, Samess, SaraBowen, SarahGV, Seedtronicsgana, Spideradioxy, Spinell, Steiuphen, Suefuohni Shirts, Suitable Vesture, Sunshine Microsystems, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, ThemisEZ, TheodoreWilkerson, ThomasRidenour, Thuillier-Scott, Tijeretazo Center Store, Tineritas, Ultra_Market, Uracim, VIYEC BUY, Virgen Sport, Voidwheels, Whitney Miller, Witard, World of Smoke & Vape, YEFFSHOP, YGYuao, Yutongp, Yzutwe, Zaragonzo, a138688, a2019, a65343777, ab2019, abbb2019, adnaDMFHAJDKHFKA, aimeigucci, ameisy, ashjkdjhjdbhjka, auanss, avalimarti, aventrepqwjh, az2026, azyf167, bagsforsale, bagtrade98, baodanwang8888, beauty blog 2021, beixiangsheng2134, belts8886, bestfactory, brandbag660, brandbags1990, caiyohj5Sha, calif, chain_bags, chao1989123, cheaperbag, chenmingqian6374, chenqiao2496, chenyongkang5039, cloperty, cmm9642, colors king, comeinu9, comercialHHHv2, coocooo88, coregoal2008, cuidijianqin, curtimixoriete, darcyjewelry, designer157, designer_cloth, designer_handbag7, designerbag888, designerbagssale, dhbeststore88, dhmike, dingdanduoduo888, disson, diy06, djfiugkjerk, dmbag01, dongtrade, dsq25, edeaUco, el palacio nel, electrinm, esquemaxprt, extravagantbag, fashion16825, fashion8686, fashionluxury2020, fashionwind1, favoure's, feichen2, feng520yao, foncleer, fuBaih, global_bags, globalbelts, gogo_jewelry, good2021 Fashion accessories, good_shop111, goodhandbags_bags, goodtv, gracelinks, gubag61, gucci_sup, gv2021, gysbags, haina378, handbag20190102, handbag99, handbagshow, handwritings, hb_jewelry, hk2019009, hotbags, hotbitch, hotsalebags09, hrety, hualonglin, huidaolinqi, huzhong, iNFINITY Mega Mall, ibidjp, inseva, internationalbag_11, irenefashion, jbrs520, jerseyland020, jhke888, jiangbin5426, jinchai, join2, joneed, jordanprotomax, juan5518016, juan551806, julie_bag, junyatou66, jy998, kaikaixinxinmyt, keniii, koVumah, koshope, lacanastilla, lacosk, ladybag888, latelierdoux, liaoyubin123, lisa68688, liuqi6677, liwenli7890, lixiaojuan2016, lopez1, loveshopmine, lrtttpkhopiktopilofkposi['iosdrfhshgdihoro, lucky1366, lucyjewelry, luohuihui5368, luxury8828, luxury_bags01, luxurybag116, luxurybag_17, luxuryfashionlure, lwz2741787, m13333683348, m15138413221, maike2017, maizhongbag, martizamatos, marvinrex, marymao6868, mengqianxun520, mengshiyushi, millyzeng, mimi2006, mineloveshop, modabagss, monogram, moonholder03, moonowner01, mtmingtian123, muk203, muniuliumashangmao1, nn5185918, nrrghjdtu, ny98, oketo, optimalproduct, origin_seller, outere'd, pangzhanjun2134, paratisonrie, perform, perxitas, plasschuss, rainbow bet, reordershop, rgrthgr, rikason423, roblukxc, s_ernest, sahsgdhasaj, sarahandbags, searchsimpleluxury, secuelastr, sevi, sfdjhj, shendengping4231, shenyongkang3712, shoesnumen, shop668899, siclomteorpj, sjhmhvsdh, spadanibeauty, sppxcce, ssbuvukg, ssw007, sucguyjvbu, szlasdnbabnz, taiyangyu20200411, tongluowan, tongshiyumaoyi, topsneaker88, tracy baldwin, trend_pack, tuieugn, vbnftysy, victory/pa, vjuiusyvu, vogelvri852, vogobags, vogocm_zb7, vuitton2018, vvuitton_03, wangjingxuan3927, wangtan0923, wangyonggang7885, wangzhaorui, wanzi188, wapaboutique, wd2011, wlls10, wozhuanqian168, wumeihuan4039, wyp0420, xiaoai707, xiaohu2, xielinlin987es3, xijuan3607, xinwu8542, xuqinhe9370, yang1866, yanhaiyou5632, yanrucoltd, yantianwei4056, yj1009, yonierkill, yuanhao668, ywwj8633, zelio, zengweigdcp, zh168996899, zhangguohong6678, zhanglonghui5520, zhangshen5823, zhangxuehan5263, zhao708091, zhengxiangyan, zhouyjuxing;k, zhushenliang5426, zxyu, PERMANENT INJUNCTION Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/28/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/28/2022 ORDER granting 36 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/28/2022. See attached document for full details. (rm02)
03/25/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Default Judgment Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Declaration of T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez in Support Thereof
2:Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Final Default Judgment
3:Text of Proposed Order Default Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction
1:(Order) (ebz)
03/15/2022 ORDER REQUIRING MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT. The Clerk is directed to CLOSE this case for administrative purposes only. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 3/15/2022. See attached document for full details.
03/15/2022 Clerks Entry of Default as to 6th Street Market, AAbdallah, ASporting, Aceshine, Alaneyiny shoes, Always BIG Balloons, Amanda Ozard Hair, Amos Masonic Lodge, AndromedaL, Antojitos Lara, AntonioPascua, Astros Shoes Market, B&T Construction Services, Barbarafw, BeautyD'Jewels, Best Factory, BestGirlbaby, Betancourtcovalent, Betanzos Store, Black Shirts For, Blame the Comic, Bobis, BocVg, Bomyatho, Bresler's Ice Cream, Briscobowi, Bspq, CYBERSANZ, CalistaPet, Carlacra, Cedreferto, Cheap Shot Deal, Cool Crest Miniature Golf, Cosas para Locos, Creativeyou, DONGYASTAR, DRECTOF, David D Kettler, DeJeans Shop Store, Delicia C Martin, Deontr, Dora M Long, Doramantic, ERJackson, Earl Wolf, ElizaAK, EllaBoggan, Ericgu, EsmeraldaBodegon, EugeneJohnson, FEITIANBA, Fairiprises, Fancy hat, Fashion poin, FcFelito, Feliz Dia de Hoy, Financial Group Max, Fluxystemsjjm, Forbox, Forever Beauty World, Freedom Solar, GENGJILONG136, Gabrielcandy1, Gifforn, Glelavold, Gonne09, Gorgeous Places Wold, GrignonM, Grimwade Family, GuangZhouLianJianShiYeYouXianGongSi, Gududan Toys, Gunbag, HDRm, Hainabaroj, Handbag 2021, HenryEdwardbDxY, High-end custom shop, Hisab6348, Hot333, Ioxjwsye, JBCSQ, JFeswe, JLJIL, JMccaskill, JSprinkles - Connection Coach, Jameel, Jesus D Batey, JimMoorewLhV, JiuGyer, Joint Chiropractic, JuelaconglueCr, Junglectics0, Karlys329, Keila cafes, KopHyre, KristalAns, LcMcseu, Libanesa, Linda S Seal, Louis O Hall, Lucentmaster, Luxury Designers bags Store, Luxury Sunglasses, Maelstroment, Magician Plays, MalcolmPoppydMwIbZ, Manduda shame, Markdown, Mege, Melvacoics, Miejuner Shaver, MohammSE, Musica de viento, MyStore Mommy, Myint Moh Khine Store, Myrtle C Willis, NOSTALGIA TRUNK, Negradecobra, NioJuie, Nobil 88, Nxsera, Originalhandbag, OsmondMurrayhJeGn, Pactodivino, Peggy J Wilson, PerZeal, Pets and fish, Pirulos, Potter House at One, Pozuelopress, Probidad, Prosabor criollo, QDZYEYXGS, Qupresa, ROSE cA, RULeF, Ragestudius, ReneeRT, Renegade Rob Martin, Restaurant by TVB, Retjust, Rhino Networks, Robert & Records, Robinson Department, RockyRocky, Royal Realty Group brokered, Royal Skincare Nigeria, Runhouse, START1979, STORE NO 10, Samess, SaraBowen, SarahGV, Seedtronicsgana, Spideradioxy, Spinell, Steiuphen, Suefuohni Shirts, Suitable Vesture, Sunshine Microsystems, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, ThemisEZ, TheodoreWilkerson, ThomasRidenour, Thuillier-Scott, Tijeretazo Center Store, Tineritas, Ultra_Market, Uracim, VIYEC BUY, Virgen Sport, Voidwheels, Whitney Miller, Witard, World of Smoke & Vape, YEFFSHOP, YGYuao, Yutongp, Yzutwe, Zaragonzo, a138688, a2019, a65343777, ab2019, abbb2019, adnaDMFHAJDKHFKA, aimeigucci, ameisy, ashjkdjhjdbhjka, auanss, avalimarti, aventrepqwjh, az2026, azyf167, bagsforsale, bagtrade98, baodanwang8888, beauty blog 2021, beixiangsheng2134, belts8886, bestfactory, brandbag660, brandbags1990, caiyohj5Sha, calif, chain_bags, chao1989123, cheaperbag, chenmingqian6374, chenqiao2496, chenyongkang5039, cloperty, cmm9642, colors king, comeinu9, comercialHHHv2, coocooo88, coregoal2008, cuidijianqin, curtimixoriete, darcyjewelry, designer157, designer_cloth, designer_handbag7, designerbag888, designerbagssale, dhbeststore88, dhmike, dingdanduoduo888, disson, diy06, djfiugkjerk, dmbag01, dongtrade, dsq25, edeaUco, el palacio nel, electrinm, esquemaxprt, extravagantbag, fashion16825, fashion8686, fashionluxury2020, fashionwind1, favoure's, feichen2, feng520yao, foncleer, fuBaih, global_bags, globalbelts, gogo_jewelry, good2021 Fashion accessories, good_shop111, goodhandbags_bags, goodtv, gracelinks, gubag61, gucci_sup, gv2021, gysbags, haina378, handbag20190102, handbag99, handbagshow, handwritings, hb_jewelry, hk2019009, hotbags, hotbitch, hotsalebags09, hrety, hualonglin, huidaolinqi, huzhong, iNFINITY Mega Mall, ibidjp, inseva, internationalbag_11, irenefashion, jbrs520, jerseyland020, jhke888, jiangbin5426, jinchai, join2, joneed, jordanprotomax, juan5518016, juan551806, julie_bag, junyatou66, jy998, kaikaixinxinmyt, keniii, koVumah, koshope, lacanastilla, lacosk, ladybag888, latelierdoux, liaoyubin123, lisa68688, liuqi6677, liwenli7890, lixiaojuan2016, lopez1, loveshopmine, lrtttpkhopiktopilofkposi['iosdrfhshgdihoro, lucky1366, lucyjewelry, luohuihui5368, luxury8828, luxury_bags01, luxurybag116, luxurybag_17, luxuryfashionlure, lwz2741787, m13333683348, m15138413221, maike2017, maizhongbag, martizamatos, marvinrex, marymao6868, mengqianxun520, mengshiyushi, millyzeng, mimi2006, mineloveshop, modabagss, monogram, moonholder03, moonowner01, mtmingtian123, muk203, muniuliumashangmao1, nn5185918, nrrghjdtu, ny98, oketo, optimalproduct, origin_seller, outere'd, pangzhanjun2134, paratisonrie, perform, perxitas, plasschuss, rainbow bet, reordershop, rgrthgr, rikason423, roblukxc, s_ernest, sahsgdhasaj, sarahandbags, searchsimpleluxury, secuelastr, sevi, sfdjhj, shendengping4231, shenyongkang3712, shoesnumen, shop668899, siclomteorpj, sjhmhvsdh, spadanibeauty, sppxcce, ssbuvukg, ssw007, sucguyjvbu, szlasdnbabnz, taiyangyu20200411, tongluowan, tongshiyumaoyi, topsneaker88, tracy baldwin, trend_pack, tuieugn, vbnftysy, victory/pa, vjuiusyvu, vogelvri852, vogobags, vogocm_zb7, vuitton2018, vvuitton_03, wangjingxuan3927, wangtan0923, wangyonggang7885, wangzhaorui, wanzi188, wapaboutique, wd2011, wlls10, wozhuanqian168, wumeihuan4039, wyp0420, xiaoai707, xiaohu2, xielinlin987es3, xijuan3607, xinwu8542, xuqinhe9370, yang1866, yanhaiyou5632, yanrucoltd, yantianwei4056, yj1009, yonierkill, yuanhao668, ywwj8633, zelio, zengweigdcp, zh168996899, zhangguohong6678, zhanglonghui5520, zhangshen5823, zhangxuehan5263, zhao708091, zhengxiangyan, zhouyjuxing;k, zhushenliang5426, zxyu - Motions Terminated: 32 Motion for Clerks Entry of Default, Signed by DEPUTY CLERK on 3/15/2022.
03/14/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION for Clerks Entry of Default as to 6th Street Market, AAbdallah, ASporting, Aceshine, Alaneyiny shoes, Always BIG Balloons, Amanda Ozard Hair, Amos Masonic Lodge, AndromedaL, Antojitos Lara, AntonioPascua, Astros Shoes Market, B&T Construction Services, Barbarafw, BeautyD'Jewels, Best Factory, BestGirlbaby, Betancourtcovalent, Betanzos Store, Black Shirts For, Blame the Comic, Bobis, BocVg, Bomyatho, Bresler's Ice Cream, Briscobowi, Bspq, CYBERSANZ, CalistaPet, Carlacra, Cedreferto, Cheap Shot Deal, Cool Crest Miniature Golf, Cosas para Locos, Creativeyou, DONGYASTAR, DRECTOF, David D Kettler, DeJeans Shop Store, Delicia C Martin, Deontr, Dora M Long, Doramantic, ERJackson, Earl Wolf, ElizaAK, EllaBoggan, Ericgu, EsmeraldaBodegon, EugeneJohnson, FEITIANBA, Fairiprises, Fancy hat, Fashion poin, FcFelito, Feliz Dia de Hoy, Financial Group Max, Fluxystemsjjm, Forbox, Forever Beauty World, Freedom Solar, GENGJILONG136, Gabrielcandy1, Gifforn, Glelavold, Gonne09, Gorgeous Places Wold, GrignonM, Grimwade Family, GuangZhouLianJianShiYeYouXianGongSi, Gududan Toys, Gunbag, HDRm, Hainabaroj, Handbag 2021, HenryEdwardbDxY, High-end custom shop, Hisab6348, Hot333, Ioxjwsye, JBCSQ, JFeswe, JLJIL, JMccaskill, JSprinkles - Connection Coach, Jameel, Jesus D Batey, JimMoorewLhV, JiuGyer, Joint Chiropractic, JuelaconglueCr, Junglectics0, Karlys329, Keila cafes, KopHyre, KristalAns, LcMcseu, Libanesa, Linda S Seal, Louis O Hall, Lucentmaster, Luxury Designers bags Store, Luxury Sunglasses, Maelstroment, Magician Plays, MalcolmPoppydMwIbZ, Manduda shame, Markdown, Mege, Melvacoics, Miejuner Shaver, MohammSE, Musica de viento, MyStore Mommy, Myint Moh Khine Store, Myrtle C Willis, NOSTALGIA TRUNK, Negradecobra, NioJuie, Nobil 88, Nxsera, Originalhandbag, OsmondMurrayhJeGn, Pactodivino, Peggy J Wilson, PerZeal, Pets and fish, Pirulos, Potter House at One, Pozuelopress, Probidad, Prosabor criollo, QDZYEYXGS, Qupresa, ROSE cA, RULeF, Ragestudius, ReneeRT, Renegade Rob Martin, Restaurant by TVB, Retjust, Rhino Networks, Robert & Records, Robinson Department, RockyRocky, Royal Realty Group brokered, Royal Skincare Nigeria, Runhouse, START1979, STORE NO 10, Samess, SaraBowen, SarahGV, Seedtronicsgana, Spideradioxy, Spinell, Steiuphen, Suefuohni Shirts, Suitable Vesture, Sunshine Microsystems, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, ThemisEZ, TheodoreWilkerson, ThomasRidenour, Thuillier-Scott, Tijeretazo Center Store, Tineritas, Ultra_Market, Uracim, VIYEC BUY, Virgen Sport, Voidwheels, Whitney Miller, Witard, World of Smoke & Vape, YEFFSHOP, YGYuao, Yutongp, Yzutwe, Zaragonzo, a138688, a2019, a65343777, ab2019, abbb2019, adnaDMFHAJDKHFKA, aimeigucci, ameisy, ashjkdjhjdbhjka, auanss, avalimarti, aventrepqwjh, az2026, azyf167, bagsforsale, bagtrade98, baodanwang8888, beauty blog 2021, beixiangsheng2134, belts8886, bestfactory, brandbag660, brandbags1990, caiyohj5Sha, calif, chain_bags, chao1989123, cheaperbag, chenmingqian6374, chenqiao2496, chenyongkang5039, cloperty, cmm9642, colors king, comeinu9, comercialHHHv2, coocooo88, coregoal2008, cuidijianqin, curtimixoriete, darcyjewelry, designer157, designer_cloth, designer_handbag7, designerbag888, designerbagssale, dhbeststore88, dhmike, dingdanduoduo888, disson, diy06, djfiugkjerk, dmbag01, dongtrade, dsq25, edeaUco, el palacio nel, electrinm, esquemaxprt, extravagantbag, fashion16825, fashion8686, fashionluxury2020, fashionwind1, favoure's, feichen2, feng520yao, foncleer, fuBaih, global_bags, globalbelts, gogo_jewelry, good2021 Fashion accessories, good_shop111, goodhandbags_bags, goodtv, gracelinks, gubag61, gucci_sup, gv2021, gysbags, haina378, handbag20190102, handbag99, handbagshow, handwritings, hb_jewelry, hk2019009, hotbags, hotbitch, hotsalebags09, hrety, hualonglin, huidaolinqi, huzhong, iNFINITY Mega Mall, ibidjp, inseva, internationalbag_11, irenefashion, jbrs520, jerseyland020, jhke888, jiangbin5426, jinchai, join2, joneed, jordanprotomax, juan5518016, juan551806, julie_bag, junyatou66, jy998, kaikaixinxinmyt, keniii, koVumah, koshope, lacanastilla, lacosk, ladybag888, latelierdoux, liaoyubin123, lisa68688, liuqi6677, liwenli7890, lixiaojuan2016, lopez1, loveshopmine, lrtttpkhopiktopilofkposi['iosdrfhshgdihoro, lucky1366, lucyjewelry, luohuihui5368, luxury8828, luxury_bags01, luxurybag116, luxurybag_17, luxuryfashionlure, lwz2741787, m13333683348, m15138413221, maike2017, maizhongbag, martizamatos, marvinrex, marymao6868, mengqianxun520, mengshiyushi, millyzeng, mimi2006, mineloveshop, modabagss, monogram, moonholder03, moonowner01, mtmingtian123, muk203, muniuliumashangmao1, nn5185918, nrrghjdtu, ny98, oketo, optimalproduct, origin_seller, outere'd, pangzhanjun2134, paratisonrie, perform, perxitas, plasschuss, rainbow bet, reordershop, rgrthgr, rikason423, roblukxc, s_ernest, sahsgdhasaj, sarahandbags, searchsimpleluxury, secuelastr, sevi, sfdjhj, shendengping4231, shenyongkang3712, shoesnumen, shop668899, siclomteorpj, sjhmhvsdh, spadanibeauty, sppxcce, ssbuvukg, ssw007, sucguyjvbu, szlasdnbabnz, taiyangyu20200411, tongluowan, tongshiyumaoyi, topsneaker88, tracy baldwin, trend_pack, tuieugn, vbnftysy, victory/pa, vjuiusyvu, vogelvri852, vogobags, vogocm_zb7, vuitton2018, vvuitton_03, wangjingxuan3927, wangtan0923, wangyonggang7885, wangzhaorui, wanzi188, wapaboutique, wd2011, wlls10, wozhuanqian168, wumeihuan4039, wyp0420, xiaoai707, xiaohu2, xielinlin987es3, xijuan3607, xinwu8542, xuqinhe9370, yang1866, yanhaiyou5632, yanrucoltd, yantianwei4056, yj1009, yonierkill, yuanhao668, ywwj8633, zelio, zengweigdcp, zh168996899, zhangguohong6678, zhanglonghui5520, zhangshen5823, zhangxuehan5263, zhao708091, zhengxiangyan, zhouyjuxing;k, zhushenliang5426, zxyu by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Exhibit Declaration of Stephen M. Gaffigan in Support of Request for Clerk'
2:Text of Proposed Order
03/14/2022 SUMMONS (Affidavit) Returned Executed on [23] Amended Complaint/Amended Notice of Removal, [1] Complaint, with a 21 day response/answer filing deadline pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 by Louis Vuitton Malletier. 6th Street Market served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; AAbdallah served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ASporting served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Aceshine served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Alaneyiny shoes served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Always BIG Balloons served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Amanda Ozard Hair served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Amos Masonic Lodge served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; AndromedaL served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Antojitos Lara served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; AntonioPascua served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Astros Shoes Market served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; B&T Construction Services served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Barbarafw served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; BeautyD'Jewels served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Best Factory served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; BestGirlbaby served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Betancourtcovalent served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Betanzos Store served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Black Shirts For served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Blame the Comic served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Bobis served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; BocVg served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Bomyatho served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Bresler's Ice Cream served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Briscobowi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Bspq served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; CYBERSANZ served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; CalistaPet served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Carlacra served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Cedreferto served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Cheap Shot Deal served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Cool Crest Miniature Golf served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Cosas para Locos served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Creativeyou served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; DONGYASTAR served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; DRECTOF served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; David D Kettler served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; DeJeans Shop Store served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Delicia C Martin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Deontr served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Dora M Long served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Doramantic served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ERJackson served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Earl Wolf served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ElizaAK served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; EllaBoggan served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Ericgu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; EsmeraldaBodegon served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; EugeneJohnson served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; FEITIANBA served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Fairiprises served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Fancy hat served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Fashion poin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; FcFelito served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Feliz Dia de Hoy served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Financial Group Max served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Fluxystemsjjm served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Forbox served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Forever Beauty World served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Freedom Solar served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; GENGJILONG136 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gabrielcandy1 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gifforn served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Glelavold served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gonne09 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gorgeous Places Wold served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; GrignonM served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Grimwade Family served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; GuangZhouLianJianShiYeYouXianGongSi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gududan Toys served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Gunbag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; HDRm served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Hainabaroj served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Handbag 2021 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; HenryEdwardbDxY served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; High-end custom shop served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Hisab6348 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Hot333 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Ioxjwsye served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JBCSQ served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JFeswe served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JLJIL served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JMccaskill served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JSprinkles - Connection Coach served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Jameel served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Jesus D Batey served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JimMoorewLhV served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JiuGyer served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Joint Chiropractic served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; JuelaconglueCr served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Junglectics0 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Karlys329 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Keila cafes served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; KopHyre served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; KristalAns served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; LcMcseu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Libanesa served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Linda S Seal served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Louis O Hall served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Lucentmaster served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Luxury Designers bags Store served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Luxury Sunglasses served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Maelstroment served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Magician Plays served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; MalcolmPoppydMwIbZ served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Manduda shame served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Markdown served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Mege served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Melvacoics served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Miejuner Shaver served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; MohammSE served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Musica de viento served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; MyStore Mommy served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Myint Moh Khine Store served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Myrtle C Willis served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; NOSTALGIA TRUNK served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Negradecobra served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; NioJuie served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Nobil 88 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Nxsera served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Originalhandbag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; OsmondMurrayhJeGn served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Pactodivino served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Peggy J Wilson served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; PerZeal served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Pets and fish served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Pirulos served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Potter House at One served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Pozuelopress served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Probidad served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Prosabor criollo served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; QDZYEYXGS served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Qupresa served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ROSE cA served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; RULeF served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Ragestudius served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ReneeRT served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Renegade Rob Martin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Restaurant by TVB served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Retjust served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Rhino Networks served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Robert & Records served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Robinson Department served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; RockyRocky served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Royal Realty Group brokered served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Royal Skincare Nigeria served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Runhouse served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; START1979 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; STORE NO 10 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Samess served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; SaraBowen served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; SarahGV served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Seedtronicsgana served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Spideradioxy served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Spinell served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Steiuphen served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Suefuohni Shirts served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Suitable Vesture served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Sunshine Microsystems served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ThemisEZ served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; TheodoreWilkerson served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ThomasRidenour served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Thuillier-Scott served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Tijeretazo Center Store served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Tineritas served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Ultra_Market served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Uracim served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; VIYEC BUY served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Virgen Sport served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Voidwheels served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Whitney Miller served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Witard served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; World of Smoke & Vape served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; YEFFSHOP served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; YGYuao served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Yutongp served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Yzutwe served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; Zaragonzo served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; a138688 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; a2019 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; a65343777 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ab2019 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; abbb2019 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; adnaDMFHAJDKHFKA served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; aimeigucci served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ameisy served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ashjkdjhjdbhjka served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; auanss served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; avalimarti served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; aventrepqwjh served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; az2026 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; azyf167 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; bagsforsale served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; bagtrade98 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; baodanwang8888 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; beauty blog 2021 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; beixiangsheng2134 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; belts8886 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; bestfactory served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; brandbag660 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; brandbags1990 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; caiyohj5Sha served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; calif served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; chain_bags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; chao1989123 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; cheaperbag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; chenmingqian6374 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; chenqiao2496 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; chenyongkang5039 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; cloperty served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; cmm9642 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; colors king served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; comeinu9 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; comercialHHHv2 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; coocooo88 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; coregoal2008 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; cuidijianqin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; curtimixoriete served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; darcyjewelry served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; designer157 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; designer_cloth served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; designer_handbag7 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; designerbag888 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; designerbagssale served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dhbeststore88 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dhmike served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dingdanduoduo888 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; disson served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; diy06 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; djfiugkjerk served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dmbag01 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dongtrade served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; dsq25 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; edeaUco served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; el palacio nel served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; electrinm served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; esquemaxprt served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; extravagantbag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; fashion16825 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; fashion8686 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; fashionluxury2020 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; fashionwind1 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; favoure's served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; feichen2 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; feng520yao served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; foncleer served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; fuBaih served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; global_bags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; globalbelts served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gogo_jewelry served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; good2021 Fashion accessories served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; good_shop111 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; goodhandbags_bags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; goodtv served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gracelinks served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gubag61 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gucci_sup served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gv2021 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; gysbags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; haina378 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; handbag20190102 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; handbag99 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; handbagshow served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; handwritings served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hb_jewelry served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hk2019009 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hotbags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hotbitch served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hotsalebags09 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hrety served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; hualonglin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; huidaolinqi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; huzhong served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; iNFINITY Mega Mall served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ibidjp served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; inseva served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; internationalbag_11 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; irenefashion served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jbrs520 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jerseyland020 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jhke888 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jiangbin5426 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jinchai served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; join2 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; joneed served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jordanprotomax served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; juan5518016 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; juan551806 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; julie_bag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; junyatou66 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; jy998 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; kaikaixinxinmyt served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; keniii served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; koVumah served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; koshope served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lacanastilla served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lacosk served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ladybag888 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; latelierdoux served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; liaoyubin123 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lisa68688 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; liuqi6677 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; liwenli7890 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lixiaojuan2016 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lopez1 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; loveshopmine served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lrtttpkhopiktopilofkposi['iosdrfhshgdihoro served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lucky1366 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lucyjewelry served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luohuihui5368 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luxury8828 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luxury_bags01 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luxurybag116 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luxurybag_17 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; luxuryfashionlure served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; lwz2741787 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; m13333683348 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; m15138413221 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; maike2017 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; maizhongbag served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; martizamatos served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; marvinrex served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; marymao6868 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; mengqianxun520 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; mengshiyushi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; millyzeng served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; mimi2006 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; mineloveshop served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; modabagss served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; monogram served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; moonholder03 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; moonowner01 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; mtmingtian123 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; muk203 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; muniuliumashangmao1 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; nn5185918 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; nrrghjdtu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ny98 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; oketo served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; optimalproduct served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; origin_seller served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; outere'd served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; pangzhanjun2134 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; paratisonrie served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; perform served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; perxitas served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; plasschuss served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; rainbow bet served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; reordershop served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; rgrthgr served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; rikason423 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; roblukxc served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; s_ernest served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sahsgdhasaj served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sarahandbags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; searchsimpleluxury served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; secuelastr served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sevi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sfdjhj served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; shendengping4231 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; shenyongkang3712 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; shoesnumen served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; shop668899 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; siclomteorpj served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sjhmhvsdh served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; spadanibeauty served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sppxcce served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ssbuvukg served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ssw007 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; sucguyjvbu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; szlasdnbabnz served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; taiyangyu20200411 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; tongluowan served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; tongshiyumaoyi served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; topsneaker88 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; tracy baldwin served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; trend_pack served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; tuieugn served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vbnftysy served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; victory/pa served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vjuiusyvu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vogelvri852 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vogobags served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vogocm_zb7 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vuitton2018 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; vvuitton_03 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wangjingxuan3927 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wangtan0923 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wangyonggang7885 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wangzhaorui served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wanzi188 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wapaboutique served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wd2011 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wlls10 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wozhuanqian168 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wumeihuan4039 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; wyp0420 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xiaoai707 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xiaohu2 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xielinlin987es3 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xijuan3607 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xinwu8542 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; xuqinhe9370 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yang1866 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yanhaiyou5632 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yanrucoltd served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yantianwei4056 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yj1009 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yonierkill served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; yuanhao668 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; ywwj8633 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zelio served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zengweigdcp served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zh168996899 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhangguohong6678 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhanglonghui5520 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhangshen5823 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhangxuehan5263 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhao708091 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhengxiangyan served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhouyjuxing;k served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zhushenliang5426 served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022; zxyu served on 2/18/2022, response/answer due 3/11/2022.
1:Affidavit of Service
2:Affidavit of Service
03/14/2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [25] Preliminary Injunction, upon Defendants via website posting
03/14/2022 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [25] Preliminary Injunction, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
02/24/2022 ORDER DISMISSING CERTAIN DEFENDANTS. The above-styled case is DISMISSED without prejudice as to all claims and causes of action against Defendant Numbers 268 (Ingle), 291 (leadbol), 297 (Los lindos), and 334 (Pheeb). Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 2/23/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/23/2022 NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice of Defendant Numbers 268, 291, 297, and 334 by Louis Vuitton Malletier
1:Text of Proposed Order
02/18/2022 Summons Issued as to 6th Street Market, AAbdallah, ASporting, Aceshine, Alaneyiny shoes, Always BIG Balloons, Amanda Ozard Hair, Amos Masonic Lodge, AndromedaL, Antojitos Lara, AntonioPascua, Astros Shoes Market, B&T Construction Services, Barbarafw, BeautyD'Jewels, Best Factory, BestGirlbaby, Betancourtcovalent, Betanzos Store, Black Shirts For, Blame the Comic, Bobis, BocVg, Bomyatho, Bresler's Ice Cream, Briscobowi, Bspq, CYBERSANZ, CalistaPet, Carlacra, Cedreferto, Cheap Shot Deal, Cool Crest Miniature Golf, Cosas para Locos, Creativeyou, DONGYASTAR, DRECTOF, David D Kettler, DeJeans Shop Store, Delicia C Martin, Deontr, Dora M Long, Doramantic, ERJackson, Earl Wolf, ElizaAK, EllaBoggan, Ericgu, EsmeraldaBodegon, EugeneJohnson, FEITIANBA, Fairiprises, Fancy hat, Fashion poin, FcFelito, Feliz Dia de Hoy, Financial Group Max, Fluxystemsjjm, Forbox, Forever Beauty World, Freedom Solar, GENGJILONG136, Gabrielcandy1, Gifforn, Glelavold, Gonne09, Gorgeous Places Wold, GrignonM, Grimwade Family, GuangZhouLianJianShiYeYouXianGongSi, Gududan Toys, Gunbag, HDRm, Hainabaroj, Handbag 2021, HenryEdwardbDxY, High-end custom shop, Hisab6348, Hot333, Ingle, Ioxjwsye, JBCSQ, JFeswe, JLJIL, JMccaskill, JSprinkles - Connection Coach, Jameel, Jesus D Batey, JimMoorewLhV, JiuGyer, Joint Chiropractic, JuelaconglueCr, Junglectics0, Karlys329, Keila cafes, KopHyre, KristalAns, LcMcseu, Libanesa, Linda S Seal, Los lindos, Louis O Hall, Lucentmaster, Luxury Designers bags Store, Luxury Sunglasses, Maelstroment, Magician Plays, MalcolmPoppydMwIbZ, Manduda shame, Markdown, Mege, Melvacoics, Miejuner Shaver, MohammSE, Musica de viento, MyStore Mommy, Myint Moh Khine Store, Myrtle C Willis, NOSTALGIA TRUNK, Negradecobra, NioJuie, Nobil 88, Nxsera, Originalhandbag, OsmondMurrayhJeGn, Pactodivino, Peggy J Wilson, PerZeal, Pets and fish, Pheeb, Pirulos, Potter House at One, Pozuelopress, Probidad, Prosabor criollo, QDZYEYXGS, Qupresa, ROSE cA, RULeF, Ragestudius, ReneeRT, Renegade Rob Martin, Restaurant by TVB, Retjust, Rhino Networks, Robert & Records, Robinson Department, RockyRocky, Royal Realty Group brokered, Royal Skincare Nigeria, Runhouse, START1979, STORE NO 10, Samess, SaraBowen, SarahGV, Seedtronicsgana, Spideradioxy, Spinell, Steiuphen, Suefuohni Shirts, Suitable Vesture, Sunshine Microsystems, The Individuals, Business Entities, and Unincorporated Associations identified on Schedule A, ThemisEZ, TheodoreWilkerson, ThomasRidenour, Thuillier-Scott, Tijeretazo Center Store, Tineritas, Ultra_Market, Uracim, VIYEC BUY, Virgen Sport, Voidwheels, Whitney Miller, Witard, World of Smoke & Vape, YEFFSHOP, YGYuao, Yutongp, Yzutwe, Zaragonzo, a138688, a2019, a65343777, ab2019, abbb2019, adnaDMFHAJDKHFKA, aimeigucci, ameisy, ashjkdjhjdbhjka, auanss, avalimarti, aventrepqwjh, az2026, azyf167, bagsforsale, bagtrade98, baodanwang8888, beauty blog 2021, beixiangsheng2134, belts8886, bestfactory, brandbag660, brandbags1990, caiyohj5Sha, calif, chain_bags, chao1989123, cheaperbag, chenmingqian6374, chenqiao2496, chenyongkang5039, cloperty, cmm9642, colors king, comeinu9, comercialHHHv2, coocooo88, coregoal2008, cuidijianqin, curtimixoriete, darcyjewelry, designer157, designer_cloth, designer_handbag7, designerbag888, designerbagssale, dhbeststore88, dhmike, dingdanduoduo888, disson, diy06, djfiugkjerk, dmbag01, dongtrade, dsq25, edeaUco, el palacio nel, electrinm, esquemaxprt, extravagantbag, fashion16825, fashion8686, fashionluxury2020, fashionwind1, favoure's, feichen2, feng520yao, foncleer, fuBaih, global_bags, globalbelts, gogo_jewelry, good2021 Fashion accessories, good_shop111, goodhandbags_bags, goodtv, gracelinks, gubag61, gucci_sup, gv2021, gysbags, haina378, handbag20190102, handbag99, handbagshow, handwritings, hb_jewelry, hk2019009, hotbags, hotbitch, hotsalebags09, hrety, hualonglin, huidaolinqi, huzhong, iNFINITY Mega Mall, ibidjp, inseva, internationalbag_11, irenefashion, jbrs520, jerseyland020, jhke888, jiangbin5426, jinchai, join2, joneed, jordanprotomax, juan5518016, juan551806, julie_bag, junyatou66, jy998, kaikaixinxinmyt, keniii, koVumah, koshope, lacanastilla, lacosk, ladybag888, latelierdoux, leadbol, liaoyubin123, lisa68688, liuqi6677, liwenli7890, lixiaojuan2016, lopez1, loveshopmine, lrtttpkhopiktopilofkposi['iosdrfhshgdihoro, lucky1366, lucyjewelry, luohuihui5368, luxury8828, luxury_bags01, luxurybag116, luxurybag_17, luxuryfashionlure, lwz2741787, m13333683348, m15138413221, maike2017, maizhongbag, martizamatos, marvinrex, marymao6868, mengqianxun520, mengshiyushi, millyzeng, mimi2006, mineloveshop, modabagss, monogram, moonholder03, moonowner01, mtmingtian123, muk203, muniuliumashangmao1, nn5185918, nrrghjdtu, ny98, oketo, optimalproduct, origin_seller, outere'd, pangzhanjun2134, paratisonrie, perform, perxitas, plasschuss, rainbow bet, reordershop, rgrthgr, rikason423, roblukxc, s_ernest, sahsgdhasaj, sarahandbags, searchsimpleluxury, secuelastr, sevi, sfdjhj, shendengping4231, shenyongkang3712, shoesnumen, shop668899, siclomteorpj, sjhmhvsdh, spadanibeauty, sppxcce, ssbuvukg, ssw007, sucguyjvbu, szlasdnbabnz, taiyangyu20200411, tongluowan, tongshiyumaoyi, topsneaker88, tracy baldwin, trend_pack, tuieugn, vbnftysy, victory/pa, vjuiusyvu, vogelvri852, vogobags, vogocm_zb7, vuitton2018, vvuitton_03, wangjingxuan3927, wangtan0923, wangyonggang7885, wangzhaorui, wanzi188, wapaboutique, wd2011, wlls10, wozhuanqian168, wumeihuan4039, wyp0420, xiaoai707, xiaohu2, xielinlin987es3, xijuan3607, xinwu8542, xuqinhe9370, yang1866, yanhaiyou5632, yanrucoltd, yantianwei4056, yj1009, yonierkill, yuanhao668, ywwj8633, zelio, zengweigdcp, zh168996899, zhangguohong6678, zhanglonghui5520, zhangshen5823, zhangxuehan5263, zhao708091, zhengxiangyan, zhouyjuxing;k, zhushenliang5426, zxyu.
02/17/2022 ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR ENTRY OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION re DE# [6] Application for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 2/16/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/17/2022 NOTICE of Filing Proposed Summons(es) by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [10] Order on Ex Parte Motion
02/16/2022 AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants, filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Exhibit 1 to Amended Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Louis Vuit
02/16/2022 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II: Telephone Conference held on 2/16/2022. Order to follow. Attorney Appearance(s): T. Raquel Wiborg-Rodriguez, Court Reporter: Ellen Rassie, 954-769-5448 / ellen_rassie@flsd.uscourts.gov.
02/14/2022 Clerks Notice to Filer re: Electronic Case. Wrong Event Selected. The Filer selected Motion for Miscellaneous Relief.The docket text has been modified to Motion to Unseal Case. It is not necessary to re-file this document.
02/15/2022 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier of E-Mail Inquiries Received from Certain Defendants in Connection with Asset Restraint and Service
1:Exhibit 1 to the to the Notice of E-mail Inquiries
02/15/2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [15] Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal, [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [7] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Order Authorizing Alternate Service of Process on Defendants Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(f)(3) and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [6] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION for Entry of Temporary Restraining Order, Preliminary Injunction, and Order Restraining Transfer of Assets Against Defendants and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof, [12] Notice (Other), [14] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [13] Plaintiff's EX PARTE MOTION to Extend Temporary Restraining Order Dated January 28, 2022 and to Continue Hearing Scheduled for February 9, 2022 in Connection with Motion for Preliminary Injunction, [10] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [11] Sealed Document, [5] Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [4] Certificate of Other Affiliates/Corporate Disclosure Statement, [3] Form AO 120/121, [1] Complaint, upon Defendants via website posting
02/15/2022 NOTICE by Louis Vuitton Malletier re [8] Order on Motion to Seal, [14] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [9] Order on Ex Parte Motion, [1] Complaint, upon Defendants via Electronic Mail
1:Exhibit Certificate of Sevice
02/15/2022 NOTICE of Compliance re 16 Order on Motion. (All docket entries in this case unsealed)
02/14/2022 ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO UNSEAL. ORDER granting [15] Motion TO UNSEAL. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 2/14/2022. See attached document for full details.
02/14/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Unseal by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Text of Proposed Order
02/07/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 14 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice.
02/07/2022 SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 13 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (1336528)
02/02/2022 PLAINTIFF'S NOTICE OF FILING BOND by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
01/28/2022 Order
01/28/2022 ORDER granting [5] Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II on 1/28/2022. See attached document for full details.
01/28/2022 Order
01/28/2022 Plaintiff's MOTION to Seal per Local Rule 5.4 by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Text of Proposed Order
01/28/2022 Plaintiff's Corporate Disclosure Statement by Louis Vuitton Malletier identifying Corporate Parent LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, SE for Louis Vuitton Malletier (Wiborg-Rodriguez, T.)
01/27/2022 Clerks Notice of Judge Assignment to Judge Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II. Pursuant to 28 USC 636(c), the parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Magistrate Judge Jared M. Strauss is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case. If agreed, parties should complete and file the Consent form found on our website. It is not necessary to file a document indicating lack of consent.
01/27/2022 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against All Defendants. Filing fees $ 402.00 receipt number AFLSDC-15351093, filed by Louis Vuitton Malletier.
1:Civil Cover Sheet
2:Exhibit 1 to Complaint - Certificates of Registration for the Louis Vuitton Trad

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